This is a very true statement, at least it’s something that’s happened in my circle of friends. I my self was recruited, (or talked into going out with a black guy) and not long after I became black only, I felt it was my roles (or commitment) to recruit other girls to go black also.. And when any of them come back to thank me for helping them, I always tell them that one of the most satisfying way they can thank me is to recruit another girlfriend in going black also.. and then her recruit another to keep
it all going from one girl to another..
I have also found that it leaves me with a very exciting feeling when I can pass it on to another girl, so for any of you girls out there who are addicted to black and haven’t helped any of your girlfriends into black guys, please do so, you will most likely find it to be as exciting as I have, especially if you can convert that ”one girl” you would least expect would ever go black.. Those types are the most exciting and appreciate it the most ..6t⁶
My cousin c8

This is a very true statement, at least it’s something that’s happened in my circle of friends. I my self was recruited, (or talked into going out with a black guy) and not long after I became black only, I felt it was my roles (or commitment) to recruit other girls to go black also.. And when any of them come back to thank me for helping them, I always tell them that one of the most satisfying way they can thank me is to recruit another girlfriend in going black also.. and then her recruit another to keep
it all going from one girl to another..
I have also found that it leaves me with a very exciting feeling when I can pass it on to another girl, so for any of you girls out there who are addicted to black and haven’t helped any of your girlfriends into black guys, please do so, you will most likely find it to be as exciting as I have, especially if you can convert that ”one girl” you would least expect would ever go black.. Those types are the most exciting and appreciate it the most ..
Converting is happening my cousin converted my sister both in 50's black exclusive now
Can some one remind me the name of the 90s or 20s couple where the husband is a wine make or something. Who ask wife to make pron with a famous Italian pronstar. And where the wife flew to Italy to make 5 pron as supprise anniversary gift
Chapter Two: Purpose

If you’ve made it this far, give yourself a tiny pat on the clit. Good girl--you’ve accepted your place in life. But, now what?

Now that you’ve come to terms with casting aside your facade of manliness and embracing your destiny as a true feminine cumslut, you have to realign your perspective. Up until now, you’ve been living life with your eyes set on the wrong things.

Perhaps you’ve bought into The Great American Dream and have been focused on securing that house with a white picket fence and 2.5 *******. Or, maybe you’ve spent your time becoming the CEO and head of some thriving corporation. The next step of your journey requires you to relinquish that which has been your motivation for so long.

First, let me ask a question. Have those goals that you’ve been striving toward truly fulfilled you? When you’ve hit a milestone in your life, fucked a girl that you’d been lusting after for so long--did it leave you feeling satisfied?
Or, was there a void, an unfulfilled hunger that seemed to grow more and more hungry as you tried to fill it with vain accomplishments?

You’re not alone. In fact, a large percentage of the submissives and sissies that I have engaged with led lives where they were high-powered executives. Many of them have beautiful wives, families, and friends that see them as a masculine breadwinner--you know, a real man’s man.

Society sets us up from birth to be dominant, in charge, hyper-masculine men. The reality isn’t quite that simple, however.

Everyone isn’t an alpha male, though--and that’s okay. There are men that crave submission, those that naturally derive pleasure from being of use, those that want nothing more than to bask in the glow and presence of someone that exudes confidence and Big Dick Energy. Half of these men don’t even know it because they are yet to accept that they have these desires. But, if you’ve gotten this far, you’re different.

Now that you know it, are you ready to leave the unfulfilling motivators of yesterday behind and hear the ONLY thing that should be driving you from this day forward?

The answer is simple and once I say it, you’ll realize that you knew it all along. You should wake up, go to sleep, and go about your day with the thought of BIG BLACK COCK at the forefront of your mind. To put it clearly, your purpose, the reason you exist on this Earth, is to be of use to your Black Gods.

MICRO-SISSY TASK: Repeat this--My purpose is to be of use to my Black Gods. Continue repeating it until it has really sunken in.
So many submissives and sissies get this part wrong and end up showing just how nubile and unready to serve they are. I can’t tell you how many messages I’ve received from sissies and slaves pledging their submission and inferiority, and then immediately turning around and asking for time, attention, or free content.

From your first message, interaction, or experience with a Black God, you should be actively seeking and offering ways to be of service. The more value and usefulness you show to your Black Superiors, the more pleasure you will receive. And as an added bonus, it will make you more endearing and useful to your masters.

Understand this. WE do not need you. There are hundreds of inferior, sissy sluts out there who are praying and wishing that they could find a Black God to serve. Not to mention the ACTUAL women that also want to be blessed by the pleasure of an alpha male and his BIG BLACK COCK.

You are a tool. A hole to be used. A servant at the feet of your superiors. The sooner you realize your purpose, the sooner your value can increase.
Here are examples of some ways that you can serve your Black Gods today:

Financial- This could be through donations, purchasing content, gift-giving, or pimping yourself out. Get creative, girls.
Social- Free social promotion, sending of nudes and messages of submission, sending your women and daughters their way (with their permission).
Spiritual- Encouraging and adoring them, building and learning everything you can to serve BBC.
These are just examples and the way that each Black God wishes to be served differs for different scenarios. The best advice I can give is for you to communicate respectfully and submissively with the Gods that you would like to serve and ask them how best you can be of use to them.

With everything that you’ve learned, you have some work set out before you. I know it won’t be easy reprogramming your mind after being brainwashed into masculinity for so many years, but we’ll take it one step at a time.

Today’s step, SISSY TASK, is simple:

Find a Black GOD and ask them how you may be of use to them, and fulfill their desires. (Can be completed in real life or virtually)
is there more?
For those who can’t serve the BNWO in person, a porn addiction is a good substitute. It is something you should cultivate.

1. Set a target for how much porn you should watch in a day and stick to it, everything else is secondary. Skip sleep, studying, social interactions or whatever if needed to hit your target. Increase that target periodically: one hour is a good start, but you should try aiming for 6 to 8 hours eventually.
2. Watch porn actively, focus on it, wear headphones and keep the volume as loud as you can stand it, masturbate to it. It should be something that takes up your full attention.
3. Have porn playing in the background while you’re doing other things. If you can get headphones for your mobile and play porn on them as you go about your day. This doesn’t count towards your target, only time spent watching it actively does, but it helps keep your mind thinking of it constantly.
4. Edge and goon, but avoid cumming. Ruin if you absolutely have to. Proper orgasms are something that should be reserved for superiors and people who are serving them directly.
thank you