Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You just posted some random insults then the first three google results you found for the definition of neoliberalism.

How you think this passes for any kind of argument or discussion is beyond me. It looks like word salad. GPT-3 constructs better logical arguments.
Schumer announces investigation into Postal Service policy ...
Aug 23, 2020 · Speaking Sunday to reporters in New York City, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced a three-member subcommittee of the US Postal Service's Board of …

well go figure...…

Return to sender: WH rejects House bill on postal aid

Ah just what I thought. You spewed a bunch or random ******* thinking you were cleaver and when you got called on it you run and hide behind reductio ad absurdum.

Wow what a load of *******, oops, I mean smug hubris mixed with Relativism spewing information with no understanding. Did you get an A in whatever bullshit modern interruptive dance class you were taking with this?

So basically you just tried to argue that almost the full economic spectrum and any political structure short of anarchy is socialisms.

There is a clear, fully accepted, definition with a few key elements that delineate socialism. Granted there may be a few minor points open for debate, but Socialism is clearly defined and you missed the mark by a mile. It is almost like you are trying to say any government regulation is socialism.

Since you like Wikipedia:
Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with economic liberalism and free-market capitalism.[2]:7[3] It is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, austerity, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society;[4][12] however, the defining features of neoliberalism in both thought and practice have been the subject of substantial scholarly debate.[13][14] Neoliberalism constituted a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which had lasted from 1945 to 1980

And from Britannica
Neoliberalism, ideology and policy model that emphasizes the value of free market competition. Although there is considerable debate as to the defining features of neoliberal thought and practice, it is most commonly associated with laissez-faire economics. In particular, neoliberalism is often characterized in terms of its belief in sustained economic growth as the means to achieve human progress, its confidence in free markets as the most-efficient allocation of resources, its emphasis on minimal state intervention in economic and social affairs, and its commitment to the freedom of trade and capital.

and then there is this take
Capitalism and Neoliberalism: What’s the Difference?
"It was put to me recently during a lecture, after posing a question in which I used the word ‘Neoliberalism,’ that the term “is problematic because it is nothing more than a synonym for Capitalism and therefore only confuses the issue.” It goes without saying that I didn’t agree. Capitalism and Neoliberalism are in many respects similar economic ideologies, but as socio-political realities they are very different beasts. Even the way in which we speak of them indicates that there is something of a difference between the two."

Trump's sister says "you can't trust him" in secretly recorded audio

In secretly recorded audio, Maryanne Trump Barry, the eldest sister of President Trump, criticized her brother for his lack of principles, his lying and said, "you can't trust him." The audio, first reported by the Washington Post and obtained in part by CBS News was recorded between 2018 and 2019 by Mr. Trump's niece, Mary Trump, who recently published a tell-all book about the president.

US judge places hold on Trump campaign lawsuit over Pennsylvania mail-in ballot boxes

  • A federal judge on Sunday placed a hold on a Trump campaign lawsuit that seeks to prevent Pennsylvania from collecting mail-in ballots at drop boxes.
  • The Trump campaign had claimed the drop boxes would enable voter fraud, but failed to present any evidence to support its argument.
  • US District Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan said he would "apply the brakes to this lawsuit" in order to let Pennsylvania courts decide whether the drop boxes are legally permissible.
  • A recent poll found that the vast majority of Pennsylvanians who plan to vote by mail intend to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden.
  • Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by less than 45,000 votes.

You just posted some random insults then the first three google results you found for the definition of neoliberalism.

How you think this passes for any kind of argument or discussion is beyond me. It looks like word salad. GPT-3 constructs better logical arguments.

Good part there are about 30 or so more on the first page that also prove you wrong. But of course you don't have a logical counter, admit you were wrong or have a grasp of your own argument, let alone base facts, so you went for the insults and avoidance.

'Also don't use terms like Socialism and Neoliberalism before you understand what they mean, otherwise you look petty and dumb! Hope this helps you in your future endeavors.'
Good part there are about 30 or so more on the first page that also prove you wrong. But of course you don't have a logical counter, admit you were wrong or have a grasp of your own argument, let alone base facts, so you went for the insults and avoidance.

Counter to what? Wrong about what? You're not even trying to argue at this point.
Trump's sister says "you can't trust him" in secretly recorded audio

In secretly recorded audio, Maryanne Trump Barry, the eldest sister of President Trump, criticized her brother for his lack of principles, his lying and said, "you can't trust him." The audio, first reported by the Washington Post and obtained in part by CBS News was recorded between 2018 and 2019 by Mr. Trump's niece, Mary Trump, who recently published a tell-all book about the president.

