Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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This is true since I've done some benefits work inside a few meat packing plants around NC. The ones guilty of this are the meat packing plants, however. The illegals don't see the significance of the social security cards other than it helps them find low skilled work. AND, they get paid about 20-25% less than the other minorities hired at the plants, AND ... all these employers withhold FICA from their paychecks even though these illegal workers have no way to access the FICA benefits.
One large plant in NC employs over 5,000 workers of which 25-30% of them are illegal. When ICE plans one of their surprise visits to the plants, miraculously, those 25-30% illegals don't show up on the day ICE visit. Wonder why that is? How do ALL the illegals suddenly NOT show up for work on the same day ICE visits the plants?
Its employers and the government system that is exploiting the illegals, not the other way around.

What year was this or what lib source did you pull it?

I noticed how you cherry picked and left out this part: "This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien. However, when pushed, even the strongest supporters of illegal aliens are ****** to acknowledge that the vast majority of illegal aliens commit multiple felonies." Fits you like a glove.

And they wouldn't have to pay into the system and "not miss out" on FICA returns if they followed the law.

Well except for all the free school, free healthcare and Snap their ******* get while they are here. And don't mention if the kid(s) are born here. And I am calling BS on the company gets them SSN the front line sup might tell them were to go locally, but they are not getting them from the employer, who is risking 10 years in jail for them. The illegal criminal aliens get them at the border via the Coyote or their "family" has a local source.

And no the average illegal costs us 1000x more then they every produce. And, as a benefits guy you should know, they can get illegal criminal alien EIN and file for the returns and get even more money, since they really don't pay taxes. And the IRS won't turn them into ICE. And do companies exploit them, depends. Most are paid low end of the scale but still on the same scale, DOL looks for that and if they are paying taxes the DOL would see that. You as a benefits guy should know that.

Many of the illegals know the deal and have no issue, would like more, but they are making 100s to 1000s more than they would in Mexico.

And again if they didn't break the laws, many laws, they would not have to worry about the FICA. And yes if they can prove the company people should've know then they should get hooked up too.
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Sounds like you don't have an answer on how to fix it.

And still can't understand basic English.

I asked if you think putting ******* in cages is bad, and you responded with "well how do you fix all problems with immigration, huh?!?" That is not a good-faith argument. That is shifting the burden of proof and a straw man, since fixing all immigration wasn't the subject of what I was talking about.

You're not answering because you know that taking a position will open you up to me pointing out more contradictions in what you've been saying.

They can file a return. They can get an EIN and file.

And they don't pay taxes at all. Like most of you.

I assure you I pay more in taxes than you make in total and then some. Undocumented workers also pay more than their fair share:

I asked if you think putting ******* in cages is bad, and you responded with "well how do you fix all problems with immigration, huh?!?" That is not a good-faith argument. That is shifting the burden of proof and a straw man, since fixing all immigration wasn't the subject of what I was talking about.

You're not answering because you know that taking a position will open you up to me pointing out more contradictions in what you've been saying.

I assure you I pay more in taxes than you make in total and then some. Undocumented workers also pay more than their fair share:

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So I am just curious. How do they know this? They can't even narrow the numbers down to within a round Million total (10 to 12 million could be here). And most estimates say the criminal illegal aliens cost the US tax paying Citizens over a $100 Billion each year. So who cares that they get screwed on a few bucks in taxes as each is committing 3-12 Felonies doing it. And yes in the hourly rates they work it is literally a few bucks and they could file and get the US Gov't to give them a lot more with deductions and credits.

No, my answer was very clear. And then I asked you how do you fix the system you are trying to hint is broken. Yet you think your false dilemma is a winner so you keep trying it.

Do you think the immigration system and borders are good or bad?

And I doubt that, How many checks or reports do you send to the IRS a year?
No, my answer was very clear. And then I asked you how do you fix the system you are trying to hint is broken. Yet you think your false dilemma is a winner so you keep trying it.

