Don’t push it too far

Yes, frontal male nudity was a huge taboo until not long ago. Girls never saw any penis but their husband's so any whiteboi could skate along just taking pleasure and not giving much in return. Generations of white women never had orgasms and viewed sex as a duty. But even teen girls now have seen many hundreds of naked men in full pornographic detail and situations so the bois don't have women's ignorance to trade on anymore. Women now make informed choices and those are swinging hard in the Black Man's favor. To stay relevant we need to become the supportive 3rd wheel in the bedroom. In the process even we whitebois find a more exciting and fulfilling role than we ever imagined: a liberating place well suited to our limitations.
Really good points there. We have the younger women being brought up differently to how the older ones were.
The younger ones are enjoying the fruits from the beginning as they see what’s on offer.
The mature ladies are now seeing what they missed out on. Some are still hanging on in there, but many are craving what they missed and reacting accordingly.
I get shocked by the amount of men that make this about what they want and not what their wives want.

It should be a focus on the wife, their needs and support from the husband. If it’s not what the wife wants, then it is bound to fail.

Being a good husband is supporting your wife, but not pushing her into something she doesn’t want to be involved in.

The power needs to be with the wife, with the husband supporting her.
That is so true, but sadly, peer pressure, society traditions and general fear of being known as a slut. All these and many other things stop so many women from living their wildest fantasies. Fear is the biggest hurdle and with a supoortive, encouraging cuckold, there is hope for ALL women to be that eternally happy and fulfilled woman.
Yes, frontal male nudity was a huge taboo until not long ago. Girls never saw any penis but their husband's so any whiteboi could skate along just taking pleasure and not giving much in return. Generations of white women never had orgasms and viewed sex as a duty. But even teen girls now have seen many hundreds of naked men in full pornographic detail and situations so the bois don't have women's ignorance to trade on anymore. Women now make informed choices and those are swinging hard in the Black Man's favor. To stay relevant we need to become the supportive 3rd wheel in the bedroom. In the process even we whitebois find a more exciting and fulfilling role than we ever imagined: a liberating place well suited to our limitations.
Absioutely, and in line with this, the younger generation of males are seeing such men far more too and that helps form a sexuality in so many that is NOT the Alpha stud their fathers and grandfathers so tirelessly tried and failed to be. Hence the reason so many young males now are showing feminine traits and leaning toward the love and submission to Stronger women, and to a sexuality of submission to Real Men. Either by becoming a cuckold, a cocksucker, a bottom, or a sissy. Or All! 😊
That is so true, but sadly, peer pressure, society traditions and general fear of being known as a slut. All these and many other things stop so many women from living their wildest fantasies. Fear is the biggest hurdle and with a supoortive, encouraging cuckold, there is hope for ALL women to be that eternally happy and fulfilled woman.
I get what you are saying here. This is why wives really need our support. So many external pressures and feelings that they really need reassurance and support.

This is also great for our relationships as this support we give won’t go unnoticed and it will ensure our relationships get stronger and stronger.

Wives worries about consequences etc, but with support can flourish and they will never forget those who have helped nurture and encourage them
I get what you are saying here. This is why wives really need our support. So many external pressures and feelings that they really need reassurance and support.

This is also great for our relationships as this support we give won’t go unnoticed and it will ensure our relationships get stronger and stronger.

Wives worries about consequences etc, but with support can flourish and they will never forget those who have helped nurture and encourage them
Yes, and with that comes them feeling proud to be a sexually free woman. And telling friends, who in turn want the same from their husbands. We should all feel proud of our sexual roles, whatever that may be.
You bring up a vital part of the solution for whitebois to gain some real perspective on the natural order we fit into. Early and persistent confrontation of whitebois by the supremacy of Alpha Blacks is critical to ending the futile cycle of racist resistance against natural Black dominance. Recognizing and accepting our inferior status and role is key to harmony inside and outside the bedroom. Resisting nature always has very bad outcomes. We don't need any more proof that white dominance is a ****** fiction against the laws nature established from the ancient humans, who were Black before weaker mutations emerged.
Y’all have made this post a little weird
Exactly. It's gone from a direct account of how pushing one's wife too far can result in divorce to some long diatribe of white inferiority. I believe strongly that some on here got a rise from your experience, quite literally too.
Fair point. Off topic. Withdrawn.
The OP’s post and many of the replies reaffirms that sex is nowhere near as important to us as what men always want to project. Some of us have discovered sexual enlightenment but it’s not an overnight thing or something all women are even open to. Some of us discover it earlier than others, and some are destined to never achieve complete sexual fulfillment. This is why I always stress that the likelihood of your significant other being amenable to joining and finding happiness in this lifestyle reduces with time spent in a relationship. The time you spend in a relationship establishes the boundaries and expectations for that relationship. This is why I advise guys that are consumed by the need for non tradition sexual lifestyles in their relationships lay their cards out early and let it be known that you’re a freak. You’ll either scare away someone that isn’t a perfect fit or you’ll find yourself a soulmate. Don’t wait until 5 or 10 years into a marriage to decide an alternative sexual lifestyle is important to you. That just shows that you’re either indecisive or were hiding it and have grown into something different from what your spouse had in mind. I think perhaps this latter example captures what happened in the case of the OP? And maybe it’s for the best that y’all divorce so she can be with someone boring and you can have the freedom to find a better match for yourself. There’s two sides to every coin and the grass is green on both sides of the hill. 😁
I’m really sorry to hear of this, but the guys saying that he can go out and find a woman whose interests align with his kink and all will be well just don’t get the point. The disparity of kinks isn’t what killed the marriage.

What killed it was that he didn’t care what she wanted, he only cared about getting what HE wanted. He valued his kink more than he valued his wife’s happiness, and his wife as an equal human being. She certainly communicated her sincere rejection of the lifestyle repeatedly, and with increasing bluntness and vehemence. Their marriage had to have been obviously going downhill for a while because of it, but he still ignored her feelings in favor of his kink.

Even if he finds a woman who loves the lifestyle, unless he addresses this toxic narcissism, the problem will just manifest in some other area of their lives together.

If you don’t respect your partner, if respect isn’t the foundation of your relationship, the whole thing will be doomed.
Sorry to hear your marriage might end…hopefully you guys can survive this. I was thinking that this feeling we have in us (the one that wants our wives to reproduce with a stronger/bigger black man). I think is innately in us. …I don’t think we can control it and the more I kept thinking about WHY this is so powerful and so uncontrollable.

I came up with a theory. God or whoever you believe is our creator made us to reproduce to extend our species and thrive.
So what if innately we are trying to extend the human race with a stronger human to whatever hardships that may come up in this crazy world. ( I firmly believe the proverbial ******* is going to hit the fan soon.)
This is why we want a bigger black man to inseminate our wives.
I never had these feelings of my wife being fucked by anyone else but now the feeling is so powerful. It’s my only logical explanation of why all of a sudden this has overwhelmed me. You all might think I’m crazy but I am a little bit of a Conspiracy Theorist/prepper and I believe bad ******* is going to happen soon. Either that or I’m going certifiably crazy…just a theory but it does explain how deep the feeling is in me.

Needless to say my wife is a lot like yours and she knows what I feel but is unwilling/un wanting to follow through with my deep desires. I am also not trying to push too hard too fast.
Maybe I should tell her my theory and have her do it to save all of humanity. 😀

Hope everything works out for you in the end and thanks for the advice.