The REAL Taboo in Consensual Non-Monogamy

This has been a topic of a lot of discussion lately, along with the spin-off topics including white women/black men relationships. The articles you've linked are not so much deep or revealing as merely highlighting some of the obvious. That said, sometimes re-visiting the obvious can be enlightening. @MsThang , Thnx for creating the thread!
This has been a topic of a lot of discussion lately, along with the spin-off topics including white women/black men relationships. The articles you've linked are not so much deep or revealing as merely highlighting some of the obvious. That said, sometimes re-visiting the obvious can be enlightening. @MsThang , Thnx for creating the thread!
James the "obvious" is not so obvious to the population at large. How about if you let me interview YOU...and let's take a deep dive?? I'd love to know your thoughts!
It is idiotic that men has the need to control women in the twenty first century. Sex is better for every one, when women are free and respected.
Women need to be moderated. That's why roles have been reversed in this western society. Perfect example men wearing panties
Consensual non-monogamy is practiced all over the world, but there is one form that gets more backlash than the others: Read what it is, and how we can re-frame this discussion:
What I find interesting is not that non-monogamy happens but that it is becoming more popular especially with older couples . Young people are active and exploring life as to be expected but mature couples are more often "settled" yet today we see mature women , often passed their fertile days, becoming active with new lovers and with encouragement from their husbands who perhaps are not as "able" sexually as before.
Article seems to bring in politics feminism etc. Everything always has to revert back to politics these days.

I don't think its anything new, many women have always had multiple lovers. Its not that men are doing anything we don't do, we're just better at hiding it. To each their own but I wouldn't want to have several BF's/Hubbies. I like having my main life partner and then mutual agreed fun on the side. Sort of like dessert
Article seems to bring in politics feminism etc. Everything always has to revert back to politics these days.

I don't think its anything new, many women have always had multiple lovers. Its not that men are doing anything we don't do, we're just better at hiding it. To each their own but I wouldn't want to have several BF's/Hubbies. I like having my main life partner and then mutual agreed fun on the side. Sort of like dessert