For those of you who fear a Ted Cruz Presidency ....


Gold Member
How about these for some facts:

  • Graduated valedictorian in 1988 from Second Baptist High School
  • Graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1992
  • Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1995
  • 1992 U.S. National Debate Champion representing Princeton
  • 1995 World Debating Championship semi-finalist representing Harvard
  • Served a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, making him the first Hispanic ever to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States
  • Served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008, making him the first Hispanic Solicitor General in Texas, the youngest Solicitor General in the entire country and the longest tenure in Texas history
  • Partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice
  • Authored over 80 SCOTUS briefs and presented over 40 oral arguments before The Court
  • In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz assembled a coalition of 31 states in defense of the principle that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms
  • Presented oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
  • Defended the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds,
  • Defended the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools
  • Defended the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States
  • Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission
  • Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign
  • Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation
  • Ted Cruzis currently junior US Senator from Texas, defeating Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who was heavily favored and backed by the DC old-guard GOP
  • DefeatedDemocrat Paul Sadler in the general election
  • Endorsed by The Tea Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus
  • AWARDS: “America’s Leading Lawyers for Business,” Chambers USA (2009 & 2010) “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America,” National Law Journal (2008) “25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century,” Texas Lawyer (2010) “20 Young Hispanic Americans on the Rise,” Newsweek (1999) Traphagen Distinguished Alumnus, Harvard Law School
  • On November 14, 2012, Cruz was appointed vice-chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee
  • Unlike Obama, Cruz didn’t seat in the U.S. Senate and vote “present.” He has sponsored 97 bills. Here are a few crucial pieces of legislation sponsored by Cruz:
    • ObamaCare Repeal Act
    • Prohibit use of drones from killing citizens of the United States within the United States
    • Disarm Criminals and Protect Communities Act
    • Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act
    • Defund Obamacare Act of 2013
    • A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office
    • A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 101 East Pecan Street in Sherman, Texas, as the Paul Brown United States Courthouse
    • A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards of up to $5,000,000 for information regarding the attacks on the United States diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya that began on September 11, 2012
    • State Marriage Defense Act of 2014
    • A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the intentional discrimination of a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service
    • A bill to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities
    • American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014
    • A bill to deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests
    • SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014
    • Free All Speech Act of 2014
    • Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Suspension Act of 2014
    • A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards totaling up to $5,000,000 for information on the kidnapping and ******* of Naftali Fraenkel, a dual United States-Israeli citizen, that began on June 12, 2014
    • A bill to prevent the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unlawfully created by Executive memorandum on August 15, 2012
    • Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act of 2014
    • Expatriate Terrorists Act
    • Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014
How about these for some facts:

  • Graduated valedictorian in 1988 from Second Baptist High School
  • Graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1992
  • Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1995
  • 1992 U.S. National Debate Champion representing Princeton
  • 1995 World Debating Championship semi-finalist representing Harvard
  • Served a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, making him the first Hispanic ever to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States
  • Served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008, making him the first Hispanic Solicitor General in Texas, the youngest Solicitor General in the entire country and the longest tenure in Texas history
  • Partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice
  • Authored over 80 SCOTUS briefs and presented over 40 oral arguments before The Court
  • In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz assembled a coalition of 31 states in defense of the principle that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms
  • Presented oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
  • Defended the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds,
  • Defended the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools
  • Defended the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States
  • Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission
  • Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign
  • Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation
  • Ted Cruzis currently junior US Senator from Texas, defeating Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who was heavily favored and backed by the DC old-guard GOP
  • DefeatedDemocrat Paul Sadler in the general election
  • Endorsed by The Tea Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus
  • AWARDS: “America’s Leading Lawyers for Business,” Chambers USA (2009 & 2010) “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America,” National Law Journal (2008) “25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century,” Texas Lawyer (2010) “20 Young Hispanic Americans on the Rise,” Newsweek (1999) Traphagen Distinguished Alumnus, Harvard Law School
  • On November 14, 2012, Cruz was appointed vice-chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee
  • Unlike Obama, Cruz didn’t seat in the U.S. Senate and vote “present.” He has sponsored 97 bills. Here are a few crucial pieces of legislation sponsored by Cruz:
    • ObamaCare Repeal Act
    • Prohibit use of drones from killing citizens of the United States within the United States
    • Disarm Criminals and Protect Communities Act
    • Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act
    • Defund Obamacare Act of 2013
    • A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office
    • A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 101 East Pecan Street in Sherman, Texas, as the Paul Brown United States Courthouse
    • A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards of up to $5,000,000 for information regarding the attacks on the United States diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya that began on September 11, 2012
    • State Marriage Defense Act of 2014
    • A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the intentional discrimination of a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service
    • A bill to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities
    • American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014
    • A bill to deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests
    • SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014
    • Free All Speech Act of 2014
    • Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Suspension Act of 2014
    • A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards totaling up to $5,000,000 for information on the kidnapping and ******* of Naftali Fraenkel, a dual United States-Israeli citizen, that began on June 12, 2014
    • A bill to prevent the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unlawfully created by Executive memorandum on August 15, 2012
    • Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act of 2014
    • Expatriate Terrorists Act
    • Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014
Huge background
.....Cruz is NOT a "natural born citizen" of the US. In fact, when he was born in Canada, in 1970, both his parents held citizenships with CANADA.
.....Cruz, himself, calls himself a "naturalist" to the Constitution, so his own beliefs disqualify HIMSELF. What he believes and what he's requesting is the same thing that disqualifies him. In the Constitution, Cruz has a problem with "birthright citizenship", has problems with the 2nd Amendment, has a problem with Gay Rights BUT, doesn't have the same problem with staying true to the definition of a Natural Born Citizen? Kind of a "fair weather" politician, actually. The definition of Natural Born comes from the British Common Laws of the 1780's-1790's ... timely for when the Constitution was being written and by who was writing them. The British could define Natural Born IF you dared ask them.
.....Let's face it, Ted Cruz simply plays fast & loose with the interpretations of the Constitution when it Benefits HIM ... if he's a true "naturalist" to the writings of the Constitution as he SAYS HE IS, then he's disqualified himself as being eligible to run for President.
In Ted Cruz's situation, it is so deservingly, just called .... KARMA!
The ONLY ones that can NOW determine if he is truly eligible to be PRESIDENT is the Supreme Court.
However, I'd love Cruz or Trump, either one, to be the GOP selection for the General Election. It gives the voters a nice, clean, distinctive LINE from which to choose.


