What do you choose?


Gold Member
Everyone has their preferences, if you could only pick 1 out of 2 things.. What’s more important and attractive to you?🔥
  1. Face vs Body
  2. Titties vs Booty
  3. Blonde vs Brunette​
  4. Hips vs Thighs​
  5. Dark eyes vs Light eyes​
  6. Lips vs Eyes​
Good question. TY

1. Face vs Body​

Personality. ImO face and body contribute about the same to attractiveness. Here's nothing to choose from for me.
But if she's a bitch (personality-wise) it's an immediate red flag no matter what she looks like. If she has a great personality, being a "slut" (in the sheets) on the other hand adds to her attractiveness ImO.

2. Titties vs Booty​

i'm a booty guy. For tits it is more about the form, how they are shaped, what they look like than size.

3. Blonde vs Brunette​

Doesn't matter. But i have found that dark hair better suits more Women. Blonde hair doesn't look good on every Woman. ;) That's why they say "Once you go black..." 🤣

4. Hips vs Thighs​

Those two go together. If she has big hips she better have thick thighs too. If she has an overall tight body, thinner thighs may be a better match. However i noticed there are some Women with rather small hips but thick thighs which can also look hot; the other way around not so much. ;) - Just my personal taste/opinion.

But for hips you can't look at them alone. Hips-to-waist ratio ImO plays a role. But it's also a question of body type. It really depends on the Woman. If her body is well-formed and "makes a good picture" suitable for her body type, she has an attractive body ImO. But for me there is no clear "rule" about that.

Personally, i like the PA*G type very much - big hips with a relatively slim waist, where bust size is not that relevant.
But i have to say that there are some very sexy BBW out there too. ;) For slim Women i prefer her bust not to be too "exposed". So especially for small-hip Women i prefer her bust about same size or a bit smaller than her hips.
But i know there are definitely boob guys out there who'd prefer bigger boobs anytime no matter what. Just not so much my thing. ;)

5. Dark eyes vs Light eyes​

i know a Woman who has one hazel brown and one green eye which looks great on her. Also rare colors do have a certain kind of fascination (like a grayish tone, for instance). But all in all eye color has no importance for me and i have no preference there.

6. Lips vs Eyes​

Eyes. They are typically the first you look at in a face. Also when you talk with someone you typically look in their eyes instead of their mouth. jm2ct's
Everyone has their preferences, if you could only pick 1 out of 2 things.. What’s more important and attractive to you?🔥
  1. Face vs Body
  2. Titties vs Booty
  3. Blonde vs Brunette​
  4. Hips vs Thighs​
  5. Dark eyes vs Light eyes​
  6. Lips vs Eyes​
Everyone has their preferences, if you could only pick 1 out of 2 things.. What’s more important and attractive to you?🔥
  1. Face vs Body
  2. Titties vs Booty
  3. Blonde vs Brunette​
  4. Hips vs Thighs​
  5. Dark eyes vs Light eyes​
  6. Lips vs Eyes​
1) Body- you keep that body looking good, I'll notice that before I focus on your facial features.
2) Tits- sure I like me a good booty but I enjoy coming up from behind and having fun with your tits while kissing your neck.
3) Brunette- idk there have been some cute blondes in my young life but there have been alot of brunettes so they take preference.
4) Hips- Due to the culture my mom comes from I understand why i prefer this. If you're hips aren't wide enough they think you're still a girl and it's finna complicate baby bearing. That's the Male mentality and I understand where they're coming from. I don't expect them to be wide as hell, but just enough.
5) Dark Eyes- cause why not?
6) Lips- I can trace your lips with my fingers, but I can't trace your eyes, that's weird.
1. Body - Great sex takes advantage of all parts of the body but the only direct thing involving the face has nothing to do with what it looks like.:mstickle:
2. Booty - You kiddin' me? This isn't a contest. The ass is all! It's the root of all intense pleasure. It's the nirvana of sex. It's what gets an erection faster and harder than anything else. You want to get anything out of me, show me da ass!
3. Brunette - I'll take a blonde any time (you feeling me, @dumblonde, @hopeyoucum ?) and a red head gets me fired up, but a long-haired brunette will capture me every time.
4. Thighs - This is close, but the feeling of cushy white thighs against my face adds intensity to one of my absolute favorite past times...:p BONUS: Spread apart thighs reveals what it's all about.:devilish:
5. Dark Eyes/Light Eyes - This is really a 'pick 'em'. Fact is, the overwhelming majority of women I've ever been with in any shape or fashion just happen to have dark (brown) eyes vice blue, green, etc.
6. Lips - Uummmmm...those kisses. I'm really into lots of kissing: soft, easy kisses; long, deep kisses; eager, intense kisses; we're-about-to-cum-our-brains-out kisses (of course, before the really hot dirty talk and name calling kick in...) Did I say the way they slide up and down, kiss and play such an important part of a great dick sucking?:mstickle:

Of course, what makes these choices what they are are also influenced by the intensity of pleasure from those women where the choices are just the opposite;):cool:

GREAT Thread @Kaaa !!
Everyone has their preferences, if you could only pick 1 out of 2 things.. What’s more important and attractive to you?🔥
  1. Face vs Body
  2. Titties vs Booty
  3. Blonde vs Brunette​
  4. Hips vs Thighs​
  5. Dark eyes vs Light eyes​
  6. Lips vs Eyes​
1. BOOTY 🍑
And then...

I'm a true Ass Conniessuer 🎩🍑

If a woman has a great Ass I'm
willing to make exceptions over nearly everything else 👌🏽

I'm not much a titty guy anyways, I mean they are nice if a girl has big ones that's a BONUS....they definitely grab plenty of attention.
but really I've fucked Sexy A-cup chicks with a nice thick Ass before I take DDs and no ass.
I go by this rule: "A sexy woman doesn't have to be pretty. A pretty woman is not necessarily sexy." If a woman is both pretty and sexy, wow. For me, sexy means great body and legs, great pussy and optionally great tits. Pretty means pretty face, that's it.
I’m still waiting for your respond on this haha😘

Haha ok beautiful, it is a great poll and way too tough to choose some of those but given the choice here it is ;

  1. Face
  2. Booty
  3. Brunette (but im just as happy with blonde)
  4. Hips
  5. Dark eyes
  6. Lips