A note to all of the single, aspiring cucks out there


Real Person
Gold Member
I just wanted to send a message to all of you out there who are single and dream about being in a cuckold relationship someday. I just wanted to say that it is very possible. 2 weeks ago I watched the 3rd cuckold I know get married. These are all couples where the man knew that he wanted this dynamic before entering the relationship. Now what do these men have in common? Even though they really wanted a cuckold relationship, they still approached it as if were a regular relationship. What I mean is that they never made her feel like it was all about the kink. They focused on building an actual relationship that simply had cuckolding as a component to it. They were also realistic about how they presented it to her. It was not about him getting what he wanted. It was about her enjoying her sexual freedom and power. I'm not going to go into crazy details. I just wanted to send this short message to tell you guys not to give up. Your Ms. Right is out there. You just have to find her. Peace
I just wanted to send a message to all of you out there who are single and dream about being in a cuckold relationship someday. I just wanted to say that it is very possible. 2 weeks ago I watched the 3rd cuckold I know get married. These are all couples where the man knew that he wanted this dynamic before entering the relationship. Now what do these men have in common? Even though they really wanted a cuckold relationship, they still approached it a
s if were a regular relationship. What I mean is that they never made her feel like it was all about the kink. They focused on building an actual relationship that simply had cuckolding as a component to it. They were also realistic about how they presented it to her. It was not about him getting what he wanted. It was about her enjoying her sexual freedom and power. I'm not going to go into crazy details. I just wanted to send this short message to tell you guys not to give up. Your Ms. Right is out there. You just have to find her. Peace
Volevo solo inviare un messaggio a tutti voi là fuori che siete single e sognate di avere una relazione cornuta un giorno. Volevo solo dire che è molto possibile. 2 settimane fa ho guardato il 3 ° cornuto che conosco sposarsi. Queste sono tutte coppie in cui l'uomo sapeva di volere questa dinamica prima di iniziare la relazione. Che cosa hanno in comune questi uomini? Anche se volevano davvero una relazione cornuta, l'hanno comunque affrontata come se fosse una relazione normale. Quello che voglio dire è che non l'hanno mai fatta sentire come se fosse tutta una questione di perversione. Si sono concentrati sulla costruzione di una relazione reale che avesse semplicemente il cuckolding come componente. Erano anche realistici su come glielo presentavano. Non si trattava di ottenere ciò che voleva. Si trattava di lei che si godeva la sua libertà sessuale e il suo potere. Non entrerò in dettagli folli. Volevo solo inviare questo breve messaggio per dirvi di non arrendervi. La tua Ms. Right è là fuori. Devi solo trovarla. Pace
Grazie per il vostro intervento.
Tuttavia, nel mio caso personale non credo che questa strada sia percorribile, perché sono completamente impotente sessualmente e quindi credo che sia inevitabile chiarire immediatamente a una potenziale fidanzata quale strada sta prendendo. Inoltre, ho 66 anni e sto cercando una ragazza giovane, in età fertile, che possa darmi prole, ovviamente non attraverso il mio lavoro diretto.
I just wanted to send a message to all of you out there who are single and dream about being in a cuckold relationship someday. I just wanted to say that it is very possible. 2 weeks ago I watched the 3rd cuckold I know get married. These are all couples where the man knew that he wanted this dynamic before entering the relationship. Now what do these men have in common? Even though they really wanted a cuckold relationship, they still approached it as if were a regular relationship. What I mean is that they never made her feel like it was all about the kink. They focused on building an actual relationship that simply had cuckolding as a component to it. They were also realistic about how they presented it to her. It was not about him getting what he wanted. It was about her enjoying her sexual freedom and power. I'm not going to go into crazy details. I just wanted to send this short message to tell you guys not to give up. Your Ms. Right is out there. You just have to find her. Peace
Thank you for this post of common sense ❤️
I just wanted to send a message to all of you out there who are single and dream about being in a cuckold relationship someday. I just wanted to say that it is very possible. 2 weeks ago I watched the 3rd cuckold I know get married. These are all couples where the man knew that he wanted this dynamic before entering the relationship. Now what do these men have in common? Even though they really wanted a cuckold relationship, they still approached it as if were a regular relationship. What I mean is that they never made her feel like it was all about the kink. They focused on building an actual relationship that simply had cuckolding as a component to it. They were also realistic about how they presented it to her. It was not about him getting what he wanted. It was about her enjoying her sexual freedom and power. I'm not going to go into crazy details. I just wanted to send this short message to tell you guys not to give up. Your Ms. Right is out there. You just have to find her. Peace
Totally agree with your comments. I (male half) quickly shared my kink of the hotwife/cuckold dynamics early on in our relationship and she was willing to explore these desires with me. It's been a fantastic ride along with a few bumps but so liberating to have a partner to explore this dynamic with.
