I’m curious about having my wife seduced but not know I’m setting it up.

i really can't see this ever ending well for a cuck - it's an enormous breach of her trust. And once trust is gone, everything else tends to fall away too.
i think it's a much better idea to just get her on board.
I agree with you

This was the first time I had been asked to do this by a guy and so I didnt realize what I was walking into. So when it blew up in the cuckolds face - I guess you learn your lesson. I will never do this again, but I have been asked multiple times by guys to hit on their gfs or wives without them knowing and I just back away. Its a red flag for me at this point.

I do not shame betas, subs or cuckolds. but if you have ZERO respect for your gf/wife to tell her your true fantasies - then I dont want any part of your toxic male energy. And yes, beta cuckolds can be 100% TOXIC when they do back-handed and conniving crap like this.
I agree with you

This was the first time I had been asked to do this by a guy and so I didnt realize what I was walking into. So when it blew up in the cuckolds face - I guess you learn your lesson. I will never do this again, but I have been asked multiple times by guys to hit on their gfs or wives without them knowing and I just back away. Its a red flag for me at this point.

I do not shame betas, subs or cuckolds. but if you have ZERO respect for your gf/wife to tell her your true fantasies - then I dont want any part of your toxic male energy. And yes, beta cuckolds can be 100% TOXIC when they do back-handed and conniving crap like this.
With all of that said, what do you think would happen if a chance encounter happened in a way like I have laid out? Does she think or know other men find her sexy? If a wife doesn’t think that I think a chance encounter with a good looking, interested, flirtatious black guy would be a pretty effective aphrodisiac. At least for my wife. Thoughts?
I think in those circumstances, she would be very open to flirting with someone who found her interesting. She is very switched on, and can easily identify a creepy guy and discard him, but intelligent conversation would turn her on, I think. Would she take it further?? Well if she liked the guy and had my full support, maybe she would. But that's a big maybe!
She knows my fantasy fully well, and lets me talk about during our sex. I've even noticed her Pussy gets very creamy when I talk about her with another Man, but still she says no..
So if the wife knew, and was well apprised of her husband’s IR cuckold fantasy, but he wanted to arrange a chance meeting where a good looking black guy flirted with his sexy wife, no pressure, no obligations, just him showing natural attraction to a shy wife who doesn’t believe men find her sexy, that would still be a “pass” from your point of view? The first guy who engaged you, I think he really blew it. Didn’t come clean with his wife about his desires/fantasy, then made up this story of an old friend he just happened to get back in touch with, then has you text her? Reeks of a set up. Not natural, but instead ******, deceitful. Basically that approach would have required much different steps and Oscar worthy acting to pull off effectively.

My wife’s true desires are deeply buried under decades of Catholic indoctrination and the influence of being raised by strict parents who never talked sex. My wife has come a long way, but it was always progress that came about because I pushed her out of her comfort zone. If I never pushed our sex life would be horrible, for both of us, and we likely would have divorced many years ago (been married over 20 years). Our sex life is so much better now than it ever has been, even by her own admission, but she needs to have some adult beverages to really loosen up. Everything about this chance encounter “set up” requires things I believe make it ethical:

1) I need to find a cool black guy who fully understands the situation. He knows it’s not a sure thing but also knows this is the only way. If I gave up after she said no to various sexual things, toys, scenarios again I would have been divorced a long time ago and she would never have experienced the enhanced pleasure she now routinely enjoys.

2) One of my wife’s biggest challenges is that she believes other men, besides me, don’t find her sexy. I know she is and know how well she stacks up to other wives men are hooking up with on here. Hell each of her photos, before the admins took them down 2 years ago, had at least 100 likes with one having close to 270. And boy the comments black men left were scorching hot. So my second requirement would be that the guy has a natural, sincere sexual attraction to her, not just “looks like a fun, tight hole to fuck.” I would share pictures privately and insist the guy be totally honest about his level of attraction to her. Ethically I’d feel like ******* if the guy didn’t lust after her and was just looking to put another notch in his belt.

3) Lastly and most importantly, the whole idea of a chance meet up is to give her options that are entirely up to her. She has final say on what if anything she might want to do. I don’t push her, nor does the other guy. Some adult beverages fine but not too many where her judgment is impaired. Part of what I hope to get out of sex therapy with her, is for her to express her true sexual desires without needing to have adult beverages first.

you ask some good questions and you raise some good points.

so here's my advice from all the experience I have. I think you are in a good situation, so just make sure you want to go further with it. If your wife is as shy as you say she is - then she is not ready for what you are proposing.

