M-O Mary's real stories, written by my hub from his POV (and by me for the ones he wasn't there for?)

M-O Mary

Real Person
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wife's dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.

The End
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wife's dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.

The End
Awesome story. Lucky husband.
Back when I lived in Orlando, everything that was anything was on the "Trail",,,Orange Blossom Trail that is, Highway 441,,,you had Topless clubs

like the Dollhouse, Pure Platinum, the Mousetrap,,,which had girls scantily dressed outside the club beckoning customers in, plus the XXX

Cinema, the Fairvilla XXX theater, and enough arcades that there was always an alternative place to go. In other words, an honest to goodness

"Strip". One night we went into "Henry's" the most established of them all,,,inside on the other side of a glory hole,,,I came across Big John.

Big John had close to ten inches, which is a treat when you consider you lose something with the wall in the way, I still had more than enough.

The enjoyment I derive from sucking a new cock, one bigger than hub's, plus it being black, can usually get me all worked up so I can go home

and screw my hub's brains out. But tonight was different, all the time I was sucking Big John I was imagining what this cock would feel like

inside me, when it came in my mouth I could feel it pulsating strongly,,,I wanted to feel that inside me,,,so I told John to make it happen.

While I made believe I was browsing movie titles, John approached him to feel him out. We only bring friends back to our house, so we needed a

motel,,,unfortunately Orange County had just issued a new law (get a load of this), in an attempt to stifle *******, they made it illegal

for motels to rent you a room if you were a local. I couldn't believe they could get away with that, what about guys whose wife just through

them out, what about having your house remodeled? Whatever,,,that's not the crux of the story, the main take away is I wanted this guy inside

me and we couldn't go to his house (probably married). Then we noticed the "Private Dancer" room wasn't locked,,,and we hadn't seen any dancers

walking around this night in their usual G-strings and pasties,,,so we all slipped in and locked the door. We immediately all got naked, I had

learned from the past to keep my camera in my purse (one of those Kodak 110 Insta- something or other), my hub grabbed it and sadly announced

he only had eight pix left. Well,,,that was a shame, but it wasn't like I was gonna kiss off feeling that big dick cum inside me just because

we didn't have film, so we just went with it.The first thing I did was hold his dick and rub it against my clit, no longer having a wall

between us allowed me to appreciate his total length, usually when I rub a dick on my clit I can't actually see it cause our bodies are too

close, with Big John I had all the room I needed (and then some), to be able to look it over. Nothing can describe my joy and anticipation

better than the smile on my face,,,I instantly dropped to my knees to get him ready. Once he was hard enough I laid on the chair, spread my

legs, and offered my husband's pussy to him.

He promptly slid in to the hilt bareback (the way I like it), and began to fuck me senseless,,,after a while he turned me over to do me doggie

where he pumped me till he busted a nut in me. My hub asked him to drape his cock along the crack of my ass so he could get one last pic of it

before he ran out of film.

After that it was my hub's turn, he wasted no time taking Big Johns place, not wanting any of his load to ooze out before he got to experience

sliding into me and feeling his warm nut surround his dick,,,all the while hub was fucking me, Big John was fucking his face. I had no idea

what was going on because I was face down in the chair,,,when my hub started to cum I heard Big John groaning, that's when I turned my head to

see he was also cumming,,,in my hub's mouth. My hub knelt there grinding his dick into me while he cleaned and swallowed Big John's load. Then

we all stood up and began to get dressed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, then quite,,,then we heard a key in the door, it sprung open

and standing there was a "Private Dancer",,,"I knew it" she hollered,,,"get the fuck outta there",,,she stood in the doorway as we hustled out

of it as we finished buttoning and zipping up our clothes. As we headed for the door she was screaming for the manager who by now everyone knew

his name was George,,,meanwhile as we scurried through the shop towards the exit about fifteen or twenty guy's cheered us. Needless to say we

were banned from Henry's, but the Mousetrap was just across the street and up the road a bit, and there were many others to choose from, and we

were just getting started, we had no idea the lifelong adventures that awaited us. Little by little the powers that be began cracking down in

an attempt to keep Orlando family friendly. I told you about the motels, they also removed all the doors on the video booths, started taking

down license plate numbers in the local park and we witnessed people being carted off in handcuffs. Around this time they busted Pee Wee

Herman wanking in a theater. We were pretty much done with Orlando and moved to Portland. Imagine my surprise when I checked out my first Portland Glory Hole,,,not

only did they have nice modern booths, but instead of splintery holes made with a saw, there were holes with plastic escutcheons surrounding

them, some elongated to account for height. That's when I decided to start making Glory Hole videos,,,which soon after was copied by everybody

with a camera or a website,,,we laughed our ass off when we saw it referenced in the TV show "The Shield",,,it had actually become

mainstream,,,and I started it all.


