Ontario - looking for a bull that might seduce my sexy wife

Yea, wife isn't into it but husbands thoughts are: "I'm gonna get a guy to talk my wife into it" SMH
I've had several attempts of some husband trying to get me to talk his wife into it and I am never interested in those. Even had to put "not interested in seducing your unaware wife" in my posts while looking for a married couple.
Hmmm 🤔??? This doesn’t even sound right! Why do some of these white men alway want a “Brotha” to walk up on his wife and try to “Seduce” wife? ~SMH~!!!
It's weirdo behaviour. Like you're married to the woman and you can't even be open, honest, or have the discussion with her but you want some random black guy to walk up and strong-arm... sorry "seduce" her into giving up some pussy?

Fuck that, there's more than enough women out there that don't need to be *******.