
Gold Member
Real Person
Yvonne and Abdul made small talk until the drinks arrived, and after being served, got into a deeper discussion. Abdul moved his chair closer to hers and asked her to tell him about her job. Yvonne told him what she did for the department of transportation and how long she had worked for them. He asked her what her life plans were, and she said at the moment, she just wanted to continue to advance in her work and enjoy her life quietly. Abdul laughed, and Yvonne was perplexed at his response, thinking she said something peculiar. He told her not to take it wrong, that while he could see that about her, she had another side to her that she didn’t voice. She asked him what, and he said that she was a bit bolder than she let on. This raised her curiosity, and he explained.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I saw when you showed up at the truck stop that you were not as typical and docile as you may say you are,” Abdul said.

“Was it because I asked to learn about inspections?” she asked him, and he shook his head.

Abdul told her, “Naw baby, you were just real cool about being around me, which means you either been with a black man or been around black people enough to not act like most white people.”

“How can you know that?” Yvonne responded.

“I’ve been around enough women in my life to know the difference,” he answered.

Abdul told her about his background. He let her know about his growing up near D.C. as a young man and getting into trouble, then being sent in the Army after getting into trouble with the law and hurting a guy that was going to hurt him. The man had come home and caught him in bed with his wife, who Abdul thought was just his girlfriend. The guy was going to shoot Abdul, so Abdul punched him before he could raise the gun at him. They struggled for the gun and Abdul took it from him and shot at the man but missed and the bullet went through a window and hit a car windshield outside. Abdul fled the scene and later the police caught him and took him to jail. The only thing that saved him was the woman making her husband say it was an accident, with her acting as the witness. She was mad at her husband for being out cheating on her and coming home early, messing up her plan for getting back at him by sleeping with Abdul.

The judge made Abdul join the Army to keep him out of trouble. Abdul did as he was ordered and kept away from trouble. He told Yvonne he was raised around a small group of people that were practicing an offshoot of Islam. He told her that he didn’t practice it but held onto many of the things he learned. He told her that the people of the country were headed to hell quickly, and it would just be a matter of time before things got really bad for everyone because of it.

When Yvonne asked him what he meant, he described the moral decline of the community and the breakdown of the families. Abdul told her that even when people were doing wrong things, they used to try and keep it hidden. He said that now people just did what they wanted and didn’t really try to hide the fact that they were doing things that weren’t acceptable. He said that he never took a woman’s word after getting into trouble and that he never went to any woman’s place again.

He told her not to get too comfortable just being with black men if that was what she liked. He said she should look at history and understand that American life was not as forgiving as people liked to think, and that whatever she wanted to do crossing the racial line should be done with care and discretion, but not to let it stop her from her fun because secretly a good number of people were doing it all the time. However, when they did so carelessly, that caused problems for everyone.

Yvonne got a puzzled look on her face and asked him, “What makes you so sure that I don’t want to go against the norms, since you have already said that I must have been with and enjoy being with black men.”

“You might want to do that, and even think you can do it and it’s a good idea, but it just wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do for your future,” Abdul answered. She looked at him again with a puzzled expression on her face, and he said, “Hey, I’m not trying to tell you not to be the woman you want to be. I’m asking you; how did it feel when you were with your black boyfriend?”

She cut her eyes at Abdul and said, “You say that like I’m not still with him.”

“Well, I’m gonna say you ain’t still with him for obvious reasons,” Abdul replied.

“Okay, and what are those?” Yvonne queried.

“Hah, look here young stuff, you didn’t come out to this bar by yourself to meet a black man you didn’t know because your other man is patiently waiting on you at home. Plus, you don’t act like you got anywhere to be anytime soon, and don’t mind sitting close to a brother, wearing a dress he might want to get up under,” Abdul expressed to her. Yvonne smiled at him incongruously, revealing his good read on her behaviors. “So how did it feel when you were with him?” Abdul repeated.

“It felt great, and I didn’t ever feel like I was in danger or had to worry about anything,” she said.

“Did you ever introduce him to your family or take him around them?” Abdul asked her.

“No, I didn’t, but I wasn’t ashamed of him,” she said.

“Yeah, but you still didn’t want people close to you that could mess with your life to know that you were engaged with a black man,” Abdul followed.

“No, I guess not,” Yvonne said.

