🚩🚩🚩 she a racist in the kink world..(now political 🙄 not giving responses)

You're an idiot. He announced it 32 times on live television. You are just like ed4mwf. You have no interest in the truth. You believe what you want based on emotion alone. You are the worst kind of humans in existence.
Plus wtf ...all you proving is you believe what someone on tv tells you ...he Said he is not a racist a thousand times but it only take one court room to tell you that he works with white Supremecy groups...SMH that makes you gullible 💯and a follower so you calling me a idiots means nothing...see your following ass next Jan 6 getting shot down
Plus wtf ...all you proving is you believe what someone on tv tells you ...he Said he is not a racist a thousand times but it only take one court room to tell you that he works with white Supremecy groups...SMH that makes you gullible 💯and a follower so you calling me a idiots means nothing...see your following ass next Jan 6 getting shot down
You dumb fuck. I posted this before. Watch the fucking video.
You dumb fuck. I posted this before. Watch the fucking video.
Lmfaoo so you not watch your own video ...they just said David Duke support trump lmfaoo..white suprmecy testify that he personal invited them to jan 6 ...so basically what you saying is when it's evidence of a ******* we should start letting ppl out because they said they didn't do it a certain number of times lmfaoo 🤣 😂 ALL YOU DOING IS PROVING THAT YOU BELIVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD BY LIARS..IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME THAT YOU THINK IM DUMB BECAUSE YOU BELIVE EVERYTHING LOL
Did you seriously try and correct some on their English grammar?
Your brazen ignorance on that alone, is a glimpse into what kind of sociopath you must be.
Re-write that and use punctuation please. Or not, zero fucks given about your lies.

That would be illegal on some many levels. Only Trump was allowed to lower the bar and do business with China while president.
Hunter made some money up until 4 years ago, then severed ties. Some of those companies went on to continue to thrive without him and make money.
More conspiracy theory bull. And NEWSFLASH, Hunter is not President.

Nope. Another Con lie. Wall Street Journal and the Washington have investigated this and you can read the link below however, you can actually read YOUR link and see that they ever so slightly cast doubt from their own headline. They get you chumps so easily.

Between 2011 and 2018. So what? Ivanka made more than that from China while working in the White House and her daddy was President. Hunter is a private citizen and businessman during this time. There has been no connection to his *******.

I like Capitalism and love America. You must hate both.

Regardless of what the 'Gateway Pundit' says, federal court records show that almost 900 people are charged and all none of them seem to be saying what you are. Every last one who talked, showed up for Trump.

Sure was. Just look up.

Are you really going to try and gaslight us? Like the whole world did not watch those traitorous fucks sack the Capitol, attack, beat, maim, and ******* the police, and search the halls and offices of Members interrupting the Constitutional duty of the peaceful transfer of power? Get the fuck out of here. I won't post pictures and videos because we ALL watched it live.
You are some special kind of tin foil hat fool if you believe your own bs you shooting out. Just purely self delusional.

Yes, that's what 'I' do.

Who Trump? He's got a long record of it. Hell, he's even got a federal court record of it.
Besides, when the neo nazis, white supremacist and KKK say Trump is their man, who am I to disagree?

It must be really tough being angry and ignorant. Feel sorry for you. No I don't.

Thank you. That's kind of you to say.

I fixed it, and yes I do.

I have yet to be embarrassed on a political thread. I have yet to be angered by a bunch of 0s and 1s representing people I don't know or care to know. Not a logical emotional outlet.

You truly know nothing of or most Americans.
We voted AGAINST Trump. It didn't matter who it would have been. He was the worst, and most Democrats had other Dems as their ideal choice but went with Joe to end the nightmare of TRUMP.
You run him again, we'll do it again.

Maybe this is why you're so ignorant. You can't read.
This is a poll of Democrats UNDER 30 YEARS OLD. I'm over 30 as are MOST Voters.
And, I've already said we Democrats had other choices we liked better, but rallied behind Joe because he was a sure thing to beat Trump.
The poll also says, Biden beats Trump again if the election was today, meaning those less than 30 may want someone else, but they are not voting Republican.
For the readers out there, here is more on that poll,
Biden would likely defeat former President Donald Trump again if the election were held today, the survey suggested, with 44% of voters selecting Biden, compared to 41% for the Republican he beat in 2020.

The price of oil has been going down since last month, since Biden's moves have been effective. It's not reflected at the gas stations as much but that's coming too.

I'll keep up the good fight, you can keep cheering for American demise.
Oh, FOX is upset over lower gas prices, feeling bad for gas station owners :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Lol I feel sorry for you
You dumb fuck. I posted this before. Watch the fucking video.
Wait wait wait ...so you know all those comments was made after the "stand by" or before ....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess if some told u the was going to slap you one time then told you he going to punch you a hundred you going to prepare for the slap lol
Wait wait wait ...so you know all those comments was made after the "stand by" or before ....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess if some told u the was going to slap you one time then told you he going to punch you a hundred you going to prepare for the slap lol
No no, stupid. You said, "he not racist he just have a hard time denouncing white Supremecy groups on live t.v when the whole world watching"
Mixed in with your misspellings and grammatical errors, you stated clearly that he had a hard time on tv denouncing supremacy groups.
This tape proves he said it multiple times, in multiple forums, in multiple situations with ease, and in no uncertain terms.

It can't just be me who thinks you're stupid. I am positive other people have told you that you're just not that bright.
Trust them. You need significant help.
No no, stupid. You said, "he not racist he just have a hard time denouncing white Supremecy groups on live t.v when the whole world watching"
Mixed in with your misspellings and grammatical errors, you stated clearly that he had a hard time on tv denouncing supremacy groups.
This tape proves he said it multiple times, in multiple forums, in multiple situations with ease, and in no uncertain terms.

