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  1. O

    How big do you think the Andaman islanders are?

    Leave those people alone! Your diseases will make them go extinct and I think the general public is forbitten to go there anyway. Also, they will unalive you for trying to get on their island.
  2. O

    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    True. This is actually an interesting point. However, the self-care seems to be lacking from pictures I have perused but people like what they like. I think I understand what you mean but setting limits is important in any situation at least in my opinion. You seem level headed and not...
  3. O

    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    Honestly, I think last week I received an email from this site that I received a message. I literally forgot that I even created an account last year. I logged in and have been on since last week. That’s all. Some of the threads have been interesting to read and others have been funny in a...
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    We are not the same and that’s ok. I wish you another successful 20 years in the lifestyle with below average husbands and wives. Yahoo!
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    You aren’t very bright. I actually have things to lose by showing content on sites like this and ad I stated previously, I don’t really have a desire to be part of the lifestyle so I don’t need to verify or show anything.
  6. O

    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    You were given a chance to prove me wrong and you failed. I’m not trash collector but I can tell you that it is a dirty job. I guess I’m wrong bc I don’t live that life or work that job huh? *shrug* it is what it is. I certainly don’t need to prove anything to you and lying would be stupid.
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    Again, anecdotal evidence. BTW: Are you in any of those professions?
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    First of all, thank you (husband) for serving our country! Anecdotal evidence
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    Your life experience is in fact called ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE and it is not reliable data when talking about millions of people. If I'm not being accurate then point to credible evidence that Florida and Texas are top lifestyle states. If that is true, real socioeconomic data from BLS and the...
  10. O

    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    I'm sure most of these are the outliers. Hell, Diddy is technically a cuck and he is a billionaire. They exist but I'm talking about the majority that is involved in the lifestyle.
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    I doubt it. West Virginia is one of the states with the highest active cuckold couples in the country. This state is also the least educated and second poorest state in the union. You can't use your anecdotes to say that I am wrong. Sure you may have 20 years of experience but you haven't...
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    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    Well I said MOST not all. I still don't think I'm wrong. Let me go see if I can dig up some numbers.
  13. O

    Anal Only w Bulls

    so you can't fuck your wife anymore? lol
  14. O

    Getting Your Wife Pimped

    You are far from a pimp. Pimps make money from their hoes. You are just a cuck.
  15. O

    Are most people in this lifestyle blue collar or low skilled?

    I associate most of these type of kinks/fets with factory workers, clock punchers, GED/High School Diploma only. Nothing is wrong with any of that but am I way off based?
  16. O

    White women: Do you feel entitled?

    I'm not sure where you are located but clearly there are different levels to all of this and the "real black man" you are talking wouldn't move in my circle based off your comments. Also, women approach men all the time, at least that's true for me and some of my friends. To each his or own...
  17. O

    White women: Do you feel entitled?

    You would think most people would understand that. I tend to attract a lot of white women for some reason when I'm out and about. Many will hit on me and I turn most down for one reason or another and the majority can't seem to fathom that I would turn them down. Some have even said in so...
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    White women: Do you feel entitled?

    I'm speaking specifically about Black ones. Would you be appalled if a Black guy you wanted turned you down or appear uninterested in having sex with you?
  19. O

    Are bulls and cucks really bi and gay men?

    South FL gets wild for sure. wtf lol
  20. O

    White women: Do you feel entitled?

    To Black “cock”/Big Black Dicks? Please feel free to elaborate on your yes or no answers.