Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Biden did racist stuff in the past. Yes. There's not really much point in going on and on and on about this, except maybe to try to make yourself feel better about voting for the current racist and all-around shitheel Donald Q Trump
Yes, the mainstream democratic ideology is flawed. The reason they don't accomplish anything is because they benefit from a broken status quo, where huge mega-donors fund their campaigns and keep them in power, and in exchange they change nothing to ensure that large companies or billionaires pay their fair share of taxes, and they don't implement social services which are proven to work in developed nations.

It totally could. Nobody asked how we'd pay for the invasion of Iraq. Nobody asks how Finland is able to pay for health care, or Ireland is able to pay for college tuition for everyone who lives there.

You will probably say "oh but they tax everyone sooo much there!" They actually don't. If you make less than 500k, you're probably getting taxed at the same effective rate here or in Finland (around 40%). The trick is we don't tax the very, very, very wealthy because, well, that's who the politicians work for.

That's true of the Republicans and the Democrats by the way. The #1 donor to the DNC is a guy who ran a hedge fund. Mitch McConnell's campaign is funded by Goldman Sachs (it's cheaper to buy a Kentucky senator than a New York senator). If you want to know how ******* just keeps getting a little bit worse every year for everyone except the 0.01%, no matter which party is in power, this is why.

Just real quick where has socialism worked? Name one Socialist or Communist country that didn't crush the lives of everyone except the 'leaders" making everyone else equally miserable.

And no, Finland, Norway or Sweden are not Socialist. And the effective rate, not including vat is 53.35% in Finland. You know a county with a population the same as Houston. A homogenized socially congruent population who sees government hands has bad and now with mass immigration most are moving away from "Single Payer" it is bankrupting their country.
Biden did racist stuff in the past. Yes. There's not really much point in going on and on and on about this, except maybe to try to make yourself feel better about voting for the current racist and all-around shitheel Donald Q Trump
No No No. Maybe I didn’t express myself correctly if your comment was directed to me. I am actually disappointed I feel again like I did in 2016. One and only one choice. I would vote for anyone other than this current Democratic regime.. it just happens its the Orange man!
Just real quick where has socialism worked? Name one Socialist or Communist country that didn't crush the lives of everyone except the 'leaders" making everyone else equally miserable.

The US has socialism, it's just not democratic socialism. We bail out banks, we bail out airlines, we do not bail out people.

And no, Finland, Norway or Sweden are not Socialist.

Biden did racist stuff in the past. Yes. There's not really much point in going on and on and on about this, except maybe to try to make yourself feel better about voting for the current racist and all-around shitheel Donald Q Trump

What? You are delusional and a kool aid drinking fool.

Biden did actual real racist ******* on the floor of Congress, just about 20 to 30 years ago and more recent. And so did the American Government, with his help, but Biden isn't a racist now, but America is, in your little minds, still the "The Most Raciest country ever" You Dems are psycho and ignorant.

And Biden really did sexually assaults little girls on national TV. He really did say "if you don't vote for me you ain't black", last week. He really told a Black Supporter, "You Dog Face Pony Solider," He really told a story about how he liked little Black ******* rubbing his harry legs at the pool, Really?

Yet when I ask you "leftist" for Trumps racism you guys pull out the same three discredit bullshit stories. And forget the 2 year relationship with a Black Model, All the Black Leaders and Dems who praised him for Decades, and the awards from the NAACP. I am beginning to think you leftist don't know what racism is.

I have asked this 100x. What laws or EOs has he proposed that target and injured Black People? What laws has he proposed or EOed that target and injured Gay People? Name the law or EO and date.

No, No Ridge or Ed or Sub, not some conspiracy theory innuendo article with one out of context quote and a ******* ton of liberal conjecture "could be", "should be" (because us liberal want it to be true), "appears to", or "maybe" BS. Actual enforceable law or Exec Order.
The US has socialism, it's just not democratic socialism. We bail out banks, we bail out airlines, we do not bail out people.

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Wrong. Nice try skippy. Way to stick with that ignorant narrative.

Socialism and Socialized are not the same thing.

