trump running for re-election on the economy

re: trump running for re-election on the economy

As he should ... thick or thin ... up or down ... for better or for worse. He's been taking credits for ALL the climb in the economy numbers. Time to take credit for some down .... historical downs, actually. Oh yeah, sure it was China's virus that did it. The virus he know about almost a month before it HIT and continued to lie to the country as it gained speed here ... the one that would blow over.
He's been so right on all his predictions, hasn't he? NOT!
So now, what accomplishments will he run on for 2020 ... the Wall? The Middle Class tax cuts? Trump's awesome health plan? Total termination of Obamacare? De-nuclearized Iran & N Korea? Employment Growth? Paying off the National Debt in 10 years .... well, he has 6 years left on that one and has only managed to triple deficit spending, and add another 4 Trillion to the Nat'l Debt.
Come on, Trumptards, tell us what we should expect Trump to take credit for this election!
re: trump running for re-election on the economy

As he should ... thick or thin ... up or down ... for better or for worse. He's been taking credits for ALL the climb in the economy numbers. Time to take credit for some down .... historical downs, actually. Oh yeah, sure it was China's virus that did it. The virus he know about almost a month before it HIT and continued to lie to the country as it gained speed here ... the one that would blow over.
He's been so right on all his predictions, hasn't he? NOT!
So now, what accomplishments will he run on for 2020 ... the Wall? The Middle Class tax cuts? Trump's awesome health plan? Total termination of Obamacare? De-nuclearized Iran & N Korea? Employment Growth? Paying off the National Debt in 10 years .... well, he has 6 years left on that one and has only managed to triple deficit spending, and add another 4 Trillion to the Nat'l Debt.
Come on, Trumptards, tell us what we should expect Trump to take credit for this election!
He's got a whole second term
This thread is a great example of how completely fucked and fractured USA is. Dominated by low-level discourse characterized by vindictive, shame and fear. Ideological civil war with uneducated minds.

It's hard to tell which side is more clueless: the side believing Trump is savior against the Deep State or the side believing mainstream media propaganda so easily, not realizing how their emotions get played like a fiddle. If you don't realize by now the complete CIA control of the media, you are the sucker. This is increasingly common knowledge at this point in time.

#learntocode imo