I think there is a New World Order coming, and it’s taking root very quickly. There has always been a fetish fringe of white males who were submissive to Black Women. But now you have a white males submitting to Black Men and it’s starting to get into the mainstream and its growing constantly. White males are no longer intimidated to show their smaller genitals while standing next to a Black Man and in the full view of women. This shows that they are practically advertising their second class beta status.
Meanwhile, certain Black and white professors are now teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) which centers around the idea that white racism is responsible for all the evils of the world. More importantly, CRT teaches that if Black People inflict any harm on a white, it is because the white deserves it. The media is actively spreading white guilt which makes whites more willing to accept their fate. This can only lead to white submission where whites will worship Black Men like it’s their religion and will even do it publically. Not all whites will do this, but it would not be surprising if 50 percent or more do. I think it’s coming soon.