Honeymoon Horror

kind of a so-so story

Honeymoon Horror 6

After a little interference on her honeymoon.... ends up she just can't get enough!
Dez Ramsey had been working as a bell hop at the Sea Breeze Resort since graduating from high school, two months earlier, just after turning 18 years of age. He was counting the days until football practice opened at State U., where he would attend college on a football scholarship. As far as Dez was concerned, college football was just a necessary stepping stone enroute to his ultimate goal to making it in the pros.
As for marking time as a bellhop at the posh resort, it wasn't as glamorous a job as Dez would have liked, but it paid well and there were plenty of perks. Well known from being a local sports hero, tall and muscular, perks came readily in the form of wet and willing young pussy available to the cunning opportunistic black stud. Dez pretty much ruled the roost at the Sea Breeze, utilizing an incomparable combination of charm, seduction, wit and/or intimidation to ensure his needs and his goals were satisfied.
Things couldn't have been going better for Dez Ramsey but he was never one to settle for less than the whole enchalada. From the moment he spotted the gorgeous young blonde bride stepping out of the limo, dressed in her white lace wedding gown and 3-inch heels, Dez told himself that the pretty bride was going to be his very next notch on the bedpost. 'Damn, I's jist gotta get me a helping of that clean tasty little beaver!' he muttered to himself.
Moving into position in the lobby, Dez waiting anxiously for the unwitting newlyweds to check in, wanting to be the bellhop available once their registration was completed. A devious plan was already beginning to form in his mind as Dez gave the groom a brief once over to size up his opposition. Sneering and giving a cuss under his breath, in Dez's opinion, the groom was a typical white punk who he could take care of with one hand tied behind his back. 'How in the hell can this fuck'n wimp land such a sexy and refined beauty like this?' he wondered.
Dez chuckled, wondering if the lovely young bride had ever been with a man as well-endowed, virile and experienced as himself. '*******, I wonder if she'd ever had her cherry popped yet? The fuck'n wimp she's marrying looks like a fuck'n nerd! Wonder if he even knows how to do it?' he wondered. Dez felt that all too familiar telltale twitch as his cock sprang to life, hardening quickly in the anticipation of being the one to break in the lovely bride on her wedding night.
As Dez loaded up the luggage and escorted the newlyweds to the honeymoon suite, he cunningly pumped the couple for information, trying to decide on a plan of attack. Given enough time, Dez was sure he could charm his way into her panties but time was of the essence. If charm didn't do it, then ******* would be the means to accomplish his dirty deed. As to be expected, the bride and groom all but ignored him altogether, cuddling and kissing all the whole way up to the level of the honeymoon suite.