There is no such thing as a "chance" encounter, which means you would be tricking your wife. So here are 2 suggestions:
1. Tell your wife that you and she are going to meet someone for drinks
2. Organize a meet up. with multiple men - think a social party like the Millionaire Matchmaker does on that TV show - and your wife can talk to and flirt with whoever she wants.

I have done both scenarios. It really depends on your wife's personality.
In my experience shy women prefer option 2 because there is no spotlight on them. There is a group of people and if she doesn't want to talk to someone, there's other people for them to talk to.

I have a lot of experience with women similar to your wife. I fully understand the religious background issues and repression.
I've helped many women overcome those issues - very similar to what you have done with your wife. It just seems the missing piece you don't have is how to help your wife UNLOCK her true sexual potential. Thats just something Ive always been good at doing. Women reveal secrets to me they don't tell anyone else. There's no real formula to it - which is why I can't teach anyone else how to do it.

But what I will say is women really love talking to me, so if you listen really well, they tell you exactly what buttons to push.
you ask some good questions and you raise some good points.

so here's my advice from all the experience I have. I think you are in a good situation, so just make sure you want to go further with it. If your wife is as shy as you say she is - then she is not ready for what you are proposing.

There is no such thing as a "chance" encounter, which means you would be tricking your wife. So here are 2 suggestions:
1. Tell your wife that you and she are going to meet someone for drinks
2. Organize a meet up. with multiple men - think a social party like the Millionaire Matchmaker does on that TV show - and your wife can talk to and flirt with whoever she wants.

I have done both scenarios. It really depends on your wife's personality.
In my experience shy women prefer option 2 because there is no spotlight on them. There is a group of people and if she doesn't want to talk to someone, there's other people for them to talk to.

I have a lot of experience with women similar to your wife. I fully understand the religious background issues and repression.
I've helped many women overcome those issues - very similar to what you have done with your wife. It just seems the missing piece you don't have is how to help your wife UNLOCK her true sexual potential. Thats just something Ive always been good at doing. Women reveal secrets to me they don't tell anyone else. There's no real formula to it - which is why I can't teach anyone else how to do it.

But what I will say is women really love talking to me, so if you listen really well, they tell you exactly what buttons to push.
Sounds realistic - it s a pitty that we are so far .
Guess to set up without her knowledge is a hot idea but in reality it needs a " real bull" otherwise it will destroy your marriage .
Sounds realistic - it s a pitty that we are so far .
Guess to set up without her knowledge is a hot idea but in reality it needs a " real bull" otherwise it will destroy your marriage .

the reason I only allow verified profiles to contact me is because too many men on this site are ONLY interested in "fantasy" scenarios and don't want to or don't seem to care about reality. And that's a red flag for me. If you have a gf or a wife, and you aren't putting her needs and safety first, then what do you think my impression of you "as a man" will be?

I see too many posts on this site and others where men "post" ridiculous ideas about their female partners. Those posts show people's true colors and its not good. A real man puts his gf or wife first. A POS only thinks about himself and his fantasies.

If more cuckolds, submissive and beta men stopped fantasizing and started LIVING their truth--they would fulfill more dreams and desires. In my extensive experience women like to feel needed and wanted. If their partner, someone they love and respect is saying, it would make me happy if you fucked another guy - your woman will be shocked at first (society has conditioned women to HATE sex) but she is going to want to hear "why?" Why do you want me to go against society?

Stop thinking about the sex, and start thinking about the reality. Why do you want this?
And "it's hot" is not an answer. For guys that give that answer, "what are you 5?"

For anyone in the NY/PA/NJ area - you should try and connect with

I would consider him the "King" of this lifestyle in that area. I am trying to organize groups, parties and events here in the West.
CA/AZ/Las Vegas

So if you're in those areas, just hit follow and maybe we can turn this into a more viable option for women in reality.

Just FYI - I used to run happy hours for singles to meet in Manhattan for 3 years before covid. We had a kink group, a BBC group and also a cuckolding group. It was a lot of fun and my parties always had a lot of women attending, in fact, that was the complaint, "not enough guys."
Well said , it s true . She need to be in the focus - otherwise she would only be an object to fulfil his phantasy .
As my wife did nt talk about sex ,it s difficult to say . but as husband i know some of her desires . e.g. she like to be treatened more rough . ( asking to bite her nipples , bite her pussy ) ; she s not into soft touching and long forplay ; or even slow motion fucking . ( ask for harder ,faster,deeper; spread my ass,slap my ass)
As a leading manager she has to be tough - so in bedroom she enjoy the oposite .
She like younger fit guys . i am 12 years older .
And some other small things .
But with 44 her selfconfidence about her body is become very low plus asian society is more conservative .
We only play together whether I join in or not is up to her. Playing without me is cheating and neither of us would accept that. Some don't want to do that, oh well dems the rules, move on. I enjoy watching as well as joining.
the reason I only allow verified profiles to contact me is because too many men on this site are ONLY interested in "fantasy" scenarios and don't want to or don't seem to care about reality. And that's a red flag for me. If you have a gf or a wife, and you aren't putting her needs and safety first, then what do you think my impression of you "as a man" will be?

