Don’t push it too far

You got what you asked for if you think about it.

You heard no a million times and still thought that you could “convince” her. I’ve said it a million times- could she convince you for her own sexual gratification to have sex with another man repeatedly? Your post is poignant and on point. You do not “make” or “convince” someone to do something they don’t want to do or find abhorrent or partake in the LS. She either has an intrest or she does not. End of story. No means no-
Yeah I was really obsessed with this kink. I realize now how much of an idiot I made myself out to be. I wish I could make myself stop thinking about this
Training her- did she find a BBC? No she left because she did not want to be part of the lifestyle and have sex with other men. What are you thinking? My god man.
I still don't think Wifeyandme is getting it. Some serious disconnect happening there. Perhaps sociopath? I don't know but I think he's aroused by it all. Strange people abound.
Yeah I was really obsessed with this kink. I realize now how much of an idiot I made myself out to be. I wish I could make myself stop thinking about this
You can- don’t visit porn sites. Don’t feed your addiction. In drinking a major rule of recovery is avoid wet faces in wet places. This is your wet place full of wet faces.
I'm sorry to hear what you have described. My opinion is................This lifestyle isnt for everyone. It works for some, but not others. Pushing the envelope till it snaps isnt good at all.
I feel for you. And those who laugh have at you on here have a sick sense of humour, and no understanding of the cuckold psyche.

She was not the woman for you. Move on, there really are better times ahead. You cannot change what turns you on, just make it less of an obsession while single and enjoy the dating scene for a while. One day the perfect woman will come along when you least expect. And then one day, you can both be honest about what each of you is into fairly soon. Bedroom and otherwise.

And remember, the biggest cause of Divorce is a woman cheating. Oh the irony huh 😊
Well guys. I’ve been after my wife to try this hotwife lifestyle for years. It became an obsession of mine and she finally decided it was too much and filed for divorce. Just a warning to you wannabe cucks out there. Learn when to drop it and no is no.
i'm sorry that happened to your marriage & hopefully you're healing right now 🙏🏾
I feel for you. And those who laugh have at you on here have a sick sense of humour, and no understanding of the cuckold psyche.

She was not the woman for you. Move on, there really are better times ahead. You cannot change what turns you on, just make it less of an obsession while single and enjoy the dating scene for a while. One day the perfect woman will come along when you least expect. And then one day, you can both be honest about what each of you is into fairly soon. Bedroom and otherwise.

And remember, the biggest cause of Divorce is a woman cheating. Oh the irony huh 😊
Not true- spoken like a person who doesn’t recognize that anyone can change. Anyone. Ruining a life from bad decisions doesn’t have to be a pattern.
Not true- spoken like a person who doesn’t recognize that anyone can change. Anyone. Ruining a life from bad decisions doesn’t have to be a pattern.
Of course it doesnt have to be a pattern, but it is like you saying to yourself, ok tomorrow Im going to stop liking Black cock. If something is what you crave now, then the chances are you are always going to crave it. Yes, it can lessen with finding other interests and things to focus on. But it doesnt go away. And finding a person to be with who shares in your interests is a healthy pursuit. The unfirtunate irony in such situations is that one day his now ex wife may enjoy intimacy with a Black man. Or..... she may date or marry another white man and cheat on him with a Black man. These things happen all too often. Sadly.

Being a cuckold is not a switch off fetish. Most happy cuckolds will agree, it is their sexuality.
Of course it doesnt have to be a pattern, but it is like you saying to yourself, ok tomorrow Im going to stop liking Black cock. If something is what you crave now, then the chances are you are always going to crave it. Yes, it can lessen with finding other interests and things to focus on. But it doesnt go away. And finding a person to be with who shares in your interests is a healthy pursuit. The unfirtunate irony in such situations is that one day his now ex wife may enjoy intimacy with a Black man. Or..... she may date or marry another white man and cheat on him with a Black man. These things happen all too often. Sadly.

Being a cuckold is not a switch off fetish. Most happy cuckolds will agree, it is their sexuality.
Having unhealthy fetish issues that cost you your marriage is an addiction. An addiction can be managed. When you do things that are unhealthy for you, physically and emotionally you can manage and change those issues for you to say otherwise means that people are doomed to a particular pattern of destructive behavior, their whole life, and that simply is not true. Being a cuckold is a choice engaging and destructive behavior is a choice that can be managed through behavior modification. Does it mean it to go away perhaps that but that urge and that extreme desire to engage in destructive behavior can be lessened. And yes, there is come a day when I’m no longer going to be involved in the lifestyle, and I will look back on it fondly but I will not have this overwhelming urge in need to participate in it . You’ve created a situation of hypothetical what in order to justify your behavior or his behavior with his wife, going on to meet a black man and engaging socks, and he finding another woman who will do the same thing and feed his fetish. It cost him a happy marriage , and he’s unhappy about it. And he can do something about it.
I will say this once again for all Women and Bulls who have not found a way to understand the mindset of a cuckold.
One day it will become mainstream.
Cuckold is NOT a fetish. It is a realisation that your partner deserves better than you can provide.

Do you think being a cuckold is really a choice?
When so many times men are made a cuckold without them even knowing it. And when in a minority of cases they finally come to the realisation that there is pleasure to be had in your wife/girlfriend enjoying sex with more gifted and able men.

