Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hey Get to Know the Real Joe

Aww, it's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understand.....any paid actor can make a movie

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
Feb 24, 2016 · Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from well educated and poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated." ... Trump didn't just win with less educated
something they just can not seem to understand they think he cares for them

Donald Trump 'May Have Committed Treason,' National ...
National security expert Malcolm Nance said that President Donald Trump's tweets, actions and responses to ongoing investigations surrounding him and his 2016 presidential campaign have led many
but we need to worry about Biden?

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...
The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.
think about that!...…..probably not..being a trumptard thinking is not something you do a lot of

The Trump coalition threatens a return to the Jim Crow era ...
President Donald Trump's campaign and election has inspired a flurry of unofficial violence and targeted state laws reminiscent of the early Jim Crow era. Trump's apocalyptic inauguration speech …

Trump tied for most racist president in history ...
Trump tied for most racist president in history Posted by Zach on 7/16/19 at 9:59 am. ... Trump would quite literally have to resign Jim Crow into law to be even in the debate with him. Back to top. Reply. Replies (0) Options Top. Replies (0) 18 1. TD Sponsor TD Fan USA Member since 2001. Thank you for supporting our sponsors Posted by Site …

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to ...
Jul 15, 2019 · 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s …

With actual proof and sources, is Donald Trump a racist ...
Jun 04, 2016 · I think if you are somebody who keeps up with the news and particularly the US election campaign then you shouldn't need any evidence at all, I certainly am not going to waste my time providing you with material proof of his racist, isolationist a...

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...
Aug 24, 2016 · But please know that not every perpetrator speaks Trump’s name aloud, not every hate crime is reported and not every report makes the news. ... He was using racial slurs.” ... pushed

Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate – BillMoyers.com
Jun 15, 2016 · Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate. ... the presidential campaign is “producing an alarming level of fear and anxiety among children of color and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in …

Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide
Aug 11, 2018 · Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide By JULIE PACE, STEVE PEOPLES and ZEKE MILLER August 11, 2018 FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2017, file photo, a counter demonstrator uses a lighted spray can against a white nationalist demonstrator at …

Comment - Trump’s White nationalist (Supremacy) Agenda
But, what is new is Trump’s tirade and race-baiting is that Race and Racism has become legitimized, normalized, a factor to be used as a much deeper political, racial, social and demographic divide for America’s heart and soul for 2020 presidential electioneering

Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List ...
Jan 15, 2018 · Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in …

Opinion | Trump Is a Racist. Period. - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/14/opinion/trump-racist-shithole.html · Aug 15, 2019

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost
trump-racist...Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined theTrump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

Trump's Bigotry: Don-The-Con's Record of Discrimination ...
Sep 20, 2016 · Trump’s Bigotry: Don-The-Con’s Record of Discrimination Undermines His Outreach to Blacks ... The other Big Story from the recent press conference Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist - The Washington Post
Dec 01, 2015 · But there is a greater imperative not to be silent in the face of demagoguery. Trump in this campaign has gone after African Americans, immigrants, Latinos, Asians, women, Muslims and now the

UN calls Donald Trump's s***hole immigrants comments ...
Jan 12, 2018 · Donald Trump's reported remark branding Haiti, El Salvador and unspecified African nations as "s***hole countries" has been branded racist by a …

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and ...
Nov 09, 2016 · Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data. Trump

Is Donald Trump racist? Most Americans think so, according ...
Mar 01, 2018 · Most Americans think President Trump is a racist, according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half of adults think his policies have worsened …

Trump’s Legitimization of White Nationalism Harkens Back ...
May 20, 2019 · These are of course, just the latest instances in a long line of Trump’s support for American white nationalism, from his prominent role in the “Birther” movement during the Obama years, to his lukewarm condemnation of David Duke’s endorsement of his campaign in 2016, to his references as president that “people from shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean should be kept from immigrating to the US, that Haitians all

A majority of American voters think President Trump is a ...
Aug 02, 2019 · A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe President Donald Trump is a racist. Fewer thought Alabama segregationist George Wallace was racist

Poll: A majority of Americans think President Trump is a ...
Jul 31, 2019 · According to a Quinnipiac University poll, more than 50% of Americans think that President Trump is a racist. This percentage is higher than the 41% of Americans that said former Alabama Governor …

in your rush to find your movie I am sure you overlooked all of this
you fucking idiotic trump supporters can not smell a rat when it is in your pocket......

