I think it all started with me when my gf at the time were getting high in my saab and she had mentioned that when she went to Mexico there was a guy there with a "cock head the size of an apple." her name was Emily, she was petite and white and had a larger ass, brunette hair from Maine. always wanted to see her with a bbc and even talked about getting her a bbc dildo. my next gf named Brandi was a thicker, heavier white girl with blonde hair, she was the classic "token white girl" - she def told me that she got gang banged by 3 hashian guys when we were about to go into the Hannaford. i begged her to tell me more and grab my cock. she def fucked a black guy named steve when we first started dating. as far as my wife Sara goes, she did catch me with a photoshopped pic of her getting fucked in the ass by a black guy and she hasn't fucked me since. One thing that does stand out in my mind is when she use to bartend and there was a group of black guys who said that they knew boys 2 men and she did not come home until very late that morning, past 3am.