As so often the case with young brides, the new Mrs. Gwen Manning was still basking in the afterglow of what one would have termed to be the perfect wedding. At the tender age of 21, head over heels in love with stars in her eyes, all of Gwen's dreams were about to be realized. Having just given her marital vows to the handsome Matt Manning, whom she had met in college, Gwen looked forward to an exciting honeymoon and then embarking on her new job as a stewardess for Jet Airways.
Dez choked back a grin as they reached top level, hearing the sweetness of the bride's soft voice, telling himself that she'd be singing an entirely different tune in just a few short hours. Then he overheard the beautiful bride tease her husband that they only had a short time to change if they planned to make the dinner show on time. From what Dez gathered, the best man was the one to blame for putting them behind schedule. Dez felt his cock give a lurch upon hearing the bride tell the frustrated groom "Sorry, honey, but the big event will have to wait just a tinsy bit!"
After Dez showed them to the honeymoon suite, opened up the draperies and showed them the safe and explained that he'd have a complimentary bottle of champagne brought up to the room whenever they desired. Knowing that the newlyweds wanted to change clothes and hurry on out to make the dinner show, Dez made a quick and courteous departure.
A short time later, taking a break upon getting back to the lobby once he observed the newlyweds come down and head off to the dinner show, Dez headed on back up to the honeymoon suite. Having taken the pass keycard, on the pretext of going to ice down the complementary bottle of champagne in the honeymoon suite, which was customary. However, having told the newlyweds that he'd bring up the champagne upon request so he could keep it really cold for them, Dez had other ulterior motives at this time.
Once in the honeymoon suite, Dez cased the room and quickly found what he was looking for. The bride's wedding gown was hanging in a garment bag in the closet, white heels in the corner of the closet, right next to the pull-string bag that contained the lacy white bra and panties of the lovely beauty. Pulling the sheer white panties out of the bag, Dez held them up to his face, pressing them against him as he inhaled the sweet heady fragrance of her private jewel.
It was all Dez could do not to unzip his trousers and wrap the silky lace panties around his cock, wank himself off in it, but he had other plans for his potent black seed. Then, rifling through the opened suitcases, Dez found a box of condoms, thus confirming his suspicions about the method of birth control the young couple was using. Before slipping out unnoticed from the bridal suite and await the return of the newlyweds, Dez mouthed the crotch of the bride's panties to savor the remnants of her sweet honey.
Knowing exactly when the dinner show would end, Dez made it a point to be at the right spot, waving to the newlyweds and calling out "Mr. & Mrs. Manning ……………..I'll be right up with the champagne!" A bit earlier, Dez had deftly removed the cork and added the potent ******* that he had kept a container of in the trunk of his car. It was a tried and true ******* he'd used before, with infallible results. He had then replaced the cork, hoping and assuming the naive newlyweds would be too busy with each other to even notice that the bottle had been tampered with before he arrived.
Shortly after they made their way up to the honeymoon suite, Dez got on the elevator to deliver the bottle of champagne. Knocking on the door and gaining entry to the suite, with the bride and groom embracing one another, Dez quickly opened the champagne and began to pour it out into the two champagne glasses. Dez turned on the charm, waiting and watching as the couple proposed a toast before downing their first ******* together. Once they had finished their glasses, Dez poured them a second and politely bid them good night, thanking the punk whiteboy for the tip handed to him on the way out.
He knew that it would only take a matter of minutes for the ******* to take effect; a special blend of prohibited substances that rendered victims zombie-like, unable to effectively focus thoughts and actions or fend off an attack. They would be woozy and only vaguely aware of what was happening to them, but able to feel both pleasure and pain. It was the perfect ******* for what Dez Ramsey had in mind for the unwitting newlyweds on their wedding night. Exiting the suite, he waited and anxiously fingered the pass keycard in his left pocket.
Waiting the appropriate tine, Dez returned to knock on the door to the honeymoon suite. With no answer, Dez then let himself into the room, a wicked thrill coursing through him as he surveyed the erotic scene before him. Both bride and groom were slumped on the bed as Dez moved into position, admiring the provocative sight of the lovely bride's long ivory legs that were parted ever so temptingly. It was a much more enticing pose than the innocent young bride would ever willingly strike for anyone, even for her husband.
Dez took a moment to assure himself that both bride and groom were sufficiently *******, pretending to administer to them, first one and then the other. With the newlyweds both out on their feet, Dez choked back a laugh as he helped the groom over to the nearby chair, taunting him "My, my! The groom doesn't seem to be man enough to even get it up on his wedding night! Don't ya worry none, boy! Ya's in luck cause ol' Dez Ramsey will's be only too happy ta do the honors fer ya! Yessir, it'll be my pleasure to help ya out!"
As he laughingly reassured the woozy, disoriented groom, Dez advised "Yessir, tonight will's be a very special night, one ya'll remember fer the rest of yer life! Ya's gonna git a real show tonight! Ya's gonna git to see a 'real man' break in that sexy little beauty ya married!" Taking a moment to undo the groom's pants, tugging them down around his ankles, he then pushed the ******* groom back into the chair. Dez then arranged the groom's chair for the optimum viewing of what was to come.
As the groom mumbled incoherently through the piece of duct tape over his mouth, obviously trying to make sense of it all, possibly pleading with Dez not to proceed with his intended *******. But Dez just pretended he was hearing the groom telling him how 'hot' his sexy young wife, responding "Yeah, yer sure are's right! She is a real beauty! And a beautiful bride like her needs to consummate her marriage on her wedding night, that's fer sure! She needs a 'real man' to break her in! I's assure ya, guarantee ya that I's jist the man fer the job!"
Remembering seeing a camcorder among the newlywed's luggage, Dez went to retrieve it. Returning with it, it took but a few moments to check it out and set it up to capture the show. Turning his attention to the young bride, repositioning her on the bed, Dez then began to slowly strip the beauty as he taunted the woozy husband. The bride, like her husband, moaned and mumbled incoherently as Dez began to remove the 3" black heels she had worn that evening. "Just relax, sweetie! It's yer wedding night and Dez is here to make sure it's a night ya'll always remember! Ya jist relax and enjoy it!" he chuckled.
Heels removed to reveal the cute tiny toes that had a pedicure job for the special occasion, Dez held up the bride's petite and slender feet for the groom to observe as Dez teased her toes with his flicking tongue. Dez wanted to laugh in seeing the groom's eyes bulge when he unzipped his pants to whip out his cock, then wrapping the bride's tender pink soles around his black boner. Seeing the befuddled and groggy groom nod once and then again, as if to say 'Yes, yes!', Dez asked "Ya want me to cum all over yer wife's purty feet? But I's do that and I's then jist might not be able to give ya and yer purty wifey here the wedding present I's had planned, hand delivered in nine months!" As the groom's eyes widened once again, obviously comprehending what he had just eluded to, Dez just chuckled as he placed the bride's legs back onto the bed and turned her over to undo the clasp of her dress.
Stripping the dress down, pulling it off her body and tossing it aside, Dez had the bride down to just her lacy black bra and matching panties. Seeing the frantic eyes of the punk glue to him, Dez looked him in the face and flicked his tongue out at him, slowly lowering his head to demonstrate to the groom just what he intended on doing. Face now buried into the soft golden fleece, with an moan emitted by the innocent bride, Dez figured that the groom had to know just what was taking place between his bride's thighs.

Eyes closed shut as she whipped her long silky blonde hair from side to side, Gwen never felt so much pleasure in all of her life. Petite body thrashing beneath him uncontrollably, Dez smiled in knowing that he had skillfully brought the innocent young bride to an earth-shattering orgasm, even in her ******* state.
Turning to look back up at the stunned groom, Dez looked at the defeated young man. Seeing the groom's cock sticking straight up in the air, Dez turned the dazed bride's head in that direction and laughing taunted "Look at hubby over there, he's got a little boner going, all's excited in seeing his beautiful little bride get'n it good by a black boy!"
With bride and groom looking at one another, Dez moved up to nuzzle at the bride's ear, whispering "Wanna bet hubby pop's his load when I's give ya some dark meat! These whiteboys git all turned on when a purty white girl gits a black man dick shoved up her tight little cunt! Yeah, baby, even when that purty white gal's his precious little bridie!" Turning his head, Dez watched the woozy disoriented husband unable to gather his wits enough to rise out of his chair, unable to do anything to prevent the ******* of his lovely bride.
As the young bride lay helplessly looking over at her husband's hardon, trying to regain her breath and gather wits after her earth-shattering orgasm, Dez shifted into position. Dez made sure to allow both the groom and camera the perfect angle to view his huge black cock entering into the bride's tight little pussy. And if he was correct, that this here was indeed a virginal bride, the camera would capture all the destruction of this pure innocent beauty.
"Please oh, please don't ******* me! I want my husband to be the first!" came the bride's stammering plea for mercy, confirming the fact that Dez wanted to hear. Now Dez was really enjoying this, first taunting the groom with "Hear that hubby? yer beautiful bride was saving her precious little cherry jist fer ya! C'mon over here and pop that her cherry, guy! Watsa matter, can't git to bed, well, don't ya worry none, I's right here to do the job fer ya!"
Then Dez looked down at the ******* and groggy bride, telling her "Don't ya worry sweetie, ya ain't gonna be left high and dry on yer wedding night 'ol Dez will make sure yer wedding night is consummated properly!" Seeing the bride's frightened eyes blinking rapidly, as if trying desperately to register what he was saying, Dez knew it registered when her eyes widened and she began stammering "Please, condom!"
Seeing the movement from his side, Dez turned to see the groom make another attempt to come to his bride's rescue, only to fall back limply into his chair. Kneeling up straight, proudly stroking his thick black boner as the two pairs of eyes stared at his wanking, Dez then confidently bragged "Dis here's a 'real man's' cock! Busted many a cherry and went on to knock up a hell of a lot of bitches! Yessiree, Dez here is got the right tool to bust the bride's precious cherry and knock her up in the process! Wanna make sure I's give ya two the bestest wedding present of all, a little black bastard!"

