✋*** Why You Should Verify! *** ✋

Nope lol. You sound pathetic with that name though. I'll never verify and still get more attention than you or your wife. 😉😉
Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live
So how does getting verified stop the issue of unverified people stealing pictures and pretending to be people they are not? ..I seen tons of unverified pretending to be pornstars ,dominating the comments and stealing other members pictures alone with Pictures stolen from the internet and porn sites
So I have to pay for a watermark just to protect myself and my imagines ? I'm sorry but it sounds like being verified is simply a scam and being unverified is the freedom to do whatever you want here because the verified members will fuel your porn addictions
I verified and it changed nothing. I already get a bunch of messages every day and I still do.
the only thing that will change is you will be randomly harass by unverified accounts.
And most likely minors who can't verify

I'm completely in shock that the people who are "in charge " do nothing but ask for people to verify as if that's the answer to this issues...I'm sorry but being verified isn't keeping the weirdos and predators away ..
That's what I keep trying to tell the new comers when they introduce themselves but most of them never answer me or they keep talking around the question. So you know what that means there fake. Love seeing this though :)
Hey I am willing to verify me and my partner, and see it through like you do with bbc;) how do we verify??
Hey I am willing to verify me and my partner, and see it through like you do with bbc;) how do we verify??
Going back to the posts regarding messages from UVs from @Tyrone_BigCawk and @Satanic_cap (I'm only @'ing y'all because y'all had the posts I saw), do y'all know that verified people can block UVs from sending messages? I didn't know until another verified member told me. Haven't gotten a message from a UV in...shoot, a week from Monday it'll be a year. To me, that may be the best benefit of verification - even over the access to the verified forums.
Going back to the posts regarding messages from UVs from @Tyrone_BigCawk and @Satanic_cap (I'm only @'ing y'all because y'all had the posts I saw), do y'all know that verified people can block UVs from sending messages? I didn't know until another verified member told me. Haven't gotten a message from a UV in...shoot, a week from Monday it'll be a year. To me, that may be the best benefit of verification - even over the access to the verified forums.
Yes but it also not our job to police this website either especially if you paying to be apart of this site . My point is that the phase "safe space for black men " was thrown out there with no merit or accountability of the real issue .

Matter of fact the more the subject is brought up the more I feel like this is nothing more then a idea of if you separated real black men from the general population then you will have least issues .

Secondly blocking accounts doesn't stop people from creating multiple accounts.
These are issue you hear from the verified black male community and the results we get is isolation..how is that a benefit?
I'm not sure we're on the same page, as I wasn't talking about a safe space for black men - it's an important issue, but it's separate from what I'm saying. I agree it's not our job to police the site, and I would have to leave any comment regarding accountability for taking care of issues to those who have taken on that responsibility.

I'm just talking about the option in the Privacy tab of the account section where you can choose 'Real Persons Only' as to who can start conversations with you.

People can create all the accounts they want: if you turn on the option, they won't be able to contact you unless they're verified. If they're verified and harassing you, then I guess that's when blocking would come into play - but they'd have to create another verified account to do so, which should be pretty difficult.
I'm not sure we're on the same page, as I wasn't talking about a safe space for black men - it's an important issue, but it's separate from what I'm saying. I agree it's not our job to police the site, and I would have to leave any comment regarding accountability for taking care of issues to those who have taken on that responsibility.

I'm just talking about the option in the Privacy tab of the account section where you can choose 'Real Persons Only' as to who can start conversations with you.

People can create all the accounts they want: if you turn on the option, they won't be able to contact you unless they're verified. If they're verified and harassing you, then I guess that's when blocking would come into play - but they'd have to create another verified account to do so, which should be pretty difficult.
It's honestly not as difficult as you think .but I choose not to "plant the seed" .

You are correct but does ignoring tge problems doesn't fix it .
I will admit .it's a part of me that wonder why would people come to the internet just to pretend to be someone they are not .
Secondly if I block ignored and made my setting to avoid unverified people then how would you know when these uv are stealing pictures you or other accounts?which is another issue here that's not address.someone could steal my thumbnail pics call themselves satanic cap and I would never know and unfortunately won't be able to address it .yes people I talk to normal hopefully would know but others may just assume.

But my point stays the same ..me policing my account and only my account doesn't fix the issue we encounter on b2w .

I totally get where you are coming from but if people did that then you would see form about "fishing for fakes"

So for me the idea that I should do more as a verify while uv run amuck is not only tiresome but completely laughable . .

let me ask you this ..why on every other social media platform (even the sex /kinks ) site if you repeatedly harassing people then you are (jailed) put on a time out .but not here .here the administration ask you to block them while the culpit continue to display the same behavior to other members. Why is that?
I didn't say it would be difficult, I said it should be. We're more aligned on that than you probably think.

As far as stealing pics, I thought there was a watermark option on here (not that it's 100 percent - but then again, nothing is). There are some things that are just too far gone - or, at least, would take a lot of effort to fix.

To answer the last question, I'll say this: there are 14 staff members. I can't begin to guess how many active members are here, but I remember from back in the day that the general rule was to have one admin for every 100 members of a board. While I said I can't begin to imagine how many active members are here, I'd be willing to bet that it's more than 1400. They're probably stretched too thin. I'm not sure exactly what their workload is, but it has to be pretty heavy with verifications and having to deal with complaints (and reports of rule violations from folks like me). As to their particular/individual responses to situations, they would have to answer for those. I do know that pretty much everyone I've reported to them has been dealt with in a manner that I'd consider satisfactory. I'm with you on harsher penalties, though; particularly for repeat offenders.

I could easily say "I'd clean up everything around here if I were a staff member" - and I'm not saying that anyone who hasn't asked to take on additional responsibility should do so - but it would be unfair to staff for me to say such a thing because I don't know what they go through...which of course is why it would be easy for me to say.
let me ask you this ..why on every other social media platform (even the sex /kinks ) site if you repeatedly harassing people then you are (jailed) put on a time out .but not here .here the administration ask you to block them while the culpit continue to display the same behavior to other members. Why is that?
You, @Hulk and I all made some good points concerning this issue... Revisit here.

Post in thread 'The movie Civil war , who has seen it?' https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/the-movie-civil-war-who-has-seen-it.304686/post-5755307