How to celebrate MLK day

@bigblackbull76 : Not being funny or sarcastic. She is far beyond black people now, doing the devils work!
lol - ok homey. You gotta cite some specific hard-concrete examples for me to go with you on that one. She still hold credibility with me. All joking aside, Selma was a dam good film and if she put money up behind it, she definitely deserves some credit and a debt of gratitude from black people. God knows Hollywood wouldn't bank-roll it cause probably no guarantee its gonna make young Mutant Turtle, Transformers, Shrek money.
[QUOTE="bigblackbull76, post: 626521, member: 52145eyeol - ok homey. You gotta cite some specific hard-concrete examples for me to go with you on that one. She still hold credibility with me.[/QUOTE]
Bill Cosby is paying the price now. Use your third eye. Instead of being a stunt prop.
Bill Cosby is paying the price now. Use your third eye. Instead of being a stunt prop.
I always use the 3rd (mind's eye) to see beyond what just lies at the physical and I never take things just on face value. So you saying she is behind whats going on with Cosby. Thats that man's past catching up to him. He was slipping chics mickeys in they drinks, alot of other dudes was probably doing it at the Playboy mansion in them 60s/70s too but they got a witch hunt out to take him down for all the others. P/M me some references for my 3rd to do some tripple optics to check this out.
I always use the 3rd (mind's eye) to see beyond what just lies at the physical and I never take things just on face value. So you saying she is behind whats going on with Cosby. Thats that man's past catching up to him. He was slipping chics mickeys in they drinks, alot of other dudes was probably doing it at the Playboy mansion too but they got a witch hunt out to take him down for all the others. P/M me some references to check out.
Your right his past catching up with him, he knew the cost of selling his soul. The messed part up part is he gave his ******* up for a sacrifice
.... Well I actually slipped in 2hrs of time in between working out and then playing with a new couple on MLK day Monday to go see Selma just because of the controversy around it I had to go see it for myself.

I thought the movie was superb beyond me not immediately identifying with the actor who portrayed MLK. I thought at first when it started oh how boring this movie is going to be but then "BOOM" the whole movie theater jumped out their seats and that woke everyone up who may have started to fall asleep like me.....

The film got 2 thumbs up from me, I enjoyed it and I would go see it again.....

In memory of MLK and the others who died in Selma- may they all R.I.P. and nay-sayers of the film may they rot in hell.

pic_ThumbsUp.jpg pic_ThankYouNote.jpg Mac
alright, i was just wondering IF any one on here was actually living during the MLK era and civil rights movements? i see a lot of movie comments, etc.
@Sabrina - I wasn't around back then where you? I didn't know much about MLK beyond what I was taught in school or saw from some documentary or a clip of him in a commercial. I went to the MLK memorial in Wash DC not long after it opened, looked at the words inscribed on the walls but nothing still ever resonated deeply within me about MLK until I saw that film. Ok, he did some speeches, 'I Have a Dream', but what else did he do? I knew probably alot but I'm a person who has to experience something first-hand (it has to pass my see, smell, hear, taste, touch tests). Well that film showed me exactly just how great of a thinker, leader, and man he was. I got a whole new found respect for what MLK did, and his life achievements thanks to that movie.

The thread was started @phoenix81 asking 'How should MLK day be spent.' I looked at the thread and didn't respond until @syscom3 brought up about if anyone goes sees Selma to know that it was inaccurate. I heard alot of conversations on the radio discussing about how the film was being challenged by people who though Pres. LBJ was portrayed incorrectly and to boycott the film.

Hence it set off a nerve with me because I thought any focus on LBJ and why the film was not worth seeing was an immature and small-minded reason to not go see a film that was much bigger and more than the 10 to 15minutes in total LBJ spent on screen. That's what sparked alot of the movie, LBJ, and voting rights discourse.

@syscom3 had mentioned that he was living during the MLK assassination and recounted what he thought and felt on that day. Overall I think this forum is healthy and a great discourse in sharing ideas and information. I was ****** to learn some good historical facts which has enriched my appreciation for the contributions of all those freedom fighters and civil rights activists as to what they sacrificed their lives for including what LBJ did.

