30s Couple from Baltimore

Welcome and Hi. You may want to post an introduction and think about getting verify to really find the site useful.. just sayin’
Just wanted to say “Hey” and see where everything goes 😉

@lkg4fun said it best. Heed their warning. And though most of us are not professional typists and we make tons of mistakes, your phraseology doesn't sound like native-born English - which causes a lot of suspicion as to whether you're "real" in any sense of the word (man, not woman; man, not couple; a bot; etc., etc.). So, help yourselves by helping us believe you. If you don't verify, at least give a clue as to what you're about, what you look like (not necessarily showing your face, but...), what you're looking for, why you're here in the first place, etc., etc.

Me? If you read my profile ("About" tab), you'd know why my avatar over there is not me but I say a lot about who I am, etc. Plus, I have a lot of postings anyone can look at to get a sense of me. Til you put something like that out there, I'm not sure how much you'll get to know where everything goes. (Boy! It's so tempting to make a joke about that, but...:unsure:)