It can't just be me who thinks you're stupid. I am positive other people have told you that you're just not that bright.
Trust them. You need significant help.
Lol see gullible..SMH clearly saying" he not racist he just support white supermecy " was clearly sarcastic 🤣 😄 😂 😆 lmfao but I need help lmfaò ...bro I don't have to insult ppl to make a point ...once again no evidence can prove anything for you ...in the real world we call ppl like you followers and closed minded ...so once again have a great day lol I honestly didn't except much from the same guy that like to argue with ppl he agrees with lmfao
No no, stupid. You said, "he not racist he just have a hard time denouncing white Supremecy groups on live t.v when the whole world watching"
Mixed in with your misspellings and grammatical errors, you stated clearly that he had a hard time on tv denouncing supremacy groups.
This tape proves he said it multiple times, in multiple forums, in multiple situations with ease, and in no uncertain terms.

It can't just be me who thinks you're stupid. I am positive other people have told you that you're just not that bright.
Trust them. You need significant help.
Here's your proof ...nothing cut or edit in my video

Definitely looks like he having a hard time scrambling lol ..but he said it 200x times so u belive it lmfao
No no, stupid. You said, "he not racist he just have a hard time denouncing white Supremecy groups on live t.v when the whole world watching"
Mixed in with your misspellings and grammatical errors, you stated clearly that he had a hard time on tv denouncing supremacy groups.
This tape proves he said it multiple times, in multiple forums, in multiple situations with ease, and in no uncertain terms.

It can't just be me who thinks you're stupid. I am positive other people have told you that you're just not that bright.
Trust them. You need significant help.
At this point I welcome you to find more cut and edited videos . It only prove how gullible you really are.
You can't educate ed4mwf. He has no interest at arriving to the truth by "debating". He sees what he wants to see. And he trolls because it somehow excites him.
Might as well save your breath with that human waste of oxygen. I blocked him long ago.
I'm blocked by you because, as anyone who cross reference our posts can see, I kick your lying ass into, well, into submission level 52.
I'm blocked by you because, as anyone who cross reference our posts can see, I kick your lying ass into, well, into submission level 52.
Bro this is why white ******* is shooting up places .it's like if they did tell they dads they have issues they not going to belive them and call them stupid 🙄 smh I simply believe let them find out the hard way ...it's another election in two years let they ass get shot think they are right ..no matter who or what tells them they don't belive it so let they dumb asses move to red states because they think they know gun laws.let they dumb assess keep stock pile guns until the fbi at their door lol keep letting think think they can take over the government because trust me the government is taking them more serious then they care to admit
Bro this is why white ******* is shooting up places .it's like if they did tell they dads they have issues they not going to belive them and call them stupid 🙄 smh I simply believe let them find out the hard way ...it's another election in two years let they ass get shot think they are right ..no matter who or what tells them they don't belive it so let they dumb asses move to red states because they think they know gun laws.let they dumb assess keep stock pile guns until the fbi at their door lol keep letting think think they can take over the government because trust me the government is taking them more serious then they care to admit
Then one day...
Then one day...
I wonder how many of they read this and then said "what did they do?" " I just want to know which crime was broken " ..🤷🏿‍♂🤦🏾 it's they own genocide lmfao
Lol hey bro I think you should consider that during the debates .he basically killed himself..he not racist he just have a hard time denouncing white Supremcy lol I mean being racist but he just works with racist terrorists groups lol apples and apples...proving trump not racist doesn't prove the women in my story isn't nor take away the fact you think proving trump not racist is more important then showing people respect
YES MORE BLACK FAMILIES prospered under Trump than any other present That is fact not some lying left wing media that Trump exposed
Look it up at Gov.com
Dummy Biden removed it
Obama did nothing except to make his Black ass rich
Care nothing about Blacks
Biden called our black youths - Roaches
In debate Biden was never asked about Robert Byrd Grand Dragon KKK that is Sen Byrd eulogized by Biden Clintons Obama
Trump asked about some crap by Proud Boys they are nothing just another attack
I cannot understand why the people that hate us are supportedby the left yet the attackTrump who sincerely cares aBOUT US
YES MORE BLACK FAMILIES prospered under Trump than any other present That is fact not some lying left wing media that Trump exposed
Look it up at Gov.com
Dummy Biden removed it
Obama did nothing except to make his Black ass rich
Care nothing about Blacks
Biden called our black youths - Roaches
In debate Biden was never asked about Robert Byrd Grand Dragon KKK that is Sen Byrd eulogized by Biden Clintons Obama
Trump asked about some crap by Proud Boys they are nothing just another attack
I cannot understand why the people that hate us are supportedby the left yet the attackTrump who sincerely cares aBOUT US
You said Biden call black youth roaches ....please show the proof 💯
Fast forward to the 7:00 mark and listen for about 12-15 seconds. I hate Biden, and he's not the legitimate president, but this was just a gaffe. One of his thousands of gaffes in recent years.

Lmfao honestly it's amaze me how you take old man jabbering jabberist and total make its into a conspiracy...wtf I mean honest if you can make that into some racist congratulations to you because I serious didn't know wtf was he talking about lol
Lmfao honestly it's amaze me how you take old man jabbering jabberist and total make its into a conspiracy...wtf I mean honest if you can make that into some racist congratulations to you because I serious didn't know wtf was he talking about lol
Did you even read what I wrote? I said it was a gaffe. He wasn't outright calling black k i d s roaches. It was a brain fart. He did say it, but I don't think it was intentional.