ps ... Cruz sponsored 97 bills and got HOW MANY passed? Anyone can sponsor a shitload of bills to draw attention to himself.
His signing off on 62 different attempts to appeal Obamacare disqualifies him as logical, and his holding the government budget hostage and purposely damaging the US credit rating but failing at accomplish what he wanted it to do, THEN wanting to do it all over again, should have resulted in his being removed from the Senate for being insane . He has cost the US government "$billions" in his stupidity ... and unlike Obama, HIS were done ON PURPOSE.

He's simply a Tea Party nut case! Main stream Republicans hate him as much as Obama and Democrats. He and his T-P are the primary reason Republicans have accomplished NOTHING in Washington and have a single digit popularity rate right now. With Cruz, it is "His Way Or The Highway" ... he even has signed the Grover Norquist (a private citizen just like us) "no new tax" pledge.
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She has experience in being a failure. And yeah she is also a criminal
The "criminal part" has never been proven or she'd be in jail right now ... and her successes far outweigh ANY successes by ANY of the GOP candidates running. Every one of the GOPers have now taken the Grover Norquist pledge (except for Bush), and have already said THEY intend to cut individual & corporate taxes yet AGAIN ... after all the Trickle Down failures that did nothing but increase the national debt and make the richest Americans richer. The ole Reaganomics playbook ... cut income taxes, then implement a bunch of other taxes (payroll taxes, etc) that impact the middleclass more than anyone ... its called TAX SHIFTING. They're even looking at taking away the mortgage deduction.
has problems with the 2nd Amendment

And you are lying again! Cruz has problems with gun control? Please. Just because his view does not agree with yours oh great confiscator, does not mean he has a problem with it. It means he has a problem with you. The same way I and many others have a BIG problem with your stance on gun control.

As for the whole qualification to be President thing, people can cite court decisions on BOTH sides until they come out their ears and both sides look completely correct. But you know one thing I find very interesting. It's amazing how the same people, when questions are brought up about Obama STAUNCHLY defend Obama, even though his Hawaii birth certificate was proven to be a photoshopped (badly) fake. I seem to remember you strongly defending your buddy in the White House, but now when it is someone who might disagree with you, you jump down his throat with both feet. Again degrade, deny, demonize. - The Liberal Hypocrite Playbook. I think everyone on here is going to be completely stunned if you are ever honest and consistent in your views.

has a problem with Gay Rights

Yes he does. On religious grounds. You and everyone else knows this.It is also protected in our Constitution that we can follow whatever religion we want. Do you want to take that away too now? Boy, you really are going through the complete socialist/liberal/progressive playbook today. You are just throwing EVERYTHING up against the wall you can think of to see if something sticks.

His signing off on 62 different attempts to appeal Obamacare disqualifies him as logical

It does for you, because you support that giant turd of a piece of crap legislation.

Cruz sponsored 97 bills and gotten HOW MANY passed?

At least it shows hes is trying to do something. Sponsoring or coming up with the idea for 25 bills per year that are based on the right thing to do is good work, in my book. What have your Carolina Senators promoted? How many did Obama sponsor or support when he was a Senator? How about Hillary?

You want to keep deflecting from the real issues, I will keep dragging your sorry ass back on track all year.
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Bernie is as far LEFT as Cruz is Right ... No Thanks!
Hillary has more experience than ALL the GOP candidates rolled up in one ball.