I see too many posts on this site and others where men "post" ridiculous ideas about their female partners. Those posts show people's true colors and its not good. A real man puts his gf or wife first. A POS only thinks about himself and his fantasies.

If more cuckolds, submissive and beta men stopped fantasizing and started LIVING their truth--they would fulfill more dreams and desires. In my extensive experience women like to feel needed and wanted. If their partner, someone they love and respect is saying, it would make me happy if you fucked another guy - your woman will be shocked at first (society has conditioned women to HATE sex) but she is going to want to hear "why?" Why do you want me to go against society?

Stop thinking about the sex, and start thinking about the reality. Why do you want this?
And "it's hot" is not an answer. For guys that give that answer, "what are you 5?"

For anyone in the NY/PA/NJ area - you should try and connect with

I would consider him the "King" of this lifestyle in that area. I am trying to organize groups, parties and events here in the West.
CA/AZ/Las Vegas

So if you're in those areas, just hit follow and maybe we can turn this into a more viable option for women in reality.

Just FYI - I used to run happy hours for singles to meet in Manhattan for 3 years before covid. We had a kink group, a BBC group and also a cuckolding group. It was a lot of fun and my parties always had a lot of women attending, in fact, that was the complaint, "not enough guys."
Loosing face is a big fear for her . she would not trust a chinese guy . is she into black guys ?- half half i would say - some of the black guys in china did nt have a good behavior . ( to offence in public ). For her it needs a gentleman until the bedroom door is closed .

For me a threesome in which two guys please her would be perfect .
It may brings back her confidence
Loosing face is a big fear for her . she would not trust a chinese guy . is she into black guys ?- half half i would say - some of the black guys in china did nt have a good behavior . ( to offence in public ). For her it needs a gentleman until the bedroom door is closed .

For me a threesome in which two guys please her would be perfect .
It may brings back her confidence
well put, she wants to have 2 guys together as I put it an oreo situation she/ I would enjoy it very much.
I don’t think I am making my point. My wife, unless there is some momentous break through in sex therapy, will never take affirmative steps towards anything remotely non-vanilla. That would be admitting she has lustful wants, desires, etc. that she has been taught to ignore, shun and reject throughout her life. She was outwardly angry, disgusted, repulsed etc when I introduced a vibrator to our play. If I took her at her initial word instead of persisting it would have NEVER happened and that’s countless orgasms she would have missed out on over the years. You think a woman with that many hang ups is going to be, “oh you want us to meet with a man or men who want to fuck me, and I just choose one? Fantastic, let’s do this!” There are many strategies that may fail, but that one is a guaranteed fail 100% of the time.

When I was in college my GF had a friend who was Catholic. “Good Catholic” girl. She would go to events, get *******, and hook up with this guy I knew. They would fuck she would complain to my GF that he “took advantage” of her. My GF would bitch at me that I needed to keep him away from her. But next time, she gets *******, seeks him out, rinse and repeat. My GF kept bitching to me until the next event when she herself tried to get her friend to not go with her ******* fuck buddy but that’s what she wanted. She STILL tried to claim the next day that the guy took advantage of her but my GF tried everything besides wrestling her to the ground to keep her away from that guy. She told her friend to stop BSing, she clearly wanted to fuck and being ******* was her excuse to claim it’s not what she really wanted. Put a rift in their friendship that’s how deep her denial and Catholic guilt was.

Anyway, the point is, some women with repressed sexual desires want to explore those but not own that they want to explore those. It’s why my wife when we are away from home and has some adult beverages is hot, and horny and wild. It’s why my wife when she is around other guys gets a whole new energy, playfulness and giddiness like an excited schoolgirl. I think she hopes something happens and she has something to pin it on later… like “I didn’t want to but had some beverages, the guy was insistent, one thing led to another….” That’s entirely different than, “ok let’s meet a guy or guys and I’ll choose someone to fuck who’s not my husband.”