Volevo solo inviare un messaggio a tutti voi là fuori che siete single e sognate di avere una relazione cornuta un giorno. Volevo solo dire che è molto possibile. 2 settimane fa ho guardato il 3 ° cornuto che conosco sposarsi. Queste sono tutte coppie in cui l'uomo sapeva di volere questa dinamica prima di iniziare la relazione. Che cosa hanno in comune questi uomini? Anche se volevano davvero una relazione cornuta, l'hanno comunque affrontata come se fosse una relazione normale. Quello che voglio dire è che non l'hanno mai fatta sentire come se fosse tutta una questione di perversione. Si sono concentrati sulla costruzione di una relazione reale che avesse semplicemente il cuckolding come componente. Erano anche realistici su come glielo presentavano. Non si trattava di ottenere ciò che voleva. Si trattava di lei che si godeva la sua libertà sessuale e il suo potere. Non entrerò in dettagli folli. Volevo solo inviare questo breve messaggio per dirvi di non arrendervi. La tua Ms. Right è là fuori. Devi solo trovarla. Pace
Le tue osservazioni hanno certamente un contenuto veritiero, ma non sono applicabili al mio caso concreto, in quanto sono completamente impotente sessualmente e quindi ho bisogno di chiarire subito la "condizione di fidanzamento".
This is spot on. Hubby and I met while we were both in the lifestyle so he didn't need to worry about getting over that hump. After a few months of dating he told me he really prefered the Cuckold role. That worked out perfect for me and off we went.
Now outside of the sex aspect of the relationship the rest is like any other vanilla relationship. Dating, cuddling, sharing thoughts and feelings, growing our lives together. You have to still have that foundation.....and the more comfortable I felt in the none sex part of the relationship the more comfortable I felt in cuckolding him.
Questo è perfetto. Mio marito e io ci siamo conosciuti mentre eravamo entrambi nello stile di vita, quindi non aveva bisogno d di superare quella gobba. Dopo alcuni mesi di frequentazione mi ha detto che preferiva davvero il ruolo del cornuto. Per me ha funzionato perfettamente e siamo partiti.
Ora, al di fuori dell'aspetto sessuale della relazione, il resto è come qualsiasi altra relazione normale. Incontrarsi, coccolarsi, condividere pensieri e sentimenti, far crescere le nostre vite insieme. Devi avere ancora quelle basi... e più mi sentivo a mio agio nella parte senza sesso della relazione, più mi sentivo a mio agio nel tradirlo.
amazing ❤️❤️❤️
This is spot on. Hubby and I met while we were both in the lifestyle so he didn't need to worry about getting over that hump. After a few months of dating he told me he really prefered the Cuckold role. That worked out perfect for me and off we went.
Now outside of the sex aspect of the relationship the rest is like any other vanilla relationship. Dating, cuddling, sharing thoughts and feelings, growing our lives together. You have to still have that foundation.....and the more comfortable I felt in the none sex part of the relationship the more comfortable I felt in cuckolding him.
great relationship
I just wanted to send a message to all of you out there who are single and dream about being in a cuckold relationship someday. I just wanted to say that it is very possible. 2 weeks ago I watched the 3rd cuckold I know get married. These are all couples where the man knew that he wanted this dynamic before entering the relationship. Now what do these men have in common? Even though they really wanted a cuckold relationship, they still approached it as if were a regular relationship. What I mean is that they never made her feel like it was all about the kink. They focused on building an actual relationship that simply had cuckolding as a component to it. They were also realistic about how they presented it to her. It was not about him getting what he wanted. It was about her enjoying her sexual freedom and power. I'm not going to go into crazy details. I just wanted to send this short message to tell you guys not to give up. Your Ms. Right is out there. You just have to find her. Peace
great advice