Yup. She has a ton of experience neither cruz nor sanders do - watching americans get killed for no reason, lying to congress, illegally allowing access to confidential government documents, watching her husband screw everything in a skirt. I could go on, but frankly, you're boring me.
She has no successes, name one of her accomplishments...
Oh. C'mon Dan. She successfully helped her husband stay in office after screwing an intern half his age that should have had him thrown in jail. lol
Oh and she has also successfully helped her donors in Russia and China gain access to American Classified documents.
The "criminal part" has never been proven or she'd be in jail right now ... and her successes far outweigh ANY successes by ANY of the GOP candidates running. Every one of the GOPers have now taken the Grover Norquist pledge (except for Bush), and have already said THEY intend to cut individual & corporate taxes yet AGAIN ... after all the Trickle Down failures that did nothing but increase the national debt and make the richest Americans richer. The ole Reaganomics playbook ... cut income taxes, then implement a bunch of other taxes (payroll taxes, etc) that impact the middleclass more than anyone ... its called TAX SHIFTING. They're even looking at taking away the mortgage deduction.

And it's called lying again, Mac. If you had any actual experience in economics or how to run a business successfully, you would be scary.
Actually she successfully sold 1/2 of USA's uranium ore to the russians! yes russia owns radioactive material real estate thanks to hillary. also she is credited for the arab spring with has now devastated the region. she has accomplished much failure.
Actually she successfully sold 1/2 of USA's uranium ore to the russians! yes russia owns radioactive material real estate thanks to hillary. also she is credited for the arab spring with has now devastated the region. she has accomplished much failure.

It takes a truly special talent to fail so much and not be in jail or homeless.
And you are lying again! Cruz has problems with gun control? Please. Just because his view does not agree with yours oh great confiscator
I've never said to "confiscate" guns ... NEVER. I said provide stricter gun laws (Republicans say no), I say have better background checks & mental illness checkups (Republicans say no) I say restrict some of the military type weapons being sold (the boss of the Republicans ... NRA says NO).
.... It's amazing how the same people, when questions are brought up about Obama STAUNCHLY defend Obama, even though his Hawaii birth certificate was proven to be a photoshopped (badly) fake. ....
You have NOOOO proof that the birth certificate of Obama is fake, NONE ... liar! Second, even if the certificate WAS fake ... he still qualified because his mom was a US citizen ... neither of Cruz' parents were citizens.
Again degrade, deny, demonize. - The Liberal Hypocrite Playbook.
You continue using/stealing MY WORDS I used on you further back in the Politics, Politics thread to describe Republicans in early 2015. Do you have ANY original lines you haven't stolen from someone else?
Yes he does. On religious grounds. You and everyone else knows this.It is also protected in our Constitution that we can follow whatever religion we want. Do you want to take that away too now? Boy, you really are going through the complete socialist/liberal/progressive playbook today. You are just throwing EVERYTHING up against the wall you can think of to see if something sticks.
Nothing in the Constitution specifically denies any religion or sexual preference ... HE's wanting to PUT IT THERE.
At least it shows hes is trying to do something. Sponsoring or coming up with the idea for 25 bills per year that are based on the right thing to do is good work, in my book. What have your Carolina Senators promoted? How many did Obama sponsor or support when he was a Senator? How about Hillary?
No it doesn't ... it shows he's wanting people to THINK he's doing something. The only things he has done while in office is COST the United States government money ... on BS.
Actually she successfully sold 1/2 of USA's uranium ore to the russians! yes russia owns radioactive material real estate thanks to hillary. also she is credited for the arab spring with has now devastated the region. she has accomplished much failure.
Can you say Iran - Contra? hello! Even the God-Ronald Reagan finally admitted selling arms illegally.
i like when liberals argue. take current islamic extremism (yes i dared say it) for example and they bring up Christians and the crusades which happened 800+ years ago. Stay in the present MAC. Yes Iran contra was bad and it happened under Regan, but he is dead (God rest his soul) and we are talking about the present:frantic:
No it doesn't ... it shows he's wanting people to THINK he's doing something. The only things he has done while in office is COST the United States government money ... on BS.

Only because you disagree with the bills he has sponsored. And I notice you can't answer my questions. Again. Remember? The ones about how many bills obama and hillary sponsored?

I said provide stricter gun laws (Republicans say no), I say have better background checks & mental illness checkups (Republicans say no) I say restrict some of the military type weapons being sold (the boss of the Republicans ... NRA says NO).

Exactly. So please, oh wise one, enlighten me on how if cruz is against what you sponsor, he is against the second amendment?

You have NOOOO proof that the birth certificate of Obama is fake, NONE ... liar! Second, even if the certificate WAS fake ... he still qualified because his mom was a US citizen

Actually, there were several news articles and stories that came out on it. You can look them up just as easily as i can.

And finally, Ted Cruz's mom:
Eleanor Darragh
Ted Cruz's mom
Born: Wilmington, DE

Which means she was a citizen of the USA and this crap needs to stop NOW!!!!