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When my husband was married to his ex-wife, they had been together for just two weeks shy of their second anniversary. He was 32 and she was 25, with a petite pale body with strawberry hair. She worked as a paralegal in a law firm in Orlando, after work they all would occasionally stop by a bar called Bailey's. One day she came home and just rambled on about this lawyer named Clinton from another firm that she ran into, he was so funny, played the piano, was a sharp dresser, drove a black Jaguar, and on and on. Oh yeah, he had jet black curly hair, a big bright smile, and was black as charcoal. That was on Wednesday, Friday morning she told him she was having a girls night out after work tonight, and probably wouldn't be home till around 10:00PM (she usually got home around 6:30PM), so he figured no problem,,,in his mind he thought of saying "stay away from piano playing lawyers", but he didn't want to sound like he was accusing her of anything. 11:00PM came and he started to worry, then midnight, finally at 2:00AM he got dressed and drove to Bailey's,,,the place was closed by the time he got there and the parking lot was barren. Back home time passed, he got out of bed every time he saw the lights from cars arriving home slide across the ceiling. Saturday afternoon around 1:00pm she walked in the door. Apparently she met Clinton at Bailey's, they drank, they danced a bit, it was all good fun. After her girlfriends left around 9:30PM, Clinton asked her if she wanted to do a line?. They went out to his car and snorted a few lines of coke,,,the way she told it to my husband was, he said he had something really special he'd like to turn her onto, but they couldn't do it in the car, but the Mayor Carl T. Langford Hotel was right around the corner,,,so off they drove. When they arrived he showed her a little bag that had a complete kit in it, needles, Q-Tips, a bent spoon, razor blade, and proceeded to fix up a rig with coke. He gave her the first shot and she said it was like an orgasm, then the second one was stronger, he kept making them stronger, so by the time he gave her the fourth she was sweating bullets. He was in the same condition and had already taken off his shirt, she did likewise but retained her bra. A few hours went by and she took of her skirt, he gave her another shot, she threw her head back and got lost in the rush, when she opened her eyes he had his cock in her face,,,jet black, uncut, thick as her little wrist. She starred at it and he moved it closer to her mouth, she said "that's when I figured what the fuck, I opened my month and melted on it". She seemed to have no problem using for an excuse that "I never would've done it if it wasn't for the coke, and the fact that I never saw anything like it, I mean it was more than twice as big as your's and much thicker, I just couldn't pass up the experience. She said she was fascinated by his foreskin and couldn't stop stroking it between sucking on it, and because of the coke it took him a real long time to get fully hard. My husband asked what time was all this happening, she said they had been in the room about 3 hours, so it must've been around 2:00Am (he immediately thought back to what he was doing at that time, he was just a block away while she was half naked in the room wondering where she was). She said while she was paying so much attention to his foreskin he took her bra off, slipped his hand into her panties and started to finger her,,,"I was soaking wet" she said. He said he wanted to fuck me but didn't have a condom, I told him it's okay so we went to the bed and I climbed on top like I usually do with you, only it took forever to open up so I could take him in all the way,,,I started riding him furiously and came several times, then I felt him swell up even more, deep inside me, and then a hot rush of cum that just leaked out all over the place, I collapsed on top of him and just laid there with his big black cock throbbing inside me. With all the sweat and cum we were both pretty funky so we took a shower, after that I just laid in his arms and played with his cock till I noticed it getting hard again, so I sucked him for awhile and then he took me missionary and pumped another load in me. By now the sun was coming up, so we did a few more shots, and he fucked me doggie style, filled me with his hot cum and then we ******* in each others arms. When we woke we started all over again,,,that man fucked me two more times, till I was so sore I had to tell him I couldn't handle any more. I knew I was really late and you'd be wondering what happened so I didn't even take another shower,,,I just want to go to sleep and deal with this later. The next Wednesday she brought him home to meet my hub, they all sat on the big U shaped couch and everything was kinda awkward. I should point out that previous to all this they had swung 3 times, but it was when they both agreed to it. Clinton decided to break out some weed and a few Qualudes, within a half hour they were all pretty blasted, Clinton suggested we play strip poker, so we did,,,when my husband got a look at Clinton's cock he was in disbelief that his wife ever fit that in her. Noticing my husband's gazes Clinton said to him, "we're cool with everything right"? "I mean, she told what happened so you're cool"? My hub just nodded, Clinton started to rub her thigh and she looked for my hub's reaction, saying nothing she decided to stroke his cock, then suck it, then mount it, right in front of my hub. He flipped her over and fucked her till he unloaded, then climbed off and went to the bathroom. Leaving my hub and his wife in dead silence, to which she said "that was so hot, come here and fuck my wet pussy,,,and that's what he did. He was still fucking her when Clinton returned, he laid next to her and shoved his cock in her mouth, inches away from my hub's face. As my hub was fucking her he couldn't help but stare at that cock, the one that was just fucking his wife, when suddenly Clinton pulled it out of her mouth and shoved it in his face, my hub opened his mouth and swallowed Clinton's big black cock,,,he pumped into his wife with a frenzy and exploded with the biggest orgasm of his life, while Clinton's cock was shoved down his throat. Up to that point she saw nothing wrong with anything that took place the previous week, she spent the following Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with Clinton, and then moved out the following weekend (the marriage ended exactly two years to the day that it took place), my hub never saw her again. That's a bit of a half truth,,,hours of contemplation as to what would've made her give everything up over a fuck drove him to seek out answers. they met for dinner 3 months later, afterwards they sat in the car and talked for hours. Apparently (as wild as the sex was, it wasn't that), she misread the whole situation, she told him "if she knew he'd react the way he did, she never would've done it". For his part she was right, the sex didn't bother him, but the loss of trust that come's with betrayal created a rift she knew would never totally go away, so she did,,,she realized she burned it all down and decided to cut her losses, and once again she stated for the record it never would've happened if it wasn't for the way the coke made her feel. My hub was left with a two bedroom townhouse and half the income, so he took in a room mate, a young chubby little girl named Michelle (strictly platonic), who as fate would have it was very fond of coke. She showed him the ins and outs of intravenous use and he just couldn't resist getting first hand knowledge, so within a year and a half he had already spent $32k on his new habit. When he finally got busted he went to see his lawyer (her boss), she was still his paralegal and she was married, she became a Catholic for her new husband (who had no idea who she was),and was active in the church,,,a completely different person. My hub's lawyer got him off without even a record (illegal search). When I met my hub he was on his second year of his habit, which would run for 5 more years before he quit, I quit with him after my four and a half years. What happened to the black lawyer that started the whole thing, my hub showed me the newspaper clipping that he keeps in his wallet. He was caught shooting up a fifteen year old girl in a drugstore bathroom, got fifteen years,,,karma.
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wife's dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.

The End
Great story love to hear more.
12th Anniversary

My name's Mary,,,at the time this took place I was 35 years old, and celebrating my 12th anniversary. When I was younger I lost some weight and went down to 108 lbs, I thought it was great, but my hub likes his women soft, and can't stand hip bones jutting out of me. So he stuffed me with spaghetti and cake and I rounded off at 123 lbs. which brought my figure up to 36-27-36, with my boobs varying from large B cups to small C's,,,at 5' 3" I'd make a great looking MILF, except I actually looked around 27. In contrast at this point in time, my hub was coming up on his 48th birthday. Not to say that things were dead in the bedroom, for the first seven years of our marriage we had sex every day and twice on Saturday and Sunday. He had no trouble getting me off several times each session, he basically fucks like a porn star, takes upward and beyond forty minutes, and after he comes he can take a shower, dry off, and still hang the wet towel on what's left of his erection,,,yeah, he one of those guys. Problem is, he has a skinny six incher and I can easily handle nine, more once I open up. So that means a good third of my pussy is going to waste, and whenever I get the opportunity to remind myself of what's possible, if I can I like to take advantage of the situation. Which brings us to our story,,,

My hub likes to see me dress sexy, so with that in mind I went out and bought a new "little black dress", but it wasn't just any dress, it was one of those dresses that had wide slots running up the sides from under the arm all the way down to the hem. Each slot was about the size of two packs of cigarettes and were separated by a thin strap (I'm sure most of you have seen one). When I put the dress on it was skin tight, and short, about three fingers below my ass cheeks. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't find a pair of panties that worked with it, even ones where the sides lined up with the straps would show up after I moved a little, so panties weren't an option. Now on occasions when I get a wild hair up my ass I tell my hub "I feel like anything could happen tonight",,,this wasn't originally one of those occasions, but as I looked at myself in the mirror, and ran my hands down the sides of the dress, the feeling of my flesh broken up by the straps made me imagine what it would feel like to someone I was dancing with,,,my juices began to flow,,,you don't turn that off unless you have to, and I didn't have to. Over the years there has been several establishments that have catered to special events, adult parties, swing parties, and yes swirl parties. As you might imagine, these places continued to draw that type of clientele even when an event wasn't scheduled. This not being a night when such an event was planned, didn't mean I couldn't choose a venue that still attracted those who'd attend such an event. When I modeled the dress for my hub, complete with four inch fuck me heels, he got hard instantly,,,then said "where on earth can you wear that thing",,,I told him, and then said "I feel like anything could happen tonight",,,he almost came in his pants.

