The tragedy in Las Vegas


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Gold Member
I'm not political (at least not on here).. but what happened this weekend in Vegas is tragic. It might not be terrorism, or even "domestic terrorism" but it is crazy.. and you can't defend crazy.

I am sad at what we are all going through (domestically and abroad). We should not be afraid to travel and enjoy ourselves, especially around the holidays, but we are in a very different place the we were when I was a kid, or even just a few years ago. (Disneyland, Vegas, Paris, New York, etc)

This is not about ISIS or Obama or Trump or Hillary or guns... its about crazy.
People are sick. If it is about religion, or politics, or with guns or with cars we are in trouble.

There are so many good people in this world that are being crippled with the overwheliming negativity and hate and fear that I am afraid we are outnumbered.. but we are not.

We are strong and courageous and smart and unified, and I feel we can do ANYTHING WE WANT.
We can fight terrorism. We can beat Cancer and AIDS. We can fight poverty and hunger. We can change homelessness and SUPORT OUR TROOPS and truly change the world.

If we can "divide and conquer" just imagine what we can do united!
Maybe it is a unified voice.. maybe it is donating money.. maybe it's gathering and protesting.. (non-violent of course) or maybe its just awareness of a common cause.

Lets make a difference in 2016 and change the world.

Step back.. take a deep breath.. and do something different in 2016.

"If you want something you've never had.. you have to do something you've never done."

Peace and love my friends.. peace and love.
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This country has more physcho people than any other country in the world today. They need to solve domestic violence before they go after other countries with all the military, more money needs to be spend in correcting these weird humans than on military.
Isn't it ironic that as we talk about all this violence and the mention of psycho's, that our elected officials are cutting BACK on psychiatric care programs and benefits?

Not enough of us are getting involved in our country's needs and problems. How many of you can say you've ever written your elected congressman? How many of you even know WHO your elected congressman is? The voices of the people are becoming marginalized as more and more districts in our states become gerrymandered.

In my state, for example, in the last 3 elections more than 40% of the incumbents running had no cross-party challengers. In the upcoming 2016 general election, NC will have 53 legislators (over a third) who have no opposition running against them ... they know, now, that they will be getting another term in office. What does THAT say about our electoral system and how does that encourage the voters to speak up with their votes? How does that encourage the incumbents to do the job they campaigned on and were elected to do?

There are logical, common sense solutions to our country's problems ... like this thread, but it takes the people getting involved to demand those types of solutions. Otherwise, our representatives become nothing more than high paid, non-productive, legislator whores.
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Bring back lobotomies. Funny thing about meds is that u have to TAKE them. Rewire the psychos and let them sit in a chair and slobber on themselves watching Gilligan's Island reruns the rest of their lives. At least they won't harm anyone.
Bring back lobotomies. Funny thing about meds is that u have to TAKE them. Rewire the psychos and let them sit in a chair and slobber on themselves watching Gilligan's Island reruns the rest of their lives. At least they won't harm anyone.