Abdul gave her a knowing look and told her that he wasn’t shaming her, he just wanted her to realize how deep and complicated it was. When Yvonne asked him why he covered that detail, he told her he wanted them to be on the same level when they talked about fixing her problem. She sat up, and he saw that she was almost done with her ******* and waved to the waitress. Yvonne looked at him and smiled, and he ordered them another round.

Abdul told her he could work it out where she could spend three hours each Saturday and Sunday for a couple of months, which would mean she would have forty-eight hours of training and be eligible to take the test and get certified as an inspector if she could pass. He told her he would probably be able to get her some hands on a few times, but it would cost her, and she couldn’t reveal anything or ask any questions about it. Yvonne asked him what he wanted to do all of that, and he told her that it would be easier for her to just come stay at his place overnight on Saturdays to get things done, and she gave him a shocked look.

“Oh, come on, did you think I wanted money from you?” Abdul asked her.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted, but it’s obvious now how you want me to compensate you,” Yvonne responded. He just looked at her quietly with a solemn look on his face. She took a breath and said, “I know I am not all that pretty and built to please like some other young women, but I don’t want to be thought of as some cheap whore,” she said to Abdul.

“Darlin’ ain’t nobody said nothing ‘bout you being a ho. All I’m doing is letting you know as a man what I want from you to get you the skills you say you want, that’s all,” he replied. “And stop putting yourself down. You need to understand that the pussy is the gift, pretty looks and shapely bodies are the wrapping. If you worried about people that need shiny wrapping and bows to appreciate a gift, you settin’ yourself up for a lot of pain,” he added.

She blushed and put her head down. Abdul knew he had her at that point. The waitress dropped off the new drinks, and Abdul took her hand and they toasted to their agreement.
Yvonne was learning a lot from Abdul and was happy she had taken the chance to meet him. She was also incredibly enjoying the arrangement they had made that totally fulfilled her sexual needs in the process. Ever since that first night when they left the restaurant and went to his small apartment on the other side of Guilford, she couldn’t get enough of riding her brown bear. She never called him that to his face, but to her that was what it felt like.

Abdul’s large body on his back in his bed and her small pudgy skinny-limbed body astride him, she would rock eagerly from orgasm to orgasm on his rigid staff. Yvonne’s hands would rub against his hairy chest, sometimes remembering to flick or tweak the nipples just visible beneath the sweaty matted hair. In turn, his big thumbs and fingers would run over her large nipples enough to tip her over the edge whenever she got close to orgasm. Whenever she would slow down, he would always push himself up into her while holding her hips down on him and doing some sort of grinding motion that sent her into huffing shakes, giving both pain and pleasure to her loins like she hadn’t ever experienced.

Just when Yvonne would be about spent enough to fall over off atop him, Abdul would grab her just beneath her buttocks and lift her until the tip of his cock remained inside her and would let her slide up and down on him until he spewed his cum upward inside her, coating her insides. He would guide her down until the length of his thickness filled her, and she would lay on his chest, twisting her hips in a final climatic movement.

Her lovemaking sessions with Abdul would have her so high that she wouldn’t even really feel her body, she just lay there and let her mind take in all the good feelings of their pleasure. While she wanted there to be more, she made sure to follow his rules because he told her that first night that he would cut her off and that would be the end of their arrangement if she couldn’t keep the rules of their agreement. Abdul’s rules were simple. They only saw each other when she came to the garage on Saturday afternoons and on Sundays when they returned to do more training. On the occasions he arranged for her to go along with an inspector, she was never to reveal the nature of their relationship and only talk about her wanting to know about inspections for her job. There would only be certain places they would go together to get a meal or a ******* on the weekends they trained, and she was never to consider another man in his presence.

She was responsible for continuing her birth control and to let him know immediately if she slept with someone else. If for any reason she wanted to have sex with him during the week and could not wait, she had to come to his place and was subject to whatever he wanted to do and however he wanted to do it. Abdul let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else during their arrangement and showed her how to know. Yvonne had no trouble keeping to his rules. She asked him how she could extend their arrangement, and he told her to worry about that when she finished learning everything she needed to about inspections.

Emma Lee had observed that she wasn’t coming home on Saturday evenings after she left for the afternoon and quietly inquired about her new boyfriend. Yvonne told her that she didn’t have a boyfriend, that she was doing some training to learn about inspections and would just stay over to keep from having to come all the way back home and go back again on Sundays. Emma Lee laughed at her and told her that what she was saying might be the truth, but somewhere in all that she said there was a man she wasn’t talking about, and the air about her said so. Yvonne became self-conscious, and Emma Lee told her not to worry about it if she was being safe and having fun learning what she needed to. She assured her she was being safe and really having fun. Emma Lee chuckled and told her she knew she was.

