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  1. Bttm4201

    Why do black guys want to fuck white girls in the ass?

    Can we see a picture of that sweet virgin asshole?
  2. Bttm4201

    Did your penis shrink from chastity?

    Preparation h plus downsizing chastity works wonders
  3. Bttm4201

    How Straight whiteboys get converted

    IR porn leads to wanting real thing. While not converted/hooked yet, the desire to try becomes stronger and stronger. Once you get the real thing, it's the cum/sperm that will finally convert you for good.
  4. Bttm4201

    Able to return

    Have any cucks or sissies that have ingested or taken BBC cum been able to stop, and return to only pussy?
  5. Bttm4201

    Point of no return to being straight

    It's very true. Sperm are very capable of penetrating epithelial tissue such as what lines the rectum and colon. Not to mention all of prostaglandins, NGF, and other very soluble hormones, etc that are easily absorbed. There is truly no going back once daddy's BBC sperm and semen achieve this...
  6. Bttm4201

    Point of no return to being straight

    Also, the normal PH in the rectum is within the limits of the normal PH in semen. Whereas the normal range for the vagina is not, it's a more harmful environment. Sperm can probably live much longer in the rectum/colon, especially if it's clean for daddy's wonderful BBC sperm. This will maximize...
  7. Bttm4201

    Point of no return to being straight
  8. Bttm4201

    Point of no return to being straight

    With out a doubt it was after having a BBC sperm in me. I think the sperm, NGF, prostaglandins, etc began to change me. It worked slow. I'd go in denial for weeks, then almost go in "heat" and need more. Now it's progressed to where I need it almost daily and have finally accepted that I...