Don’t get me wrong, I understand completely, back in ‘95 when I first got on the net my hub and I looked at all the other censored pix, not only the ones he masturbated to, but the ones I did to. With all the various types we came across, the most popular were the “blur”, the “swirly face” (where more often than not they looked like a monster), the “black bar” across the eyes, and the “reverse color” of the face,,,no matter how perfect the scenario was, censoring always created a distraction. That’s when we decide “cropping” was the way to go, you can be distracted from what you can’t see, so that’s what we did. That lasted 3 months and I told my hub to just put it all out there, we were grownups and we’re gonna live our lives the way we want. After that he even allowed (for the first time in ten years), for him to be seen fluffing, pie eating, guiding my bulls cock into me,,,this was the kinda stuff that we looked for, so what kind of hypocrites would we be if we complained about it but done it ourselves. So we spent 23 years living this lifestyle, showing it, and we’re still here, the planet didn’t blow up, the creek didn’t rise,,,LOL