I guess his sister had a liberal agenda in talking about this. Even if you agree that his niece had an axe to grind, his sister had zero reason to make ******* up. It's true. He's officially a dumbass.
Wish me luck! First date with this Goddess tonight after exchanging numbers at a restaurant where I was having dinner with my family Saturday.
Could take the black ink off of the picture, @Latina4BBC! Looks like you have achieved your "goal" though! I can DEFINITELY say this though that she sure isn't from Atlanta! Just a VERY DIFFERENT caliber of Black women in Atlanta!
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Could take the black ink off of the picture, @Latina4BBC! Looks like you have achieved your "goal" though! I can DEFINITELY say this though that she sure isn't from Atlanta! Just a VERY DIFFERENT caliber of Black women in Atlanta!
can’t do anything without it somehow tied to race. Damn that didn’t criss my mind at all. I’m so glad I’m not a racist
this should be good...….he is the dumbest of the bunch and shoots off ALOT

N.Y. AG Letitia James sues Eric Trump, Trump Organization ...
Aug 24, 2020 · Attorney General Letitia James is conducting a broad inquiry into the Trump Organization’s financial dealings that includes an investigation into whether President Trump and his ******* Eric Trump ...

New York attorney general probing whether Trump ...
Aug 24, 2020 · Attorney General Letitia James wants to compel the Trump Organization, Donald Trump's ******* Eric, and other to comply with subpoenas in an'investigation into potential fraud or illegality.'
Lincoln Project announces coalition of Republican women ...
18 hours ago · The Lincoln Project's Women's Coalition consists of 19 women opposed to President Trump who are calling for other women to cast votes for …

Lincoln Project Forms Coalition Of Women Against Trump
Aug 24, 2020 · The Lincoln Project is at it again. In their bid to see President Trump defeated in November, the cabal of alleged Republicans who want to destroy the GOP’s destroyed have formed a hot and fresh new coalition of women to influence female voters to choose former Vice President Joe Biden.
FOX News
GOP members of Congress make the case for Trump as 'pro-America candidate' at Republican convention

Republican members of Congress kicked off the 2020 GOP convention Monday night making the case for President Trump’s re-election, calling the Republican Party the “pro-America party,” and Trump the “pro-America candidate.”

both about as unamerican as you can get!
why is this not hard to believe...from the guy that gave us bleach as a fix....now pushing buttons on CDC....numbers and facts can be twisted…..again very misleading

F.D.A. ‘Grossly Misrepresented’ ******* Plasma Data, Scientists Say

At a news conference on Sunday announcing the emergency approval of ******* plasma for hospitalized Covid-19 patients, President Trump and two of his top health officials cited the same statistic: that the treatment had reduced deaths by 35 percent.

Mr. Trump called it a “tremendous” number. His health and human services secretary, Alex M. Azar II, a former pharmaceutical executive, said, “I don’t want you to gloss over this number.” And Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and ******* Administration, said 35 out of 100 Covid-19 patients “would have been saved because of the administration of plasma.”

But scientists were taken aback by the way the administration framed this data, which appeared to have been calculated based on a small subgroup of hospitalized Covid-19 patients in a Mayo Clinic study: those who were under 80 years old, not on ventilators and received plasma known to contain high levels of virus-fighting antibodies within three days of diagnosis.

What’s more, many experts — including a scientist who worked on the Mayo Clinic study — were bewildered about where the statistic came from. The number was not mentioned in the official authorization letter issued by the agency, nor was it in a 17-page memo written by F.D.A. scientists. It was not in an analysis conducted by the Mayo Clinic that has been frequently cited by the administration.

“For the first time ever, I feel like official people in communications and people at the F.D.A. grossly misrepresented data about a therapy,” said Dr. Walid Gellad, who leads the Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing at the University of Pittsburgh.