Is this for my fantasy? Sure. But every step of the way has also been about her pleasure. I get off on her getting off. I’m big into compersion. When we were in couples counseling many years ago our counselor asked me, “if she lived out your fantasy and wasn’t enjoying the sex, would you still be turned on by it?” Before I could get a word out my wife blurted out, “Of course he would be turned on he would be getting his fantasy!” But then I replied, “no, absolutely not! That would be absolutely horrible. My whole fantasy is about her having incredible sexual pleasure. If she was not enjoying it, I can’t think of much else that would be worse.”

The vibrator? It does nothing for me but brings her much pleasure. It would be awful if the sex talk and role play and thought of her fucking a well hung black guy repulsed her. But it doesn’t. When she gets past her inhibitions she gets really turned on by it.

I doubt anything I said above changed your mind and that’s ok. It just means that you wouldn’t be the right guy to help me. Her true inner sexual self needs to be unleashed but a direct approach that puts her on the hook for owning it, isn’t going to get there.

As for “tricking her?” I wouldn’t even set up a guy who wasn’t really physically attracted to her. The attraction is real so that’s not a trick. I’m just creating an opportunity to have a guy that is sexually attracted to her, show that attraction to her then she can decide what if anything will happen.
I think your initial instinct was correct -- you didnt fully explain the situation to me, so my advice was based on the limited info you gave.

first of all - I am not "applying" for the position. I was a little taken aback and just bemused by your notion that I have any interest in this scenario. I was simply trying to be helpful. Maybe that puts your mind at ease, that Im trying to be a neutral 3rd party, therefore whatever I have to say does not personally benefit me.

I can tell that you know your wife very well. But it sounds like your wife is wrestling inside her own mind, which means you need a man that has a very high IQ, but also a background in behavioral psychology, because your wife's childhood trauma and repression is not going to be easy to overcome. I would fully expect if I met your wife, that I would probably trigger a deep seeded repression. And to be quite honest, I have no idea how she would react - and more importantly, I don't think you know how she would react.

You are opening pandoras box here. I think you realize that.

From what you said, my best suggestion would be to "role play" some scenarios that are much more deeply psychologically rooted.
Right now you are just doing surface role play with her and purely physical/sexual role-play. Your wife is semi comfortable with that since she is doing it with you. And because of all the therapy and the support you have given her - she trusts you with her life. So she is more willing to do something with you. I think you know that by now.

But your wife needs to have her emotions pushed a little, so that you can have a better idea if she can even handle more that what you are doing. When I work with a newbie couple, and a woman like your wife - I basically TEST the wife emotionally and psychologically to see if she can even handle the situation before you go past the point of no return.

I get the sense that you would like it and you can handle whatever might happen.

But your wife has never really been a human being before. She is a programmed shell of a human being, acting and speaking and doing whatever she was programmed to do. I know, sounds sick and twisted, but that's basically what has happened. Normal human beings, or people that don't have their minds scrambled, do not freak out like this over situations.

rational adults can have a health conversation with their spouse---because based on everything you've told me you are a very truswothty guy, so your wife should have nothing to ever worry about. All of her fears and insecurities are just programmed into her - its not really her.

And unfortunately there is no therapist on this planet that can correct what's inside her head, because it would be completely unethical.

Your wife really needs a full "re-brainwashing" basically someone needs to clean her mind of all the CRAP that has been put in there.
Its really hurting her more than you even comprehend. She is like a prisoner inside her own brain. I feel for you and empathize with your wife, its not right what society did to her.

Please feel free to ask more questions, but I understand your situation a lot more now.
Really appreciate your thoughtful replies and patience. Sincerely.

My comments, I wasn’t conducting a candidate interview. It’s going to require hitting a real sweet spot to pull this off around where we live to find the right guy, or maybe we go on a Carribean vacation and get lucky. I was curious about your thoughts on our situation more generally to see if that changed your thoughts on whether you would engage in this kind of arrangement.

From your prior responses I thought you weren’t going deep enough to understand our dynamic, but this go around I think you may have gone too deep and from my understanding of my wife I can’t agree with your conclusions. Yes she is repressed by both her religious teachings but also by very loving but also very strict parents. Very good people. But they didn’t want their daughters to date in high school and not keen on it in college either. But her strict upbringing and sexual inhibitions are not that uncommon in our society at least for our generation and older. Inhibitions and hang ups around sex don’t make those women “empty shells” in my mind, nor are they insurmountable or some kind of sexual life sentence. I just need to push the right buttons, find the right situation and the right person to help me try to unlock this.