As the bride sobbed in fear, while the groom struggled to shake off the effects of the *******, Dez moved over into position between the ivory white thighs. Grasping the stem of his cock, position it in place, he wanted to prolong the agony for the bride and groom as he then stroked the bloated cockhead up and down along the sensitive lips of her slick crease. Then, upon grasping the bride's trim white hips, Dez proudly made his announcement "And I hereby give ya all my world goods!"

"Aieeeee, no, stop, stop, oh, God it hurts!" came the shrill cry from the raped bride as Dez mercilessly ruptured her well preserved hymen. "Ah, got ya, popped that cherry of yers, Mrs. Manning!" he gloated. Looking over at the distraught husband, lifting the bride's hips up a bit and giving a few quick strokes, Dez tauntingly asked "See yer honey's cherry juice, punk?"
Seeing the groom's mouth drop wide open, tears pouring out of the punk's eyes, Dez knew he had accomplished the deed with the wimpy prick of a husband witnessing it all. "God, I's can feel her juicing all over my cock, can ya see's it, can ya see yer bride's cherry juice, faggot?" he taunted. Seeing the tears flowing down the groom's cheeks was all the response that Dez needed.

Holding still to ease the urge of cumming right then and there, providing the writhing and moaning young bride the time needed to get accustomed to his ******* cudgel, Dez relished being in the limelight of such a memorable occasion. Pumping back and forth a few times to re-prime his cock, making even more of the bride's cherry juice to spill from their union, the sight had made the groom's cock begin spurting out its excitement.
Tapping the bride's drowsy face, turning her head to the direction of her husband's spurting cock, Dez got her to see her husband in action. Seeing the pretty bride's eyes widen in astonishment, Dez chuckled and taunted "What'd I tell ya, yer luving hubby jist shot his load watching 'ol Dez busting his purty bride's precious cherry!" Seeing the raging glare in the bride's eyes, then turning to see the groom looking down in shame, Dez could now celebrate as the triumphant conqueror.

******* but stimulated sexually at the same time, the hot scene of watching the big black stud ******* and seed his beautiful bride, Matt Manning could not control the lurching of his excited cock. Groan in defeat, Matt could only watch helplessly as his seed shot pathetically up into the air and onto the carpet below, knowing that his precious Gwen was being filled by another man's seed at that very moment. Matt could only pray that the *******'s seed had not or would not find its mark, that of successfully seeing his bride's fertile womb.
Easing himself out of the sobbing bride, he first lifted her knees, then grasped her ankles and pushed her legs up the bed. With the bride's feet planted on the bed and angling her a bit, Dez then pushed her knees wide apart, affording the distraught groom a sight he'd never forget. As the young man's jaw dropped wide open upon seeing the cum oozing out of his raped bride, Dez chuckled tauntingly "Look at the tasty treat yer wife and I created jist fer ya!"
Getting up and helping the groggy groom over to the bed, Dez then guided the young man's face up been the bride's thighs. "Here, git a good taste of some delicious dessert! Cherry tapioca pudding is the special fer the night!" Dez laughed as he ground the groom's face into the bloody mess. He could see that the groom was desperately trying to find the strength to lift his head up from between his bride's widespread and messy thighs.
Dez laughed as the ******* husband was able to lift his head up just a couple inches before falling back into the matted curls. "What's the matter, boy? Don't like the smell or taste of a man's cum? Better eat up, sonny, cause I's don't shoot no fuck'n blanks! Ya don't want yer beautiful bridie-poo cie'even gett'n knocked up with a little black bastard, do ya? Ain't no douche here, sonny boy, only way to git it outta yer purty wife's pussy is to eat it out!" Dez advised. Hearing slurping sounds begin to emanate from between the widespread thighs, accompanied by mewling from the shivering bride, Dez cracked up with laughter..
Dez laughed in seeing that the ******* groom apparently could only find the strength to move his tongue, a lapping up the messy spend in his raped bride. And the beautiful bride could only lay upon the bed with her widespread knees up, mewling as her little punk ate out the goodies oozing out of her violated slit. Then, not wanting to turn his back to the groom just in case his ability to move came back to him, Dez shuffled from the top of the bed to rest the bulb of his bloated shaft onto bride's forehead.
Shaft in hand, Dez then tapped the bride's forehead to get her attention. Seeing the beauty's head tilt back a bit, her eyes widening as she looked up at the bloated tip of his cockhead, Dez began to slowly shuck at this reviving shaft. Looking down at the beautiful sight of the bride's baby blue eyes on both sides of his cock, he finally got a pearly drop of cum to finally appear at the tip of his cock. An eye drop in her right eye, followed by one in the left, and the bride was blinking madly to clear her vision.
Pushing down her chin down to part her pink lips, Dez then slid the underside of his cock over the flawless complexion of her beautiful face. "Ah, oh, yeah baby, ya's got a real talented tongue there, Mrs. Manning!" he shivered as the bride's pointed tongue flicked rapidly up against his pisshole. Pushing forward, cockhead now enveloped by the soft pink lips, Dez pumped at his shaft as he pushed more of himself into her.
For Gwen, the pleasure being derived from the lapping of her husband's tongue now seemed to replace the agonizing pain of having her hymen brutally ruptured. Sexual desires heightened by the potent *******, Gwen was going out of her mind with her husband avidly eating her bloody snatch out. Rational senses dulled also by the *******, otherwise Gwen would never suck on a man's cock in the manner she was now doing, even allowing a penis to touch her previously virginal lips for that matter.
With the bride sucking avidly on his tool, Dez reached down to grab the groom hard by the hair, pulling him off the tasty nest, then used a hand to grasp him by the shoulder as the groggy punk fell off to the side onto his back. Then, easing his cock out of the still sucking mouth, Dez assisted the dazed bride up a bit, getting her to straddle her husband's face. "There ya go! Jist wanted to be of help so hubby there can suck all my jizz outta yer cunt! This way it'll flow right outta ya and into his mouth!" Dez laughed.