The Trump Kleptocracy
The presidency is officially a cash grab — and a pitstop on the way to autocracy

The convictions of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen this August shined a light on the type of people Trump chooses to work with. He said he’d employ the “best people”; instead, he employed crooks.

Behind all the outrage, the Manafort and Cohen convictions show that Trump’s government is building an American kleptocracy. The Washington Post has described how kleptocracy, or “rule by thieves,” arises when a country’s elite begin to systematically steal from public funds on a vast scale.

This is where the United States is headed. Trump’s government is powered by people who want to see tax cuts for their own benefit, without a care for the cost to others. This runs from voters backing pro-tax-cut candidates to the upper echelons of the GOP that are complicit in what Fortune magazine is calling “the biggest wealth grab in modern history.”

It is far from the first time a person like Trump has run a country. History may determine it was inevitable that the United States would go the way of countries like Russia, Turkey, China, and many others, electing a leader who could facilitate transferring the country’s wealth to a small number of private individuals. The thing about kleptocracy is that it doesn’t need to break the law because those doing it are writing the law—but the outcome is the same.

Trump was helped to power by a conspiracy of billionaires, including Vladimir Poroshenko and Robert Mercer. From this angle, you could argue that while the Russian attack on American democracy was partly political, it was mainly just about business. After all, the Russian government is a mafia gang for whom international politics is a business operation. By helping to power a man they helped make rich, they can weaken one of the main international obstacles to their own efforts to drain Russia of cash.

This presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out.

The extent of Trump’s kleptocracy is becoming clear now, with his second proposed tax cut for the rich. The Trump government is ramping up the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years while taking hundreds of billions of dollars out of the economy in tax cuts for the rich. In America, around two-thirds of all stocks and mutual funds are owned by just 5 percent of the people, and any tax-cut benefits for corporations will mainly just benefit that group. It is estimated that 34 percent of Trump’s December tax cuts benefit just the top 1 percent of the country’s rich.

Yet as he cuts taxes for a rich minority, Trump is also freezing public sector pay because there’s not enough money. As Forbes magazine observed:

President Trump has cancelled the pay increases for public sector workers that were due to take effect in January 2019. His reason for doing so? The tax cuts that his administration has introduced are set to create the largest fiscal deficit since the Great Recession. Now this largesse has to be paid for.

In effect, his tax bills have taken money out of the economy and primarily redistributed it to corporations, CEOs, and the super rich.
This is not about Republican political ideology, and it is not mere economic incompetence. It is bare-faced kleptocracy. For Trump, his family, and the less principled crooks around him, this presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out of the White House. They’re like a bunch of ******* getting the keys to the world’s biggest candy store without any adults around to supervise them.

To understand the situation with more clarity, look at Russia, which is a more advanced version of what Trump seems to be building. In 2013, the Independent reported that just 110 people held one-third of Russia’s wealth.

The story of modern Russia is that of a massive transfer of wealth from the country to a small ruling elite. According to sociologist and expert on Russia, Elisabeth Schimpfossl, “When this first post-Soviet generation passes its wealth on… it will be the single biggest transfer of assets within the smallest group of people ever to have occurred.”

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of inequality that leads to social and political unrest.

Russia’s kleptocracy has laundered hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country over the years. Meanwhile, Poroshenko’s latest attempt to increase the pension age means most Russian men will die before they are eligible for a state pension.

Most Russians, especially the elderly, are already living in a state of perpetual poverty. This reflects two stark realities: First, there is not enough money left in the Russian state coffers to pay pensions, and second, Russian men have a low life expectancyarguably because the theft of its kleptocratic government means there is not enough money for health care, education, and the other things people need.

The average life expectancy in Russia is in the mid-sixties, but that’s an average many men fall short of. If all the money tied up in former state enterprises, and then in Russian oil and gas, had flowed back into a well-managed economy run by an honest and effective government, Russian life expectancy would have gone up, people would have adequate health care and education.