All day we suffered from anxiety in anticipation of what adventures the evening might bring, we smoked some weed, but that only ramped things up. We arrived at the club and as soon as we entered I gave my hub a side glance and a devilish smile,,,even though there was no event planned, and no signs posted that tonight was "Swirl Party" night, there was more than enough qualified black bulls for me to choose from, and the way I looked I didn't think that would be a problem. I'm no Scarlett Johansen, who'd turn every head wherever she went, but in this club, wearing this dress, I could almost feel the eyeballs licking me as I strolled across the floor towards the L shaped curved booth and slid in, my hub left me and went for the drinks. As I scanned the dance floor and took stock in the crowd, I had to make it a point not to lock eyes with any one particular black stud staring at me till I finished evaluating the whole crowd. My hub laid the drinks on the table and asked me how it looked, I told him not only could anything happen tonight, but I can already guarantee it. A couple of sips from my ******* and our first contestant showed up at our booth, a tall well built black dude with a shaved head, a white silk shirt and sharkskin pants, his shirt only served to accentuate his complexion, which was black as coal. He leaned over and asked my hub if he minded if he asked his wife to dance, my hub just nodded in my direction,,,he looked at me and I (having heard all this), agreed. I had to inch my way out of the booth in little short hops, any spreading of my legs and I'd be taking everyone's picture with my snatch. I finally got out of the booth and did the obligatory tug on the hem of my dress, to make myself look just a little less like a ******. He put his arm around my waist and led me onto the dance floor. When we got on it he placed his hands on my hips, and I just put mine flat against his chest. His finger tips moved through the slots and then he flared them out, as far as his hands were concerned, he now had a firm grip on a naked woman. This obviously pleased him since the growing bulge pressing against my thinly covered mound was quite apparent. The longer we danced, the more real estate his hands explored, he had already worked his way around back for a full ass grab while pulling me harder onto his now erect huge cock. Then as he maintained a firm grip on my right ass cheek with his left hand, his right hand headed down the side of my thigh, then around to the front, and finally upward till his fingers found my smoothly shave pussy (already sopping wet), I moved my hands to the back of his neck pulling myself up slightly, then felt his fingers slide into me. "Ta da",,,success, I was finally exactly where I dreamt of being since I first tried this dress on,,,we danced through three dances as I clung to him like my life depended on it, and till my whole body shuddered up against his as my orgasm took it over. Once it subsided I looked him in the eye and we shared a passionate kiss, and for the first time I grabbed him by the cock and gave it a hard squeeze. He walked me back to my booth with his right hand firmly planted on the flesh exposed part of my hip, when we got there he slid his hand across my ass giving it a final squeeze as I moved into the booth, hopping inch by inch till I got alongside my hub. He leaned over and introduced himself as Lewis, and asked if he could join us, my hub said sure and Lewis said "let me get a *******, your wife is quite the dancer, and she has me all worked up,,,thirsty,,,from dancing", then he headed for the bar. My hub asked how it went,,,I told him everything I just told you, then reached under the table to check out the status of his dick. If our booth was a car I could use him to shift through all the gears, he couldn't stand up if his life depended on it.

Lewis returned with his ******* and slid into our booth on my side, we shared some small talk and then I felt his hand on my thigh,,,I slowly opened my legs, the front of my skirt was basically at the top of my thighs, meaning I was totally naked from the top of my shaved mound, to the straps of my shoes on my ankles. He wasted no time finding my clit, having already had a very complete tour of the neighborhood. My hub looked at me and could tell my Southern Hemisphere was experiencing torrential flooding,,,then it came, my second orgasm, I just closed my eyes and stiffened, riding it out as silently as I could. After I took a sip of my ******* and exhaled a sigh, my hub asked me if I was okay,,,oh I'm fine,,,I'm fan fuck'n tastic,,,we all laughed. I mean, everyone knew what was happening, I think even a couple of guys in the booth across from us knew,,,remember, I was still wearing that dress, and remained the object of a lot of men's attention. Lewis asked is if we smoked weed,,,hell yeah came out of our mouths in unison,,,then he offered to burn a blunt with us out in the parking lot, so we gathered our stuff and out the door we went. Our car was parked under the trees in a dark corner of the lot, so we went over there and fired that sucker up. When we finished I told Lewis I'd like to return his hospitality,,,as I grabbed him by the cock. He glanced over at my hub who just smiled at him and I squatted in those heels. I unbuckled his belt, then unhooked his pants, fortunately they were dress pants and the zipper went all the way down, leaving nothing to block me from total access to what had to be amongst one of the thickest cocks I've ever seen, it was already semi hard, and heavy, covered in foreskin and around eight inches. I know what you're thinking if you're a man, "that's not that big",,,if you're a woman, you know when a cock is as thick as a fat zucchini, it doesn't have to be that long, it fills you up. Try as I might I could barely get the whole head in my mouth, once I did I could only move it in and out about half an inch, so I spent more time licking it and swirling my tongue around its head. Between his size, and those heels, I couldn't keep this up much longer, so I stood up and took out my hubs little stiffy, bent over and took him into my mouth, my hub reached over my back and pulled up my skirt, then grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks offering me to him. I felt The tip of Lewis's cock at my opening, and then gradually felt it literally invade my insides. My hub had me by the hips matching his motions and helping to drive him deeper and deeper into me, by the time I felt him bump my cervix a few times my spread legs just shuddered and went weak, I had to stop sucking my hub and just hold on to his waist,,,one last thrust and I felt the pulses of his hot load hitting me over and over. He pulled out and I stood and faced him and he gave me a long passionate kiss, thanked me, thanked my hub, and handed me his phone number, got in his car and drove away. After he left my hub asked if I wanted to go home? No way,,,the night is young, but I can't go back in there with this load in me, so I opened up the passenger door of our car and sat down and leaned back on the console, hub moved in and cleaned up till although I was still wet, I was no longer dripping. When we got back into the club our booth was taken, so we sat at the end of the bar and ordered a couple more drinks. While I was sipping at mine I glanced over the club, those two guys in the booth across from us had changed the direction they were sitting in and now we're once again watching me, so I slowly spun around on the bar stool flashing them in the process. Next thing you know I hear a voice "Do you mind if I dance with your wife"? I looked and this little black guy about five foot seven was standing right behind me. And voila',,,just like that I'm back on the dance floor. The easy access to my flesh by way of the slots didn't attract this guy's attention, almost immediately I felt his hands on my thighs, slowly moving up, and taking the hem of my skirt with them,,,he worked us towards a dark corner by the wall and backed me into it, grinding away at me in beat to the music, then I felt his cock touch my pussy lips, while I was busy thinking how he planned on doing this I felt his cock slide right into me. Enough time had passed to where whatever thick globs of cum that had clung to my walls still remained, had thinned and I was as slippery as sloppy seconds, which made sense since that's pretty much what he was getting. Before the number was over, he was standing straight up, my ass was against the wall, my feet were off the ground, and I could feel his hot load shooting into me. The song ended and we left the floor, he headed towards his booth, and I signaled to my hub and headed down the hall to the rest room. When my hub got there I told him how wild a scene I just had, he took me into the men's room and we went into a stall. I sat on top of the tank and spread my legs, he sat backward on the bowl and shoved his face into my cum filled pussy.