Squeezing her thighs, with whatever control of her muscles that she could muster, Gwen proceeded to provide her husband with quite an exquisite meal. Also, she knew that the more of her *******'s cum remaining up in her womb, the more chances of his seed taking root. Mouth pried open again, she was ****** to accept the filthy cock into her mouth once again. Gulp more and more of the meaty monster, feeling it now clogging her throat, Gwen observed streaks of ******* that represented the lose of her innocence. Then the short kinky hairs of the man who had raped her so viciously was getting closer and closer as more and more of his penis slid down her throat.
Body quivering as her husband ate her to a climax, Gwen then felt the cock pulling out of her throat till only the thick bulb remained enveloped. Then a bit a of rational thought shot through her mind, brought on by the sudden gushing of her *******'s filthy spend that rapidly began to fill he mouth. Unable to move nor take her mouth off the spurting penis, with mouth now filled to the brim, Gwen found that she had no alternative but to swallow the filthy slime.
Swallowing the slimy bile, feeling the hot goo slither down her throat and slowly make its way down to her belly, Gwen shuddered in disgust. 'Oh, God oh, how can anyone be so vile, so filthy as to find sexual pleasure like this, with these degrading acts?' she wondered as her stomached churned in rebellion from the foreign substance. Gwen could only relate the slimy goo to the time she had sucked an egg out of its shell for a science class and had accidentally swallowed some of it.
Pulling his spended cock out from the bride's mouth as she fell to her side on the bed, Dez got off the bed and went over to the camcorder to zoom in for a shot of the cum overflowing from the succulent pink lips. He then ordered the pretty bride to "Look over here and lick yer purty pink lips fer the camera, Mrs. Manning! Show everyone how much ya's like the taste of hot cum!" As the bride complied with his request, Dez felt his cock twitch as he advised "Beautiful, jist beautiful!"
Stopping the tape as it was near the end, Dez went to retrieve an extra tape from the bag. New tape in the camcorder, he then proceeded to give the newlyweds a bit of the ******* champagne, wanting them to remain under its spell and to keep them sexually aroused. Needing time to recuperate himself, with the newlyweds lying limply on the bed, Dez went to put out the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the front door. Going to the bar, Dez proceeded to make himself a glass of scotch on the rocks, figuring to add to the whiteboy's hotel bill.
Cock revived once again, Dez turned on the camcorder and walked towards the bed to assist the lovely bride. Looking over to the groggy groom, Dez taunted "Now ain't ya glad I's went and taught yer purty wife how to suck a man's cock! Damn, she's good, sucked me like a fuck'n pro! So's ya's now gonna have an experienced little cocksucker blow ya off!" Dragging the limp bride down the bed, angling her body off to the side, Dez guided her head to her husband's cock and commented "Looks like a little weenie compared to a 'real man's' cock, huh, sweetie!"
Hearing the groans of pleasure coming from the groom as his bride took his cock into her mouth, Dez went to get some close up shots with the camcorder. With the groom's rather small cock finally at full staff in the bride's mouth, Dez then moved to the bed to caress the beauty's soft creamy white ass. Lifting her hips and bending her knees under her, Dez positioned the young beauty on all fours as he shuffled up into position on the side of the bed.
The bride her mouth off her hubby's cock to try see what he was up to. Pushing her head back down, ordering her to start sucking again, Dez waited to hear the punk groan with pleasure before shoving his bone up the bride's virgin ass. Dez thanked God that the room was totally soundproof. "Aiee!" came the identical and overlapping screams of pain from the dual that would definitely have wakened all the other guests. Cock brutally shoved up her virgin ass, the innocent bride screamed in pain as she grit her teeth down onto her then yelping husband, all to Dez's roar of laughter. A twinge of pity shook Dez's body, taking pity on the poor whiteboy who's cock had been nearly bitten off, thinking 'Damn, bet the poor bastard will turn into a limp noodle whenever his purty wife offers him a blowjob!'
With the video in hand, along with other lewd and incriminating poses that he got the couple into, Dez held up the address book they had brought with them to send postcards back to friends and family. "I'll mail this book back to ya next week, after I's made a copy fer myself! Ya's report this to the police and everyone listed in yer address book will get a copy of the video! Jist ya think what yer family, friends, neighbors and employers will think when they git to see this award winning flick?" he advised.
A week later, both still distraught over the terrifying and disastrous honeymoon, Matt and Gwen stared at the brown package that had arrived in the mail. Looking at one another, they hesitated, knowing who was the sender as the return address was marked with 'The Honeymoon Suite'! Finally open, the newlyweds breathed a sigh of relief in seeing the address book in tact but remembered that a copy was apparently been made.
Home from the Honeymoon
For the beautiful Mrs. Gwen Manning, it was a nightmare of sheer horror throughout the honeymoon week. Instead of the gentle passionate lovemaking she had anticipated with her handsome husband, surrendering her well-protected virginity to him, she had been subjected to the worst horror one could imagine. That horrid black had set his eyes upon her, then carried out the evil deed,Gwen had been ‘raped and ruined’ by the savage *******. Violently raped, then seeded by her black *******.
As for hubby Matt, although it was sheer horror and a nightmare to see his beautiful bride being ‘raped and ruined’, there was another part of him that apparently felt otherwise. And that part of him did not hide its emotions, in fact it took it all in while completely standing at attention. Worst of all, he could not keep his emotions secret, with Gwen witnessing his shameful display. Oh, he loved his beautiful bride dearly, even after having witnessed her being raped by another man. ‘Will this marriage last? Will Gwen ever forget and forgive me? No words can ever explain it away, she saw me sporting an erection while she was being raped, saw me ejaculate up in the air to show my excitement!’ he pondered.
Unable to say much to each other on the flight back, the same continued on for the newlyweds for days after their return. Finally, they were able to embrace one another and comfort each other, with each promising to put the horror behind them and finally get to start life as husband and wife in their new home. In bed together, now able to consummate their marriage, for each the lovemaking was rather dull and uneventful in comparison to what had taken place during the honeymoon week.
A week later, both still rather distraught over the terrifying and disastrous honeymoon, Matt and Gwen stared at the brown package that had arrived in the mail. Looking at one another, they hesitated, knowing who the sender was as the return address was marked with 'The Honeymoon Suite'! Finally open, the newlyweds breathed a sigh of relief in seeing the address book in tact but remembered that a copy had apparently been made.
Then came the videocassette, contents all too familiar to them, with a note wrapped around it. Note opened, both stared at the large bold print that read 'Great honeymoon! Let's celebrate yer first anniversary the same way! Will make sure to get you a nice a discount off the room!' Tears flowed down Gwen's face as she stammered "Oh, God Matt, he wants to ******* me again, sodomize me again!" In the embrace of her comforting husband, Gwen froze in horror upon feeling Matt's arousal pressing against her, then recalled how he had gotten himself off in watching the man ******* and deflower her.
With Gwen pushing away from him and gasping “How can you? How can you get excited from this? You want this to happen, you want to see me get raped and sodomized again, don’t you? BASTARD!” Bedroom door slammed in his face and then locked, Matt tried to explain his way out of it “Honey, that’s not true! That’s not what I want! ” With his cock still throbbing in his pants, with Gwen obviously having felt it, Matt was now at a loss for words.
His wife obviously pissed at him, Matt hoped to smooth things over a bit and prepared the seafood pasta dish that she always enjoyed. Knocking on the door, he announced “Honey ………………….I made a dish of the seafood pasta that you like! Honey, I’m so sorry, please forgive me!” A moment later, the doorknob turned and his lovely wife stepped out of the bedroom, only her rather stern face told Matt that he had not been fully forgiven as yet.
Pulling out the chair for her, Matt scrambled about the kitchen, first opening a bottle of white zinfandel and serving it his beautiful yet fuming wife. Then a small dish of toss greens to be followed by the pasta. Though Matt tried to make small talk to ease the situation, Gwen’s answers of a mere ‘yes’ or ‘no’ told him that he was still in the doghouse for getting aroused at the thought of her having to submit to the vile ******* once again.
The next morning, a Saturday, Matt tried to maintain his attentiveness to his lovely wife, hoping that she would forgive him for getting aroused at the most inappropriate of times. A knock on the doorway signaled that arrival of the yardmen as this was the first day that the yard service was to begin. It was a small *******-******* operation of Mexican descent, with the quote for the desired yard work quite reasonable meeting with Matt’s budget. As Matt just hated to do yard work, this was ideal and he could then take in the college football games that he enjoyed watching.
With the yardmen going to the back yard, Matt asked Gwen come outside so he could introduce them to her as they’d be coming over every week at the start and then every other week later on. In his sixties, Miguel Garcia introduced his ******* Raoul to them, advising that his ******* had just graduated from high school and was joining the family business as of this very day. Today would be lawn mowing and cutting back some of the brush, with Miguel giving Raoul the overall plan. Raoul would handle the mowing and yard work today as his ******* had another job in the area to finalize.
Gwen could not but be impressed with the physique of the handsome young man as his muscles just bulged through the t-shirt that he wore. Shaking the young man’s hand, Gwen commented “My, .you’ve got a strong grip! Football player?” Not pulling her hand out of his grasp but instead purposely holding on to him, Gwen loved his smile as he politely replied “No, ma’am! Wrestler!” As Matt talked with Miguel and his ******* about the yardwork for the day, Gwen used her pail to water some of the flowers, away from where the yardwork would be done.

