Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You're just going to move the goalposts all over the place aren't you?

The US isn't socialist (even though it is) because it's "socialized"?
I assume the same applies to Canada, the UK, Ireland, and most of continental Northern Europe?
Bolivia doesn't count because they took a loan from the IMF (even though the US itself is racked by how many trillions of dollars of debt? somehow that doesn't count?)
New Zealand conveniently gets ignored entirely.

You just look ridiculous at this point.

No it is real simple name a stand alone real socialist country or communist county that has worked?.

Problem number one is you have no idea what socialism or socialist is. Regulations or Quasi Government control of a specific market or even two is not socialism.

No Bolivia does not count because it gets a significant amount of its operating capital, in fact most, from aid from Western "capitalist" countries and agencies in the form of "loans" and packaging new "loan" to prop up their currency. Without aid or currency banking actions Bolivia would have been bankrupt a long time ago so it can't be counted as a stand alone socialist country now can it.
Then define socialism. You clearly have your own secret definition you refuse to share.

If having a party in charge of your government with "socialist" in the name (which meets your prior requirement, in the case of New Zealand) doesn't count, what does now?
Dude he called it a "Muslim ban" live on national television in the debates

Also he had to revise the EO, because the courts knocked it down the first time. Because it was unconstitutional. Because you can't single out a race or religion, which the courts determined the ban was trying to do. It got through the second time because they watered it down just enough.

Maybe stop getting your talking points from some old chewed-up and recycled Dinesh D'Souza hot takes

Again rhetoric. And then the next court shot the lower court down. The Order still Stands fyi. And it still didn't exclude the largest Muslim populations at anytime. opps And we are talking about non citizens also right? And a religion right?

So again Name a law or Executive order he put in place that is racist. My first time I asked this, was name a law or EO he put in place that targeted Black People and injured them? Name a law or EO that he put in place that targeted gay people and injured them?

Want to try again. I am surprise you weren't stupid enough to bring up the miss quoted speech about *******.
Then define socialism. You clearly have your own secret definition you refuse to share.

If having a party in charge of your government with "socialist" in the name (which meets your prior requirement, in the case of New Zealand) doesn't count, what does now?

You could've googled this hours ago and not look so foolish.

1)Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. (duckduckgo)
2)a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (google)
3)(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. (Google)

The key is Central Government owns collectively the Factors of production and distribution. And plans and controls the economy.

Man this is some real low level understanding for an economic/ political debate. This is some real basic ******* bro.
So because he failed at making the law as racist as he wanted, he's not a racist.

And he's not responsible for any of the racist things he did before office.

And because he didn't target gay people specifically with EOs (which would be, um, unconstitutional and pointless) he's not racist?

What kind of paint-huffing logic do you run on?
You could've googled this hours ago and not look so foolish.

1)Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. (duckduckgo)
2)a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (google)
3)(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. (Google)

The key is Central Government owns collectively the Factors of production and distribution. And plans and controls the economy.

Man this is some real low level understanding for an economic/ political debate. This is some real basic ******* bro.


After all your posts about how "this isn't real socialism!" and "this is socialized, not socialism!" (wtf is that even supposed to mean), when asked for your personal definition of socialism you... go to google to copy/paste.

Norway has centralized control of its oil and uses the funds to distribute to every citizen. Totally not an example of the means of production and distribution being owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Then define socialism. You clearly have your own secret definition you refuse to share.

If having a party in charge of your government with "socialist" in the name (which meets your prior requirement, in the case of New Zealand) doesn't count, what does now?
You got pulled into the rabbit hole. He will twist focus, play semantics, lie, move the goal posts, and now, create his own definitions.
He is the guy that's great at entertaining himself. Probably wears a crown when he logs in.
So because he failed at making the law as racist as he wanted, he's not a racist.

And he's not responsible for any of the racist things he did before office.

And because he didn't target gay people specifically with EOs (which would be, um, unconstitutional and pointless) he's not racist?

What kind of paint-huffing logic do you run on?

"Actions reveal character" Dahlia Lama

I really don't think you know what racist real means. And I think you are trying to squeeze everything you can under that word because you know it is a charged accusation that ruins peoples lives. And you hate trump because you have been told to and he is counter to your outlook.

1) Muslim ban is not racist. In the form you are trying to say he submitted it was Religious intolerance, but that is not what he proposed. And the ban never said all Muslims. It listed countries.
2) You did not prove anything remotely racist by him before election. You provided two article trying to stretch the same 1972 settlement into "employment" and "rental" racist acts, not racism. See above I gave you more details. In fact all you had was conjecture and innuendo from well establish trump hating liberal "news" outlets.. Again I Addressed that previous under your post.
3) The 1992 was his frontline Managers who moved dealers. And I bet they move them so the Whale would not insult them more that because they agreed with him.
4) Few examples of rhetoric does not make a racist. Show me the actions of Donald Trump.
5) And you keep avoiding all his awards, all the black leaders praising him, and his 2 year relationship with a Black Woman. That an all his outreach to the Black Community that you don't see on liberal media.

