22M College Student Fantasizing About Mature White "Woke" Professor

Have a few fetishes, one of my favorites being raceplay. Tighholestinytits really got me into it, some others etc etc.

Anyways I sign up for this English class, fits my schedule perfectly. Syllabus really goes into detail about systematic racism etc etc. Expected the professor to be a black woman.

I get to class and its this 5'8, thin but fit, dirty blonde white woman. Has to be around 50 y/o. Wow. Didn't expect a white woman covering a class this in depth on racism in America.

She gets to talkin, occasionally switches dialect to AAVE when conversing w/ her black male students. Tries repeatedly to talk in a familiar tone.

Still in student mode, nothing really clicks for me until she turns around to the smart screen, and I can see her high-waist white trousers almost gripping her ass, they were so tight. Again, thin woman, but boy did she have a tight ass. Then my fantasies were turning gears in my head.

Everything out of her mouth from then on sounded as though she wanted to fuck a black man. She mentioned how cute she was a few times, complimented a black classmates muscles, called another one "homeboy", how wild she use to be back in the day.

Unabashed, I stared at her body for at least five minutes. No tits to be seen, as flat chested as they come, but she wore this beautiful deep v satin shirt. Just an amazing body. I wanted her to know I was looking, and not just cause she was talking.

I was getting more and more turned on every time she uttered the word "black". I hope she keeps wearing the flirty outfits, I'll approach her after class full bulge (I only wear sweatpants to class), eye contact, regular conversation and see if she's breaks contact or something. Compliment her tight ass passively by mentioning I love the fit of her jeans. Something subliminal but gets the message across.

I know getting her to fuck me or suck me is impossible, professors lose their job doing that *******. She's been teaching too long (referenced a past student from the 90s) to slip up now. Thats not even including the raceplay stuff, but I gotta see if I can progress our relationship to the point where a slight grope is passed off as just an accident. Idk. I just want my dick out in front of her while she calls me the n word.

Some fantasies just stay fantasies but fuck its so close.
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Have a few fetishes, one of my favorites being raceplay. Tighholestinytits really got me into it, some others etc etc.

Anyways I sign up for this English class, fits my schedule perfectly. Syllabus really goes into detail about systematic racism etc etc. Expected the professor to be a black woman.

I get to class and its this 5'8, thin but fit, dirty blonde white woman. Has to be around 50 y/o. Wow. Didn't expect a white woman covering a class this in depth on racism in America.

She gets to talkin, occasionally switches dialect to AAVE when conversing w/ her black male students. Tries repeatedly to talk in a familiar tone.

Still in student mode, nothing really clicks for me until she turns around to the smart screen, and I can see her high-waist white trousers almost gripping her ass, they were so tight. Again, thin woman, but boy did she have a tight ass. Then my fantasies were turning gears in my head.

Everything out of her mouth from then on sounded as though she wanted to fuck a black man. She mentioned how cute she was a few times, complimented a black classmates muscles, called another one "homeboy", how wild she use to be back in the day.

Unabashed, I stared at her body for at least five minutes. No tits to be seen, as flat chested as they come, but she wore this beautiful deep v satin shirt. Just an amazing body. I wanted her to know I was looking, and not just cause she was talking.

I was getting more and more turned on every time she uttered the word "black". I hope she keeps wearing the flirty outfits, I'll approach her after class full bulge (I only wear sweatpants to class), eye contact, regular conversation and see if she's breaks contact or something. Compliment her tight ass passively by mentioning I love the fit of her jeans. Something subliminal but gets the message across.

I know getting her to fuck me or suck me is impossible, professors lose their job doing that *******. She's been teaching too long (referenced a past student from the 90s) to slip up now. Thats not even including the raceplay stuff, but I gotta see if I can progress our relationship to the point where a slight grope is passed off as just an accident. Idk. I just want my dick out in front of her while she calls me the n word.

Some fantasies just stay fantasies but fuck its so close.
Can you share a pic of her?
Have a few fetishes, one of my favorites being raceplay. Tighholestinytits really got me into it, some others etc etc.

Anyways I sign up for this English class, fits my schedule perfectly. Syllabus really goes into detail about systematic racism etc etc. Expected the professor to be a black woman.

I get to class and its this 5'8, thin but fit, dirty blonde white woman. Has to be around 50 y/o. Wow. Didn't expect a white woman covering a class this in depth on racism in America.

She gets to talkin, occasionally switches dialect to AAVE when conversing w/ her black male students. Tries repeatedly to talk in a familiar tone.

Still in student mode, nothing really clicks for me until she turns around to the smart screen, and I can see her high-waist white trousers almost gripping her ass, they were so tight. Again, thin woman, but boy did she have a tight ass. Then my fantasies were turning gears in my head.

Everything out of her mouth from then on sounded as though she wanted to fuck a black man. She mentioned how cute she was a few times, complimented a black classmates muscles, called another one "homeboy", how wild she use to be back in the day.

Unabashed, I stared at her body for at least five minutes. No tits to be seen, as flat chested as they come, but she wore this beautiful deep v satin shirt. Just an amazing body. I wanted her to know I was looking, and not just cause she was talking.

I was getting more and more turned on every time she uttered the word "black". I hope she keeps wearing the flirty outfits, I'll approach her after class full bulge (I only wear sweatpants to class), eye contact, regular conversation and see if she's breaks contact or something. Compliment her tight ass passively by mentioning I love the fit of her jeans. Something subliminal but gets the message across.

I know getting her to fuck me or suck me is impossible, professors lose their job doing that *******. She's been teaching too long (referenced a past student from the 90s) to slip up now. Thats not even including the raceplay stuff, but I gotta see if I can progress our relationship to the point where a slight grope is passed off as just an accident. Idk. I just want my dick out in front of her while she calls me the n word.

Some fantasies just stay fantasies but fuck its so close.

She has two black ex-husbands and two mixed children. One of my black classmates looks exactly like her ex-boyfriend. This woman is a Queen of Spades through and through.

The fantasy wore off the more I've been in her class. Thought I'd be somewhat introducing her to the black experience but boy was I wrong. She's very in-depth with Black men. Brings it up dating a Black man at least twice in class. The way she shares and explains concepts and experiences, she forgets she's talking in a thin white-woman's body.

She has two black ex-husbands and two mixed children. One of my black classmates looks exactly like her ex-boyfriend. This woman is a Queen of Spades through and through.

The fantasy wore off the more I've been in her class. Thought I'd be somewhat introducing her to the black experience but boy was I wrong. She's very in-depth with Black men. Brings it up dating a Black man at least twice in class. The way she shares and explains concepts and experiences, she forgets she's talking in a thin white-woman's body.

She has two black ex-husbands and two mixed children. One of my black classmates looks exactly like her ex-boyfriend. This woman is a Queen of Spades through and through.

The fantasy wore off the more I've been in her class. Thought I'd be somewhat introducing her to the black experience but boy was I wrong. She's very in-depth with Black men. Brings it up dating a Black man at least twice in class. The way she shares and explains concepts and experiences, she forgets she's talking in a thin white-woman's body.
any pic of her?