We were just about done when we heard someone say "hey,,,baby girl,,,you in there"? My hub stood up and opened the door halfway, it was the other black guy from the booth,,,he pushed passed my hub and as he was unbuckling his pants and whipping out his sizable cock, he murmured "that's what I'm talking 'bout",,,he stepped up, straddled the bowl, rubbed his cock head against my sloppy mess of a pussy and slid right to the bottom,,,he hammered me feverishly for about five minutes, grunted, whoo hoo'ed, and busted his nut deep in me,,,zipped up and was gone in a flash. That's why I love my hub, he could never be so presumptuous,,,but then again that's also why I like alpha blacks,,,every now and then,,,(when you want it),,,it's great to be taken like a slut. Hub went back to work scoring his third creampie of the evening and then it was time to get outta there before the whole club lined up to ******* my ass. Leaving us with a memorable 12th anniversary, with still many more to follow.


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My wife Mary is kinda unique, she has the ability to put things in perspective, at least in her mind, anything that happens in life she can rationalize, consequently not many things in her eyes need to be,,,nor do they need to be apologized for. I guess you'd expect a person like this to write their own rules, and you'd be right,,,at least to the point where she feels no lasting damage would be done, none that she couldn't back peddle out of if she had to. Just a bit of insight on her psyche, but I imagine you'd like a physical description, something you can wrap your head around. Okay, she's five foot three, 123 pounds, an athletic shape with a slim waist, a dancers belly, and nice hips, and she varies between a large B cup and a small C cup, depending on her weight fluctuation. She has brown hair and is very attractive, a good looking soccer mom type that her own friends wouldn't recognize when she gets done up. Yes there's two sides to her,,,one that wears mom shorts and pastel blouses, but gets a wicked look in her eye when she puts on a revealing blouse, short tight skirt, and fuck me heels,,,add makeup, hair, and contacts and she could walk past life long friends and they wouldn't even know her. She actually enjoys that whole concept, it allows her to fantasize about being a hot wife. She keeps her pussy shaved smooth, and claims that panties make her itch, so she avoids them as often as she can, except when mandatory. So on the surface she appears the timid housewife, while underneath she's a cauldron dying to boil over. She doesn't flirt openly, she's actually more like a guy, she watches, sneaks peeks, always looking, nothing gets past her. She takes notice of a guy's package and evaluates him as he's approaching her, by the time they've passed each other she's already fantasized what he'd be like in bed, good, bad, or indifferent. No one knows any of this, no one except me, while she's doing all her watching and sizing up, I'm watching her. Sometimes she catches me and tries to act like I caught her just as she was looking in that direction. Later on she would openly discuss it with me, it was something she had no problem doing, just not overtly letting anyone else be aware of it. When we met she had just turned 23, I was a few months short of 36, we married a little more than a year later, that was 10 years ago. Now she's 34 and has grown into the woman I've described above,,,and this is where the story begins,,,

I've worked construction all my life, when I met my wife I was already a foreman, but I maintained staying in shape, 6 foot, 180 pounds, pronounced pecks, biceps and forearms (no ass though), and an average sized 6 inch circumcised dick. One of my go to mechanics (Winston), is 6 foot 4, 220 pounds, and black as as an oil slick, with sharp features, gleaming white teeth, and a very gregarious personality, very easy to be around. Consequently we'd wind up eating lunch together and talking ******* about the other workers on my crew, we became fast friends. We both liked boxing and NASCAR, as did Mary, so he used to come over to watch them on my widescreen TV. He was totally blown away by the fact that Mary not only knew everything both of us knew about NASCAR, but she could call the moves in a boxing match five seconds before the announcer would. He was in awe of her, and he told me constantly how lucky I was to have such a combination of a cool wife that looked so hot. I thought to myself "he thinks this is hot, he oughta see her when her split personality kicks in".

