A Cuckold and a Queen Find Each Other


Real Person
I am a middle-aged white man who grew up in the Deep South of the USA. At an early age, I was exposed to pornography by my older brother. When I was about 8 to 10, I found his porno mags under his mattress and instantly I was intrigued and hooked on seeing women naked and sex in general. The mags were quite "vanilla" in general but they succeeded in igniting a fire within me for sexual expression which burns deep within me even to this day! Not much later in my life, VHS and video rentals became a thing in our society, and my brother and older cousin would rent porn movies and bring them home. They would run me out of the living room and then put the movies on in the den of the house. I can remember sneaking into the doorway of the living room to where I could see what they were watching and peeking around the door facing to catch a glimpse. On one of these occasions, I distinctly remember they were watching a porn where this white woman was on an African Safari. While there, she goes to a village and is surrounded by naked natives with huge black cocks hanging down between their knees. Of course, this leads to a gangbang scene where five to six well hung black men are taking turns fucking all of her holes! I was instantly hooked!! And, there is no doubt in my mind, this was the beginning of me becoming a cuckold. From that day on, I loved porn and viewing sex and thinking about sexuality, but I was obsessed with interracial sex and relationships! I especially was drawn to black men and white women being together. Maybe it was the taboo of it all in my area. My parents and most white people in my town were very racists, and to be honest the black folks were just as racists. The attitude there in the 80's, and to some extent even today, was everyone should stick to their "own kind". I'm not sure what all it was, maybe the contrast of color, maybe the size of the black cocks on the porn I saw, maybe the aggressiveness/confidence of black men around women, who knows? All I know is, for me, sex is great; but interracial sex is the absolute most erotic thing on the planet!

I went to a predominately black high school, and I can remember there was a white girl who rumors started to surround she was into black guys. I heard stories of black guys in our class sneaking out to her house and into her window and fucking her all the while her parents were home! She began to be shunned by both white and black girls at our school, and most of the few of us white boys called her a slut and worse. But not me! I fantasized about talking her into letting me come over and sneak into her room too, not to fuck her, but to watch!!! Oh how wish I would have been brave enough to ask! Maybe I could have actually become a cuck much earlier than I did. Oh well, no use crying over chances not taken! Fast forward about 7 or 8 years, I was in college at a Southern SEC school, and low and behold that same girl was attending the same college! My best friend and roommate(who was black) ran into her at a party! She told us she was a manager for the football team and was "loving every minute of it"; as she said this she gave my roommate a wink and said, "you know me Keith and what I like!" My roommate had attended the same high school with me and the girl, so he well knew her reputation. In that moment, I knew the rumors were true, and I suddenly wished I could be a fly on the wall in the locker room! I had one other experience in college that solidified for me I was a true cuckold(even though I didn't know that label was in the mid 90's). I shared an on campus apartment with my black roommate and 4 other black guys. It was a three bedroom apartment with two bunks in each room. We shared a common living area and kitchen. One day, I came in from class and there was one of my black roommates laying his black pipe to a skinny white blonde on the couch in the living room! He was fucking her doggie style with her side ways on the couch, knees on the cushions, and hands on the arm rest. She looked back when I walked in and licked her lips. My roommate stopped pumping her, I hurriedly walked past them and into my room and shut the door. I sat on my bed a second in awe of what I had just witnessed, and I had the hardest boner I had ever had in my life! I sat a second then went to my bedroom door and put my ear up to the door. I listened and could hear their moans as he continued to fuck his white girl! I immediately dropped my pants and jacked off to the most glorious orgasm I had every had up into that point! Another missed opportunity to be who I was and watch; but at least I had those few seconds that helped shape who I am today! My current wife has asked me when I share these stories with her, was I attracted or ever wanted to be with black women?" And the answer is not especially, I have always been attracted to all women! But, when I fantasize about interracial, it is ALWAYS black men with white women and me watching! I think this is the essence of being a cuckold!! It defines who I am sexually.