The same thing is now happening in the United States. Policies designed to protect the population—but which restrict businesses from making more money—are being abandoned.

Until now, the West was characterized by progress, which in a simple sense can be reflected in life expectancy. As countries become more efficient and effective, they generate more tax, and this is used to support better health care, education, and enforcement of laws that protect the population from harm.

Banning dangerous practices, such as the use of asbestos in building materials and lead in petrol, and introducing public health actions like immunization, universal health care, seatbelt laws, and smoking bans may negatively impact businesses, but it positively impacts people, which should be the point of government. People on their own cannot ******* rich and powerful corporations to stop harming them; they rely on the government to do that.

One of the simplest functions of any government is to ensure the people are afforded some degree of protection against the excesses of corporations and criminals, at least to the extent those excesses do not negatively impact life expectancy.

But, alarmingly, life expectancy is going down in the United States, primarily because the government is putting commercial and personal financial interests ahead of the health and well-being of its citizens.

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of
inequality that leads to social and political unrest. This results in political instability and ever-increasing authoritarianism to keep order.

Trump is increasingly undermining the media and law enforcement because those are the two main tools a state has to prevent kleptocracy.

As Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela have shown, kleptocrats use nationalism and populism to keep their base because they cannot use economic progress to win votes. They blame foreign governments, conspiracies, and immigrants for the failures actually caused by their own wholesale theft of the country’s assets.

They blame a biased media, foreign propaganda, and “enemies of the people,” when the news explains what is happening. Meanwhile, they counter the truth with media they control—which either doesn’t say what is happening, tells lies, or distracts people from reality. Gradually, the economy unwinds and the social problems caused by these policies collide with the diminished public services that can no longer deal with them.

This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Relaxing regulations on things that harm people puts added pressure on the health care system.

The increase in sickness reduces the performance of the economy. The resulting increase in social deprivation leads to an increase in crime. Conventional policing is underfunded and undermined by an increasingly corrupt and weakened judiciary, so laws become more draconian and policing becomes
more militarized.

The kleptocratic policies continue to break things in a self-perpetuating cycle. The corrupt rich become even more rich, while the rest of the country becomes even more poor. The inequality leads to unrest, which is managed by ever more propaganda, less freedom, more control and censorship, and harsher policing.

Perpetually blaming others creates an ever-increasing need to find scapegoats, which spills over into outright attacks on minority groups or on foreign governments. We have seen this with Russia’s wars, used to distract people from local economic hardships. Turkey and Venezuela have blamed the United States, Hungary blames immigrants, and generally, every would-be dictator will blame anyone but themselves.

This is how a democracy becomes a kleptocracy, and then an autocracy, and then a dictatorship. This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Kleptocratic leaders become trapped in a cycle of their own making. The more wealth they amass, the worse things get for the poor, the harsher the steps they take to maintain order and power. They reach a point where they are so wealthy, and the people around them are so angry, that losing power would mean losing their wealth and, likely, their lives.

Although I doubt Trump could bring about a dictatorship like this, we are already looking at a situation where he could face criminal prosecution once he leaves office. This provides a powerful incentive for him to take more drastic measures to stay in power, weaken or corrupt the legal system that could later prosecute him, and muddy the media’s ability to report on his kleptocracy. He will probably fail, but not before he does immense damage to the United States.
Hey Get to Know the Real Joe
I don't understand why people keep pulling up events or words from an individual experienced or said 20-30+ years ago. Attitudes change, people change. I can think of a good dozen or so things that I did/said when I was in my teens or twenties that I pretty much would be ashamed of saying or doing now that I'm in my forties.
Here's what I do know ... Joe Biden hasn't been involved in over 10 thousand lawsuits in his life. He hasn't committed adultery and been married three different times. He believes in God and is a Catholic who practices his religion and attends mass every week, helped set up and run charities (legally), doesn't have a court case against him, pays his taxes every year, etc etc ... the list is long.
Want to talk about Donald's life? Really wish to compare the way these two individuals live their lives? One thing I might say, in defense, for Donald Trump ... he had an abusive ******* who belittled Donald on a regular basis and probably is responsible for some of Donald's personality issues. Other than that, there is absolutely no comparison of these two men. NONE!