Back in the house, with Matt going off to the den to watch the football game, Gwen couldn’t help but to stare at the handsome young stud as he mowed the lawn. As it was rather hot and humid outside, the young man’s gray t-shirt was soon a darker shade due to his perspiration. ‘Hmmm, so Matt gets turned on at the thought of me being fucked out of my mind by another man! Ejaculating while I’m being raped, then getting aroused at the prospect of me being ****** to have sex once again, hell, why should he have all the fun! It was certainly no fun being raped, but I certainly wouldn’t mind having that handsome young stud pinning me to the mat!’ she devilishly thought. Going to the master bedroom, she slipped out of her summer dress and into a pair of yellow shorts and white blouse.
In the den watching the game, Matt was pleasantly surprised to see Gwen smiling as she brought him a cold ******* and a bowl of chips. Then she was massaging his shoulders, leaning over the sofa to nibble at his ear, whispering “I’m sorry I got upset! You’re just human, I read an article last night, learned that for men, its often an erotic stimulant to see your spouse or mate being ravished by another man!”
Then, a moment later, Matt was shocked out of his mind and speechless when Gwen advised “And I want to please you, Matt! So, if it turns you on to see your wife with another man, I plan to make you happy!” Not knowing what to say as his wife went back to the kitchen, Matt saw Gwen get a tray and pour pop in a glass of ice and put chips in a bowl. He then realized that Gwen had changed out of the yellow housedress she had on earlier and now had on a conservative white blouse and shorts. Then he observe her pulling the blouse out of her shorts, pull the front together and tie and knot just below her breasts, then she was undoing the top two buttons of her blouse. This was far from the conservative outfit of just a few seconds ago.
As he watched Gwen go out the patio door, Matt was speechless after witnessing what his wife had just done. He then realized that she had obviously altered her clothing to entice the young man working in the backyard. Peering out of the corner of his window as lawnmower was killed by the teen, he observed his lovely wife set down the tray on the rockwall as she and the teen engaged in a conversation. The teen had apparently stripped off his sweaty shirt and was now bare-chested.
Matt’s jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing his wife place her manicured hand fully on the teen muscular and sweaty chest, then was slowly wiping the sweat off his body with the palm of her hand. Crooking his neck, Matt was in total disbelief as Gwen hand had disappeared between their bodies. But seeing the teen gasp and throw his head back, there wasn’t much to the imagination as to where his wife’s hand currently was. Watching Gwen grasp the teen’s hand to lead him behind the shed, it was wishful thinking for Matt that his beautiful wife was merely going to show the handsome teen as to what type of yard work was needed.
Wanting to go out into the backyard to see what was going on, Matt dared not draw his wife’s wrath and be accused of checking up on her. But from what she had told him in the den, plus witnessing what just took place, Matt could not prevent his cock from throbbing with excitement in his pants. Out of view from his vantage point in the den, Matt mind raced, then he made a dash down to the far end of the house, hoping that the small window in the laundry room would provide him with a view of some sort.
For Gwen, having purposely altered her appearance before going out to bring the teen a cold *******, she was pleased with the immediate effects it had on the handsome young stud. A brief chat with the young man indicated that he was rather lukewarm about having joined his *******’s yard business. “Pay’s okay, but not much of an incentive! And you know not a real prestigious type of job!” Raoul had expressed to her.
“Oh, Raoul, you shouldn’t feel that way!” Gwen seductively cooed. Then, she reached out to place the palm of her petite flat up against his sweaty but quite muscular chest, adding “I just think it’s fantastic for a young man to follow in his *******’s footsteps, .no matter what the job!” Slowly letting her hand move down his sweaty body, tongue slowly tracing her upper lip, Gwen seductively cooed “I’m sure a handsome young man like you will find lots of incentive on the job!”
In the laundry, panting for breath, Matt prayed there’d be a better view from this angle. ‘What’s that?’ he wondered upon seeing a piece of yellow fabric waving in the air about four feet off the ground just behind the shed. Leaning forward, realizing just what he was observing, Matt gasped ‘My, God it can’t be!’ With the yellow fabric going up and down, side to side, Matt now realized that his wife’s ankles were entwined around the bronze flesh of the teen’s ass with her panties dangling from her foot. ‘He’s fucking her right up against the wall of the shed!’ he realized.
“Oh Raoul, yes, harder, deeper, ah!” Gwen cooed as the energetic teen banged her ass up against the shed. “Oh, gosh you’re so big, so good, ah, cock me, stud cock me!” she panted.
For Raoul, what he anticipated to be the start of a rather boring job sweating out in the hot sun, this certainly was a job incentive that he never dreamed possible. His ******* had told him yesterday that it was a new yard they’d be taking on, house recently purchased by a newlywed couple and that he had just met with the husband and given him an estimate. Having met the beautiful Mrs. Manning that morning, he could only dream of landing such a prize for his woman.