So again name a socialist or communist government that didn't destroied itself while the leaders lived grand and the rest died starving or viaousands to millions via starvation or genocide.
Before he came to office he had housing discrimination, he had employment discrimination, he discriminated in his casinos, he had the whole racist "birther" bullshit that was the whole reason his political start rose in the first place.

Since coming to office, we had a travel ban. The revisionist right has tried to paint this as an Obama policy, but Trump's words speak for themselves:
Trump said:
“calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

Just like these words
Trump said:
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

KKK leader said:
The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.

Hate crimes are spiking all over the country under this garbage president. Do the math
This is the opposite of how economies of scale work.

A country of a single person wouldn't work very well, because that one person has to do everything.

A country of 100 people works a little better, because people can specialize in things and share resources made for the good of the group.

As you scale up, the economies of scale improve things for the group.

And think about it -- if it were really an issue that a nationwide hospital system couldn't work, you can just make 20 regional hospital systems, problem solved.

A perfect example of a elementary level understanding coupled with massive amounts of hubris and self righteousness you have put on displayed.

You really have no idea.
If you just go straight to insults you don't come across as sounding smart, you just sound frustrated and confused.
Before he came to office he had housing discrimination, he had employment discrimination, he discriminated in his casinos, he had the whole racist "birther" bullshit that was the whole reason his political start rose in the first place.

Since coming to office, we had a travel ban. The revisionist right has tried to paint this as an Obama policy, but Trump's words speak for themselves:

Just like these words

Hate crimes are spiking all over the country under this garbage president. Do the math

Did you read your links?
1970s. Really. They're the same event. Not employment both were rental claims settled to give the government their shake down money. You clearly have no idea how the world works.

The one in 1992 was his managers, two levels down I bet, moving deals to satisfy an angry 'whale' And unnamed "witness" made the accusation.
Yeah that was D. Trump. NOT.

The Muslim ban. Talking point propaganda. It was not a Muslim ban, go catch up. The travel restrictions were directed at a small number of countries pick by Obama know for anti US terrorist and terrorist training activities. How can it be a ban on Muslims when it did not include the 2 countries with the largest Muslim Populations? In fact most Muslim countries were not included.... Opps I guess you fucked that up.

You peddle this week ******* and then add quotes from two people. This is what you got. Biden did what he did in Congressional Meetings. Out of his Own mouth. And he voted it the same way.

Again. Laws, Executive Orders from the last 4 years. Name them.
Bolivia and New Zealand are controlled by parties with "socialist" in the name.

Since you refuse to give me your own personal magic definition of socialism, I'm not sure which other countries I can name.
Except... Trump said himself it was to shut down Muslims from entering the country. It's his own damn quote.

Is the sky pink on your planet?
No he didn't.

I am calling on this. Provide the video or the official, not some liberal report, the official transcript where he said it.

Oh and you said racist. Muslim is not a race also, but I know you have to use this, its all you got.

So where is that law. Especially not one Obama started?
You're just going to move the goalposts all over the place aren't you?

The US isn't socialist (even though it is) because it's "socialized"?
I assume the same applies to Canada, the UK, Ireland, and most of continental Northern Europe?
Bolivia doesn't count because they took a loan from the IMF (even though the US itself is racked by how many trillions of dollars of debt? somehow that doesn't count?)
New Zealand conveniently gets ignored entirely.

You just look ridiculous at this point.
Hopefully your brain hasn't stroked out to the point where you now think the Cato Institute is a "liberal report"

So here is the only official statement from Trump statement in your article. A linked tweet,

"That's right, we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won't help us protect our people!"

The story links to the hyper leftist Washington Post that "quotes" what he said in a "rally" without a video or audio. Really?

So again, you are citing rhetoric. I said law. And this law, was up held by the courts. So his law didn't ban Muslims it targeted small number of countries Obama picked. Again a religion not a race.

So try again.
Dude he called it a "Muslim ban" live on national television in the debates

Also he had to revise the EO, because the courts knocked it down the first time. Because it was unconstitutional. Because you can't single out a race or religion, which the courts determined the ban was trying to do. It got through the second time because they watered it down just enough.

Maybe stop getting your talking points from some old chewed-up and recycled Dinesh D'Souza hot takes
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