Things Biden has that Trump doesn't have ...
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Tell us what you think the TRUTH is, Latina ... can't wait. If its the Truth, show your sources for proving the truth.
You guys are fucking unreal. Post a video of Trump saying anything near as racist as Uncle Joe. You say it was from a guy in is forties and people change? Yes people change but not from that deep rotted racism. Nice try!

Tell us what you think the TRUTH is, Latina ... can't wait. If its the Truth, show your sources for proving the truth.
The truth is Biden and the Democratic party of today is the most evil party I have seen in my lifetime. The dude is a fucking racist and you guys make every excuse in the book why he isn't. Hillary says "they all look alike" and you guys say HAHAHA she was just joking. If Trump were to say that...Why the excuses? Why the double standard?
I don't understand why people keep pulling up events or words from an individual experienced or said 20-30+ years ago. Attitudes change, people change. I can think of a good dozen or so things that I did/said when I was in my teens or twenties that I pretty much would be ashamed of saying or doing now that I'm in my forties.
Here's what I do know ... Joe Biden hasn't been involved in over 10 thousand lawsuits in his life. He hasn't committed adultery and been married three different times. He believes in God and is a Catholic who practices his religion and attends mass every week, helped set up and run charities (legally), doesn't have a court case against him, pays his taxes every year, etc etc ... the list is long.
Want to talk about Donald's life? Really wish to compare the way these two individuals live their lives? One thing I might say, in defense, for Donald Trump ... he had an abusive ******* who belittled Donald on a regular basis and probably is responsible for some of Donald's personality issues. Other than that, there is absolutely no comparison of these two men. NONE!

Things Biden has that Trump doesn't have ...
View attachment 3558046
And Mac you of all people. Are you fucking serious about Trumps infidelity. So what these women are liars like Hillary said of Bill's accusers? Oh that was a long time ago? He has never been charged? It's a Republican conspiracy?
The Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden
By Amanda Arnold and Claire Lampen
Joe Biden.

Joe Biden. Photo: Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Ahead of former vice-president Joe Biden’s expected 2020 presidential bid, women are speaking out about their personal interactions with him — alleging he physically touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Last week, the Cut published an essay by Lucy Flores, a former Nevada lieutenant governor nominee, who wrote that Biden smelled her hair and kissed the back of her head at a campaign event in 2014. In the week since, several more women have come forward.
Below, here’s a running list of the allegations against Biden.
Lucy Flores
On March 29, in the aforementioned essay published on the Cut, former Nevada lieutenant governor nominee Lucy Flores alleged that Biden smelled her hair and gave her “a big slow kiss” on the back of her head at an event for her 2014 campaign. In that moment, she wrote, she felt “embarrassed” and “shocked.”
“I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me,” she continued. In response to the essay, Biden claimed that he had no memory of having “acted inappropriately,” but added that if he was in the wrong, he would “listen respectfully.”
Amy Lappos
When Amy Lappos was a congressional aide for U.S. representative Jim Himes in 2009, she claims that Biden touched and rubbed his nose against hers during a political fund-raiser. “It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head,” she told Hartford Courant on April 1. “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”

