Where is the Saddest , or personally Up Setting Place you Have Been and When?

The Arranger

Gold Member
For me It Was the Wall in Washington DC on a Rainy Day in October about 10 Years Back. I had told a friend I would get a rubbing of her Uncles Name. It was Too Wet so I Took a Picture With my phone. What I got was a ghost image of me reflected back with his name across it. Cannot bring myself to erase it even today years later.

Next most Un Settling is a German Cemetery in Tobrok / Egypt when I went to sign the book of those that had been there I realized I was the first one in 8 years. No I am not of German decent however I did place a marker stone on every grave stone and stood five back up that had toppled.

So it’s your turn.
Jamaica. I went there for an all inclusive vacation. Fantastic landscape and natural beauty. However, on my drive from the airport to the resort we passed by nothing but extreme poverty. It looked awful. The farm animals were nothing but skin and bones. Nothing to eat. Homes looked like man made tents and huts. Then all of a sudden beautiful resort which was its own world. I felt like I was taking advantage of the people. It was forbidden to tip the help and even when I did I watched the employees either refuse my tip or take it to the person in charge. Disgusting.
Anim.al Control in Raleigh, NC watching a dozen or so healthy dogs & cats being euthanized simply because they had no one to love them.
It took me years to get over that and I'm still ghosted with the experience every now and then.
Anim.al Control in Raleigh, NC watching a dozen or so healthy dogs & cats being euthanized simply because they had no one to love them.
It took me years to get over that and I'm still ghosted with the experience every now and then.
Years ago I worked for a company that installed building systems. I was ask to install a high end scramble key pad in a teaching hospital. Later learned then dogs kept in the area were used to teach heart transplant skills in new heart surgeons. These were young health golden labs. It broke my heart to know this. Never went back. My boss threw up when he found out as he owned two golden labs.