Exposing Black Misandry

One of the founders of Miss Jessies gets with a bottom shelf Brad and ends up deleting herself in the end. Brad managed to have a white baby while having Titi build a house for him.
The video aims to explore the long-standing MYTH of Black women's race loyalty to Black men. There's no such thing a race loyalty but let Black women tell it. They have stuck by Black men since slavery while having more sex with random White men than their own Black husbands. How does that work?

The video aims to explore the long-standing MYTH of Black women's race loyalty to Black men. There's no such thing a race loyalty but let Black women tell it. They have stuck by Black men since slavery while having more sex with random White men than their own Black husbands. How does that work?

You're in the wrong website if you're wishing to enlighten anyone to this. Its a part of reality that most 'here' wish not to acknowledge. Websites are notoriously biased to adverse information that doesn't support their theme. Reminds me of the MAGA followers. Opps! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up.
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The video aims to explore the long-standing MYTH of Black women's race loyalty to Black men. There's no such thing a race loyalty but let Black women tell it. They have stuck by Black men since slavery while having more sex with random White men than their own Black husbands. How does that work?

Black women have been more loyal to Black men. Then the other way around. This is not a myth. This is a fact...
The divide between Black men and Black women. Can be traced back to the systemic weakening and destruction of the Black family. Perpetrated by the institutional white power structure in America and abroad. Another product of slavery and numerous others government sanctioned policies/actions. Designed to hobble Black people as a whole and elevate whites.

"Gender patterns in intermarriage vary widely. Some 24% of all black male newlyweds in 2010 married outside their race, compared with just 9% of black female newlyweds."

"I was surprised with the percentage of black American women in interracial marriage has increased over the years cause years ago it was 9% of black American/African American women marrying outside their race but now it has increased to 12% now."

The video you posted is not representative of the actions of the vast majority of Black women... Black women/people are not a monolith. I consider the subject matter of your video to be an aberration.

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Wisconsin has one of the widest achievement gaps in the country. In this episode, Angela Fitzgerald talks to Rudy Bankston, a survivor of the school-to-prison pipeline. Rudy shares his story of being wrongly convicted and sentenced to life in prison at the age of 19. They’ll also discuss intersecting themes of identity, as well as how education gaps and strict disciplinary policies in schools can lead to the suspension, expulsion and incarceration of Black students.

Heres the story of the failed divestor Blac bombshell who slept with married white men, hates black men but because white men threw her out like trash, is now looking for an African King. Is that you Dr. Umar Johnson?

Tommy Curry discusses the racist beginnings and legacies of our feminist movement.

Feminism has been instrumental in addressing the plight of women around the world. But few know of its dark side, and many are uncomfortable exploring some of its troubled history. Join pioneering philosopher of race, Tommy Curry, as he argues that feminism has been tarnished by racist ideology and explains how we can create a more inclusive world for all.

full video

The Black Male Corpse as the Vestibule to the Sublime, by Tommy J. Curry

Much has been made of the distinctions between that which is beautiful and that which is sublime throughout the philosophy of aesthetics. Traditionally, the death of a human being is understood to be a tragedy, a horror that is often to grotesque to be viewed by the public. In the case of the Black male, this historically has not been the case. Throughout history, the Black male corpse has indicated the triumph of white civilization, white morality, and the protection of womanhood. The dead Black male body was considered sublime, an example of a seemingly corporeal horror and ******* that conveys an eternal (transcendental) truth. It conveys that the living Black male—be he an adult male or boy—is incompatible with all that is naturally beautiful, good, and true in the white world. This presentation asks how white European culture has conceptualized the sublime through the *******, lynching, castration, and ******* of Black males throughout the centuries. The author will argue that the Black male is but one example of how the racialized/subjugated male corpse has been (and is) a source of aesthetic creativity for colonizing and imperial populations.

Actually, there's not enough information/film here to draw conclusions. Is there any additional film on this ... possibly 3-4 minutes before this one started? I get a bit suspicious when the cop says "its against the law" and the customer replies "so what?" I take that response to mean that it wouldn't matter if it WAS against the law. So, first the situation needs more information before labeling the cop as a white racist. If in fact it is against the law and based upon some restriction like 'where he currently was' then he'd be in the wrong and after a certain resistance by him to NOT comply, the cop would be in the right to arrest him. The patron said "you singled me out" ... maybe the camera should have scanned the scene to see if in fact others around him were eating or drinking where this patron was.

I saw something similar to this at a wedding gowns shop at the mall a few years ago. Two black ladies entered the dress shop, one with a 4 to 5 year old who were both eating ice-cream. A clerk approached them regarding bringing food into the shop. A sign at the entrance clearly posted "Please, no food or drinks inside the store". The sign might as well not have been there, however, as the lady eating the ice-cream refused to leave and even continued eating the ice cream as the clerk explained. The shop manager came over to reemphasize the sign and even explained WHY. I was sitting on a bench close by and watched as the argument got louder as the discussion continued. Finally, the shop manager told the clerk to call the mall security, when that happened the ladies said a few choice words, wheeled around and left the store. A scene that could have been totally avoided by simply following the store rules.

Carl, this makes me wonder what the complete situation to your video is. I mean why have rules if they aren't followed? And to what level do security guards have to enforce a violations in a mall? I imagine they could have simply called the police and let them handle it. Its what I would have 'silently' done.

Or is this just a video you're posting to stir up more "hate & discontent"? Amateur media has a bad habit of doing this just to create NEWS.

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Wisconsin has one of the widest achievement gaps in the country. In this episode, Angela Fitzgerald talks to Rudy Bankston, a survivor of the school-to-prison pipeline. Rudy shares his story of being wrongly convicted and sentenced to life in prison at the age of 19. They’ll also discuss intersecting themes of identity, as well as how education gaps and strict disciplinary policies in schools can lead to the suspension, expulsion and incarceration of Black students.

This Rudy Bankston dude is a "real roll model" young guy ... LOL, with a lengthy juvenile record, fa.ther to a host of babies and not supporting any of them. Carrying unlicensed firearms. Initiating a gun fight. A real church going type of guy that I'm sure his "mama" declares is a good Christian boy. All this proves is that if you appeal a conviction long enough to enough juries, the chances are high the conviction will eventually get dismissed by some misunderstanding by a sympathetic jury. No mention of him volunteering to take a polygraph as others did.

Here's the transcript from the frik'n trial stating that Rudy Bankston is the one who initiated "breaking out the guns" and initiating the shooting that resulted in one person being killed, supposedly by Rudy's gun. When three different gangs of black males come together what is to be expected... a break out pizza party?
"We duh roosters on diz STREET ... git off ove it 'afore we ******* ya!" ................ gif_Rooster.gif


Based upon this initial court transcripts Rudy Bankston sounds as guilty as hell. Rudy will be back in jail or dead within the next couple years.
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