After the incident, Lappos didn’t file a formal complaint. “He was the vice president,” she told the Courant. “I was a nobody.”
D.J. Hill
D.J. Hill was one of two women to come forward with allegations in the New York Times, which referred to Biden’s conduct as “tactile politics” in a report published on April 2. At a 2012 at a fundraising event in Minneapolis, Hill alleges that Biden rested his hand on her shoulder, and then started to move it down her back, which left her feeling “very uncomfortable.”
“Only he knows his intent,” she told the Times, adding, “If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it.”
Caitlyn Caruso
In the same Times report, a woman named Caitlyn Caruso claimed that after sharing the story of her sexual assault at a University of Nevada event in 2016, Biden hugged her “just a little bit too long” and laid his hand on her thigh.
“It doesn’t even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that,” she told the Times. “These are supposed to be people you can trust.”
Ally Coll
On April 3, Ally Coll told the Washington Post that at a 2008 reception, Biden squeezed her shoulders, complimented her smile, and held her “for a beat too long.” A young Democratic staffer at the time, Coll said her initial reaction was to shrug it off. But she told the Post she now feels the alleged incident was inappropriate, adding, “There’s been a lack of understanding about the way that power can turn something that might seem innocuous into something that can make somebody feel uncomfortable.”
Sofie Karasek
In 2016, Sofie Karasek was photographed holding hands and touching foreheads with Biden at the Oscars, where she stood alongside 50 other sexual-assault survivors during Lady Gaga’s performance. It was a moment that soon went viral, and was described then by the Post as “powerful.” But in the Post’s report published this week, Karasek says she believes that Biden violated her personal space. She also told the Post that she wasn’t impressed with Biden’s two-minute-long video response to the growing unwanted-touching allegations against him — in which he never says he’s sorry — as he “didn’t take ownership in the way that he needs to.”
“He emphasized that he wants to connect with people and, of course, that’s important,” she told the publication. “But again, all of our interactions and friendships are a two-way street … Too often it doesn’t matter how the woman feels about it or they just assume that they’re fine with it.”
Vail Kohnert-Yount
In the same Post report, Vail Kohnert-Yount alleged that when she was a White House intern in the spring of 2013, Biden “put his hand on the back of [her] head and pressed his forehead to [her] forehead” when he introduced himself, and that he called her a “pretty girl.” She was “so shocked,” she said, “that it was hard to focus on what he was saying.” Though she told the Post that she doesn’t believe Biden’s conduct constituted sexual misconduct, she described it as “the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace.”
Alexandra Tara Reade
Alexandra Tara Reade told the Union that Biden touched her several times when she worked in his U.S. Senate office in 1993. The incidents, in which she said Biden would “put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck,” allegedly occurred when she was in her mid-20s. Reade told the Union that her responsibilities at work were reduced after she refused to serve drinks at an event — a task she believes she was assigned because Biden liked her legs.
Reade reportedly spoke to U.S. Senate personnel about what was going on, and Biden’s office allegedly found out. She left his office two months later, after only nine months on the job. Reade told the Union that she didn’t feel sexualized by the way she’d been treated, instead saying she felt ornamental, like a lamp: “It’s pretty. Set it over there. Then when it’s too bright, you throw it away.”
In March 2020, Reade expanded on her account, telling the podcaster Katie Halper that Biden sexually assaulted her in the spring of 1993. Reade reiterated her story in interviews with the New York Times the following month, telling the paper that — when she dropped off a gym bag with him one day — he pushed her up against a wall and started kissing her neck, before sliding his hand up her shirt and ultimately up her skirt. “It happened at once. He’s talking to me and his hands are everywhere and everything is happening very quickly,” she recalled. “He was kissing me and he said, very low, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else?’” Reade said Biden penetrated her with his fingers before she was able to pull away. When she did, she says he appeared confused. “He looked at me kind of almost puzzled or shocked,” she told the Times. “He said, ‘Come on, man, I heard you liked me.’” Through a spokesperson, Biden strongly denied this account.
Reade also said Biden reprimanded her. “He pointed his finger at me and he just goes: ‘You’re nothing to me. Nothing,’” she said. “Then, he took my shoulders and said, ‘You’re OK, you’re fine.’”
In a statement to the Times, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, said: “Vice President Biden has dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He authored and fought for the passage and reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: It is untrue. This absolutely did not happen.”
Damn! Get your heads out the fucking sand and be men. Biden is as much as a ******* bag as the rest. You don't like Trump then great you don't like him. But please stop trying to pretend your fuck up party is somehow holier than thou. They are not! They are a weak, patronizing, hateful, hypocritical party that will do anything to persuade people that somehow their decades old ideology is the answer. It hasn't work in the past and it won't work in the future. I refer to the original heading of this post.
And before SUB starts cutting and pasting (he's probably loving not having to use Elmers glue anymore) how great the Democrats have done over the years. Yeah I get it. The D's have done some good ******* and so have the R's over the years. But what the Democrats (they don't deserve that title) have done this past 3 + years is the most egregious and despicable I have ever seen.
And before SUB starts cutting and pasting (he's probably loving not having to use Elmers glue anymore) how great the Democrats have done over the years. Yeah I get it. The D's have done some good ******* and so have the R's over the years. But what the Democrats (they don't deserve that title) have done this past 3 + years is the most egregious and despicable I have ever seen.
Standing in opposition of the most corrupt and immoral president ever?
Yes, we're so terrible.
Are you aware of the term 'false equivalency'?
Trump doesn't get a pass because of missteps because he has a long record of racist ACTIONS. This is not some misstatements on video, this is long term planning and ingrained disdain.
Do you not hear him when he speaks? Warning suburban 'housewives' that mixed income housing will come to them and Corey Booker will be running HUD? What the fuck do you think he was saying?
His family members say he is racist. His former lawyer/fixer say he is racist. His former employees say he is racist. And, the federal government found him guilty of practicing racist actions. He is on tape refusing to disavow from David Duke, praising white supremacists and endorses known racists.
He's a stain.
When I voted in the primary Tulsi was on the ballot. My sig other feels very strongly that she deserves the Democratic nomination because she has "the best rack".
Standing in opposition of the most corrupt and immoral president ever?
Yes, we're so terrible.
Are you aware of the term 'false equivalency'?
Trump doesn't get a pass because of missteps because he has a long record of racist ACTIONS. This is not some misstatements on video, this is long term planning and ingrained disdain.
Do you not hear him when he speaks? Warning suburban 'housewives' that mixed income housing will come to them and Corey Booker will be running HUD? What the fuck do you think he was saying?
His family members say he is racist. His former lawyer/fixer say he is racist. His former employees say he is racist. And, the federal government found him guilty of practicing racist actions. He is on tape refusing to disavow from David Duke, praising white supremacists and endorses known racists.
He's a stain.
Damn! Get your heads out the fucking sand and be men. Biden is as much as a ******* bag as the rest. You don't like Trump then great you don't like him. But please stop trying to pretend your fuck up party is somehow holier than thou. They are not! They are a weak, patronizing, hateful, hypocritical party that will do anything to persuade people that somehow their decades old ideology is the answer. It hasn't work in the past and it won't work in the future. I refer to the original heading of this post.

