Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trump uses Republican convention to try to rewrite coronavirus history, casting himself as lifesaving hero

Faced with a pandemic that has killed more than 175,000 Americans, President Trump used glitzy video and misleading testimonials to spin a tale of heroism and resolve far removed from the grim reality of a country in the throes of an uncontrolled public health crisis.

At the Republican National Convention on Monday, Trump was hailed as a bold and lifesaving leader who “was right” on the novel coronavirus while Democrats, doctors and pundits were wrong from the beginning. One campaign-style video that aired during the convention hailed Trump as the “one leader” who stood up to the virus while quoting Democratic figures who played down the severity of the virus in its early stages.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.

Fact checking Night 2 of the Republican National Convention

On the second night of the Republican National Convention, several members of the Trump family, including first lady Melania Trump, as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, were set to make a case for another four years for the president.

Kudlow claims Trump inherited 'stagnant' economy. That's false.
President Donald Trump's top economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed Tuesday during his speech at the RNC that Trump, when elected, was “inheriting a stagnant economy on the front end of recession.”

That is false.

Looking at the broadest measure of economic health, gross domestic product, the numbers show that average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under President Obama in his second term, 2.4 percent.

In 2016, Trump said he was unhappy that the country’s economic growth rate was under 3 percent a year. Trump said he thought the economy could grow at better-than-4-percent annual rate.

Kudlow also claimed Tuesday night that the economy “was rebuilt in three years,” saying that “unemployment fell to the lowest rate of 3.5 percent.”

The Trump administration rightly takes credit for having low unemployment during his presidency, but the idea that Trump "rebuilt" the economy is misleading. Unemployment under Obama had already been trending downward.

In December of 2019 — before the pandemic hit the U.S. — the unemployment rate was a scant 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been in 50 years.

However, as good as that number was, when Trump took office the rate was already at 4.7 percent. That figure is quite low by historical standards (lower than all of the 1980s as well as most of the 1990s and 2000s). In fact, Obama saw a much steeper drop in unemployment in his second term, a 3.3 drop in the rate, than Trump did in his first three years, a decline of 1.2 points.

The numbers under Trump appear to be the continuation of a trend, not something new.

Job creation numbers offer more evidence for this.

On average, there were more jobs added monthly in Obama’s second term than there were in Trump's first three years.

On average, the country created 215,000 new jobs a month in Obama’s second term. In Trump’s first three years, the figure was 182,000. They are both good numbers and if you look at the jobs data plotted on a graph, the rise since 2011 actually looks pretty consistent.

There is one indicator that suggests a change under Trump: the rise in the stock market. On Dec. 31, 2019, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 28,538. That was up 56 percent from 18,332, where it was the day Trump was elected in 2016.

From Obama's second Election Day until 2016, the Dow climbed 38 percent.

Sen. Rand Paul on Trump's Iraq War opposition
“Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War, which President Trump has long called the worst geopolitical mistake of our generation,” Paul, R-Ky., said on Tuesday night.

This is true, though the contrast omits some key context. Before the Iraq War began, Trump said he supported the invasion of the country in an interview. He did not express a negative opinion about the war until after it had started, according to previous NBC News fact checks.

Biden, too, has changed his mind. Biden has repeatedly said his vote for the Iraq War was a mistake.

Was Trump first president to talk religious freedom at the U.N.?
Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of evangelical preacher Billy Graham, said Tuesday night that Trump is the first president “to talk about the importance of religious freedom at the United Nations, giving hope to people of faith around the world."

This is false. Here’s a clip of Obama talking about religious freedom at the U.N.; here’s a news report of George W. Bush doing the same. At the U.N. last year, Trump said he was the first to host a meeting on religious freedom, but he's definitely not the first to talk up the issue.

I'm sure trump did not go along with this....just pushed into it!

Mary Ann Mendoza pulled from RNC lineup after retweeting ...
5 hours ago · Mary Ann Mendoza pulled from RNC lineup after retweeting anti-Semitic QAnon conspiracy Mendoza was scheduled to appear Tuesday night in a video message.
Oh why oh why didn't they let her speak?? Apparently being overtly racist is OK, (the McClosky's) but they draw the line at anti-semitism.
Oh why oh why didn't they let her speak?? Apparently being overtly racist is OK, (the McClosky's) but they draw the line at anti-semitism.

guessing it would be that trump and Nyet….two peas in a pod...…..both very corrupt....both milking their country without a care in the world and have those that support them...….even the legal system having trouble getting rid of Nyet……...which I am sure we will come into here when it comes time to get rid of trump

all so very similar to Russia and p.utin….milking Russia for every penny he can get....and killing any opposition....look at Russia now.....trump hasn't killed anyone yet? but he would have us there

no wonder they are close pals

Is Vladimir Putin the Richest Person in the World?
Is Vladimir Putin the Richest Person in the World? Vladimir Putin Net Worth. Terrible Crimes Made Putin World’s Richest Person. Putin the Richest Man? Does This Palace Belong to Putin? Putin and the $100 Million That Has Dissapeared. Putin’s Banker. Vladimir

New Book Claims Vladimir Putin is World’s Richest Man with ...
New Book Claims Vladimir Putin is World’s Richest Man with $160bn Wealth May 13, 2019 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has turned himself into the world’s richest person during his presidency, …
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Don't ask questions, you can't handle the answer to.
Immigrants keep a very low profile and stay out of the eye of the police or other government officials.
Americans are shooting up each other, shooting up schools, malls, churches, synagogues, movie theaters, and office buildings.
We got a lot of problems here to be solved, pointing the finger at others is not helpful or factual.
Immigrants keep a very low profile and stay out of the eye of the police or other government officials.