It's not clear, because you never answered

Do you think the immigration system and borders are good or bad?
You're asking about a complete system, not a single action. Since it's a complex system, I will answer "good in some ways and bad in others"

And I doubt that, How many checks or reports do you send to the IRS a year?
Quarterly, like anyone with substantial non-w2 income
It's not clear, because you never answered

You're asking about a complete system, not a single action. Since it's a complex system, I will answer "good in some ways and bad in others"

Quarterly, like anyone with substantial non-w2 income

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 . You act like I haven't given you the same answer 3 or 4 times and them you give a very similar answer.

Quarterly? Well you missed one check/report for 1099 income. And "non-w2 income" 😂😂😂😂, yeah... when you don't know what you don't know....

And yet I asked a very specific questions, are open borders good or bad? Why won't you answer? Why do you keep not answering the question I have asked so many times? Why are you for the destruction of America? Why won't you answer the question? You are either for borders and the dems hate you or you are for the destruction of American and want to starve *******. Why do you want to starve ******* and be a racist?

Is the immigration system of the US good or bad? Why won't you answer the question? Why won't you say if the system is good or bad? It is a simple question you are either a good person or a terrible person. Why do you hate America and want to starve ******* and be a racist?
Quarterly? Well you missed one check/report for 1099 income. And "non-w2 income" 😂😂😂😂, yeah... when you don't know what you don't know....

I don't do a lot of consulting lately (though I used to). My non-W2 income is mostly coming from investments, which even at max withholdings are still below what I need to pay to avoid IRS fees.

Sorry you're poor.

You act like I haven't given you the same answer 3 or 4 times

What was it then? Good or bad?

And yet I asked a very specific questions, are open borders good or bad?

That's not what you asked at all. Why are you changing the question instead of answering mine?

If you want to me to answer the question of whether open borders are good -- just ask it.

My response would be that they can be good, but they require a lot of forward planning. The EU operates on open borders, but they had to do a lot of investment to give a more level playing field to labor markets to avoid e.g. everyone from Spain immediately moving to Germany to work in shops.

The US has open borders, but we have a Federal Government that keeps a level playing field between states (hence why my New York tax dollars support people in Florida and Texas).

Why won't you answer? Why do you keep not answering the question I have asked so many times? Why are you for the destruction of America? Why won't you answer the question? You are either for borders and the dems hate you or you are for the destruction of American and want to starve *******. Why do you want to starve ******* and be a racist?
Trolling 101: at least try to sound sincere
Don the Killer Con........always the scammer.....more of his trump university thinking and scamming

Trump family loses bid to move marketing scam lawsuit to arbitration

NEW YORK — A federal judge in Manhattan rejected an effort by U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children to send a lawsuit accusing them of exploiting their family name to promote a marketing scam into arbitration.\

In a Wednesday night decision concerning the American Communications Network, U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield accused the Trumps of acting unfairly by seeking arbitration after first obtaining "the benefits of litigating in federal court," including the dismissal of a racketeering claim.

"This conduct is both substantively prejudicial towards Plaintiffs and seeks to use the [Federal Arbitration Act] as a vehicle to manipulate the rules of procedure to Defendants' benefit and Plaintiffs' harm," Schofield wrote.

Defendants included Trump's adult children, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka, and an affiliate of the Trump Organization.

"The court erred, and while we are disappointed, we will take an immediate appeal," Joanna Hendon, a lawyer for the Trumps, said in an email.

In the October 2018 complaint, the Trumps were accused of misleading victims into becoming salespeople for ACN, a multi-level marketing company that charged $499 for a chance to sell videophones and other goods.

According to the plaintiffs, the Trump family conned them into thinking Donald Trump, who had yet to become president, believed their investments would pay off.

They said the real goal was for the Trumps to enrich themselves, including through the receipt of millions of dollars in secret payments from 2005 to 2015.

The Trumps have called the lawsuit politically motivated
, and said Donald's Trump's endorsement of ACN was merely his opinion.

In rejecting arbitration, Schofield noted the plaintiffs' claim that they had no reason to believe their agreements to arbitrate with ACN also covered the Trumps.

Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, said in an email she looked forward to pursuing the proposed class action on behalf of her clients and "thousands of others like them who were defrauded by the Trumps."

Last July, Schofield said the plaintiffs could pursue state law claims of fraud, false advertising and unfair competition against the Trumps, despite dismissing the racketeering claim.

The case is Doe et al v Trump Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 18-09936.

None of these suits have ever led to convict
They are all lies
Let’s investigate Biden family
Do you realize that for years no one had any issue with Trump when he was a Democrat but understand this they want to investigate everything he snd his family has ever donesvzm Trump U
How about Bernie Sanders Burlington College Clintons with DeJohn U and OBama with PhoenixU
No we never check them
Pelosi and Peter pelosi high tech scam
Maxine Waters money laundering ponzu scheme with CITI Bsnk where her ******* with no qualifications received $900,000 job
Do throw stones at Trump
Before you take the splinter out of the Trumls take the log out of you MAGA
None of these suits have ever led to convict
They are all lies
Let’s investigate Biden family
Do you realize that for years no one had any issue with Trump when he was a Democrat but understand this they want to investigate everything he snd his family has ever donesvzm Trump U
How about Bernie Sanders Burlington College Clintons with DeJohn U and OBama with PhoenixU
No we never check them
Pelosi and Peter pelosi high tech scam
Maxine Waters money laundering ponzu scheme with CITI Bsnk where her ******* with no qualifications received $900,000 job
Do throw stones at Trump
Before you take the splinter out of the Trumls take the log out of you MAGA

that is a nice story....but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up?

you are nucking futs you know that don't you....but then you are a trumptard so we have low expectations

first off there have been some conconvictions in regard to some of those....but like with stormy daniels and the 13 year old and others....he bought his way out...…...you surely remember before the election the tape of him bragging about most of this

Investigate all you want....the complaint there....Biden likes to give people a hug...….both sides and a lot of people have stated so....but typical of the right......trump so corrupt he corrupts everyone around him...but lets investigate someone else....that is the way the right likes to do things anyway...….ignore their mess...deflect away from it and cast doubt on the other party...nothing truthful..just cast doubt

for years he was not a leader of this country representing us around the world.....now he is a national embarrassment with his lies and corruption....but it is people like you that condone it and help promote it as alright

and what does Bernie sanders...Clinton or any of the others you mentioned have to do with you condoning trumps corruption and ******* of 170,000 of it's citizens?

Pelosi? what are you doing now making up news as you go...I read the "Bing" and the "Yahoo" home pages every morning....and nothing there on any of that...…...must be more of something Fox news and it's fools help push and promote

you got a lot of accusations there...…….but with trump firing so many legal people anymore trying to cover his tracks....most start at the top...that would be trump....one PROVEN criminal at a time and there are only so many legal people in the country...….most are involved with trump one way or the other...defending him or trying to jail him...….of course you do know now we are trying him and we are paying for his defense.....if he was to catch covid save the country a lot of money....that is something else he promoted

now please cancel my subscription to you issues!
I don't do a lot of consulting lately (though I used to). My non-W2 income is mostly coming from investments, which even at max withholdings are still below what I need to pay to avoid IRS fees.

Sorry you're poor.

What was it then? Good or bad?

That's not what you asked at all. Why are you changing the question instead of answering mine?

If you want to me to answer the question of whether open borders are good -- just ask it.

My response would be that they can be good, but they require a lot of forward planning. The EU operates on open borders, but they had to do a lot of investment to give a more level playing field to labor markets to avoid e.g. everyone from Spain immediately moving to Germany to work in shops.

The US has open borders, but we have a Federal Government that keeps a level playing field between states (hence why my New York tax dollars support people in Florida and Texas).

Trolling 101: at least try to sound sincere
Nah, just took your script, flipped it on you, and did a better job.