I can't help but wonder if all this kissing of Donald's ass is the price you pay to keep from being deported....
ou guys are fucking unreal. Post a video of Trump saying anything near as racist as Uncle Joe. You say it was from a guy in is forties and people change? Yes people change but not from that deep rotted racism.
I guess you might need to back away from those icy cold beers you've been sipping these days; retirement treating you so well you're losing touch with the outside world, maybe.
With Trump, you have to look at what he DOES more than what he just says. For example, when Trump staffed his cabinet, it was the worst setback for black americans since Ronald Reagan, did you know that? When Obama was president, he had 21.7% blacks in his administration compaired to just 4.7% in Trump's administration. And Trump doesn't have any Hispanics in his administration. Trump's "inner circle" ... which changes like a chameleon, is "all white". If racial diversity was even remotely an aim of Donald Trump (I mean he did say he was going to drain the swamp & only put the BEST PEOPLE in, right?), <~ more on that next, then, Trump's racially diverse administration should be around (14 whites), (4 hispanics), (3 blacks) and (1 asian). Nope, not even close to that.
I'll leave you an overview of how Trump's Administration compares to the other presidents all the way back to Ronald Reagan ... read, review the graphs, and make your own unbiased gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif decision. I'm sure you'll support YOUR FINDINGS with facts, right?​
As far as racial words being said, again, there's a documented tracking of Trump's first 200 (two hundred) racial slurs while he's been in office. Lot more now, I'm sure, but you're so determined to pitch Biden as an enemy of the black communities, even after he's named a black female as his VP running mate. This coming from a sitting President that is tapped saying "grab 'em by the pussy". Let's see how many racial slurs Trump makes during the GOP acceptance speech, ok?

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They're GOING DOWN .... CHOP CHOP CHOP (I suggest they stick them in a chain fenced holding facility just like they did the Hispanics)

Saving the BEST to LAST ....
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Aww, it's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understand.....any paid actor can make a movie

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
Feb 24, 2016 · Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from well educated and poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated." ... Trump didn't just win with less educated
something they just can not seem to understand they think he cares for them

Donald Trump 'May Have Committed Treason,' National ...
National security expert Malcolm Nance said that President Donald Trump's tweets, actions and responses to ongoing investigations surrounding him and his 2016 presidential campaign have led many
but we need to worry about Biden?