So again before you toss around unfounded accusation maybe you should have more than some innuendo, liberal propaganda and talking point understanding of liberal narratives.

So one more time, cite the law or EO he put in place targeting Black American or any Ethnic group in America? In last 4 years.

After all your posts about how "this isn't real socialism!" and "this is socialized, not socialism!" (wtf is that even supposed to mean), when asked for your personal definition of socialism you... go to google to copy/paste.


There is no personal definition of socialism. There is only the accepted definition.

It is just sad you don't know that. Well I guess not you are a basic leftist.

Socialized is taking over a single industry. Obama care was socialization of the American Medical System.
Socialism is the government economic and political system whereby the centralized government takes over the factors of production and planning of the economy.
I really don't think you know what racist real means. And I think you are trying to squeeze everything you can under that word because you know it is a charged accusation that ruins peoples lives. And you hate trump because you have been told to and he is counter to your outlook.
This is america. Plenty of people run around who are racist as all hell with no impediment whatsoever to their lives.

1) Muslim ban is not racist. In the form you are trying to say he submitted it was Religious intolerance, but that is not what he proposed. And the ban never said all Muslims. It listed countries.
That's because he asked Rudy to make the "Muslim ban" in a "legal way". Which they still failed at.

But it may surprise you to learn that intent actually does matter in law! The reason the first ban was struck down was partially because Trump revealed his racist intent.

2) You did not prove anything remotely racist by him before election. You provided two article trying to stretch the same 1972 settlement into "employment" and "rental" racist acts, not racism. See above I gave you more details. In fact all you had was conjecture and innuendo from well establish trump hating liberal "news" outlets.. Again I Addressed that previous under your post.
Those were court cases. Some of which are ongoing, and some of which he already lost or settled. "Innuendo" is not the same thing as "deposition" or "court finding".

4) Few examples of rhetoric does not make a racist. Show me the actions of Donald Trump.
Saying racist stuff as the president actually has consequences. Why else are hate crimes on the rise? Why else is the KKK endorsing Trump?

So one more time, cite the law or EO he put in place targeting Black American or any Ethnic group in America? In last 4 years.
Ooh the goalposts shift again, those shifty goalposts. At least you took out the inexplicable one about him targeting gay people
There is no personal definition of socialism. There is only the accepted definition.

It is just sad you don't know that. Well I guess not you are a basic leftist.

Socialized is taking over a single industry. Obama care was socialization of the American Medical System.
Socialism is the government economic and political system whereby the centralized government takes over the factors of production and planning of the economy.

Ah ok cool, so Cuba and Venezuela were not socialist, since they only centralized control of a few but not all industries. Got it.
Also glad to hear you fervently believe the democrats (including the Social Democrats like Bernie and AOC) are definitely not socialist.
"Actions reveal character" Dahlia Lama

I really don't think you know what racist real means. And I think you are trying to squeeze everything you can under that word because you know it is a charged accusation that ruins peoples lives. And you hate trump because you have been told to and he is counter to your outlook.

1) Muslim ban is not racist. In the form you are trying to say he submitted it was Religious intolerance, but that is not what he proposed. And the ban never said all Muslims. It listed countries.
2) You did not prove anything remotely racist by him before election. You provided two article trying to stretch the same 1972 settlement into "employment" and "rental" racist acts, not racism. See above I gave you more details. In fact all you had was conjecture and innuendo from well establish trump hating liberal "news" outlets.. Again I Addressed that previous under your post.
3) The 1992 was his frontline Managers who moved dealers. And I bet they move them so the Whale would not insult them more that because they agreed with him.
4) Few examples of rhetoric does not make a racist. Show me the actions of Donald Trump.
5) And you keep avoiding all his awards, all the black leaders praising him, and his 2 year relationship with a Black Woman. That an all his outreach to the Black Community that you don't see on liberal media.

So again before you toss around unfounded accusation maybe you should have more than some innuendo, liberal propaganda and talking point understanding of liberal narratives.

So one more time, cite the law or EO he put in place targeting Black American or any Ethnic group in America? In last 4 years.
You got pulled into the rabbit hole. He will twist focus, play semantics, lie, move the goal posts, and now, create his own definitions.
He is the guy that's great at entertaining himself. Probably wears a crown when he logs in.
Ahhh Ed is still but hurt over all the times he got pinned and couldn't duck. I wonder who gave you this little post, you sure are trying to wear it out.

Sadly Ed, Your mental transference is getting worst.
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