FYI 2 holes in your "I'm Rich" BS.
1) No one paying AMT or Quarterly calls it "non-w2" Especially if you are a "consultant"
2) Anyone paying AMT or Quarterly knows there are either 5 checks or 5 Returns. 1 check each quarter coupled with an "Informational" Return, unless you are an idiot who wants to talk to the IRS, and either a full return or a full return and a check in April. And you would know this because it pisses you off to have to write those checks and pay your accountant.

"The US has open borders, but we have a Federal Government that keeps a level playing field between states (hence why my New York tax dollars support people in Florida and Texas)."
No, America does not have open borders. We have long borders making enforcement hard. Hence the point of this whole exchange.

And your "New York" tax dollars stay in NY. Your Federal Tax dollars go to the Federal Government. And they both abuse and miss use those dollars. You really don't know how the US works do you?

And you just hinted you are a Troll. "Trolling 101: at least try to sound sincere" You took a class.... But you are ok because you are a sincere Troll. 😂 😂 😂
Enjoy. This alludes to two trends.
1) ya'll Dems are full of it on the BS racist Narrative
2) Social Media is using "fact check" to censor because all of this is verified and all over the internet. And not one mention of Covid. The only reason it is "fact check" is to protect the lib Dem narrative.

I know sub and Ridge and Ed you won't watching it. Your sensitive dem psychics can't take it.

Nah, just took your script, flipped it on you, and did a better job.

FYI 2 holes in your "I'm Rich" BS.

I never said I'm rich. I said you're poor.

1) No one paying AMT or Quarterly calls it "non-w2" Especially if you are a "consultant"
I haven't had to pay AMT in awhile since I'm not doing a lot of real-estate and I haven't been exercising a lot of ISOs.

2) Anyone paying AMT or Quarterly knows there are either 5 checks or 5 Returns.
People with a high salary but also money coming from investments pay estimated taxes quarterly to avoid underpayment penalties.

"The US has open borders, but we have a Federal Government that keeps a level playing field between states (hence why my New York tax dollars support people in Florida and Texas)."
No, America does not have open borders. We have long borders making enforcement hard. Hence the point of this whole exchange.

Weird, every time I've driven across state lines in the US I've never been stopped at a border, or needed a passport. Does your state have a border? I wasn't aware of any physical borders between states in the US.
Odd.....with all the ******* going on...…..and nothing from Adolp Shitler……….this 17 year old...……..NOT anything to do with BLM....just a white supremist there to push trouble......a trump supporter.....with photographic eveidance…….trump caught with his pants down …..and not saying a fucking word.....if this kid had not been caught he would have kept pushing the "democratic" lawlessness

how much of the rest of this is the same was...…….Minn found a lot were the same type people....but the arrests were not public enough for trump to stop with his bullshit

'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in ...
May 30, 2020 · 'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults. President Donald Trump insists he deserves no blame for divisions in America.

Is Trump alone to blame for America's problems?, World ...
Jul 31, 2020 · Trump tried to profit from the protests. The US president had grabbed it as an opportunity to project himself as the law and order president sending in federal troops to the states. Earlier, he had Washington's Lafayette Square cleared so that he could stage a photo-op in June. Trump had also called the protesters' terrorists, criminals, arsonists, looters even Antifa!

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence - The New York Times
Mar 14, 2016 · transcript. Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence Donald J. Trump has appealed to the raw anger of voters and encouraged crowds at rallies to use ******* against protesters who are disruptive.

Opinion | This is the consequence of Trump’s reign of rage ...
Jun 01, 2020 · Hate crimes in the United States are 30 percent higher than before Trump’s reign of rage. We’ve seen a Trump supporter send pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and media outlets.

Trump the Accomplice”: El Paso Residents Blame the ...
Aug 05, 2019 · In El Paso, Texas, on Sunday, more than a thousand people marched to an immigrant-advocacy center to protest gun policy and Trump’s rhetoric in the wake of a mass shooting.