After about three months of races every Sunday, Saturday night boxing, "Boxing After Dark", "Sho-Box" and ESPN, it seemed like he was a regular fixture around our house, and she had plenty of opportunity to size him up, which she did,,,constantly. When he would cheer at a punch or a knock down, I'd look out the side of my eyes in her direction, she'd be staring at him. So this one Sunday we're waiting for the race, smoking weed and shooting the *******,,,Mary gets really horny when she smokes and she usually screws me for an hour, then smokes more and wants to do it all over again, so I'm looking forward to tonight being epic. The announcer comes on and says the race has been called due to rain,,,after all the sighs of disappointment, Mary says "well,,,I'm gonna hit the pool, who's with me?". The race was in Charlotte, and we were in Orlando,,,Winston pointed out he had no trunks, Mary left the room and came back with a pair of my yellow nylon trunks, threw them at him and said here, use one of John's. She and I went off to the bedroom to get in our suits, and he just went into the bathroom to change. Mary wore a very conservative white bikini, not even a thong, the bottom cupped her ass cheeks just right, and the front dipped down below that marvelous belly dancers stomach, it showed all her curves without really showing anything it shouldn't. When 6' 4" 220 lb. Winston came out wearing trunks made for little old me,,,well, the first thing that came to mind was "sausage". We all know nobody wants to see how the sausage is made, but in this case I was worried about Mary seeing the sausage period. She was already outside having laid a towel on the chaise, she turned to look in our direction as we exited the patio door,,,the last thing I wanted, I was hoping we'd be in our chairs before she saw him in my tight yellow suit. We had about 30 feet to walk to the chairs and I saw her adjust her sunglasses as we approached,,,*******! We sat down and Mary reached into her cigarette case and pulled out another joint,,,might as well get baked she said. What would normally be music to my ears, was now the object of pure apprehension. We finished the joint and she stood and said "phew, it's hot", and then jumped in. We just sat there watching her, then she began the climb up the steps out of the pool, and suddenly I'm seeing Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High,,,she's climbing out of the pool, pushing her hair back, dripping wet, and in what appeared to be slow motion (at least in my minds eye),,,with one very important difference, that plain conservative white bikini was now almost totally see thru, her nipples were hard and her areolas were as visible as if she was wearing a shear negligee,,,and her perfectly shaved and pink cameltoe was right at eye height. I turned away as if I saw nothing (didn't really want to bring any attention to it), and then reached for my cigarettes, sneaking a peek at Winston,,,he was transfixed and I saw a noticeable difference in the tightness of his suit,,,hell, I could see it growing in pulses. I think he was a little self conscious because as soon as she sat down he got up and jumped in the pool,,,Mary looked over at me with a wicked smile. That's when I realized housewife Mary had left the building, this was hot wife wannabe Mary. That's when Winston began climbing out of the pool,,,aw, c'mon,,,my yellow nylon suit was almost invisible, and his dark complexion didn't help none, I could clearly see what had to be at least 8 inches of flaccid really thick cock, ending about two inches above the bottom of his trunks. He laid down on his chaise and I looked passed him through my sunglasses to see Mary using her laser vision on his crotch. We talked for a while then I suggested that we should go back in to the comfort of the air conditioning because I didn't want to get burnt, so we gathered up all the towels and stuff and went back in. Mary said "I've gotta get outta this suit and went to the bedroom",,,I thought to myself "thank God". Winston's suit, being nylon was dry already so he just sat there on the couch next to me. Mary came out, still wearing the bikini top, but now she had on a jean mini skirt that had snappers up the front, again just below that sexy belly, with one snapper on the top undone, and two on the bottom,,,she sat down in the recliner across from us that was on a slight angle facing the end of the couch,,,the end he was sitting on. I turned on the TV and she lit another joint, took a hit, and stretched to pass it to him, as she did her legs opened just a bit, I could only see her upper thigh, but I know from his angle he could see straight up her skirt to her panties,,,except Mary doesn't wear panties. He took a hit and passed it to me, and immediately went back to staring between her legs, I took a hit and passed it to her, and she really spread her legs to reach for it from me. I feigned looking at the TV but looked to his crotch instead, and there in all its glory was the partially exposed tip of his cock, peeking out of its foreskin like some lustful turtle. This pattern repeated itself till the joint was gone and Mary proclaimed "woohoo, I am so stoned",,,and then everything changed, Winston said "those are some really sexy panties you're wearing",,,at first I was slightly relieved, then she spread her legs so somebody driving down I-4 couldn't help but see she had none on and said "oh these, just something I wear on special occasions", then giggled and said, "exactly what do you feed that thing",,,nodding her head towards the cock that was now almost two inches out of his shorts, and still only peeking out of his foreskin. We all laughed,,,mine was more of a nervous cackle. Then she said "I've never seen an uncircumcised dick in real life, and I've certainly never touched one,,,can I touch it"? With that she looked at me, and so did he,,,bam!!! Instantly the dynamic in the room had changed, I felt my face get hot, everything went into slo-mo again while I thought "WTF is wrong with you",,,"he's my friend, how awkward is this gonna be if I show my displeasure", then the fear if I said no she'd rebel and I'd lose any amount of false control I had,,,so I just shrugged my shoulders. It seemed like before my shoulders stopped moving she was out of the chair, around the coffee table, and on her knees in front of him. His trunks were too tight to allow anything but the head out so she said "I want to see the whole thing", he raised his butt, slid them down his thighs, over his knees, and let them drop around his ankles, then let his legs fall apart. Exposing him, and it, in all its ebony majesty,,,she reached out with her index finger and touched the top of it, then put her hand under it and lifted,,,"whoa,,,that's hefty" she said, then wrapped her fingers around it and stroked the foreskin back, then stroked some more, and then some more, each time pulling on it till the head disappeared, and then back again exposing it, in some form of pre "I want this inside me" game of peekaboo. His cock was getting hard, beginning to form an upward arc, somewhere over 9 inches, but really fat, her fingers no longer could touch each other. While stroking him she looked him in the eyes and asked if she could kiss it, then immediately shot me a look as if to say, "can I"? And "don't you dare ruin this for me",,,in one definitive glare. My lack of response (it's not like she really waited for it), in her mind was an approval,,,she kissed it three times,then licked it a couple of times, then opened her mouth and took him in. Suddenly I'm watching the "Mary & Winston" show,,,my wife is sucking my friends cock like her life depended on it, by now he's rock hard and she climbs onto his lap, takes his face in both her hands and begins to kiss him, her tongue slides into his mouth and she begins to gyrate on his lap, she breaks the kiss and looks in my direction, while she's staring at me she reaches down and grabs his cock, raises up a little, then down,,,letting out a moan. She shoves her tongue back down his throat and begins to rock to and fro on his cock,,,he unties her bikini top and her tits fall out,,,my wife is fucking my big cocked friend, another cock is in my wife,,,suddenly the voices in my head are interrupted by the screams of her orgasm,,,and then the grunt of his, she collapses on his chest and just lays there keeping his nut inside her. I sit there staring at them for about two minutes, then light a cigarette,,,"phew" she said,,," that was much more intense than I ever expected it would be,,,completely different from anything I've every experienced". Then she started to gyrate again, in a couple of minutes they were going at it like bunnies, after awhile he picked her up and laid her on her back, unsnapped the rest of the buttons on her skirt and threw it on the floor. For the first time I could see the total length of his cock sawing in and out of my wife,,,that's when I became aware that I had the stiffest hardon I've ever had in my life. She came again,,,then again, and finally she got to a point of constant orgasm, every stroke had her thrashing around like some bird in the road that a car just passed over, then he arched his back and buried himself deep in her, she sunk her fingernails into his butt and they came together one more time, then collapsed. After a few minutes he caught his breath and pulled out of her, her pussy was agape and covered in a white froth from his first nut, and his second one was running out of her. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom,,,he looked at me and said "thanx man, I've wanted to do that since you first introduced me to her",,,then she came galloping into the living room, sat next to him and lit another joint,,,I knew what that meant. Once we finished smoking, she said she wanted to suck me off while he fucked her doggie, and that's exactly what we did, and again he came inside my wife's unprotected pussy and remained inside her till he was soft. She was totally fucked out, and more satisfied than I'd ever seen her, she said "honey,,,you know going back to the way things were would be like a cut in pay right"? Long story short, we're a threesome now, Winston moved in the following weekend, once we're in the house nobody wears any clothes, we live a life of pure hedonism,,,and yes, I've sucked his cock, she likes me to suck him hard for her, so she sucks me while I'm doing it, kinda like a motivation, I let her think that, but not only would I suck his cock without her doing that, but I sucked it on a regular basis when she's not around and we'd be smoking, he'd whip it out and give me a little nod in it's direction,,,all good things come to an end, I switched jobs, and he moved home to Virginia. That's okay, cause Mary was always on the prowl.

My wife Mary is kinda unique, she has the ability to put things in perspective, at least in her mind, anything that happens in life she can rationalize, consequently not many things in her eyes need to be,,,nor do they need to be apologized for. I guess you'd expect a person like this to write their own rules, and you'd be right,,,at least to the point where she feels no lasting damage would be done, none that she couldn't back peddle out of if she had to. Just a bit of insight on her psyche, but I imagine you'd like a physical description, something you can wrap your head around. Okay, she's five foot three, 123 pounds, an athletic shape with a slim waist, a dancers belly, and nice hips, and she varies between a large B cup and a small C cup, depending on her weight fluctuation. She has brown hair and is very attractive, a good looking soccer mom type that her own friends wouldn't recognize when she gets done up. Yes there's two sides to her,,,one that wears mom shorts and pastel blouses, but gets a wicked look in her eye when she puts on a revealing blouse, short tight skirt, and fuck me heels,,,add makeup, hair, and contacts and she could walk past life long friends and they wouldn't even know her. She actually enjoys that whole concept, it allows her to fantasize about being a hot wife. She keeps her pussy shaved smooth, and claims that panties make her itch, so she avoids them as often as she can, except when mandatory. So on the surface she appears the timid housewife, while underneath she's a cauldron dying to boil over. She doesn't flirt openly, she's actually more like a guy, she watches, sneaks peeks, always looking, nothing gets past her. She takes notice of a guy's package and evaluates him as he's approaching her, by the time they've passed each other she's already fantasized what he'd be like in bed, good, bad, or indifferent. No one knows any of this, no one except me, while she's doing all her watching and sizing up, I'm watching her. Sometimes she catches me and tries to act like I caught her just as she was looking in that direction. Later on she would openly discuss it with me, it was something she had no problem doing, just not overtly letting anyone else be aware of it. When we met she had just turned 23, I was a few months short of 36, we married a little more than a year later, that was 10 years ago. Now she's 34 and has grown into the woman I've described above,,,and this is where the story begins,,,

