Should white women recruit other white women?

Should white women recruit other white women and let them also experince the magic?

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It was the other way round for me. Most of my girlfriends have had relationships with many black and asian guys. A couple have children from them. They were really pleased and surprised when i showed an interest end of last year. My hubby recommended i asked them where to go and it was them who took me to the club i currently use now. They introduced me to a few guys and things developed from there. So it was me who was recruited. We now have a friend who has split up from her husband and we are persuading her to come to the club and join in.
This is an interesting thread..I have been reading and responding to the posts and threads now for awhile. This site is made for adults who want to experience the excitement and fun of IR relationships in it's various forms. In chatting with several women, from newbies to experienced BBC Owned, a consistent theme has run thru their chats. They want to participate, and encourage others but unless their friends are familiar with the site, can be intimidated.

Not to take away the components that make it a good site, wide variety of threads, wide variety of men and women and honesty of people who are serious about IR. It appears their are a lot of literate and intelligent posters and participants. It appears that the site could possibly evolve from just an amateur porn site (which can continue) to a mechanism that encourages the engagement of more white ladies at various stages of IR interest.

As an example, a woman contacted me, just due to the avatar. It conveyed a way to contact a male member and not be intimidated by his package or aggressiveness. As a suggestion to the active and real male members, we might post avatars that are available versus the pics of packages. It is nice to impress the ladies with the packages, but the consistent response, I have heard in the chats, has been that they are interesting but do not make them want to contact the owner of the avatar. The sample of women I admit are small, but possibly an indicator that the components that make them want to move forward have to be conveyed in a more engaging manner.

The above is just an observation, and only a way to think about broadening the appeal of BtW. If the moderators and serious contributors have different thoughts, please feel free to comment..OldSchoolPlayer25
Not to take away the components that make it a good site, wide variety of threads, wide variety of men and women and honesty of people who are serious about IR. It appears their are a lot of literate and intelligent posters and participants. It appears that the site could possibly evolve from just an amateur porn site (which can continue) to a mechanism that encourages the engagement of more white ladies at various stages of IR interest.

I agree, however, I think it might be better to ask the owners/moderators to expand the "Interracial Dating" section to include a dating discussion forum for those who are here to seriously try to hook with others and want to address issues regarding dating.
This way it won't be mixed in with all the fantasy, hard core and other non-related stuff which many of those looking for a real time experience might find objectionable.

As an example, a woman contacted me, just due to the avatar. It conveyed a way to contact a male member and not be intimidated by his package or aggressiveness. As a suggestion to the active and real male members, we might post avatars that are available versus the pics of packages. It is nice to impress the ladies with the packages, but the consistent response, I have heard in the chats, has been that they are interesting but do not make them want to contact the owner of the avatar. The sample of women I admit are small, but possibly an indicator that the components that make them want to move forward have to be conveyed in a more engaging manner.

Absolutely correct!
Most women get turned off if the only picture a guy shows them is one of his dick. My Wife always complains about this as that is what she and her girlfriends have had to deal with. 'Horny-Toads" she calls them.
Guys tend to forget that even though a woman may be looking for a good fuck, most still want a little romance or eroticism to go along with it.
That's not to say that on a site like this having one or two tastefully done full physique pics that show the package in working order and the buttocks (women seem to be more into butts) in an enticing manner, wouldn't be inappropriate as long as they are displayed along with more vanilla style photos.

If a guy is serious about hooking up with a woman or couple, it would behoove him to use a classy picture of himself or a scene such as you are using for an avatar and build up a nice profile and personal picture thread of himself in the "Black Men Seeking" section of the dating area. Then he can add in a picture or two of his "endowment" to go along with some basic overall body shots and whatever other photos he feels displays his best features along with a well written bio and description of what he is looking for and what he offers. Some tasteful erotic scenes that depict his interests might do well at piquing interest also.

Put a link to this in his general profile and incorporate it into his "signature" so it shows up in his posts and he may get some worthwhile inquiries from interested parties.

Serious women and couples should do the same. If enough serious "seekers" establish such a format, this site could have a pretty nice "real people" dating section to go along with what it currently offers.

However, that area of the site should be well policed by the participants and moderators as no one needs to be wasting their time and energy chasing fakes and flakes.
Very good analysis Willis..I am a believer in the paraphrased words of Peter Drucker:
" Yes it is easy to service your current client base (white ladies currently on BtW), the trick is attracting
the new customers or client".

BtW has an opportunity to continue it's current format, but with modifications that allow a new female member to engage in a more comfortable environment, allow her to reflect on the the IR engagement and if she's married and has husband's support, let her find her way to a male member she is comfortable with and not be intimidated or turned off by the trash talk or pictures. These women (newbies) for the most part are new to the IR experience and the more seasoned and mature members should work to bring them along in an appropriate way. If the woman and a member find common ground and located near each other or wish to travel to meet, let them share whatever pics they want and let them express their thoughts on their own. Broadcasting on BtW is almost like being in junior high school at times.

Also the moderators need to screen out the so-called "Fake Police", we all are adults and know that people submit various pics and info that is from a flake, fake or gay. This happens on other online sites. BtW should not be worried about searching out a flake or fake, because no one knows their real reasons. As an example, I ran across a young woman who wanted to engage in an IR relationship as a submissive partner. I determined, she really didn't have the courage to engage in a meetup, but only wanted the vicarious thrill of online sex. I chose NOT to expose her, let her have her fantasy's engaged in whatever way that works for her, BtW does not need any "Fake Police" making the moral judgement's of how women engage in IR sex.

