White Sex Slave World Order


White Sex Slave World Order

This movement aims for a straight world where white people can be used by anyone and anything for sex.
By default, sex means normal sex. Mouth to mouth, genital to genital, mouth to genital.
So they should be available in this by default. They can take on more than that if it's worth it for some reason, but if they don't want to, it's not mandatory.
The basis of this social approach is not to be enjoyed by those who want to hurt others! Whoever hurts the whites must be severely punished!
The baby does not only come from the male parent, so mixed-race babies are born from parents of different races.
Instead, it is necessary to support the reproduction of whites, their healthy lifestyle, the best healthcare,so that they can be as desirable as possible, and everyone gets at least one!
No one trades with white people in this world. That's the point! They can be used regardless of wealth.
So, in short, this is the main direction. Supporting white people and using them for sex.
But there are many obstacles to this. First you have to make it socially desirable! And the nudity, sex, openly anywhere. With support, and introductions and conversations. Perhaps an online role-playing game that simulates such a world. A realistic 3D nude avatar should be created for free for those who require it.
Whites should be given the opportunity to enter, eat and spawning at events for free. They can get different offers according to whether everyone can use them, or those who stay naked get a greater advantage.
Later, a website could be created where they can register under conditions.
The nude 3D model is mandatory and must be updated annually. You can virtually try it on in different poses, and if you want, you can order it at home or visit it.
Later, whites must always be naked. If they need clothing for protective reasons, the essence should still be visible and free if possible.
It is necessary to produce such clothes that can be taken off and put on easily. We should also develop a cream in which they don't get cold naked in the winter, but they don't feel warm in the heat either.
Or they can be in normal clothes, but if there are people of the opposite sex in their vicinity, then after x minutes they have to show what they have and offer themselves. If they are in use time.
They could have a chip in them that could be used to track them. In this way, you can also search on the map to see who can be used in the area.
There would be information displays everywhere, and whoever is being booked will be notified who, what they were booked for, for how long and where.
It is important that not everyone can use it 24/7!
Places should be created in public spaces, and there someone always has to fuck. To get used to it. And such places should be created for others as well.
If this does not work immediately everywhere, it should first be introduced only in settlements, then in cities, and then such a state could be formed, and they would go there, or move there, or leave, depending on what they want.
Time of use and method of use:
This is the current social idea based on straight sexuality. Considering the instincts. So, from the 24 hours, you have to subtract sleeping time, eating time, rest time, free time!
The children would still go to mixed schools. They may not be used or disturbed during working/study hours either.
The teacher has to deal with teaching the curriculum, the student with learning. Even between classes, everyone allocates the break to themselves, including the whites.
So, as long as it is not in use time, the white teacher can discipline, punish, give bad grades. White people can be bosses, politicians, the president can be white.
It remains to be discussed when and how long they should be available. Should such usage times be introduced for workplaces as well? How should it be distributed?
Obviously, it cannot be at the expense of work! It cannot be at the expense of learning! The use cannot put anyone in danger!
Also to be discussed is whether they can be used during their family dinner? Who proposes what solutions? What bills would you advocate? How does the economy work?
It would be increasingly difficult to define who is considered white.
And there would certainly be whites who wanted to live differently, and there would be non-whites who wanted to live that way.
It is also a question to be discussed, who belongs to this set, and can someone get in there, or can someone get out of this set?
Whether by choice, praise or punishment?
No one should write here about male-male sex, feminization, hurt, chastity belts!
I wish you a good discussion!
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