I've worked construction all my life, when I met my wife I was already a foreman, but I maintained staying in shape, 6 foot, 180 pounds, pronounced pecks, biceps and forearms (no ass though), and an average sized 6 inch circumcised dick. One of my go to mechanics (Winston), is 6 foot 4, 220 pounds, and black as as an oil slick, with sharp features, gleaming white teeth, and a very gregarious personality, very easy to be around. Consequently we'd wind up eating lunch together and talking ******* about the other workers on my crew, we became fast friends. We both liked boxing and NASCAR, as did Mary, so he used to come over to watch them on my widescreen TV. He was totally blown away by the fact that Mary not only knew everything both of us knew about NASCAR, but she could call the moves in a boxing match five seconds before the announcer would. He was in awe of her, and he told me constantly how lucky I was to have such a combination of a cool wife that looked so hot. I thought to myself "he thinks this is hot, he oughta see her when her split personality kicks in".

After about three months of races every Sunday, Saturday night boxing, "Boxing After Dark", "Sho-Box" and ESPN, it seemed like he was a regular fixture around our house, and she had plenty of opportunity to size him up, which she did,,,constantly. When he would cheer at a punch or a knock down, I'd look out the side of my eyes in her direction, she'd be staring at him. So this one Sunday we're waiting for the race, smoking weed and shooting the *******,,,Mary gets really horny when she smokes and she usually screws me for an hour, then smokes more and wants to do it all over again, so I'm looking forward to tonight being epic. The announcer comes on and says the race has been called due to rain,,,after all the sighs of disappointment, Mary says "well,,,I'm gonna hit the pool, who's with me?". The race was in Charlotte, and we were in Orlando,,,Winston pointed out he had no trunks, Mary left the room and came back with a pair of my yellow nylon trunks, threw them at him and said here, use one of John's. She and I went off to the bedroom to get in our suits, and he just went into the bathroom to change. Mary wore a very conservative white bikini, not even a thong, the bottom cupped her ass cheeks just right, and the front dipped down below that marvelous belly dancers stomach, it showed all her curves without really showing anything it shouldn't. When 6' 4" 220 lb. Winston came out wearing trunks made for little old me,,,well, the first thing that came to mind was "sausage". We all know nobody wants to see how the sausage is made, but in this case I was worried about Mary seeing the sausage period. She was already outside having laid a towel on the chaise, she turned to look in our direction as we exited the patio door,,,the last thing I wanted, I was hoping we'd be in our chairs before she saw him in my tight yellow suit. We had about 30 feet to walk to the chairs and I saw her adjust her sunglasses as we approached,,,*******! We sat down and Mary reached into her cigarette case and pulled out another joint,,,might as well get baked she said. What would normally be music to my ears, was now the object of pure apprehension. We finished the joint and she stood and said "phew, it's hot", and then jumped in. We just sat there watching her, then she began the climb up the steps out of the pool, and suddenly I'm seeing Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High,,,she's climbing out of the pool, pushing her hair back, dripping wet, and in what appeared to be slow motion (at least in my minds eye),,,with one very important difference, that plain conservative white bikini was now almost totally see thru, her nipples were hard and her areolas were as visible as if she was wearing a shear negligee,,,and her perfectly shaved and pink cameltoe was right at eye height. I turned away as if I saw nothing (didn't really want to bring any attention to it), and then reached for my cigarettes, sneaking a peek at Winston,,,he was transfixed and I saw a noticeable difference in the tightness of his suit,,,hell, I could see it growing in pulses. I think he was a little self conscious because as soon as she sat down he got up and jumped in the pool,,,Mary looked over at me with a wicked smile. That's when I realized housewife Mary had left the building, this was hot wife wannabe Mary. That's when Winston began climbing out of the pool,,,aw, c'mon,,,my yellow nylon suit was almost invisible, and his dark complexion didn't help none, I could clearly see what had to be at least 8 inches of flaccid really thick cock, ending about two inches above the bottom of his trunks. He laid down on his chaise and I looked passed him through my sunglasses to see Mary using her laser vision on his crotch. We talked for a while then I suggested that we should go back in to the comfort of the air conditioning because I didn't want to get burnt, so we gathered up all the towels and stuff and went back in. Mary said "I've gotta get outta this suit and went to the bedroom",,,I thought to myself "thank God". Winston's suit, being nylon was dry already so he just sat there on the couch next to me. Mary came out, still wearing the bikini top, but now she had on a jean mini skirt that had snappers up the front, again just below that sexy belly, with one snapper on the top undone, and two on the bottom,,,she sat down in the recliner across from us that was on a slight angle facing the end of the couch,,,the end he was sitting on. I turned on the TV and she lit another joint, took a hit, and stretched to pass it to him, as she did her legs opened just a bit, I could only see her upper thigh, but I know from his angle he could see straight up her skirt to her panties,,,except Mary doesn't wear panties. He took a hit and passed it to me, and immediately went back to staring between her legs, I took a hit and passed it to her, and she really spread her legs to reach for it from me. I feigned looking at the TV but looked to his crotch instead, and there in all its glory was the partially exposed tip of his cock, peeking out of its foreskin like some lustful turtle. This pattern repeated itself till the joint was gone and Mary proclaimed "woohoo, I am so stoned",,,and then everything changed, Winston said "those are some really sexy panties you're wearing",,,at first I was slightly relieved, then she spread her legs so somebody driving down I-4 couldn't help but see she had none on and said "oh these, just something I wear on special occasions", then giggled and said, "exactly what do you feed that thing",,,nodding her head towards the cock that was now almost two inches out of his shorts, and still only peeking out of his foreskin. We all laughed,,,mine was more of a nervous cackle. Then she said "I've never seen an uncircumcised dick in real life, and I've certainly never touched one,,,can I touch it"? With that she looked at me, and so did he,,,bam!!! Instantly the dynamic in the room had changed, I felt my face get hot, everything went into slo-mo again while I thought "WTF is wrong with you",,,"he's my friend, how awkward is this gonna be if I show my displeasure", then the fear if I said no she'd rebel and I'd lose any amount of false control I had,,,so I just shrugged my shoulders. It seemed like before my shoulders stopped moving she was out of the chair, around the coffee table, and on her knees in front of him. His trunks were too tight to allow anything but the head out so she said "I want to see the whole thing", he raised his butt, slid them down his thighs, over his knees, and let them drop around his ankles, then let his legs fall apart. Exposing him, and it, in all its ebony majesty,,,she reached out with her index finger and touched the top of it, then put her hand under it and lifted,,,"whoa,,,that's hefty" she said, then wrapped her fingers around it and stroked the foreskin back, then stroked some more, and then some more, each time pulling on it till the head disappeared, and then back again exposing it, in some form of pre "I want this inside me" game of peekaboo. His cock was getting hard, beginning to form an upward arc, somewhere over 9 inches, but really fat, her fingers no longer could touch each other. While stroking him she looked him in the eyes and asked if she could kiss it, then immediately shot me a look as if to say, "can I"? And "don't you dare ruin this for me",,,in one definitive glare. My lack of response (it's not like she really waited for it), in her mind was an approval,,,she kissed it three times,then licked it a couple of times, then opened her mouth and took him in. Suddenly I'm watching the "Mary & Winston" show,,,my wife is sucking my friends cock like her life depended on it, by now he's rock hard and she climbs onto his lap, takes his face in both her hands and begins to kiss him, her tongue slides into his mouth and she begins to gyrate on his lap, she breaks the kiss and looks in my direction, while she's staring at me she reaches down and grabs his cock, raises up a little, then down,,,letting out a moan. She shoves her tongue back down his throat and begins to rock to and fro on his cock,,,he unties her bikini top and her tits fall out,,,my wife is fucking my big cocked friend, another cock is in my wife,,,suddenly the voices in my head are interrupted by the screams of her orgasm,,,and then the grunt of his, she collapses on his chest and just lays there keeping his nut inside her. I sit there staring at them for about two minutes, then light a cigarette,,,"phew" she said,,," that was much more intense than I ever expected it would be,,,completely different from anything I've every experienced". Then she started to gyrate again, in a couple of minutes they were going at it like bunnies, after awhile he picked her up and laid her on her back, unsnapped the rest of the buttons on her skirt and threw it on the floor. For the first time I could see the total length of his cock sawing in and out of my wife,,,that's when I became aware that I had the stiffest hardon I've ever had in my life. She came again,,,then again, and finally she got to a point of constant orgasm, every stroke had her thrashing around like some bird in the road that a car just passed over, then he arched his back and buried himself deep in her, she sunk her fingernails into his butt and they came together one more time, then collapsed. After a few minutes he caught his breath and pulled out of her, her pussy was agape and covered in a white froth from his first nut, and his second one was running out of her. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom,,,he looked at me and said "thanx man, I've wanted to do that since you first introduced me to her",,,then she came galloping into the living room, sat next to him and lit another joint,,,I knew what that meant. Once we finished smoking, she said she wanted to suck me off while he fucked her doggie, and that's exactly what we did, and again he came inside my wife's unprotected pussy and remained inside her till he was soft. She was totally fucked out, and more satisfied than I'd ever seen her, she said "honey,,,you know going back to the way things were would be like a cut in pay right"? Long story short, we're a threesome now, Winston moved in the following weekend, once we're in the house nobody wears any clothes, we live a life of pure hedonism,,,and yes, I've sucked his cock, she likes me to suck him hard for her, so she sucks me while I'm doing it, kinda like a motivation, I let her think that, but not only would I suck his cock without her doing that, but I sucked it on a regular basis when she's not around and we'd be smoking, he'd whip it out and give me a little nod in it's direction,,,all good things come to an end, I switched jobs, and he moved home to Virginia. That's okay, cause Mary was always on the prowl.
Fun to read. We loved it.
Great stories. Loved your vids back in the day. Like your hubby, I think you looked better when you were a little older (milf?) and fuller. Do you still have the knockout legs?
Great stories. Loved your vids back in the day. Like your hubby, I think you looked better when you were a little older (milf?) and fuller. Do you still have the knockout legs?
The legs, the belly, the ass and the pussy are all doing great,,,tits went south though, a little deflated,,,my hub spends most of his time with his face buried between my legs anyway,,,LOL
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