Let's move the site to another level that attracts more women, as opposed to turning them off. OSP
All 3 of my girlfriends got into black guys about 3 years ago, i was always into brown guys and i have to say i think they sped up my black curiousity as im 20 and they are all 24. Being into brown guys some of my friends were saying inevitably i will want a black guy which i think is true but i feel it would have been later if my girlfriends wernt all into black men.

And yes they would always talk about it and tell me to do it.
Women communicate more about intimate aspects of their lives than men do. I see it as perfectly plausible and probably not rare for one woman to suggest a sex partner to a friend that wanted/needed something additional in her life. Women are also generally far better at being discrete than most men are.
Torpedo, thanks for your comments..Willis, myself and others would like to see the site, develop along a more mature line, to attract more white, latin and asian women, who are interested in IR, but turned off by the avatars, immature salacious comments and in some respects a lack of respect for the women. We are hoping the moderators see this thread and think about segmenting the market. Let the women (new to IR), become more comfortable, if they communicate with bull and want his pic, let them share between them. The site is a mechanism that is unique and can be useful for advancing IR between consenting adults.
Also the moderators need to screen out the so-called "Fake Police", we all are adults and know that people submit various pics and info that is from a flake, fake or gay. This happens on other online sites. BtW should not be worried about searching out a flake or fake, because no one knows their real reasons. ....., BtW does not need any "Fake Police" making the moral judgement's of how women engage in IR sex.

Let's move the site to another level that attracts more women, as opposed to turning them off. OSP

I agree and am perfectly happy leaving the "policing" to the moderators. In fact, I've already caught hell for jumping a newbie's ass about their efforts to be the "fake police" instead of leaving it to the mods.

However, I don't have a problem with someone posting back on a thread asking the person that made arrangements with them to hook up and then didn't show, why they didn't because if that person suddenly disappears from the site without giving an honest explanation that pretty much let's others know they were a scam.
Only drawback is that nothing stops fakes from coming back under a new ID. :(

It would be nice though, if there could be a more comfortable section for real people to meet in that is void of all the fantasy stuff.
As much as I agree with most of what you are saying! I don't believe that calling out fakes is making a moral judgement on anyone. Honesty is something that should be expected from everyone. If you are a girl who has no intentions of meeting up with anyone and just looking for someone to explore interracial fantasies on line simply say so. There is obviously guys like yourself that are happy with that, so there is no need to pretend to be anything else!
I have lots of friends that are looking for many different things from this site and accept anyone who is honest about who they are and what they want. This site is definitely big enough for everyone, but in my opinion honesty is always the best policy, and there is never a good reason for lying!!!
Plus there is nothing to gain by being fake, your just anooying people and giving people false hope, while not ever being able to satisfy your own sexual fantasy, so i don't see the point of fakers, they are wasting everyone's time, including their own.
Thanks Virginia Knight and Don22..I understand your view and to a certain degree, I do agree with point is to not let a fake or flake distract the objectives of the in real life..fakes or flakes will be found out..but with the distances involved and the slim likelihood there is even a hookup, not much is gained by freaking out on them..the site also gets flakes who argue that the site is for black guy's in fantasy-land..they usually are social misfits looking for a connection..after discovering they have no impact they move on..Fakes will also move on..but there is a segment of women who are attempting to start the process and may not know the protocols and will use various methods to start responding until she is comfortable and finds a bull she wants to connect with..just suggesting we not make judgments without more facts..
Thanks Virginia Knight and Don22..I understand your view and to a certain degree, I do agree with point is to not let a fake or flake distract the objectives of the in real life..fakes or flakes will be found out..but with the distances involved and the slim likelihood there is even a hookup, not much is gained by freaking out on them..the site also gets flakes who argue that the site is for black guy's in fantasy-land..they usually are social misfits looking for a connection..after discovering they have no impact they move on..Fakes will also move on..but there is a segment of women who are attempting to start the process and may not know the protocols and will use various methods to start responding until she is comfortable and finds a bull she wants to connect with..just suggesting we not make judgments without more facts..
Funny that most women i ask if they have cam, they say no. Which is weird considering all laptops have build in cams, then they are offended, trying to guilt trip me for thinking they are fake. It is'nt even a cam thing, audio is good to, so i can hear there voice and know they are real.

Really, ,really pathetic people. laptop (compaq, aug 2006) was built when Moses crossed the Red not everyone has a new or recent computer..yes video is helpful and listening in to a woman masturbate over the internet is interesting..but since the goal of IR sex is to have contact with a real woman..after being married a couple of times and 3 *******, I have not had much interest in video or audio generated that component is new to me..but hey it's all good and we are grown it's fun, which is the idea..
Funny that most women i ask if they have cam, they say no. Which is weird considering all laptops have build in cams, then they are offended, trying to guilt trip me for thinking they are fake. It is'nt even a cam thing, audio is good to, so i can hear there voice and know they are real.

Really, ,really pathetic people.
Who says everyone has a laptop? I don't. I use my iPod to surf, most of the time.
I did'nt mean sexual contact via cam of microphone, i meant actual talking. Camming with a girl does'nt equate jerking off and showing their tits.
It's all good my friend..whatever works for ya..I was not making a judgement..the important thing is you are thinking about the issue and making good observations..that's half the battle in moving the site up to a new level to get more women comfortable and engaging in IR..stay in touch and stay engaged..the site needs you.