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  1. W

    Politics in 2022

    what did I say that was racist? I just noted reality as I see it and observed historical patterns. Sorry you don't like the implications. What does the word racist mean exactly to you?
  2. W


    the freedom to do what ever you want . takes away your freedom and makes you a slave to your impulses and desires
  3. W


    freedom should the ability to do what's in our best interest, not the ability to do what we want
  4. W

    Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

    I'm not sure the world wants the U.S. president to put Americans first, so their opinion doesn't really qualify. The majority of the world would probably prefer some sort of global socialist government anyways, which is nothing more than a looting of the American tax payer.
  5. W


    Interracial relationships are indeed normalized and accepted if not out right promoted. My comment was more directed to cuckolding in general
  6. W

    Politics in 2022

    As the country becomes more diverse, the era of the moderate / liberal white candidate is coming to an end fast. Elections will become nothing more than a census count. ideological diversity within a demographic group is only possible long term when that group is the overwhelming majority.
  7. W


    I appreciate the honesty. Im not saying ot dosn't happen, but their are 7 billion people on the planet. 99% would never do this but it's portrayed like 10% + of couples are doing this. I don't think that's the case. I'm glad you two love each other. I can see the eroticism of it, but I don't...
  8. W


    Im interested in having intelligent discussions with real people about the extent of this premise of white women preferring black men and vise versa being reality. Because of the internet I convinced myself that this was the case when I was younger, and due to low self esteem, learned to view...