But she has come out of her shell quite a bit with regard to oral sex, toys, role play and sex talk (the latter two being still a bit of a challenge for her to get comfortable with) and she is far more vocal in saying what she wants. Unfortunately the MO is that she needs some adult beverages to relax. That is one of the prime goals of the sex therapy, to get her comfortable with sex and her sexual wants, desires, fantasies etc. normally without the beverages as a crutch. Another main goal is I want her to play with my mind as well as my body. I tried to explain it this way, if there were things I could whisper in her ear that would make her instantly hot and horny and wanting to rip.my clothes off and fuck me, I don’t care what those words are I would be down to whispering those in her ear in the car waiting for a stop light, in a restaurant, a movie, etc. I told her if she says the things I want to hear it would generate the same lust, desire, horniness, etc. but it doesn’t mean we have to have sex right then, just that I’d want her then and it would drive me nuts. Ultimately it would be insanely hot if she whispered something like, “Oh look at that black guy over there, I bet he has a big cock, probably much bigger than yours and I bet he’d have me screaming and cumming quickly.” Or even have her interact with the black guy in a nice and friendly way, doesn’t have to be flirting but that would be super hot.

I think my wife’s biggest fear is that I will put her in an unsafe situation to make my fantasy a reality because she knows I communicate with guys in this forum. But I have tried to tell her we have been married over 20 years, I have never put her in an unsafe situation that whole time, nor have I set her up with a black guy so shouldn’t that track record count for something? I tell her that she controls everything with respect to my fantasy. Whether she wants to do anything or not, with whom, when, where. If she doesn’t want it to happen? Guess what it will not happen, full stop.

I also, during sex therapy, want her to understand that sex and fantasy are not serious, scary things. It’s play, erotic, exhilarating, pleasurable play. We are totally anonymous on here so let’s play with anonymity being our total safety net. Post pictures and maybe short videos of her naked, with no way she can be identified. I am so bummed her pictures and all the related comments were wiped out a couple years ago. Was hoping to share those with her so she can comprehend just how sexy and desirable other men find her. I’d love to show her the video of the tribute clip a guy sent stroking his BBC to her picture. I want her to understand how safe this stuff is since there is total anonymity. I think we both are missing out on tremendous pleasure and play experiences that would offer great joy and satisfaction.

Rambled on here. Sorry.
I think your initial instinct was correct -- you didnt fully explain the situation to me, so my advice was based on the limited info you gave.

first of all - I am not "applying" for the position. I was a little taken aback and just bemused by your notion that I have any interest in this scenario. I was simply trying to be helpful. Maybe that puts your mind at ease, that Im trying to be a neutral 3rd party, therefore whatever I have to say does not personally benefit me.

I can tell that you know your wife very well. But it sounds like your wife is wrestling inside her own mind, which means you need a man that has a very high IQ, but also a background in behavioral psychology, because your wife's childhood trauma and repression is not going to be easy to overcome. I would fully expect if I met your wife, that I would probably trigger a deep seeded repression. And to be quite honest, I have no idea how she would react - and more importantly, I don't think you know how she would react.

You are opening pandoras box here. I think you realize that.

From what you said, my best suggestion would be to "role play" some scenarios that are much more deeply psychologically rooted.
Right now you are just doing surface role play with her and purely physical/sexual role-play. Your wife is semi comfortable with that since she is doing it with you. And because of all the therapy and the support you have given her - she trusts you with her life. So she is more willing to do something with you. I think you know that by now.

But your wife needs to have her emotions pushed a little, so that you can have a better idea if she can even handle more that what you are doing. When I work with a newbie couple, and a woman like your wife - I basically TEST the wife emotionally and psychologically to see if she can even handle the situation before you go past the point of no return.

I get the sense that you would like it and you can handle whatever might happen.

But your wife has never really been a human being before. She is a programmed shell of a human being, acting and speaking and doing whatever she was programmed to do. I know, sounds sick and twisted, but that's basically what has happened. Normal human beings, or people that don't have their minds scrambled, do not freak out like this over situations.

rational adults can have a health conversation with their spouse---because based on everything you've told me you are a very truswothty guy, so your wife should have nothing to ever worry about. All of her fears and insecurities are just programmed into her - its not really her.

And unfortunately there is no therapist on this planet that can correct what's inside her head, because it would be completely unethical.

Your wife really needs a full "re-brainwashing" basically someone needs to clean her mind of all the CRAP that has been put in there.
Its really hurting her more than you even comprehend. She is like a prisoner inside her own brain. I feel for you and empathize with your wife, its not right what society did to her.

Please feel free to ask more questions, but I understand your situation a lot more now.
Hello Sir. I have read some of your advice and I’d like to thank you for helping single cucks meet with wonderful ladies. How could I reach out to you for help and advise?
Thank you very much in advance Sir.