When Mrs. Manning had come outside to bring him a cold ******* and some chips, he had immediately noticed the alteration of her attire and made no bones of looking down the opening of her blouse. And when she put her hand on his sweaty chest, Raoul didn’t care if her wimp of a husband was standing in the back yard right then watching as the beautiful wife let her hand trace its way down to the bulge in his jeans. He had never banged a bitch standing up and hoped that the shed was sturdy enough as he pounded her ass into the wall.
What a dream come true it was for Raoul! A beautiful woman, just recently married, a sexy blonde with ivory white skin wanting the likes of a Mexican teen like him. And he’s scoring on his very first day on the job! “Ohhhh, Mrs. Manning, I’ve got to pull out .or I’m going to cum in youuuuu!” he shivered, figuring that there was no way this beautiful woman would want him to cum in her. But to his surprise, feeling her arms and legs tighten around him, he heard her encourage him to “Cum, cum in me, fuck your little baby in me!”
Moments later, seeing Gwen reappear from behind the shed, Matt hustled back to the other side of the house and resumed sitting where he had been on the sofa. Hearing the patio door open, Matt didn’t expect his wife to come into the den, thinking that she’d surely make a beeline to the master bedroom. He was then surprised upon hearing soft footsteps approaching from behind, with Gwen’s sweet voice asking “Enjoying the game, honey? Who’s winning?” Matt could only stammer “It’s all tied up right now! Just a lot of penalty flags!”