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...
The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.
think about that!...…..probably not..being a trumptard thinking is not something you do a lot of

The Trump coalition threatens a return to the Jim Crow era ...
President Donald Trump's campaign and election has inspired a flurry of unofficial violence and targeted state laws reminiscent of the early Jim Crow era. Trump's apocalyptic inauguration speech …

Trump tied for most racist president in history ...
Trump tied for most racist president in history Posted by Zach on 7/16/19 at 9:59 am. ... Trump would quite literally have to resign Jim Crow into law to be even in the debate with him. Back to top. Reply. Replies (0) Options Top. Replies (0) 18 1. TD Sponsor TD Fan USA Member since 2001. Thank you for supporting our sponsors Posted by Site …

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to ...
Jul 15, 2019 · 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s …

With actual proof and sources, is Donald Trump a racist ...
Jun 04, 2016 · I think if you are somebody who keeps up with the news and particularly the US election campaign then you shouldn't need any evidence at all, I certainly am not going to waste my time providing you with material proof of his racist, isolationist a...

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...
Aug 24, 2016 · But please know that not every perpetrator speaks Trump’s name aloud, not every hate crime is reported and not every report makes the news. ... He was using racial slurs.” ... pushed

Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate – BillMoyers.com
Jun 15, 2016 · Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate. ... the presidential campaign is “producing an alarming level of fear and anxiety among children of color and inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in …

Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide
Aug 11, 2018 · Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide By JULIE PACE, STEVE PEOPLES and ZEKE MILLER August 11, 2018 FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2017, file photo, a counter demonstrator uses a lighted spray can against a white nationalist demonstrator at …

Comment - Trump’s White nationalist (Supremacy) Agenda
But, what is new is Trump’s tirade and race-baiting is that Race and Racism has become legitimized, normalized, a factor to be used as a much deeper political, racial, social and demographic divide for America’s heart and soul for 2020 presidential electioneering

Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List ...
Jan 15, 2018 · Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in …

Opinion | Trump Is a Racist. Period. - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/14/opinion/trump-racist-shithole.html · Aug 15, 2019

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost
trump-racist...Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined theTrump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

Trump's Bigotry: Don-The-Con's Record of Discrimination ...
Sep 20, 2016 · Trump’s Bigotry: Don-The-Con’s Record of Discrimination Undermines His Outreach to Blacks ... The other Big Story from the recent press conference Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist - The Washington Post
Dec 01, 2015 · But there is a greater imperative not to be silent in the face of demagoguery. Trump in this campaign has gone after African Americans, immigrants, Latinos, Asians, women, Muslims and now the

UN calls Donald Trump's s***hole immigrants comments ...
Jan 12, 2018 · Donald Trump's reported remark branding Haiti, El Salvador and unspecified African nations as "s***hole countries" has been branded racist by a …

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and ...
Nov 09, 2016 · Donald Trump scored an impressive Electoral College victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections, according to an analysis of national exit poll data. Trump

Is Donald Trump racist? Most Americans think so, according ...
Mar 01, 2018 · Most Americans think President Trump is a racist, according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half of adults think his policies have worsened …

Trump’s Legitimization of White Nationalism Harkens Back ...
May 20, 2019 · These are of course, just the latest instances in a long line of Trump’s support for American white nationalism, from his prominent role in the “Birther” movement during the Obama years, to his lukewarm condemnation of David Duke’s endorsement of his campaign in 2016, to his references as president that “people from shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean should be kept from immigrating to the US, that Haitians all

A majority of American voters think President Trump is a ...
Aug 02, 2019 · A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe President Donald Trump is a racist. Fewer thought Alabama segregationist George Wallace was racist

Poll: A majority of Americans think President Trump is a ...
Jul 31, 2019 · According to a Quinnipiac University poll, more than 50% of Americans think that President Trump is a racist. This percentage is higher than the 41% of Americans that said former Alabama Governor …

in your rush to find your movie I am sure you overlooked all of this
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