Will i have problem as interrace couple in United states?


Hello, I am newer person here but I am interested in interacial style and way of life. I am Mihaela, white girl of Plovdiv in Bulgaria. I have longdistance relationship with partner Manuel from Cartagena in Colombia. He is now in America (Indiana) doing work and also as student. I want to go and visit with him this summer time, It will also be very good chance for me to improve my levell of english. I have some fear though because if I am with him, will I have trouble for being in interacial relationship in America? It seem a problem there. An i being too afraid or do I have reason in showing concern?
I have some fear though because if I am with him, will I have trouble for being in interacial relationship in America? It seem a problem there. An i being too afraid or do I have reason in showing concern?
Saying this on the possibility you are actually female... First off welcome. When you're ready consider getting verified. It lends some legitimacy to your interactions here. That being said... The issues that come along with being in an interracial relationship are not to be "feared"... "Aware" I think is more appropriate. Here in New York City you will have virtually no issues. At least that has been my experience. Have no idea about Indiana. Highly unlikely that you're in any true danger. However avoid people, places, and things that are known to attract the intolerant... Googling related subject matter may give you better insight. Good luck 😉.