Yvonne got beside herself a couple of times and went to see Abdul a couple of times during the week. She always picked Wednesday to go because she knew it was mid-week for him, and he would be more open to seeing her and engaging in some sex. The first time he just made out with her, eventually getting her into his bed in a sixty-nine position. He placed her openness right onto his face as she leaned her body down toward his crotch, her mouth in perfect position to get the head of his cock and the first three inches of him into it. Yvonne kept taking breaks from using her mouth on him because the sensations of climax from his tongue inside her would rush through her and were too distracting for her to do anything else. Before he reached his tipping point, Abdul had flipped her off him and got up and pulled her to the edge of his bed. He put her legs on his shoulders, and slid into her and quickly stroked her openness, swiftly bringing them both to orgasm, signaled by the heated sounds of their togetherness.

The second time was not so romantic to Yvonne, but in its way more pleasurable. She came to see him in a loose dress with nothing on underneath. He made her stand at his front door and stood behind her, pulled the top of her dress down, and played with her big thick nipples while kissing her neck and ears. Abdul ran a hand underneath her dress and fingered her wetness. He took her to the couch and put her on her knees and lifted her dress to her waist. He began stroking her from behind and put his wet thumb into her asshole. In between the pleasure she felt, Yvonne had a tingle of fear that he was going to attempt anal sex with her and tear her apart. He told her to relax and let her know they weren’t going to do anal. She heard him and was relieved not to have that worry. Because she knew she could trust him, she did relax and took in all the pleasure Abdul’s pumping meaty cock was giving her. She felt his pace quicken and then enjoyed the sensation of his warm seed coating her vaginal walls once again. He turned her around and kissed her and stood back with his penis in the right position for her wanting mouth to milk his remaining semen out of him and savor their sexual enjoyment.

Abdul told her to stop coming around for a while so she could focus on getting that position and taking care of any personal business she had to catch up on since she had been spending her weekends with him. Yvonne protested, but he was hard and serious about it, and she didn’t want to ruin her relationship with him, no matter how informal. She did as he asked her and focused on preparing for an interview for the new position and took care of her private affairs in the meantime. She drove past his apartment building one Saturday just to see if she could chance coming into contact with him. She knew she didn’t dare go to his home unannounced. She thought about taking a day off and going over to the truck stop but put the idea out of her head because she didn’t want to look like a fool and mess up any chance she had of resuming their special relationship.

Yvonne wound up being picked for the position over a more senior candidate, despite only having inspection training. She figured management must have wanted her in to fill some quota, and she didn’t have any problem with it. It was a hefty pay raise, and while no one knew she didn’t need the money, she was happy to have a solid means of income to do some important things she had in her mind to do. She went to a novelty sex shop she found in a directory and got the clerk to order her a huge-sized glass dildo, along with buying a set available in the store, containing an average-sized and miniature-sized glass dildo. Besides her old, trusted glass friend, these new additions would keep her company as she focused on her new position and thought about where to go to celebrate.

She decided to wait a couple weeks before asking to take a long weekend, to get her time in before she would be bogged down with legal briefs, industrial charts, and statistical printouts. Yvonne eventually made her way over to the truck stop, wearing a nice classy red dress that would get her some attention, even if she wasn’t a beauty queen.

Abdul looked out from his work bay to the garage entrance door, seeing the chunky well-dressed figure in the doorway. He didn’t have to see her face to know it was her. He didn’t know if Yvonne was being funny, because she had worn dark glasses. She whispered she’d be in the restaurant whenever he could get by, then turned and walked out of the service desk area. Abdul went back to his work bay for about a half hour, then washed his hands and went to the restaurant. When he sat down, Yvonne smiled up at him, holding her cup of coffee. He told her she was looking good and apologized for taking so long but explained that there had been a lot of work lately and they needed to keep up their work pace.

She told him she got the position, and Abdul put on an ear-to-ear smile, congratulating her. Yvonne told him that she had received the news almost a month ago but didn’t want to rush over to tell him until she had settled into her new role. He shook his head in agreement and kept smiling as she explained her new duties and how having the inspection training really helped her make the cut. She thanked him for his tutelage and guidance in helping her learn the ins and outs of truck inspection. Then she thanked him for his wonderful capability at helping her stay calm during the whole learning process. She used a voice that let him know what she was really referring to.

