Body language between a white girl with a black man

Hey thought it would've been interesting of having a thread analysing the body language between white girls with black dudes.

What do you think of this girls body language?
From what I’ve saw from this clip, it looks like a regular event where people are connecting and hanging out.

When it comes to body language, if a white woman is into a black man that she likes, she’ll give off body signals to let him know that she’s interested and vice versa when it comes to black men who are into white women.
Idk about that clip…but when wifey is around an attractive black dude she always has a lustful look in her eyes and closed mouth smile, kind of in a daze if that makes sense?

From what I’ve saw from this clip, it looks like a regular event where people are connecting and hanging out.

When it comes to body language, if a white woman is into a black man that she likes, she’ll give off body signals to let him know that she’s interested and vice versa when it comes to black men who are into white women.
I totally agree. I did not see anything special about the clip, but like you said, body language/ signals, are given out. I think somehow black men are really able to read body language and pick up on white women who are interested. I suck at reading people, but those than can, I think really benefit from it.
I totally agree. I did not see anything special about the clip, but like you said, body language/ signals, are given out. I think somehow black men are really able to read body language and pick up on white women who are interested. I suck at reading people, but those than can, I think really benefit from it
I'd say she was closing the distance and facing her legs toward him. Seemed to me like she wants to get more personal