" I have a question for all of you regarding being exposed to this underground world of debauchery and unfathomable sexperiences"

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Real Person
Gold Member
I've been pretty much converted to a Dynamic DICK Devil by being introduced and exposed to sextivities out of my norm. I was once a guy who only stuck with one female at a time and even when I had other females who sought after me I wouldn't budge, because of morals and the way I was brought up.

There's a reason why I became extremely perverted as a baby and very promiscuous after I lost my virginity at 14. I won't go into those very personal details but my first experience with a grown woman was when I was a young. I was 15 or 16 and she used to suck my dick all of the time. As I got older, before I even hit 20 I was having sex with different sisters, cousins and their groups of friends (yes I was Male whore for quite some time) It kind of blew my mind because I didn't know how to view this. I was stuck between my morals and my sense of sexual gratification.

Entering my 20's I seen and done things that most people would feel is immoral and questionable (no not with any males but with males tag teaming other females) like ..peoples moms would try me and I felt so..wierd about it because my sexual thoughts about them were private. It was like they could read my mind and I didnt know how to feel about that. Living in California, New Yawk, Down South and even further north, experiencing different peoples logic and reasoning on life and happiness made me open up more.

I never thought in all the years of my life that I'd be converted into " The lifestyle ". All thanks to some some sex troupes, BDSMz and some amazing throat wrestlers who would share me with other females like a mini buffet platter.

When guys would send their wives/girlfriends at me in public places, as they watched from afar, I would be nervous as all HELL!! I didn't want no issues, especially when I was with a person I was dating in those places (they were always in the bathroom or outside somewhere no where to witness this). So as much as it was terrifying for me it was exhilarating at the same time! Another wave and rush of new born excitement! So my sex with wives and girlfriends began.

Entering my late 20's to early 30's things got a bit more weird for me because I've never ever remotely thought of doing anything with a mom and a ******* separately in any shape or form. Even when the specific porn, with that activity was being shown, I thought this is beyond insane!! What is going on in this world? Get the fuck outta hea wit dat *******! Until it happened to me out of the blue. Now mind you I was no longer dating her and she was engaged to be married but still sucking and fucking me. Until her mom got involved and surprised me out of the blue and snatched me away to play with her and her friends.

So my question to you all is " Am I wrong for being suaded into that type of activity with a new type of act which involves both together?" Is there a line that shouldn't be crossed when these type of things are invoked across my path or even forcibly? When they're all adults much past the ages of 27? Please be completely blunt and candid. I want to know your genuine feelings about this because I'm in limbo and on the way to being fully desensitized. And I honestly don't know what to do because I give in to the desires of my extremely high sex drive and fantasies that cum to life.

Thank you all I appreciate your thoughts and comments.

IMG_20190214_161842.jpgYummy Fuckslut.german bunny.jpg NOTE: Pics are of 2 different females (first photo is of female I either fucked or wants to fuck me & second photo is the mouth of an annoying throat wrestler who I no longer want to deal with in any shape or form. Toxic bitches are a one to few times usage slutfuck package deal ONLY! While supplies last?)Yummy Fuckslut.german bunny.jpgYummy Fuckslut.german bunny.jpgIMG_20190214_161842.jpg
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I wouldn't believe everything or even half of everything posted. There are a lot of private agendas in these discussions. Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to read the minds of those posting some of the crap that's post here.
I'm a firm believer in keeping everything on the table, no hidden agendas, treating everyone respectfully, fulfilling the other's experiences with you, etc. Take time to get to know your contacts, and develop a friendship out of it. Drop the cuck, slut, bull bullshit and actually "enjoy" the experience. This really shouldn't be about getting that BBC, or that white pussy, or emasculating the husband ... that ******* eventually wears thin.
Treat people the way you wish to be treated, and when its not working the way you desire, speak up and don't be afraid to call it quits and nicely move on.
I wouldn't believe everything or even half of everything posted. There are a lot of private agendas in these discussions. Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to read the minds of those posting some of the crap that's post here.
I'm a firm believer in keeping everything on the table, no hidden agendas, treating everyone respectfully, fulfilling the other's experiences with you, etc. Take time to get to know your contacts, and develop a friendship out of it. Drop the cuck, slut, bull bullshit and actually "enjoy" the experience. This really shouldn't be about getting that BBC, or that white pussy, or emasculating the husband ... that ******* eventually wears thin.
Treat people the way you wish to be treated, and when its not working the way you desire, speak up and don't be afraid to call it quits and nicely move on.

How about being very direct and say what it is that's on your mind since this is my very real offline post. If I hadn't injured my leg the first time, I wouldn't have been curious, nor found the need for online activity. Something I seen my very able body friend do while he stayed home evading the authorities. And social media and sites like this have piqued my curiosity for over 10 years on and off. You've actually been on this site for 10 years+. Most of the females I've met in my life were offline be it single, attached or married. I've done plenty of risky things that would get me in some deep trouble. Things that's okay on this site without the dangerous risk factor. Don't know what your goal is on here but trying to give me a lecture on a world I was manipulated into isn't it. I love sex with different women of different ethnicities.