Yvonne was so happy she almost forgot to ask him about what she had planned. She asked him if he thought he could get a Monday and Friday off. He told her that he probably couldn’t do it and still get paid, and she told him not to worry, that she would find a way to handle that. He was about to refuse her, but Yvonne told him that he was responsible for the big raise she got, and she wanted them to go somewhere special to celebrate where they wouldn’t have to worry about prying eyes or any trouble and just enjoy themselves. He asked her where she had in mind, and she asked him if he was afraid to fly. He laughed and told her he wasn’t going out of the country. She laughed back at him and said no, but if he was willing to fly to California with her that she would make sure he had a great time. He said he wanted to think it over, and she told him she could only give him a couple of days to do so. He told her to consider it a yes unless he said otherwise, and she jumped up, about to hug him.

He stood and reached his hand out to her, saying, “Yes ma’am, we will have it all fixed and ready on Friday. Good day now,” and then Abdul turned and left the restaurant.

Yvonne didn’t like his caution at them being seen as an item and no displays of public affection. She knew he didn’t want any trouble, but she couldn’t help but think it unnecessary. When she took the food that Emma Lee prepared for her to take to a sick friend, Emma Lee told her she put enough for four in the containers, in case her friend had company, or had a big appetite, and winked at her. She was grateful that Yvonne left her a nice monetary gift for cooking and was happy to be around because Yvonne had shown her plenty of affection that way. Yvonne was happy Abdul enjoyed the food, and even happier he was in full form when she climbed on top of her brown bear.

When they flew to California, he asked her a few times about the costs and where she got the money, until she finally let him know that she had enough money saved up for plenty of trips and that he shouldn’t worry. He had questioned her about the envelope she gave him to put up in his apartment safe before they left. By feeling it, he could tell it was way more than the day or two days of pay he was going to miss by being on the trip.

When they got to the Fairmont Sonoma Spa, she thought Abdul was going to make her take him back to the airport. She hadn’t known what to expect after their hour drive from San Francisco that evening, but it was better than she realized. It was truly a magnificent place that had a history of several renovations, upgrades, and owners. The spa had even served as a temporary rest center for soldiers and sailors that came home from fighting in the Pacific during World War II.

In their room, she and Abdul enjoyed soaking in the large jacuzzi tub before rolling around in the big four-poster bed just because they could. Yvonne wasted no time taking up her favorite position astride her man, and in her glee, she made a mental note that she was going to do this as much as possible that long weekend. She confessed to Abdul over dinner on the second night about her windfall at her *******’s death and that she had a nice portion of money set aside to never have to worry. She told him that she only let him know because she felt she could trust him and didn’t want him to worry about what things cost or what she spent for them to enjoy themselves. She told him that the only thing she wanted was to be happy and enjoy being with him because he never looked down on her and always pleased her as a woman.

Her words moved him, and he looked at her with somber eyes and a short smile, like a lover hearing words they had been waiting to hear. They enjoyed the hot springs and went back to Washington D.C. with a new outlook on their lives. Yvonne was content to see him on weekends and never attempted to cage or control him. Abdul was content with her doing as she pleased during the week and enjoying herself as his woman for the weekends and keeping their relations low key, with specific places to splurge if they needed to.

Yvonne would have been viewed as a power woman by her peers if she had looked different. As society changed and moved speedily toward the nineties, Yvonne appeared to her colleagues to have been stuck in the seventies, more self-interested but with a sense of progressive social responsibility. Yvonne’s clothes reflected those of a woman asserting herself through dark-colored wide-collared dresses versus the bright label-ridden padded shoulder business suits and coordinated blouse and stirrup pants sets.

When she felt down, Yvonne would think of the good times she shared with Abdul on the weekends. She was learning a lot from him and thought of it as a bonus of their relationship. She had been enjoying the benefits of knowing him for over a year. Yvonne had become content with their once-a-week encounters and having him as a companion on her trips. She had taken him to Florida and the Outer Banks, as well as Niagara Falls and Las Vegas. She had even convinced Abdul to use his holiday vacation time to go with her on a short cruise to the Bahamas.

She never cared about what others thought, obvious from their stares at the ugly young white girl with the older big black man. Yvonne might not have been a cute social butterfly, but she was not missing out on anything. She knew her boss had thought she was a spinster when he suggested she come to the division holiday party, telling her she might meet someone interesting. She wanted to laugh in his face but knew better and just smiled and said she’d think about it. Instead, she went to spend an unplanned evening with Abdul, and they ate one of Emma’s specially prepared meals.