As Gwen wrapped her arms around Matt’s neck from behind the sofa, nibbling at his ear, she saw the screen flash the score: State 14, Tech 0. Then came the announcer’s voice excitedly announcing “It’s unbelievable! Totally unbelievable! Tim Hannigan, the linebacker for State has picked off two passes by Tech’s quarterback and returned both of them for touchdown in the last two minutes of play! The penalty flag has been waived off and the touchdown stands!”
Feeling her husband tense up with the sports announcer giving him away, Gwen smiled as she continued nibbling at her husband’s ear, knowing full well that he obviously had not been watching the football game. She knew that the yellow penalty flag her husband had been watching was not on the television set but on waving from behind the shed in the backyard. “Gosh, it’s so hot and humid outside, just a few minutes and I’m all sticky and grimy! Think I’ll go and take a nice cool shower!” Gwen told her husband.
Obviously caught in a little white-lie on knowing the score of the game, it was as if he had been the one guilty of just being caught having sex with someone else. ‘Sticky and grimy! Bet it was due more to that sweaty Mexican stud rubbing his body up against you, banging your beautiful ass up against the side of the shed in the hot sun!’ Matt thought. Then he wondered ‘My, God does she know I wasn’t watching the game, because I was trying to watch her with the young stud behind the shed?’
In the master bath, Gwen stripped out of her shorts and blouse, a bit dirty since they had been lying in the dirt behind the shed, and tossed them into the hamper. Unhooking her bra and dropping it into the hamper, she cupped the undersides of her titties, smiling as she observed the hickeys put there by the hungry young stud. Even the outline of the teeth marks could be observed where the teen had bitten down after devouring her titty.
Then peeling off her panties, Gwen observed a bit of cum on the crotch that had apparently leaked out of her well-fucked twat. Panty crotch held at her slit, Gwen squeezed her cunny, trying to get even more of the slimy goo onto the crotchhband of her panties. Finally, with index finger on the outside of her panties, she pushed the crotchband into her slit to dig out more of the spunk. Now, with a nice layer of spunk covering the crotchband, she tossed it atop the other clothing in the hamper, then tucking in one end into the pocket of her blouse.
Showering, Gwen soaped down her petite body of all the sweat and grime from the fabulous fuck thrown to her. Rubbing her ass, she flinched and cussed ‘Damn, I think I got a splinter in my ass!’ After telling her handsome teen lover that she couldn’t wait till next week, she was disappointed to learn that the teen was scheduled back two weeks from now for the mowing and heavy work. Instead, Mr. Garcia would be coming the next week to prune the trees and shrubs. ‘Hmmm, Mr. Garcia!’ she pondered.
As he sat in the den, Matt heard the faint sound of running water in shower come to a stop. He wondered ‘Did she make the young stud put on a condom like she makes me do, always saying that she doesn’t want to take a chance on getting pregnant?’ He wanted to rush to the bathroom to inspect her panties but told himself ‘Be patient! Act cool and nonchalant! Don’t let her suspect that you know she was outside getting fucked by the Mexican stud!’
With his wife out of the shower and settling down at the counter to look at the morning paper, Matt figured on waiting a few more minutes before feigning his need to use the bathroom. Then, just before he was about to make his move to the bathroom, Matt heard the soft sounds of his wife’s footsteps approaching from behind. Soft and sexy hands again circling his neck, he heard his wife coo “Oh, honey could you do me a really, really big favor?”
Though he had lined up an entire day of football games for the day, Matt couldn’t say ‘no’ at the chance of getting back into the good graces of his beautiful wife. Leaning up towards his wife, he pursed his lips and got a kiss on the lips as Gwen then cooed “Honey, I just read in the morning paper that there’s a 1-day sale on air conditioners at the Z-Mart right down the street! Do you think you could install a small one in the shed out back for me? It’s just so hot in there this time of year, it’d be so neat if I could putter around in there without getting all sticky and grimy while puttering around with plants I want to pot!”
Having given up the best scheduled for that Saturday, Matt had gone out to measure the small window at the back of the shed after his wife’s young lover had gone, not wanting to feel humiliated by the muscular stud who had just boned his wife. Measurement in hand, he then went down to the Z-Mart to purchase an air conditioner that would fit into the slot. ‘Jeez, guess Gwen don’t like fucking in the hot sun, getting her soft little ass banged up again the wall of the shed!’ he concluded.
‘Damn, I bet she wants to take that young stud of hers inside the shed once its air conditioned! Fuck in comfort!’ Matt thought. ‘Jeez, and I’ve got to be the one to give up my game and do the installation!’ he hissed. Outside of the Z-Mart, having loaded up the new air conditioner, Matt looked over to the store down the end of the strip mall, the new electronics store that had recently opened. ‘Hmmm, maybe I should check it out, never been in there before!’ he thought.
Late Sunday afternoon, Matt entered the kitchen through the back patio door, all sweaty and grimy after having removed the shed’s back window and installing the air conditioner into the opening. “Got it all done, honey!” Matt happily announced as he leaned forward to kiss his beautiful wife who had been preparing dinner. “Eeechhhh, yuk! You’re all sweaty and grimy! Not until you shower and clean up!” he was told as his wife turned away to avoid the kiss. ‘Not any more sweaty and grimy than that Mexican teen was yesterday!’ he thought to himself.
With her husband off in the shower, Gwen wondered why he seemed so cheerful after spending all day on the project and missing out on the pro football games that he normally watched on Sundays. Curious, instead of checking out the shed, she went out to the garage where the empty box and packaging of the air conditioner lay before being dumped out on trash day. Lifting up the foam padding, Gwen smiled in seeing what lay beneath it. Picking up the partially torn box, she read the front ‘Miniature spy camera! Easy to install! Easy to hide!’
Later, with her husband showing her his handy work and how the air conditioning worked in the shed, Gwen looked about for the miniature camera and realized that Matt had indeed done a good job of hiding it. Having seen the electronic store’s label on the front of the box, Gwen planned on dropping in at the store on her way home the next day to get the lowdown on how it basically worked.
Having got the basics explained to her at the electronics store on Monday after work, Gwen wondered ‘Would he set it up for viewing in his office or right in the den?’ With the den Matt’s favorite place to watch television, also having various recorders and a large flat screen monitor there, the den seemed the most logical spot as he would not have to get up and run off to his office when she made her trek out into the backyard.
First turning on the television set, then playing around with the remotes, she looked for the button that the store clerk had mention. Finding that video button she pressed it but – nothing! Then she recalled the clerk saying that if done running through the video recorder to record and display it on the monitor, she needed to turn on the recorder also. Recorder turned on, pressing the button on the remote once more, and – bingo! Seeing the interior of the shed, Gwen smiled as she now knew just where to be when she spread her legs open for her Mexican lover.
That next Saturday, hearing a pickup truck pulling up front, Matt was excited at the prospect of watching his lovely wife get a hot tamale shoved up her twat by the young Mexican stud. Peering out of the window, it was a big letdown to see only Mr. Garcia unloading his equipment from the back of the truck. Going out front, he greeted the old man and inquired about his *******, complimenting on what a great job his ******* had done the other week. Then Matt learned of Mr. Garcia doing the pruning this Saturday with his ******* to return the next week.