Theres no agenda here. Just the Facts of life, in MY WORLD!?If you have yet to experience what it is I've experienced, you don't have any room to speak upon it! You can advocate and be a spokesperson for those in your aforementioned list of do's and don'ts. The ones who like to be called sluts, treated like whores, and so on and so forth are entitled to do such! It's what they want and will tell you to do it. While still having a healthy cordial relationship established.

I don't disagree with some of what you stated but as I stated before, it is the choices of the individuals made and not for me or you to say. " You come as you are and you are as you CUM ". ?

Get it together mate. This is sex, not everyday normal, out the scope of debauchery interactions. You can't read anyone's mind here. So you can find another target with your implications that fit your perception. ????✌??
My man. You have a gift. It is a good thing that you are sharing it. If my beautiful wife was ever lucky enough to experience that big cock of yours, I could only thank you for giving her such pleasure. Keep up the good “work”!

Thank you my good man. I appreciate your generosity with the idea of sharing your wife. As much it's exhilarating offline, running into some hottie with a wedding ring and potential getting caught by the husband , this is at least safer and the understanding between all parties is transparent. All I was trying to see if I was crossing the line by having sexventures with a mom and ******* who are clearly of age past 25! Both doing something wrong in retrospect but indulging on their sexual impulses. While I'm stuck in the middle. As well as being invited into another situation, that's similar but with all parties present. That is all.

Note: once again the moderators keep altering my posts by changing or deleting words to make me seem capable of errors. Especially in my wording. That's just sad. Well, got to re-edit it once more for the 28th or thirty something time. It put baby, they put baby and so forth! Smh this is crazy!
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Don't know what your goal is on here but trying to give me a lecture on a world I was manipulated into isn't it. I love sex with different women of different ethnicities.

Sorry, BobbyLongKong (lol) for it sounding like I was 'lecturing you' ... you asked the questions, I responded, that's all. But, it appears the 'lecturing' seems to be coming from you, not me. I put a few sentences together to respond, you put a few paragraphs together expressing how you didn't like the response I gave. Sometimes is just better if one doesn't ask the questions if they're gonna challenge the response they get back. So, the only suggestion I have is "maybe consider switching to decaf, man".

Have a great day, Mr LongKong! gif_StickMan02.gif
Sorry, BobbyLongKong (lol) for it sounding like I was 'lecturing you' ... you asked the questions, I responded, that's all. But, it appears the 'lecturing' seems to be coming from you, not me. I put a few sentences together to respond, you put a few paragraphs together expressing how you didn't like the response I gave. Sometimes is just better if one doesn't ask the questions if they're gonna challenge the response they get back. So, the only suggestion I have is "maybe consider switching to decaf, man".

Have a great day, Mr LongKong! View attachment 2568612

Hahahahaha! I'm humored. I guess I was inadvertantly returning the favor. And if 8 to 10 sentences is considered a few sentences, " strung together ", and not a paragraph, then my essay is but a mere quote! Lol! Your response wasn't clear and you weren't being direct. You never gave me any response as to your insight on my dilemma in regards to taboo topics on this specific site.

And I'll stick to caffeinated and protein shakes, thanks. Lol! Considering how busy my life is and how much I have to make up for time at the gym. I applaud you on your wit, sarcasm and humor (as well as that swing ding emoji hahahahaha!!)!

Have a pleasant day as well mate. ✌??
There was an American astronaut who walked on the moon. Can you imagine walking on the lunar surface and hitting golf balls there and investigating and inquiring as to the surface? He literally walked on the moon.

And yet this particular astronaut that I'm thinking of, when he came back down to earth, he was never able to really walk effectively on earth. He became an alcoholic. His family was broken apart. And while he walked on the moon and scaled the heights of human glory, he was never able to translate it to a daily way of life.

Time is passing. I don’t know about you, but because of the rush of our days, it seems like it’s moving faster than ever before. And here’s the thing about playing the game of life: you can’t call time out! You can’t really drop out.

Someone said life is like a coin; you can spend it however you wish, but you can spend it only once. It’s true. There are no do-overs for your days. Once you live your day, it’s done. There are no mulligans in life, just days.

When you only have one life to live, every day matters! Every day! And it’s not just about counting your days but making your days count.

Life is so daily. And you can have a good day and add up enough good days in your life that you have a great life. How do we do that? How do we make our time meaningful?

In the game of life, you can sometimes be your own worst enemy. And your conscience can attack you.

Do you feel badly about your past? Are you haunted by the ghost of guilt? Sometimes, do you just feel like a loser? It’s pretty easy to get down on yourself when you focus on your own failures, frustrations, and inadequacies.

But if you spend your life looking at past defeats and mistakes, you won’t be able to live today. When you are constantly looking at instant replay, you can’t enjoy the victory that you can have in Christ for today and tomorrow.

How far you go in life will be greatly determined by your attitude. Certainly, you change your attitude and you can change your life.
Dude i say go for it personally...I've been there and did it. It's rare and a gift from the fucking goddess. If it's okay with them go for it!!
Not at home now and pic is on the comp...will add it later.
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