La vidéo s'est ouverte avec Shawn et une jolie MILF debout dans une chambre de motel, ils se sont rapprochés et se sont embrassés, suivis de quelques baisers. La femme portait une robe d'été comme vous le verriez sur n'importe quelle femme au foyer, alors qu'ils s'embrassent et commencent à se caresser, le mari entre en vue de la caméra derrière sa femme, prend les bretelles de sa robe, tire eux sur le côté et abaisse toute la robe sur le sol ,,, elle était totalement nue, Shawn a passé sa chemise sur sa tête et l'a jetée sur une chaise et ils sont retournés à l'étreinte et à s'embrasser. Ensuite, le mari est allé vers Shawn et a débouclé ******* pantalon et l'a abaissé pour lui, l'a placé sur la chaise et est revenu, s'est mis à genoux et a saisi les côtés de ******* boxer et l'a fait glisser vers le bas, exposant la beauté massive non coupée de Shawn. , les a jetés vers la chaise, puis a emménagé et a commencé à sucer la bite de Shawn, tandis que sa femme et Shawn ne manquaient pas un battement dans leur baiser. Mon hub était assis là avec le joint dans sa main et ses yeux transpercés sur l'écran ,,, Shawn a dit ,,, "vous allez passer cet homme" ,,, puis il a reculé et a passé le joint. Nous devenions tous agités, et il y avait des soupirs occasionnels et une respiration lourde, c'est alors que j'ai jeté un coup d'œil vers le bas et j'ai vu environ 4 pouces de la bite de Shawn sortir de la jambe de ******* short, mon moyeu l'a capté aussi, je savais à quoi il ressemblait donc je devais simplement voir qu'il était là pour m'exciter, mais mon hub ne l'avait jamais vu ,,, ******* regard s'attarda quelque peu. Cela ne passa pas inaperçu de Shawn ,,, il baissa les yeux puis releva la tête, s'assurant qu'il était clair qu'il savait ce que mon hub regardait. Pendant un moment, nous avons regardé l'écran, mais tout le monde a continué à regarder à tour de rôle, puis du coin de l'œil j'ai vu Shawn prendre la main droite de mon mari et la placer sur sa bite, mon mari l'a gardée là. Bientôt, je sentis la main de Shawn sur ma cuisse ,, je portais moi aussi une robe d'été, sans rien en dessous. Le short de Shawn limitait la quantité de sa bite disponible pour mon moyeu, alors en un mouvement rapide il a cambré ******* dos et les a glissé. Voyant sa bite dans toute sa gloire, mon moyeu a soupiré, les doigts de Shawn ont trouvé ma chatte trempée et il a commencé à les faire tourbillonner autour de mon clitoris, il a mis ******* bras derrière mon moyeu et l'a poussé vers le bas, John a pris sa bite dans sa bouche et a commencé à sucer ,,, Shawn m'a regardé, m'a montré ce sourire tueur, puis a enfoncé sa langue dans ma gorge. Après un moment de caresses intenses, Shawn a rompu notre baiser et a regardé John et a demandé ce qu'il pensait de sa bite. Mon hub a dit que c'était très impressionnant. Shawn a dit "aimeriez-vous le voir chez votre femme"? Je suis intervenu et j'ai dit "Oui, oui il le ferait". Ils ont tous deux ri de mon attitude de prise en charge ,,, Shawn a dit "pourquoi ne pas enlever la robe de votre femme"? John a enlevé ma robe et je me suis allongé à plat sur le dos ,,, "écarte ses jambes pour moi John" ,,, Shawn s'est déplacé entre mes cuisses que mon moyeu s'ouvrait pour lui ,,, "maintenant prends ma bite et ma ligne ça pour moi ",,, et c'est exactement ce que John a fait, frottant la tête dans le jus de mon ouverture. Shawn lui a dit "si je baise ta femme, je ne me retire pas tant que je ne jouirai pas en elle", qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse ", j'ai besoin que tu le dises pour qu'il n'y ait pas de problème de communication". John était agenouillé à côté de moi, sa bite sortait tout droit, quand Shawn a dit ça, je l'ai vu palpiter plusieurs fois dans un mouvement ascendant, oh mon dieu, s'il te plaît, baise ma femme et jouis en elle. Et c'est exactement ce que Shawn a fait, et a continué à faire plusieurs fois par mois pendant près d'un an. Finalement, il a été promu chef cuisinier à un autre endroit, trop loin pour se déplacer, il a donc dû déménager, mettant fin à cette situation particulière, mais cela nous a transformés en une relation cocu extrême à part entière.

