Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No man you're the master here I'm the student. Please explain why they're different. Use as many duckduckgo searches as you need
Nah your assertion you try walking on your own.

And I wouldn't get plucky. You didn't even know what socialism is. But you sure do like to pretend.

What is socialized mean again?
If this were debate club you'd lose points, but since it's just a dumb internet forum I guess you get your evening back and maybe just feel a small burning sensation in the back of your head because you lost the ******* out of this argument by painting yourself into a corner where you don't get to call things socialist anymore.
If this were debate club you'd lose points, but since it's just a dumb internet forum I guess you get your evening back and maybe just feel a small burning sensation in the back of your head because you lost the ******* out of this argument by painting yourself into a corner where you don't get to call things socialist anymore.
You wish.

You still haven't answered the opening question. And now you are running
OK here's my attempt at a cpl2010co-style argument:

If you insist Trump is not racist, show me the law or executive order that he passed that finally ended racism.

You can't!

Nah your assertion you try walking on your own.

I know you lost track, but I was just using the definition you gave me:

Socialized is taking over a single industry. Obama care was socialization of the American Medical System.
Socialism is the government economic and political system whereby the centralized government takes over the factors of production and planning of the economy.

Two thirds of the Venezeulan economy was private and not under control of the government (as per Fox News, official news source of MAGA).

Not socialist according to socialism expert cpl2010co

If you disagree you should take it up with cpl2010co, I dunno they might be really dumb so you could probably argue correctly that they don't know anything about socialism.
Not even close. And really that was a weak attempt at a strawman

1) no one can end racism- Not possible- bigotry and hate has and will always exist. No matter how many celerity "enough" Youtube videos the left spit out.
2) There is free will.

Try this. You accuse Donald Trump of a history of racism. Simply provide direct proof he has a long record of racism. You pull 1972 settlement over an supposed event where a super told one person one thing and another something else. Notice the state never went to court. And the last his managers moving dealers away from a jerk. Then you toss in the Muslim ban.

So you are long an blather and short on substance. Try getting some evidence of actual direct actions that the current President is racist trying to target minorities. And let's challenge you. Explain all the praise from Al and Jessie or the awards from the NAACP and his drive to help the Black Community. Oh and his girlfriend of 2 years who was black. Dare you.
I know you lost track, but I was just using the definition you gave me:

Two thirds of the Venezeulan economy was private and not under control of the government (as per Fox News, official news source of MAGA).

Not socialist according to socialism expert cpl2010co

If you disagree you should take it up with cpl2010co, I dunno they might be really dumb so you could probably argue correctly that they don't know anything about socialism.

Ah so cute.

Ask Ridge, who stated more than once he didn't know the definition of socialism or socialized, who was the majority owner of those "privately" owned companies?
I know you lost track, but I was just using the definition you gave me:

Two thirds of the Venezeulan economy was private and not under control of the government (as per Fox News, official news source of MAGA).

Not socialist according to socialism expert cpl2010co

If you disagree you should take it up with cpl2010co, I dunno they might be really dumb so you could probably argue correctly that they don't know anything about socialism.

You seem to be struggling and trying to keep up.

Here is a little help

"To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite. Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs "

And in this article they point out
1) Nordic Countries were successful before the welfare programs not after
2) No minimum wage laws.
3) School Choice in Sweden.

So are you onboard now?

And in Norway they aren't eating their pets, zoo animals and garbage like in Venezuela. Because Norway is a free market capitalist country with a generous social safety net and Venezuela is a failed leftist socialist dictatorship the US liberal Clebs and Democrat idolize and want to immolate.
Because Norway is a free market capitalist country with a generous social safety net and Venezuela is a failed leftist socialist dictatorship the US liberal Clebs and Democrat idolize and want to immolate.

I'm glad we understand that the reason you want to say Venezuela is socialist and Norway is capitalist is because the economy of one collapsed while the other didn't. But you gave the definition.

Do you want to walk it back now? Will you admit you were wrong, and look for a new definition?

(also "immolate" means burn, as in what you keep doing to yourself, lmao)
I'm glad we understand that the reason you want to say Venezuela is socialist and Norway is capitalist is because the economy of one collapsed while the other didn't. But you gave the definition.

Do you want to walk it back now? Will you admit you were wrong, and look for a new definition?

(also "immolate" means burn, as in what you keep doing to yourself, lmao)

But you still don't understand the basic concepts.

Just out of curiosity, who Nationalized the Oil Industry and controlled the majority ownership of the few remaining medium to large "privately owned" business in Venezuela? Who controlled the distribution of all the gas?

(Oh my bad Auto correct got me that.)
Fox News said that 70% of economic activity in Venezuela was private in 2015. Are you saying Fox News was lying?

Norway has an even higher fraction of GDP in the public sector than Venezuela: 38% public.

You're running out of cherries to pick my friend
LOLOL "he can't be racist, he has friends who are black!"

Thanks for giving me some solid comedy. I think my headache is gone! Laughter is the best medicine.

Ah how cute. Can't come up with any real examples so pulling the insult run and cover.

Still waiting on you to come up some real examples proving his long term run to racism dating back to 1972. And I notice you ducked all the other examples. It would be great if you could find something like a Congressional Meeting where he sides with Klans men against the Black Community. I know Biden set the bar high for you.

Just FYI Men as racist as you think Trump is don't open their Country Clubs up to Minorities, years before other clubs, especially in rich democrat country. And they don't date Black Women, openly, for years in rich democrat land. But you wouldn't know that.
Fox News said that 70% of economic activity in Venezuela was private in 2015. Are you saying Fox News was lying?

Norway has an even higher fraction of GDP in the public sector than Venezuela: 38% public.

You're running out of cherries to pick my friend

I have no idea if Fox News said that and I don't care. You are holding on to that like that one statement makes all the other facts go away.

What I am saying and what you are doing your best to avoid is that the connected, the government officials, the dictator and his family owned/held/controlled the private business. So in reality he controlled almost all of the commerce, the oil profits and the distribution of gas along with, the currency, food, and the press. Oh you keep forgetting the Dems held Venezuela up as a hallmark of socialism that we should follow. So, I guess you are one of the few who think they were capitalists.

And as much as you want it to be true. Norway is not socialist. they are still a capitalists' country. Even the say so.
When the numbers and evidence doesn't say what you want it to, I guess closing your eyes and pretending it's not there is one strategy.
Even literally Communist China still has 50% of its GDP in privately-held industries and commerce. Not even China gets to be socialist in your definition, lmao [pun intended]

And yet they are Communist. How could that be?

How could all the countries you say are not Socialist and Communist be Socialist and Communist by their own declaration?
How can the three countries you say are not Capitalists' be Capitalist by their own declaration?

How is that possible?

How can all the economic forums note them as Communist, but Ridge, who has no idea what the internationally accepted economic base definition of socialism is, know better than the people living there and the World Economic Forum, Econ Professor world wide and the State Department? How could that be?
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