Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think it is Trump who doesn't want to debate Biden.
yeah, you spewed that kind of BS in 2016. Oh Trump won't debate Shrillary....then....oh Trump won't go more than one round with Shrillary. On and on it went...then quickly forgotten by you after proven wrong. You started the same crap earlier this election:

Here's a question for you ... how many times do you think Trump will agree to debate Biden? Do you think he'll fulfill all the debates scheduled OR renige after the first or second debate? I don't think he'll go past two ... and then refuse to debate further.

Now when senior level dumascraps start actually talking about not having debates....excuses excuses excuses. You really missed your calling. You've got lying politician in your *******!
Now when senior level dumascraps start actually talking about not having debates....excuses excuses excuses. You really missed your calling. You've got lying politician in your *******!
Ah, I see you hold true to insulting rather than making valid points to the topic at hand. That's because you know Trump has no where to go in "truthful" debates ... he either lies & makes invalid points, or he loses. Because he has NO accomplishments parse. And YOU know that your only hope this year is that Democrats (Pelosi or whoever) will discourage Biden, and you'll use the excuse that he's senile or in the early stages of dementia. That's even more of a reason to debate Trump as far as I'm concerned ... to prove him WRONG once again, and to reassure voters that Biden is mentally stable to be the next President. You refuse all those lines of reasoning because its either TRUMP this year, or NOTHING ... you have no where else to go since you put PARTY over COUNTRY; pretty much expected these days with the ReThuglicans.
I imagine Pelosi thinks it is a lose-lose situation for Biden because Trump is so dishonest & unethical, and won't play by the rules of the debate. He'll attempt to take over the debate, use his own rules, talk about what he wants, making up exaggerations, lies, and destroying the truth, which would put Biden on "defense" to protect the facts. When you think back to 2016, that's exactly what he did to Clinton, and she fell for it.

This debate, however, would be totally different because Trump has basically failed at everything he promised, in his 2016 platform, to do ... Mexican fence, healthcare, illegal immigration, de-nuclearization of N Korea & Iran, paying off the Nat'l Debt, draining the "Swamp", etc. Biden, should debate Trump because he would be able to crush Trump on any and/or of of those topics as they come up. Plus, the covid-19 is in the fore-front of this election cycle and has been a major catastrophe for Trump.

As of yesterday, Biden said he wanted to debate Trump. Notre Dame & Uni Michigan cancelled their planned debates because of covid-19. Only one I see still up is the Cleveland debate. I honestly think it would be a major mistake for the Democrats to allow Trump to get off so easily on his first-term failures, as he's had NO successes to amount to anything.

I think it is Trump who doesn't want to debate Biden. If you recall, during the Muller investigations, Trump talked loudly and boldly about wanting to sit, under oath, to answer Muller's questions ... then when the time came to do so, he balked and refused. Not ONLY did he refuse for himself, he told all of his administration to IGNORE their subpoenas to testify under oath ... I'm sure you recall that happening, right? Trump's biggest "hand" is bluffing ... he'll bluff right up to the last minute. I'd call his bluff and debate the cocksucker.
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Honestly I don't think either side wants a debate. It's just a play for who wins the narrative about who else "ran away" from debates. Except everyone picks their own narratives now anyway, so even that doesn't matter.
yeah, you spewed that kind of BS in 2016. Oh Trump won't debate Shrillary....then....oh Trump won't go more than one round with Shrillary. On and on it went...then quickly forgotten by you after proven wrong. You started the same crap earlier this election:
Trump lost all those debates pretty badly as I recall

Now when senior level dumascraps start actually talking about not having debates....excuses excuses excuses. You really missed your calling. You've got lying politician in your *******!
See what I mean? All narrative. Reality doesn't matter, just narrative.
Honestly I don't think either side wants a debate. It's just a play for who wins the narrative about who else "ran away" from debates. Except everyone picks their own narratives now anyway, so even that doesn't matter.
Heck, ridgely, a high school debate member could debate with Trump and win. With Trump, this year, its all about his failures & embarrassments from 2016-2020 ... and there are many.
Trump really has no where to go in 2020 ... if he talks about healthcare, the wall, de-nuclearization, the virus ... whatever, he promised to fix those things and then didn't. With Trump, its ALL about his BS & First Term FAILURES.
Trump lost all those debates pretty badly as I recall
And how is who won or lost the Trump Hillary debates at all pertinent to the point I was making about Mac having made the same claims in 2016 of Trump won't debate her.....oh yeah it isn't, you're just looking for something, anything to say to continue trolling the thread...got it!
And how is who won or lost the Trump Hillary debates at all pertinent to the point I was making about Mac having made the same claims in 2016 of Trump won't debate her.....oh yeah it isn't, you're just looking for something, anything to say to continue trolling the thread...got it!

You need some diaper cream for that butt hurt?Jesus
How about you stop worrying about whether I think a cog step is good or bad and answer the question. How do you fix it?

However, Sounds like you think it is good for illegal criminal alien ******* to be left or given back to sex traffickers. It is also clear you are happy homeless vets are left to starve while illegals get better treatment.

What would you expect from those who put criminals on pedestals.
Oh sorry I got confused I didn't realize I was actually addressing Dr. Obvious
The old man is just lonely tonight, ridgely. He'll just keep going and going and going as long as you will.
All aspects of his life suck, so he does anything to take his mind off of it, right now. God, I just hope I don't turn into an H-H type when I get old.
Me and my criminals are better than you and your criminals because you're all criminals and that's just bad, really bad. So me and my criminals are going to prosecute you and your criminals to the fullest extent of the law, you you you CRIMINALS!!!
This debate, however, would be totally different because Trump has basically failed at everything he promised, in his 2016 platform, to do ... Mexican fence, healthcare, illegal immigration, de-nuclearization of N Korea & Iran, paying off the Nat'l Debt, draining the "Swamp", etc.
I have never in my life seen such a display of incompetence and dishonesty rewarded by such devotion.
Not only has he not drained the swamp, he's made it bigger, deeper and murkier and has taken up residence as the meanest and ugliest monster the swamp has ever hosted.
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