From what everyone else on here shared and it got me to go out and see the film so I could see first hand what the fuss was about and I learned alot in the process. So Big-up to @phoenix81 for starting the forum, and @syscom3 for his challenges to the group-think, and everyone else for their contributions on this thread. It was a good way to spend MLK day too.

Tell me your thoughts, and reflections on MLK and the civil rights movement?
@Orion Pax - thats pretty funny bro but i hope your just being sarcastic.

@Dan Teal, @blkmale80; great posts bruahs, I agree with both of those well versed statements (on the LBJ parts).

@MacNfries - Mac man is like Detective Joe Friday - "Just the facts, ma'am, man." I can dig it.

Well I actually slipped in 2hrs of time in between working out and then playing with a new couple on MLK day Monday to go see Selma just because of the controversy around it I had to go see it for myself. Thanks to @syscom3 for motivating me to get off my ass and go check it out to see just how bad it was.

I thought the movie was superb beyond me not immediately identifying with the actor who portrayed MLK. I thought at first when it started oh how boring this movie is going to be but then "BOOM" the whole movie theater jumped out their seats and that woke everyone up who may have started to fall asleep like me.

The story was very powerful and gripping with the Director Ava DuVernay (not Oprah) doing a fantastic job with the cinematography, costumes, and scenery to convincingly place the audience back in that time period. You felt you were in the middle of thr struggle in Selma with the closeness of the cameras always in the center of MLK and his SLCC cohorts debating on what to do next. Oprah had maybe 3 scenes and no big speaking roles and was just a back drop in the film.

I didn't know much about the story that took place at the bridge and this really shook me to tears uncontrollably falling from my eyes. I also enjoyed how the movie covered the thinking and organizing process of MLK which is something I never really looked at before. I thought the movie did a fantastic job showing how his tactics were so effective in getting the results that caused the huge changes we all reap today. He was a cold-calculator anticipating the moves of his opponents like a Grandmaster Chess-player. I loved that.

Now on to the big controversy - LBJ. I didn't see anything wrong with how LBJ was portrayed in the film. I thought it was fair to him in that he always gave MLK a warm welcome to the Oval office and there was never any hostility, yet LBJ made it clear to MLK that he had another agenda and he wanted MLK to lead the civil rights movement and not to let the black militant radicals hijack the cause. I thought that was probably accurate of how it actually went down. And as @MacNfries had pointed out earlier, LBJ touted his war on poverty program and told MLK that was a higher priority for him than on enforcing voter rights which was left up to the states.

This dynamic portrayal of the two characters was important for the context, set-up, conflict, and drama of the film and it worked. It was also fair to LBJ in that it showed how he challenged Alamaba Governor George Wallace and those scenes actually got some of the loudest laughs from the movie attenders than any other scenes in the movie. Ol' Gov Wallace tried to talk slick with Pres LBJ but LBJ checked his ass.

The film got 2 thumbs up from me, I enjoyed it and I would go see it again. My brother saw it on the same day with his wife and told me it was "alright" and that he didn't like the actor that played MLK much either, but the actress who played Correta Scott King was a great supporting role along with President LBJ actor, Gov. George Wallace, and the young guy who played John Lewis.

Every American needs to see that movie and be reminded of what so many Blacks, and whites who they showed in the film also were beaten, murdered, and killed by other racist whites, and the KKK. So it didn't leave out the many white people who sacrificed their lives to help the cause.

I think this puts a nail on this topic - the way to have spent MLK day was go see Selma and go fuck a BlackBull, or some white pussy for racial harmony which is exactly what I did that day. There you have it.


Oh yeah and @syscom3 - that Jewish Rabbi was in the movie too. It didn't miss much but yet people always have criticisms. You can't never please everybody but the people who said to boycott the film are treasonists to what everyone in Selma sacrificed their lives for to move the needle forward in making this country live up to its tenets in the Constitution which all they ever asked for with peaceful protests and were met with such atrocious violence. The people who have said to boycott the film are saying to ignore the injury and injustice that was done all over again. They are literally missing the BIG PICTURE.