As the sound of the electric shears could be heard from the backyard, Matt chuckled to himself as he thought ‘I’m disappointed? Can’t wait to see Gwen’s face when she finds that her young Mexican stud won’t be here today!’ With his wife putting their wedding album together in the spare room, he went down the hallway and leaned into the doorway to announce “The noise in the back is just the yard service, honey!” Wife responding “Okay!” with a wide smile on her face, he headed off to the den to watch his football game.
With the television turned on, game having just started, Matt’s mind was picturing how his beautiful was dressed in the spare bedroom. Yellow blouse buttoned to the top and tucked into her white pair of shorts was what he had taken in. ‘Wonder how long it’ll take before she goes outside, thinking that stud of hers is in the backyard?’ he pondered. Then Matt chuckled ‘Can’t wait to see the shock on her face when she finds out the old man is here today!’ ‘*******, and I busted my ass off last week in getting the fucking air conditioner installed along with that spy camera! Guess I’ll just have to wait till next week to watch the action and make sure the spycam is positioned right!’ he concluded.
A half-hour later, hearing his wife puttering around in the kitchen, Matt turned to look what she was doing. He smiled and chuckled upon observing Gwen’s conservative blouse now pulled out of her shorts and the front tied in the front to seductively show a lot of skin, just like the week before. And from what he could make out, the top two buttons were also undone. Cold ******* and cookies being taken out the patio on a tray, Matt rushed over to window in the den.
With old man Garcia out of sight while pruning a shrub behind the shed, Matt watched as his sexy wife proceeded out towards the sound of the pruning sheers. ‘*******, Gwen’s gonna be in for a fucking shock when she finds out it ain’t the young stud of hers!’ he thought. ‘Jeez, I hope the old geezer don’t get a heart attack seeing her like that! Wonder if he’s still capable of getting it up? Bet he’ll definitely get a rise, if he ain’t dead from a heart attack!’ he chuckled.
Wife disappearing around the shed, no more sounds of the loud pruning sheers, Matt laughed as he awaited to see his beautiful wife reappear and walk disappointedly back into the house. ‘Sure pulled a good one on her!’ he chuckled. When Gwen reappeared, Matt’s jaw dropped wide open upon seeing his beautiful wife pulling the old man by the hand and leading him into the shed. Quickly, he grabbed the remote for the video recorder that had already been setup and hit the ‘record’ button.
With the shed door being closed, Matt dove for the remote on the sofa, fumbling with the buttons to turn on the spycam. “*******, c’mon! Fuck, c’mon, work *******!” he cussed. Then the football game on the television monitor went off, replaced by the scene depicting the interior of the small shed, with his beautiful wife in an intimate embrace with the old Mexican. ‘My, God she’s coming on to him too, going to let the old bastard have her!’ he realized.
Matt watched in awe as Gwen fumbled with the man’s belt, the top button of his trousers, then she was pulling down his pair of white jockeys down from his pudgy old body. Then he observed his beautiful wife drop down to her knees to trace her fingers over the old guy's hardon, cooing "My, Mr. Garcia, you come well prepared, even keep a thick hose hidden in here! Would you like to seed my garden today?" With jockey pulled down, Matt observed her trim fingers grasp the wrinkled but sturdy old cock, giving it several wanks, then leaning forward to take him in her mouth. “Ma-ma-mia!” the old man exclaimed as he placed his palms on the back of Gwen’s head, then proceeded to fuck her beautiful face.
Disappointed in finding a wrinkled and shriveled old cock, Gwen figured she’d use it to the best of her advantage. ‘Guess Matt will have to get off on watching me give Mr. Garcia some head!’ she concluded. ‘Hope that spycam of yours is working, Matt!’ Gwen chuckled to herself. Oh, she had been aware of Matt watching her as she had prepared the tray in the kitchen, and correctly read his mind in thinking that she would be in for a shock when she had gone out into the backyard. But it was Matt who would be in for the shock of his life when she seduced the old Mexican.
“Ah, ohh, suck it, my sweet little puta!” he heard the old man pant as Gwen sucked away at his shriveled cock. But when his wife slowly pulled her suctioning lips back, Matt leaned forward to stare unbelievingly at the monitor. What had looked to be an old wrinkled little wiener had now been converted into a lengthy and sturdy cock that would make any man proud. Then, with Gwen’s lips lifted off the cock, the two were then getting out of their clothing. Then he saw Gwen pointing to the portable padded cot in the corner of the shed, to which the old man obtained and unfolded.
Wife laying down upon the cot, facing the spycam, Matt’s cock throbbed in seeing his wife lift her widespread legs, her pretty toes curling for the cameras. Then the pudgy olive-skinned body reappeared, getting settled between Gwen’s sexy white legs. “Oh, Mr. Garcia, oh, so big, so thick! Fuck me! Fuck your little puta!” his wife exclaimed. ‘Damn, that old geezer sure packs a hot ******* on him!’ Matt had to admit.

Hot and frenzied fucking upon the padded cot, Matt could not believe the stamina of the old Mexican geezer as he put on quite a display of cocksmanship! He knew that his beautiful wife certainly agreed with his analysis, especially the way she panted out “Yes, oh, so good, yes fuck me, fuck me!” “Oh, Mr. Garcia, cum, shoot your hot cum in me!” came Gwen’s frantic plea for his jizz.
Suddenly, the old man stopped in mid-stroke and his body froze. At first, Matt thought the old geezer was having a heart attack from the unexpected pleasure being derived from nailing a young white beauty, newlywed just back from her honeymoon. But then the reason became clear as the old man panted out his warning to Gwen “Bambino! Miguel still can make little bambino!” Trim white arms and sexy legs wrapping around the pudgy old man, ankles locking together, Matt then heard his wife’s voice “Cum, make me bambino!”
Matt watched as his wife arched up, screaming “Yes, yes fill me, make me a bambino! Ah!” And from the way in which the pudgy body tensed suddenly, with cock buried fully, Matt knew that the old Mexican was giving his wife exactly what she was begging for.
Cock pulled out of his wife’s well-fucked twat, the spycam showed the view from over the yardman’s shoulder as the sat back on the edge of the cot. With is wife’s legs still widespread, feet now on the floor of the shed, Matt witnessed the thick spunk just flowing out of Gwen’s gaping slit. ‘Damn, the old guy sure had his balls churn up a pint of bambino sauce!’ he thought in amazement. He observed Gwen pushing herself up to a sitting position, then bent forward to take the shriveling Mexican sausage into her mouth to suck off the sauce coating it.
Hearing the patio door open, Matt stared blankly at the game on the television set. Hearing the soft footsteps approach, he heard his wife ask “Who’s winning?” ‘*******, I didn’t even know who was playing!’ he realized as Gwen approached the sofa and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then his wife was nibbling at his neck, whispering “Enjoy watching the excitement on the tube?” Matt was then surprised as Gwen advised “I love you so much, honey!”
That was just before she leaned over the back of the sofa, pulling his head back to give him a passionate kiss on the lips. With her pointed tongue darting out between his shocked lips, Matt then got a good tasty sample of some hot Mexican sauce. And then his beautiful wife was happily off the master bath for a cool shower. Running his tongue over his lips, he licked the slimy coating off and got more of a taste of the rather salty fluid.
For the next month, Matt enjoyed the alternating Saturday telecasts of seeing the *******/******* banging of his beautiful wife. But as it had been laid out from the start, it would be weekly service for the first month till the yard was under control, then every other week maintenance. He knew that both Miguel and Raoul wanted to keep on with the weekly service, especially for the fringe benefits obtained in the air-conditioned shed, but Matt figured that he’d just have to go back to watching football games instead.