La fin
what a story it's always exciting to see white husbands submit like that to their wives and their bulls
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wife's dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.

The End
Bet you visit from time to time, right?
Have always loved your stuff. You are an iconic slutwife in the very best meaning of the term.

Cherry Blossom Trail played a big part in our life but in a very small way. I was on a TAD trip to that part of the world for some reason, maybe to the Navy station there or maybe a side trip from Cape Canaveral, don't remember. It was '73. Dropped in to an ABS there and for the first time stumbled on Swing Magazines. I bought 2 or 3 of them. When I got home to Connecticut, the wife and I absorbed them. It was the answer to our prayers. We had been trying to connect with others for bedroom play and the magazines were the answer. By Christmas that year we had met our first couple and started a 32 year run of awesome secret fun.
Yeah,,,the naval station there (sub school), is pretty prominent,,,we did the same thing with “Connexion” magazine, which was nothing but black and white photos and some text about what the women, couples, and bulls were looking for in your area. It was Orange Blossom Trail BTW, LOL
Yeah,,,the naval station there (sub school), is pretty prominent,,,we did the same thing with “Connexion” magazine, which was nothing but black and white photos and some text about what the women, couples, and bulls were looking for in your area. It was Orange Blossom Trail BTW, LOL
Silly me. I knew that. Brain fart. We advertised mostly in 'Select' but also had ads in a couple other mags. Found 'Florida Swinging Modern' when we moved to Jax in the late 70's. Wife was even featured in FSM one time in the mid 80's. We had to put the brakes on about that time, though, because of AIDS.
Back when I lived in Orlando, everything that was anything was on the "Trail",,,Orange Blossom Trail that is, Highway 441,,,you had Topless clubs

like the Dollhouse, Pure Platinum, the Mousetrap,,,which had girls scantily dressed outside the club beckoning customers in, plus the XXX

Cinema, the Fairvilla XXX theater, and enough arcades that there was always an alternative place to go. In other words, an honest to goodness

"Strip". One night we went into "Henry's" the most established of them all,,,inside on the other side of a glory hole,,,I came across Big John.

Big John had close to ten inches, which is a treat when you consider you lose something with the wall in the way, I still had more than enough.

The enjoyment I derive from sucking a new cock, one bigger than hub's, plus it being black, can usually get me all worked up so I can go home

and screw my hub's brains out. But tonight was different, all the time I was sucking Big John I was imagining what this cock would feel like

inside me, when it came in my mouth I could feel it pulsating strongly,,,I wanted to feel that inside me,,,so I told John to make it happen.

While I made believe I was browsing movie titles, John approached him to feel him out. We only bring friends back to our house, so we needed a

motel,,,unfortunately Orange County had just issued a new law (get a load of this), in an attempt to stifle *******, they made it illegal

for motels to rent you a room if you were a local. I couldn't believe they could get away with that, what about guys whose wife just through

them out, what about having your house remodeled? Whatever,,,that's not the crux of the story, the main take away is I wanted this guy inside

me and we couldn't go to his house (probably married). Then we noticed the "Private Dancer" room wasn't locked,,,and we hadn't seen any dancers

walking around this night in their usual G-strings and pasties,,,so we all slipped in and locked the door. We immediately all got naked, I had

learned from the past to keep my camera in my purse (one of those Kodak 110 Insta- something or other), my hub grabbed it and sadly announced

he only had eight pix left. Well,,,that was a shame, but it wasn't like I was gonna kiss off feeling that big dick cum inside me just because

we didn't have film, so we just went with it.The first thing I did was hold his dick and rub it against my clit, no longer having a wall

between us allowed me to appreciate his total length, usually when I rub a dick on my clit I can't actually see it cause our bodies are too

close, with Big John I had all the room I needed (and then some), to be able to look it over. Nothing can describe my joy and anticipation

better than the smile on my face,,,I instantly dropped to my knees to get him ready. Once he was hard enough I laid on the chair, spread my

legs, and offered my husband's pussy to him.

He promptly slid in to the hilt bareback (the way I like it), and began to fuck me senseless,,,after a while he turned me over to do me doggie

where he pumped me till he busted a nut in me. My hub asked him to drape his cock along the crack of my ass so he could get one last pic of it

before he ran out of film.

After that it was my hub's turn, he wasted no time taking Big Johns place, not wanting any of his load to ooze out before he got to experience

sliding into me and feeling his warm nut surround his dick,,,all the while hub was fucking me, Big John was fucking his face. I had no idea

what was going on because I was face down in the chair,,,when my hub started to cum I heard Big John groaning, that's when I turned my head to

see he was also cumming,,,in my hub's mouth. My hub knelt there grinding his dick into me while he cleaned and swallowed Big John's load. Then

we all stood up and began to get dressed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, then quite,,,then we heard a key in the door, it sprung open

and standing there was a "Private Dancer",,,"I knew it" she hollered,,,"get the fuck outta there",,,she stood in the doorway as we hustled out

of it as we finished buttoning and zipping up our clothes. As we headed for the door she was screaming for the manager who by now everyone knew

his name was George,,,meanwhile as we scurried through the shop towards the exit about fifteen or twenty guy's cheered us. Needless to say we

were banned from Henry's, but the Mousetrap was just across the street and up the road a bit, and there were many others to choose from, and we

were just getting started, we had no idea the lifelong adventures that awaited us. Little by little the powers that be began cracking down in

an attempt to keep Orlando family friendly. I told you about the motels, they also removed all the doors on the video booths, started taking

down license plate numbers in the local park and we witnessed people being carted off in handcuffs. Around this time they busted Pee Wee

Herman wanking in a theater. We were pretty much done with Orlando and moved to Portland. Imagine my surprise when I checked out my first Portland Glory Hole,,,not

only did they have nice modern booths, but instead of splintery holes made with a saw, there were holes with plastic escutcheons surrounding

them, some elongated to account for height. That's when I decided to start making Glory Hole videos,,,which soon after was copied by everybody

with a camera or a website,,,we laughed our ass off when we saw it referenced in the TV show "The Shield",,,it had actually become

mainstream,,,and I started it all.
Damn that is hot love to join your adventures so hot!
All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them.

This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of pre-cum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.

This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the breakroom, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hednistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similiar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapdes my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this new thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.

The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.

It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 inch TV and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,

The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wife's dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.

The End
Great story.... Very hot! Definitely got me wet. . . I wouldn't say my hub was a cuckold, but he had tendencies