Yvonne could never figure out which angle Abdul was coming from. She felt like he was attempting to push her away, and he had to explain things to her in a way she could really grasp what was happening. He told her that she was still young enough to marry and have children. Yvonne objected and said she wasn’t thinking about having children and that she was happy with their relationship. Abdul answered her objections with a broader take on the world, asking her not to be selfish. He broke down to her the reasoning that she had been given so much and held such a good heart that it would be a crime for her not to carry that forward by giving it to some children of her own. She asked him if he was hinting that he wanted to have a baby with her, and he adamantly denied the idea, saying it would be dishonorable and wrong.

Yvonne got a little offended, and he sat her down and sat across from her. He looked her in the eyes and told her that he loved her. Her face lit up like a candle, only to dim when he followed by saying he could never marry her. He told Yvonne not to play with heaven, that she would have to marry a white man like herself and produce babies that look like her. He told her it’s too much trouble in the world, and the rulers of society have sold everyone on the big lie that they were all the same and could live together in peace and harmony and enjoy a good American life. He told her she had enough money to make things easier, but emotionally and socially the baby would suffer. He told her to think of things bigger than herself and understand the ways to do things that she wanted.

Yvonne told him she didn’t want to limit herself or be unhappy with someone just because they looked like her or came from the same place. Abdul said he wanted her to know that, until regular mainstream and poor white men realized and accepted that their lot in life was not settled and often tied to that of American black men, they would forever be the ultimate pawns in the chess game of American society, and things would not be better or get better for everyone, black people in particular. Yvonne told him there were great things happening since the passage of the civil rights laws, but he told her not to be naïve. He asked Yvonne to take a look around and see the differences, especially in the money. He asked her to consider the employment, housing, and education, then realize what was really going on. Abdul asked her to imagine being a person with ties and inherent empathy to the conditions and experiences of the black community, while also having ******* ties and sympathy for the ideals and livelihoods of the white mainstream community, all against the backdrop of the twisted malicious lies concerning the history of this country and the mistakes people on both sides have made. Abdul asked her how messed up and confusing she thought that would be.

Yvonne said she never considered such things, especially since she was looking forward to never having children. She asked him, if he loved her, why he would tell her to have children with someone else, especially someone completely different than he was. Abdul took her in his arms and told her that he didn’t want to ruin their lives by being selfish and pushing the wrong decisions. He told her that he never asked her for money, never used her for leverage, that he never lied to her, and that he didn’t try to trap or control her life. He made it plain to Yvonne that she shouldn’t expect the same from other men she would meet.

She told him she knew what he was talking about already, but Abdul insisted that she pay close attention to how the man acts and treats her, and to never let a man know she had a large amount of money accessible to her, because it would most likely be her downfall or death. She thought he was being overdramatic, but he told her about a few women, some famous, that had it happen to them, and they lost everything, or they were murdered. Yvonne asked him why he wanted her to look for another man, knowing it could be dangerous, and Abdul just smiled and told her that it was because it was what life required to advance.

He sat her down in his lap, and he told her how he wanted things to go from then on. Abdul told her he was going to give her a year to find a husband before ending their relationship. Yvonne wanted to get up, but he held her there in his lap, and she began to weep. He calmed her and told her that she was only going to see him every couple of weeks, unless it was an emergency, and he would only take a trip with her every ninety days or so. He told her he would call to check on her and see how she was doing and how her search was going. He told her to start with any friends she had back home or that she grew up with because that would help things be smoother between them in the relationship.

Abdul also told her that as a Taurean woman, she should seek out a man that could complement or augment her energy. Abdul told her that she had the benefit of them both being grounded by him being a Capricorn because he was able to be both guide and lover to her. He told her it would behoove her to meet a Piscean man, because he would be able to sweetly romance her by naturally being imaginatively sensuous and passionate enough for her to consider a long-term relationship and marriage with him.

Yvonne asked Abdul what he would do if she just flat out refused to look for a husband, and he cut his eyes at her and told her that would be displeasing. He let her know that this was the only way they could remain lovers and enjoy each other until the time came for them to part. Yvonne stood up and pulled her dress off and began taking off her underwear.

“What are you doing?” Abdul asked her.

“Getting myself naked for a nice drilling from you mister. It can be however you wanna do it, but if you’re sending me off and rationing me to payday style activities, then I want to collect some extra right now,” she told him.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)