what questions not to ask a possible cheating wife.


My wife and I are in different states because of her job, but before she left she started chatting with a new colleague who fits the profile of men she is attracted to.
When she moved she commented that she didn't like the new colleague but time passed and now she doesn't talk about him in a negative way and even tries to change the subject if he has been involved in any activity that day. Added to the fact that we had some problems, and I know that she is not sexually satisfied by me, she does not call or text me that much and stopped informing her arrival home as before, added to the fact that she does not communicate her days off either.

When we were together she always let her bush grow but the last thing I know is that she has currently decided to keep her pussy shaved all the time.
I think that she could be cheating on me and it doesn't bother me at all. I know that due to prejudices she won't tell me if she is cheating that´s why I want to keep everything as it is but I want to know what questions I shouldn't ask to let things continue and with Hopefully at some point we can be a cuckold couple.
I understand why this an intriguing scenario for you, but I personally believe that your passive approach on this will more likely lead in a divorce, rather to the exciting cuckold relationship you're dreaming of.

The major difference between a cuckold husband and a wannabe one, is that the first one is brave enough to act on his wife's needs without being hiding behind his deep-routed insecurities. He's mature enough, but also have the guts to open up to his life-partner about his kink and rationalise why a cuckold relationship will benefit their marriage. An awkward and quite difficult conversation for most husbands that undeniably hides risks but it may equally lead to unprecedented sex pleasures, especially when life circumstances cause you to deal with a long-distance relationship.

It's seems that you're in the crucial turning point and despite you're fully aware that your wife is giving up on your marriage, you still have illusions that she'll eventually somehow involve you in this out of empathy or pity like it happens on porn.

I'm not sure in you still have a chance on this, but if you want to pursue your cuckold dream and save your marriage, you'd better have this conversation ASAP. Not over the phone. Grow some balls, get on a flight and surprise her. Let your emotions overwhelm you as you knock on her doorbell, wishing to caught her with her silk nighty right after they fucked. Deal with the angst of the unknown, the risk of finding him seating on her sofa covering his huge erection with a cushion and how she would react on this. Deal with your disappointment of finding her all alone eating a salad and the OMG chilling moment when you accidentally discover a used condom in her bathroom bin. Or just compromise with the reality of a hard-working woman who keeps suppressing her urges to keep her marriage afloat.

Whatever the truth is, it's important to tell her in person how much you love her and how much she deserves fulfilling her sexual needs. Show her actively your willingness to support her and be a part of this cuckold journey without any expectations, but purely for her own pleasure and her sound mental health. ;)
My wife and I are in different states because of her job, but before she left she started chatting with a new colleague who fits the profile of men she is attracted to.
When she moved she commented that she didn't like the new colleague but time passed and now she doesn't talk about him in a negative way and even tries to change the subject if he has been involved in any activity that day. Added to the fact that we had some problems, and I know that she is not sexually satisfied by me, she does not call or text me that much and stopped informing her arrival home as before, added to the fact that she does not communicate her days off either.

When we were together she always let her bush grow but the last thing I know is that she has currently decided to keep her pussy shaved all the time.
I think that she could be cheating on me and it doesn't bother me at all. I know that due to prejudices she won't tell me if she is cheating that´s why I want to keep everything as it is but I want to know what questions I shouldn't ask to let things continue and with Hopefully at some point we can be a cuckold couple.
These posts are amusing. Is this fiction? You two have a horrible marriage so let’s start out with that. Yes she is fucking the other guy. Please don’t ever try being a detective. Listen if this post is real, which I doubt, I would say this. If you really want to try you can meet with her and just openly tell her that for some crazy reason you want to save this marriage and that you want to be a cuckold and she can have sex with other men and you would like to watch or watch video or hear stories. Maybe she goes for that if she wants to stay financially attached to you. Otherwise get a divorce and move on. Most married couples that are traditional or have a cuckold dynamic have far better relationships than this. She absolutely does not love you anymore. Sorry.
Heading downhill if you let this continue the way it is. Confront her, talk with her about cuckolding then see if over the next few days she brings it up and seems keen. If not..... dump her.