In this modern world to say it can be managed or switched off is the same as what went on for centuries. In that Gay people were told they can be cured. Healed and made to enjoy sex with the opposite gender. Was that right???

Once a man realises he is a cuckold, there is NO way he can switch it off. This is far more than being into spanking or watersports, for example.
Having unhealthy fetish issues that cost you your marriage is an addiction. An addiction can be managed. When you do things that are unhealthy for you, physically and emotionally you can manage and change those issues for you to say otherwise means that people are doomed to a particular pattern of destructive behavior, their whole life, and that simply is not true. Being a cuckold is a choice engaging and destructive behavior is a choice that can be managed through behavior modification. Does it mean it to go away perhaps that but that urge and that extreme desire to engage in destructive behavior can be lessened. And yes, there is come a day when I’m no longer going to be involved in the lifestyle, and I will look back on it fondly but I will not have this overwhelming urge in need to participate in it . You’ve created a situation of hypothetical what in order to justify your behavior or his behavior with his wife, going on to meet a black man and engaging socks, and he finding another woman who will do the same thing and feed his fetish. It cost him a happy marriage , and he’s unhappy about it. And he can do something about it.
It was not a happy marriage.
Of course it doesnt have to be a pattern, but it is like you saying to yourself, ok tomorrow Im going to stop liking Black cock. If something is what you crave now, then the chances are you are always going to crave it. Yes, it can lessen with finding other interests and things to focus on. But it doesnt go away. And finding a person to be with who shares in your interests is a healthy pursuit. The unfirtunate irony in such situations is that one day his now ex wife may enjoy intimacy with a Black man. Or..... she may date or marry another white man and cheat on him with a Black man. These things happen all too often. Sadly.

Being a cuckold is not a switch off fetish. Most happy cuckolds will agree, it is their sexuality.
I agree with this thought. I have accepted my cuckold tendencies and they will be with me forever. I have an unwilling wife which I understand maybe one day she will rethink. Overtime I have experimented with my commitment just to make sure I understood there is a difference between fantasy and reality.
I agree with this thought. I have accepted my cuckold tendencies and they will be with me forever. I have an unwilling wife which I understand maybe one day she will rethink. Overtime I have experimented with my commitment just to make sure I understood there is a difference between fantasy and reality.
Hi, yes it is a test in a relationship when something like this comes to light. Not all survive it, and Im happy to hear yours has done so. I actually believe that once two people who love and care for eachother know this and accept it, they can put it aside to a degree. Going on to enjoy intimacy in their own way, alleviating performance pressure that cuckold males suffer. This is huge!
Hi, yes it is a test in a relationship when something like this comes to light. Not all survive it, and Im happy to hear yours has done so. I actually believe that once two people who love and care for eachother know this and accept it, they can put it aside to a degree. Going on to enjoy intimacy in their own way, alleviating performance pressure that cuckold males suffer. This is huge!
So true. I would also agree with the importance of communication but I also feel marriage is about being intune with your spouse’s interests both in and out of the bedroom to be a part of making them the best version of themselves possible. That may involve doing things which help them but you may not be really into or agree with. Certainly there are limits but when possible it could be fun to learn new things about your spouse. However I still suck in bed!
Yes exactly. And decades ago, it did not matter so much if a guy was small endowed and was a 2 pump shooter. Women used to date, marry and have ki.ds. End of. Todays average woman has had a lot of cock by the time she even thinks about marriage. And so for men who are small endowed, the natural way to fit into society is to find our role and become it. Be our best at it. And be open and honest, that we cannot compete with what other men have done for her in her past. So it is best for us all that she continues to enjoy sexual freedom. She be proud of this, and we be proud of her and love her to pieces, no matter how little she wants us inside her.
I get shocked by the amount of men that make this about what they want and not what their wives want.

It should be a focus on the wife, their needs and support from the husband. If it’s not what the wife wants, then it is bound to fail.

Being a good husband is supporting your wife, but not pushing her into something she doesn’t want to be involved in.

The power needs to be with the wife, with the husband supporting her.
Yes exactly. And decades ago, it did not matter so much if a guy was small endowed and was a 2 pump shooter. Women used to date, marry and have ki.ds. End of. Todays average woman has had a lot of cock by the time she even thinks about marriage. And so for men who are small endowed, the natural way to fit into society is to find our role and become it. Be our best at it. And be open and honest, that we cannot compete with what other men have done for her in her past. So it is best for us all that she continues to enjoy sexual freedom. She be proud of this, and we be proud of her and love her to pieces, no matter how little she wants us inside her.
Yes, frontal male nudity was a huge taboo until not long ago. Girls never saw any penis but their husband's so any whiteboi could skate along just taking pleasure and not giving much in return. Generations of white women never had orgasms and viewed sex as a duty. But even teen girls now have seen many hundreds of naked men in full pornographic detail and situations so the bois don't have women's ignorance to trade on anymore. Women now make informed choices and those are swinging hard in the Black Man's favor. To stay relevant we need to become the supportive 3rd wheel in the bedroom. In the process even we whitebois find a more exciting and fulfilling role than we ever imagined: a liberating place well suited to our limitations.