Michael Bloomberg says Trump's words encourage white ...
Aug 10, 2019 · If he goes and says nice things about white supremacists, he encourages that kind of violence," Bloomberg said. Bloomberg said that Mr. Trump "cannot go …

Trump Encourages Violence From His Supporters. They’re ...
Mar 15, 2019 · Acts of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have surged during Trump’s presidency, with more than 150 instances of Trump-related taunts and attacks, according to the Center for Investigative Reporting. But it’s not just hate speech the president gloms onto when encouraging violence.

White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence
Jun 02, 2020 · A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of “Antifa” was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The ...

The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes by ...
Jan 14, 2018 · A number of critics predicted that President Trump’s divisive rhetoric during the presidential campaign and his subsequent election would embolden hate crime perpetrators, thereby contributing to more hate crimes. Media commentators have dubbed this the Trump Effect. We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis.

We Can No Longer Ignore Trump’s Role in Mass Shootings
Aug 04, 2019 · The United States saw two mass shootings in the span of 24 hours. At least one of them appears to have been inspired by Donald Trump.

Trump smirked at idea of shooting migrants at rally three months before El Paso massacre
reddit.com/r/politics · Aug 4, 2019 · Article from: www.independent.co.uk

There have been 20 mass shootings since Trump took office ...


Aug 05, 2019 · President Trump has seen 20 mass shootings since he became president in January 2017. Here's a look at his initial reactions after some of those tragedies. Up next in El Paso Shooting 3:27

All US extremist killings in 2018 had links to right-wing ...
A mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, has reignited a nationwide conversation on white nationalism and right-wing violence. A January 2019 report shows all the extremist killings in the US in 2018 .

Nearly half of Americans say Trump has increased the ...
Aug 15, 2019 · Nearly half of Americans say Trump has increased the threat of mass shootings Evidence markers rest on the street at the scene of a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, on Aug. 4.
I'm hoping Trump won't back out of the debates with Biden ... and I'm afraid he will back out of most of them.
You've stated numerous times your fears that Trump won't debate Biden or will back out of some/all debates. I am shocked! shocked! you haven't excoriated Pelosi over her call to not let Biden debate Trump.

You've stated numerous times your fears that Trump won't debate Biden or will back out of some/all debates. I am shocked! shocked! you haven't excoriated Pelosi over her call to not let Biden debate Trump.

sorry we pushed your buttons....we were looking for "mute"
You've stated numerous times your fears that Trump won't debate Biden or will back out of some/all debates. I am shocked! shocked! you haven't excoriated Pelosi over her call to not let Biden debate Trump.

I imagine Pelosi thinks it is a lose-lose situation for Biden because Trump is so dishonest & unethical, and won't play by the rules of the debate. He'll attempt to take over the debate, use his own rules, talk about what he wants, making up exaggerations, lies, and destroying the truth, which would put Biden on "defense" to protect the facts. When you think back to 2016, that's exactly what he did to Clinton, and she fell for it.

This debate, however, would be totally different because Trump has basically failed at everything he promised, in his 2016 platform, to do ... Mexican fence, healthcare, illegal immigration, de-nuclearization of N Korea & Iran, paying off the Nat'l Debt, draining the "Swamp", etc. Biden, should debate Trump because he would be able to crush Trump on any and/or of of those topics as they come up. Plus, the covid-19 is in the fore-front of this election cycle and has been a major catastrophe for Trump.

As of yesterday, Biden said he wanted to debate Trump. Notre Dame & Uni Michigan cancelled their planned debates because of covid-19. Only one I see still up is the Cleveland debate. I honestly think it would be a major mistake for the Democrats to allow Trump to get off so easily on his first-term failures, as he's had NO successes to amount to anything.

I think it is Trump who doesn't want to debate Biden. If you recall, during the Muller investigations, Trump talked loudly and boldly about wanting to sit, under oath, to answer Muller's questions ... then when the time came to do so, he balked and refused. Not ONLY did he refuse for himself, he told all of his administration to IGNORE their subpoenas to testify under oath ... I'm sure you recall that happening, right? Trump's biggest "hand" is bluffing ... he'll bluff right up to the last minute. I'd call his bluff and debate the cocksucker.
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