Throughout the rest of my young adult life the internet and porn, especially amateur porn, became more and more available and more and more relevant to my life. I loved searching for real couples or real white women fucking black men in real settings. Produced porn is okay, but I have always gravitated to the real stuff the raw the natural! I got married in my late mid 20's in 2000, and I always hid my porn viewing from her. We got deeply involved in the church early in our marriage and I was ordained a minister in 2007. I entered what I call the suppressed years of my life! I was hearing messages from the church how much of a sinner I was and how I was going to hell for all the things related to my sexuality and who I knew I was as a person! I began to hate myself! I would go long periods of time praying for God to remove these desires from my heart and mind! And, I was successful to a point, I would suppress the thoughts and the desires for long periods of times! But then, they would rear their ugly heads! I would see an interracial couple while we were out and about. And, I would immediately begin to fantasize about watching them fuck! At other times, I would be in a horny mood and the wife would be gone and I would search up interracial porn and jack off multiple times releasing months if not years of sexual desire! I talked to my wife some about my desires and fantasies, but she was never very responsive in a positive way. I talked her into a couple of big black dildos over the years, and I would get some satisfaction out of fucking her with those. But they would always hurt her or something, and she was just not a sexual person in general. In 2016, I finally had had enough of the church and its hypocrisy and I resigned, turned in my credentials as a pastor; and walked away and have never looked back! I told my wife at the time, I was going to start living for me and I wanted her to join me! She kind of agreed but she had no idea what that meant! We started flirting with black men online and things like that, and I started trying to talk her into fucking a black guy while I watched. Craigslist was a thing then and I put out ads there. We finally met a black guy in a parking lot. I had them sit in the back seat of my truck while I was in the front. They sat back there and talked while I rubbed my dick, but they never even kissed! Afterward, my now ex-wife, told me she would never do that again and couldn't deal with the lustful look in my eye as I watched and hoped she would kiss and fuck another man! We were divorced by the end of 2017, that day in the truck with the black man was certainly a turning point for me, but not the only reason for our divorce. I guess I realized it wasn't only the church that was holding me back from truly living my life!

I ended up moving back to my hometown after 20 plus years away and starting a new life. After several bad tinder dates and not much fun, I met my current wife through tinder. She was everything I had been looking for in a woman and partner! We had a deep connection early on and were fairly honest and open with each other right from the beginning. I remember, maybe three dates into our relationship, I told her one of my wildest fantasies was to watch a black man fuck a white woman up close and personal. She then told me that after here divorce about three years prior, she had decided to date black men exclusively for a time, and that she had been engaged to a black man just prior to meeting me! She told me she started dating black men because her ex was very racists and it would drive him crazy to know she was fucking black guys! She had also had a black uncle coming up and she always saw how he and her aunt were so in love, and she though maybe she could find that in a black man too. Unfortunately for her (but fortunately for me) the black man she was engaged to cheated on her in her car! So, this gave me the opportunity to meet my Queen! She decided to give white men another chance and boy am I glad she did! Our relationship has been wonderful and open and honest from the beginning. We were married in 2019 and are deeply in love today! I guess about a year and half into our marriage, we began to talk and fantasize more and more about having a black man join us in the bedroom. We began to explore the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle more and more together online, and I think she began to see how hot and horny the thought of it made me. Deep down I know it was and is a huge turn on for her as well. Early in 2020, I began to text her long fantasies on her days off and I was at work. my stories made her so hot she would jump me and make fuck her as soon as I got home! It was so much fun to begin to explore our wildest fantasies together. She began to open to me about how she loved how the black men fucked her! she had been told she was a nympho by her ex, and I think the black men loved her appetite and enjoyed fucking her as much as she wanted to be fucked! She is the most kinky sexual woman I have every known and a true unicorn and I love her all the more for it!! Anyway, we started planning a trip to Hedonism II in Jamaica. Our thought was it would be easier for us to explore the lifestyle at first away from home and in that setting. However, life happened and our Hedonism II plans got cancelled! But that didn't stop us, early last year we began to put ads on Doublelist and enjoy websites like this one! We met up with her first lover in April of 2021 and the over the past year, we've had about 10 encounters with three different black lovers! One of whom, is our regular! He has actually joined us in our home a couple of times and is, in fact, coming over tomorrow to fuck her good in our marriage bed!

I have to say this past year and this wonderful woman I have as my wife have been the best times of my life! Actually, the past 3 years have been the best of my life! My Queen, you guys know as Desiree Black, is my soulmate, lover, best friend, confidant, and sweet wife! She is my everything and I am Her's! We enjoy each other and our kinkiness!! And most of all we enjoy this lifestyle together! We are both thankful this cuckold and this Queen found each other, and we enjoy sharing our adventures with like minded individuals like you! If you have read this far, please give us some feed back on our story. We would also like to hear if you would like to read some of our fantasies in story form and if you'd like to see more vids and pics of Desiree and her black lovers! We'd love to hear all you think of us, and we'd love to hear more about you and your story!


