Why do black men like pale curvy redheads so much?

Black men have hit on me hard ever since I was a young. They just seem to go nuts for pale curvy redheads. I've always loved the attention but noticed they will hit on me faster than on a prettier girl. Anybody else notice this same thing? Can any brothers explain what the turn on is?
Simple you are the big titted Jessica Rabbit figured woman that we all want.
Black men have hit on me hard ever since I was a young. They just seem to go nuts for pale curvy redheads. I've always loved the attention but noticed they will hit on me faster than on a prettier girl. Anybody else notice this same thing? Can any brothers explain what the turn on is?

Simple you are the big titted Jessica Rabbit figured woman that we all want.

You are even better as you are bisexual. Very rare to come across huge titted women that are bisexual! I'm very jealous of your hubby! LEZ SEX SO RULES. :D
Black men have hit on me hard ever since I was a young. They just seem to go nuts for pale curvy redheads. I've always loved the attention but noticed they will hit on me faster than on a prettier girl. Anybody else notice this same thing? Can any brothers explain what the turn on is?
Yes in my experiece too. I'm a pale skinned blonde with a bit of red and got curves too.
Black men have hit on me hard ever since I was a young. They just seem to go nuts for pale curvy redheads. I've always loved the attention but noticed they will hit on me faster than on a prettier girl. Anybody else notice this same thing? Can any brothers explain what the turn on is?

Because redheads are hot and exotic. I'm attracted to all beautiful women especially white but red heads...man o man are just smoking.