That is my point exactly. Many of those "low profile" illegals commit crimes. I never said anything about who commits more/less crime legals or illegalls. You did!
Immigrants keep a very low profile and stay out of the eye of the police or other government officials.

That is my point exactly. Many of those "low profile" illegals commit crimes. I never said anything about who commits more/less crime legals or illegalls. You did!
The majority do not. More Americans commit crimes than illegal immigrants who's only crime is that misdemeanor of staying here without processing.
Why don't you go for a swim today?
The majority do not. More Americans commit crimes than illegal immigrants who's only crime is that misdemeanor of staying here without processing.
Why don't you go for a swim today?
Your are so predictable. Change words to fit your narrative. Another pathetic liberal tactic!
Me: That is my point exactly. Many of those "low profile" illegals commit crimes. I never said anything about who commits more/less crime legals or illegalls. You did!

You: The majority do not. More Americans commit crimes than illegal immigrants who's only crime is that misdemeanor of staying here without processing.
Why don't you go for a swim today.

I probably won't swim today but thanks for the offer. The undertow is really bad due to the hurricane Trump created!
Your are so predictable. Change words to fit your narrative. Another pathetic liberal tactic!
Me: That is my point exactly. Many of those "low profile" illegals commit crimes. I never said anything about who commits more/less crime legals or illegalls. You did!

You: The majority do not. More Americans commit crimes than illegal immigrants who's only crime is that misdemeanor of staying here without processing.
Why don't you go for a swim today.

I probably won't swim today but thanks for the offer. The undertow is really bad due to the hurricane Trump created!
So, you admit, illegals are not bringing crime here with them?
I never said Venezuela isn't socialist. You did. And then you said it is. That's a contradiction.

New Zealand has a democratic socialist government, and they seem to be doing a lot better than we are. Just saying.

Why can't you answer the question? Is it good or bad to separate and put children into air-conditioned cages?

Good thing we had this debate on this forum so everyone can go back and see how delusional and full of ******* you are.

And once again New Zealand is NOT a socialist country. You Bernie Bro Hipsters really need to learn what Socialism and Mixed Economy are.

Lastly, I have answered the questions two or three times now and reject your simpleton attempt at false dilemma.

Don't break the law- don't end up in a holding cell.
I am.
That's what we are talking about, illegal immigrants.
Mr Latina4BBC (there is no "Mrs" by the way), found it incredible that our homegrown American commit more crimes than illegals living here.
The ones I know are Mexican, Polish and Ukrainian

This is just one of the most ignorant liberal narratives ever.... A population with a 100% crime rate has a lower crime rate than the citizens?

“The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony “green cards,” fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have. In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury. Thus, the average illegal alien routinely commits multiple felonies –forgery, Social Security fraud, identity theft, and perjury.”

The average criminal illegal alien commits at least 4 felonies crossing into the US, renting a place and taking a job. And that is a low estimate.
So, you admit, illegals are not bringing crime here with them?
Ed here is some more food for your 'brain' from the article linked above

"This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien. However, when pushed, even the strongest supporters of illegal aliens are ****** to acknowledge that the vast majority of illegal aliens commit multiple felonies. In fact, the Social Security Administration and New York Times report that approximately 75 percent of illegal aliens have fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers which is a felony. The ACLU accepts this figure and uses it to show that illegal aliens pay payroll taxes."

Wow a 100% criminal rate followed by a 75% criminal rate. The only other group close to them in criminality is Democrat officials with their ******* ring.
Ed here is some more food for your 'brain' from the article linked above

"This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien. However, when pushed, even the strongest supporters of illegal aliens are ****** to acknowledge that the vast majority of illegal aliens commit multiple felonies. In fact, the Social Security Administration and New York Times report that approximately 75 percent of illegal aliens have fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers which is a felony. The ACLU accepts this figure and uses it to show that illegal aliens pay payroll taxes."

Wow a 100% criminal rate followed by a 75% criminal rate. The only other group close to them in criminality is Democrat officials with their ******* ring.
Not today Cartman.
the Social Security Administration and New York Times report that approximately 75 percent of illegal aliens have fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers which is a felony.
This is true since I've done some benefits work inside a few meat packing plants around NC. The ones guilty of this are the meat packing plants, however. The illegals don't see the significance of the social security cards other than it helps them find low skilled work. AND, they get paid about 20-25% less than the other minorities hired at the plants, AND ... all these employers withhold FICA from their paychecks even though these illegal workers have no way to access the FICA benefits.
One large plant in NC employs over 5,000 workers of which 25-30% of them are illegal. When ICE plans one of their surprise visits to the plants, miraculously, those 25-30% illegals don't show up on the day ICE visit. Wonder why that is? How do ALL the illegals suddenly NOT show up for work on the same day ICE visits the plants?
Its employers and the government system that is exploiting the illegals, not the other way around.

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The children deserve to go into cages because they broke the law? It sounds again like you think it's good.

It's not a question with a lot of nuance -- is it good or bad?

How about you stop worrying about whether I think a cog step is good or bad and answer the question. How do you fix it?

However, Sounds like you think it is good for illegal criminal alien ******* to be left or given back to sex traffickers. It is also clear you are happy homeless vets are left to starve while illegals get better treatment.
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