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I am a middle-aged white man who grew up in the Deep South of the USA. At an early age, I was exposed to pornography by my older brother. When I was about 8 to 10, I found his porno mags under his mattress and instantly I was intrigued and hooked on seeing women naked and sex in general. The mags were quite "vanilla" in general but they succeeded in igniting a fire within me for sexual expression which burns deep within me even to this day! Not much later in my life, VHS and video rentals became a thing in our society, and my brother and older cousin would rent porn movies and bring them home. They would run me out of the living room and then put the movies on in the den of the house. I can remember sneaking into the doorway of the living room to where I could see what they were watching and peeking around the door facing to catch a glimpse. On one of these occasions, I distinctly remember they were watching a porn where this white woman was on an African Safari. While there, she goes to a village and is surrounded by naked natives with huge black cocks hanging down between their knees. Of course, this leads to a gangbang scene where five to six well hung black men are taking turns fucking all of her holes! I was instantly hooked!! And, there is no doubt in my mind, this was the beginning of me becoming a cuckold. From that day on, I loved porn and viewing sex and thinking about sexuality, but I was obsessed with interracial sex and relationships! I especially was drawn to black men and white women being together. Maybe it was the taboo of it all in my area. My parents and most white people in my town were very racists, and to be honest the black folks were just as racists. The attitude there in the 80's, and to some extent even today, was everyone should stick to their "own kind". I'm not sure what all it was, maybe the contrast of color, maybe the size of the black cocks on the porn I saw, maybe the aggressiveness/confidence of black men around women, who knows? All I know is, for me, sex is great; but interracial sex is the absolute most erotic thing on the planet!

I went to a predominately black high school, and I can remember there was a white girl who rumors started to surround she was into black guys. I heard stories of black guys in our class sneaking out to her house and into her window and fucking her all the while her parents were home! She began to be shunned by both white and black girls at our school, and most of the few of us white boys called her a slut and worse. But not me! I fantasized about talking her into letting me come over and sneak into her room too, not to fuck her, but to watch!!! Oh how wish I would have been brave enough to ask! Maybe I could have actually become a cuck much earlier than I did. Oh well, no use crying over chances not taken! Fast forward about 7 or 8 years, I was in college at a Southern SEC school, and low and behold that same girl was attending the same college! My best friend and roommate(who was black) ran into her at a party! She told us she was a manager for the football team and was "loving every minute of it"; as she said this she gave my roommate a wink and said, "you know me Keith and what I like!" My roommate had attended the same high school with me and the girl, so he well knew her reputation. In that moment, I knew the rumors were true, and I suddenly wished I could be a fly on the wall in the locker room! I had one other experience in college that solidified for me I was a true cuckold(even though I didn't know that label was in the mid 90's). I shared an on campus apartment with my black roommate and 4 other black guys. It was a three bedroom apartment with two bunks in each room. We shared a common living area and kitchen. One day, I came in from class and there was one of my black roommates laying his black pipe to a skinny white blonde on the couch in the living room! He was fucking her doggie style with her side ways on the couch, knees on the cushions, and hands on the arm rest. She looked back when I walked in and licked her lips. My roommate stopped pumping her, I hurriedly walked past them and into my room and shut the door. I sat on my bed a second in awe of what I had just witnessed, and I had the hardest boner I had ever had in my life! I sat a second then went to my bedroom door and put my ear up to the door. I listened and could hear their moans as he continued to fuck his white girl! I immediately dropped my pants and jacked off to the most glorious orgasm I had every had up into that point! Another missed opportunity to be who I was and watch; but at least I had those few seconds that helped shape who I am today! My current wife has asked me when I share these stories with her, was I attracted or ever wanted to be with black women?" And the answer is not especially, I have always been attracted to all women! But, when I fantasize about interracial, it is ALWAYS black men with white women and me watching! I think this is the essence of being a cuckold!! It defines who I am sexually.

Throughout the rest of my young adult life the internet and porn, especially amateur porn, became more and more available and more and more relevant to my life. I loved searching for real couples or real white women fucking black men in real settings. Produced porn is okay, but I have always gravitated to the real stuff the raw the natural! I got married in my late mid 20's in 2000, and I always hid my porn viewing from her. We got deeply involved in the church early in our marriage and I was ordained a minister in 2007. I entered what I call the suppressed years of my life! I was hearing messages from the church how much of a sinner I was and how I was going to hell for all the things related to my sexuality and who I knew I was as a person! I began to hate myself! I would go long periods of time praying for God to remove these desires from my heart and mind! And, I was successful to a point, I would suppress the thoughts and the desires for long periods of times! But then, they would rear their ugly heads! I would see an interracial couple while we were out and about. And, I would immediately begin to fantasize about watching them fuck! At other times, I would be in a horny mood and the wife would be gone and I would search up interracial porn and jack off multiple times releasing months if not years of sexual desire! I talked to my wife some about my desires and fantasies, but she was never very responsive in a positive way. I talked her into a couple of big black dildos over the years, and I would get some satisfaction out of fucking her with those. But they would always hurt her or something, and she was just not a sexual person in general. In 2016, I finally had had enough of the church and its hypocrisy and I resigned, turned in my credentials as a pastor; and walked away and have never looked back! I told my wife at the time, I was going to start living for me and I wanted her to join me! She kind of agreed but she had no idea what that meant! We started flirting with black men online and things like that, and I started trying to talk her into fucking a black guy while I watched. Craigslist was a thing then and I put out ads there. We finally met a black guy in a parking lot. I had them sit in the back seat of my truck while I was in the front. They sat back there and talked while I rubbed my dick, but they never even kissed! Afterward, my now ex-wife, told me she would never do that again and couldn't deal with the lustful look in my eye as I watched and hoped she would kiss and fuck another man! We were divorced by the end of 2017, that day in the truck with the black man was certainly a turning point for me, but not the only reason for our divorce. I guess I realized it wasn't only the church that was holding me back from truly living my life!