In memory of MLK and the others who died in Selma- may they all R.I.P. and nay-sayers of the film may they rot in hell.


BBB76- by Rabbi, are you referring to the man on the far left on the magazine cover? Judging from the name, that is a Greek Orthodox priest, possibly a Patriarch (the equivalent of the Pope in Eastern Orthodox faiths).
.... and why the film was not worth seeing was an immature and small-minded reason to not go see a film .....

I am an historian. I strive for accuracy and not fiction. It doesnt make me small minded at all. It's my way of demanding quality control over factual events.

I studied about the events in Selma almost 40 plus years ago. Does that count for something?
alright, i was just wondering IF any one on here was actually living during the MLK era and civil rights movements? i see a lot of movie comments, etc.

I was 8 years old when MLK was killed. Besides being called into a special school assembly, I also remember my parents fear about rioting. Fortunately, my city was spared anything unmanageable.

If you know anyone age 60 or older,ask them about the long hot summers of the late 60's.
BBB76- by Rabbi, are you referring to the man on the far left on the magazine cover? Judging from the name, that is a Greek Orthodox priest, possibly a Patriarch (the equivalent of the Pope in Eastern Orthodox faiths).
@bm_from_southjersey - lol, well I stand corrected. I thought he was a Rabbi so my bad.
And of course, we have the obligatory dick pic in this thread, because obviously there can't be a hint of intellectual discussion on this site without inserting a dick pic and some non sequitur comment.
Amen on that I had thought the same thing. But thats these horn-dogs for you.

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I am an historian. I strive for accuracy and not fiction. It doesnt make me small minded at all. It's my way of demanding quality control over factual events.

I studied about the events in Selma almost 40 plus years ago. Does that count for something?
@syscom3 - wasn't directing the comment at you per-se, but the people who have made a big stink in calling for a boycott of the film. That's the people who are missing the Big Picture and whole point of the movie. They need to get over it.

Now I don't remember you stating that you saw the movie yet so how do you know what was inaccurate? Also it is a movie, a fictional recreation of something that took place a long while ago and not a documentary with actual on-site footage, or reality-show with a play by play account in near real time.
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@syscom3 - wasn't directing the comment at you per-se, but the people who have made a big stink in calling for a boycott of the film. That's the people who are missing the Big Picture and whole point of the movie. They need to get over it.

Now I don't remember you stating that you saw the movie yet so how do you know what was inaccurate? Also it is a movie, a fictional recreation of something that took place a long while ago and not a documentary with actual on-site footage, or reality-show with a play by play account in near real time.
lol. Gotta say - and I mean no harm, you seem like an intelligent guy and have some interesting things to say - but I get halfway through a paragraph and see your dick swinging in the avatar on the left of the page and just crack up. lol. Political discussion on a porn site is just awkward and funny.
i think Anthony jackie said it best about why the film is not doing well. since August of last year, the ramping up of racial tensions, some rightly so, and some concocted has left a bad taste in the mouth of the American Public at large about racial struggle. The movie tells a story about a pivotal point in time in American History but because Oprah is involved and all the racial tension in the recent past, people just are getting fed up of black white conflict. i told one of my white friends one day that i think i fear one day that people are gonna be tired of hearing us as black people talk about ourselves as black all the time. I think my prediction is coming to fruition.
lol. Gotta say - and I mean no harm, you seem like an intelligent guy and have some interesting things to say - but I get halfway through a paragraph and see your dick swinging in the avatar on the left of the page and just crack up. lol. Political discussion on a porn site is just awkward and funny.
Ok u got me. I called out the other guy and yet my cock is out here swinging too. But don't get it twisted, this site is a social community where it goes beyond more than just porn and sex but all types of discussions involving black and white relationships in all areas of activity from economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

So don't look so myopic in just one area of your view on this site as there is the opportunity to engage in a whole lot more. If you have seen any of my other posts you know I contribute a majority of my posts to sex and porn but I'm also open to discuss and post on just about anything relating to blacktowhite life. I normally stay out of the political discussions which I will go back to doing after here.