It is especially worrisome, he said, given concerns over how Mr. Trump has appeared to politicize the process of approving treatments and vaccines for the coronavirus. Over the next couple of months, as data emerges from vaccine clinical trials, the safety of potentially millions of people will rely on the scientific judgment of the F.D.A. “That’s a problem if they’re starting to exaggerate data,” Dr. Gellad said. “That’s the big problem.”

a group of people sitting at a desk: Convalescent plasma donation at a blood bank in Seattle this year.
© Karen Ducey/Getty Images Convalescent plasma donation at a ******* bank in Seattle this year.
When asked where the 35 percent figure came from, an agency spokeswoman initially directed a reporter to a graph of survival statistics buried in the Trump administration’s application for emergency authorization. The chart, analyzing the same tiny subset of Mayo Clinic study patients, did not include numerical figures, but it appeared to indicate a 30-day survival probability of about 63 percent in patients who received plasma with a low level of antibodies, compared with about 76 percent in those who received a high level of antibodies.

On Monday, Dr. Peter Marks, the director of F.D.A.’s center for biologics, evaluation and research, said that the agency reviewed published studies of plasma and conducted its own analysis of data from the Mayo Clinic’s program of hospitalized patients who received plasma. Although the size of the benefit varied, he said in a statement, “there appears to be roughly a 35 percent relative improvement in the survival rates of patients” who received the plasma with higher versus lower levels of antibodies.

He added: “Given the safety profile observed, the totality of evidence regarding potential efficacy more than adequately met the ‘may be effective’ standard for granting an Emergency Use Authorization.”

Convalescent plasma, the pale yellow liquid left over after ******* is stripped of its red and white cells, has been the subject of months of enthusiasm from scientists, celebrities and Mr. Trump, part of the administration’s push for coronavirus treatments as a stopgap while pharmaceutical companies race to complete dozens of clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines.

Although there have been some positive signs that it can reduce deaths in Covid-19 patients, no randomized trials have shown that it works. A popular access program set up this spring by the F.D.A. and run by the Mayo Clinic has provided the treatment to more than 70,000 people, but it has also, some researchers said, hindered enrollment in the more rigorous randomized trials that could definitively prove whether it works. The emergency authorization released on Sunday broadens that access program.

Statisticians and scientists said that Dr. Hahn, in saying at the news conference that 35 out of 100 sick Covid-19 patients would have been saved by receiving plasma, appeared to have overstated the benefits.

Dr. Robert Califf, who was F.D.A. commissioner under President Barack Obama, said on Twitter on Sunday that Dr. Hahn should correct his statement.

Dr. Hahn did not respond to repeated requests for clarification on his comments.

The publicly released data from the Mayo Clinic shows that, among the larger group of more than 35,000 patients, when plasma was given within three day of diagnosis, the death rate was about 22 percent, compared with 27 percent when it was given four or more days after diagnosis.

Dr. Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research in La Jolla, Calif. and a longtime expert in clinical trials, said that convalescent plasma has not yet shown the benefit that Dr. Hahn described — and that he should issue a correction.

“He needs to come out with that, and until he does, he has no credibility as an F.D.A. commissioner,” Dr. Topol said.

On Sunday night, an agency spokeswoman posted a chart on Twitter claiming that plasma “has shown to be beneficial” for 35 percent of patients — neglecting to mention that the figure was based on a subset of a subset of the data.

In an interview on Monday, one of the Mayo Clinic study’s main authors, Dr. Arturo Casadevall of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said he was also stumped. “Do I know where the 35 percent comes from?” he said. “No.”

Dr. Casadevall said that the F.D.A. had conducted its own analyses of the data, and that the paper he and his colleagues posted this month to a so-called preprint server — before it has been peer reviewed by a medical journal — contained only a portion of the total available data.

Dr. Casadevall said focusing on the 35 percent number distracted from the broader takeaway: that convalescent plasma shows promise, at a time when doctors have few other options. “I think that I would not focus so much on that — people can say things in many different ways, but I think that one has to look at the data,” he said. “I think the important thing is that all the indicators show a reduction in mortality.”

Emily R. Smith, an epidemiologist at The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health in Washington, D.C., agreed that the issue was a distraction, but for a different reason.

“We’re trying to track down numbers and preprints and Twitter slides, and that’s a big distraction from the bigger issue of — do we think there’s good evidence to suggest this is safe and effective?” she said.

She and others, including the F.D.A. in the emergency authorization itself, have said that existing data — from the Mayo Clinic and other non-randomized studies — cannot replace rigorous trials that will more definitively indicate whether and in what groups of patients the treatment is effective. On Monday, the chief scientist for the World Health Organization, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, said at a news conference in Geneva that only a few of these convalescent plasma trials had reported findings, and that the trials had been relatively small. “The results in some cases point to some benefit but have not been conclusive,” she said. “At the moment it’s still very low-quality evidence.”

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