I ended up moving back to my hometown after 20 plus years away and starting a new life. After several bad tinder dates and not much fun, I met my current wife through tinder. She was everything I had been looking for in a woman and partner! We had a deep connection early on and were fairly honest and open with each other right from the beginning. I remember, maybe three dates into our relationship, I told her one of my wildest fantasies was to watch a black man fuck a white woman up close and personal. She then told me that after here divorce about three years prior, she had decided to date black men exclusively for a time, and that she had been engaged to a black man just prior to meeting me! She told me she started dating black men because her ex was very racists and it would drive him crazy to know she was fucking black guys! She had also had a black uncle coming up and she always saw how he and her aunt were so in love, and she though maybe she could find that in a black man too. Unfortunately for her (but fortunately for me) the black man she was engaged to cheated on her in her car! So, this gave me the opportunity to meet my Queen! She decided to give white men another chance and boy am I glad she did! Our relationship has been wonderful and open and honest from the beginning. We were married in 2019 and are deeply in love today! I guess about a year and half into our marriage, we began to talk and fantasize more and more about having a black man join us in the bedroom. We began to explore the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle more and more together online, and I think she began to see how hot and horny the thought of it made me. Deep down I know it was and is a huge turn on for her as well. Early in 2020, I began to text her long fantasies on her days off and I was at work. my stories made her so hot she would jump me and make fuck her as soon as I got home! It was so much fun to begin to explore our wildest fantasies together. She began to open to me about how she loved how the black men fucked her! she had been told she was a nympho by her ex, and I think the black men loved her appetite and enjoyed fucking her as much as she wanted to be fucked! She is the most kinky sexual woman I have every known and a true unicorn and I love her all the more for it!! Anyway, we started planning a trip to Hedonism II in Jamaica. Our thought was it would be easier for us to explore the lifestyle at first away from home and in that setting. However, life happened and our Hedonism II plans got cancelled! But that didn't stop us, early last year we began to put ads on Doublelist and enjoy websites like this one! We met up with her first lover in April of 2021 and the over the past year, we've had about 10 encounters with three different black lovers! One of whom, is our regular! He has actually joined us in our home a couple of times and is, in fact, coming over tomorrow to fuck her good in our marriage bed!

I have to say this past year and this wonderful woman I have as my wife have been the best times of my life! Actually, the past 3 years have been the best of my life! My Queen, you guys know as Desiree Black, is my soulmate, lover, best friend, confidant, and sweet wife! She is my everything and I am Her's! We enjoy each other and our kinkiness!! And most of all we enjoy this lifestyle together! We are both thankful this cuckold and this Queen found each other, and we enjoy sharing our adventures with like minded individuals like you! If you have read this far, please give us some feed back on our story. We would also like to hear if you would like to read some of our fantasies in story form and if you'd like to see more vids and pics of Desiree and her black lovers! We'd love to hear all you think of us, and we'd love to hear more about you and your story!
Great story, and I admire your courage in coming to terms with your sexuality. I have also known at a young age that I had cuckold inclinations but didn't know the word for it back then in the 70's. I however do not have your courage to bring this up with my wife.
Believe me I understand! It is difficult to put yourself out there like that and trust someone you love to understand! I’m very grateful I finally found a woman who loves me for me no matter what! I think that is what helped me be honest with her, and I’m very glad I did! She has mad all my dreams come true by blossoming into a beautiful Queen of Spades right before my very eyes! And, she has loved every minute of it also! Such a wonderful benefit!
That's an awesome story of how you 2 found each other! Looks like you truly hit the jackpot and sound like the both of you are extremely happy together! Her backstory is also pretty hot!