Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The truth is Biden and the Democratic party of today is the most evil party I have seen in my lifetime. The dude is a fucking racist and you guys make every excuse in the book why he isn't. Hillary says "they all look alike" and you guys say HAHAHA she was just joking. If Trump were to say that...Why the excuses? Why the double standard?
REALLY! Latina, is this opening sentence text taken from your aforementioned post, "The truth is Biden and the Democratic party of today is the most evil party I have seen in my lifetime.", really something you believe, or did someone pay you handsomely to post it? Wow! If you were paid, I extend my deepest sympathy that you would sell your soul and integrity for a few thousand bucks to post such nonsense! If it is your belief, you're in great need of much more sympathy, understanding, and enlightenment than I alone could ever offer! However, I sincerely feel sorry for you and your ilk!
I know its got to be a bit frustrating & annoying to pull for an individual whom has demonstrated so many objectionable character flaws & actions in the public eye. Personally, after seeing these things day after day for the past 3 years, I'd simply quit making excuses for him or coming to his defense. And, I certainly wouldn't vote for the person. Yet these Trump followers just keep following him, ignoring his daily embarrassments to the highest and most important job in the WORLD. Still, as much as I dislike despise Trump, I don't despise his followers, I simply want to understand their reasoning(s) for their indications that they plan to stick with Trump through the 2020 election. Its not like they know nothing about Trump. He's a straight forward, holds nothing back kind of guy. Whatever he's thinking, he's not the least bit reserved in saying it to everyone. Some of his sick humor, as example, he thinks everyone should smile and agree. He sees nothing that he says or does as unusual or offensive, yet, he wears his ego out on his sleeves, and can't stand anyone talking negatively about him.
I just want to understand Trump's followers. God knows we have a bunch here in NC. Resent polls indicate Trump is behind Biden, here, by just 4-5 points ... yet he and his NC assembly minions continue marching forward with their brash, obviously discriminating legislation, even as the Republican General Assembly tries to openly lessen the powers of our Democrat governor so they can accomplish more biased legislation for their constituents. The people HERE are really PISSED ... really pissed.
REALLY! Latina, is this opening sentence text taken from your aforementioned post, "The truth is Biden and the Democratic party of today is the most evil party I have seen in my lifetime.", really something you believe, or did someone pay you handsomely to post it? Wow! If you were paid, I extend my deepest sympathy that you would sell your soul and integrity for a few thousand bucks to post such nonsense! If it is your belief, you're in great need of much more sympathy, understanding, and enlightenment than I alone could ever offer! However, I sincerely feel sorry for you and your ilk!
Your liberal mind showing its true colors. You assume since I despise what the Democrats have done this past three years and have my own unfavorable thoughts be getting paid. Now who’s calling the kettle black.
REALLY! Latina, is this opening sentence text taken from your aforementioned post, "The truth is Biden and the Democratic party of today is the most evil party I have seen in my lifetime.", really something you believe, or did someone pay you handsomely to post it? Wow! If you were paid, I extend my deepest sympathy that you would sell your soul and integrity for a few thousand bucks to post such nonsense! If it is your belief, you're in great need of much more sympathy, understanding, and enlightenment than I alone could ever offer! However, I sincerely feel sorry for you and your ilk!
Your liberal thinking mind just showed its true colors! You assume my thoughts could not possibly mine therefore I must be getting paid. I'm sorry to disappoint. I think for myself. I'm not a fox news junkie, a Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity groupie. I read the news every day on Yahoo which is so left biased but I am intelligent to read through their narrative. Unfortunately many liberals don't have that ability. Yahoo type news outlets prey on the ignorant. I'm not going to lie they are hugely successful.
I know its got to be a bit frustrating & annoying to pull for an individual whom has demonstrated so many objectionable character flaws & actions in the public eye. Personally, after seeing these things day after day for the past 3 years, I'd simply quit making excuses for him or coming to his defense. And, I certainly wouldn't vote for the person. Yet these Trump followers just keep following him, ignoring his daily embarrassments to the highest and most important job in the WORLD. Still, as much as I dislike despise Trump, I don't despise his followers, I simply want to understand their reasoning(s) for their indications that they plan to stick with Trump through the 2020 election. Its not like they know nothing about Trump. He's a straight forward, holds nothing back kind of guy. Whatever he's thinking, he's not the least bit reserved in saying it to everyone. Some of his sick humor, as example, he thinks everyone should smile and agree. He sees nothing that he says or does as unusual or offensive, yet, he wears his ego out on his sleeves, and can't stand anyone talking negatively about him.
I just want to understand Trump's followers. God knows we have a bunch here in NC. Resent polls indicate Trump is behind Biden, here, by just 4-5 points ... yet he and his NC assembly minions continue marching forward with their brash, obviously discriminating legislation, even as the Republican General Assembly tries to openly lessen the powers of our Democrat governor so they can accomplish more biased legislation for their constituents. The people HERE are really PISSED ... really pissed.

I just want to understand Trump's followers.

Mac, I can't speak for other Trump followers, Trumptards, or whatever else we are called. If you or any of the other Trump haters on here sat down next to me and struck up a conversation I guarantee you would walk away with a positive impression of my character and most likely would think "he's a cool dude." Overall I am a chill, easy going, witty, friendly, very honest, admit when I am wrong and an easy person to talk to. I am very receptive to the ideas of others and as I approach 60 I still enjoy learning new things.
I am not a racist contrary to those accusers just because I will vote for Trump.

In a nutshell I have worked since I was 13. Contrary to what Ed4mwf thinks I worked my ass off to get where I am today. For some reason he equates my government paycheck similar to those who stay at home smoking crack waiting for the next check to arrive. I was responsible for thousands of people lives on a daily basis. When people asked if it was a stressful job I would say imagine clinching your fists and tense up. Do that everyday for 20 years. I was good at what I did and thrived on the stress. Let me tell you what it was like after 911 to get that phone call telling me I had to leave my family and my job. I was away from my family for a year. It sucked!

Except for Subhub's ******* (he gone) I read with an open mind the views of those who dislike or in your case despise Trump. You and others have made some good points to which I have acknowledged. An example of changing my point of view was when the statues were being torn down. Initially I was pissed that was being allowed. That's our history good or bad stop being little whiny bitches and go do something productive. Then while watching the news one day the question to the guest was why make history disappear? His response was they don't want to make history disappear rather these statutes belong in a museum and not on public property. I now couldn't agree more.

I have said as a person I think Trump is a piece of *******. I have never said he was a great businessman, I have never said he doesn't lie, I never said he didn't fuck other women, I have never said he wasn't sitting next to Bill Clinton on the ******* Express, I have never said I believe everything he says, I have said I can only stomach a couple of minutes listening to him speak (he's the first President who I feel that way). Bottom line. I don't disagree with his characterization by those on this forum.

"The people HERE are really PISSED ... really pissed."

You summed up my feelings. I am so sick of the double standard from the media and the Democratic party. You (I do respect much of what you say) and the majority here have endless excuses why it was/is OK for liberals (I know you're an Independent) to act the way they did/do.
The promises, promises, promises, election after election after election is old and tired like Uncle Joe. The Democrats have been saying for decades the same old ******* about the economy, creating more jobs, healthcare, and education. Isn't there a possibility their ideology is flawed?
You are smart enough to know our country cannot afford free healthcare, free education (BTW I think your free education idea as opposed to Reparations is a great idea), free money (an AOC specialty), free housing, or free whatever. I have said it before... How about we raise the minimum wage to $40 and hour and everyone is happy right? Well go ask business owners or should I say those who were in business before mandatory minimum wage increases. The liberals won't tell you but somehow that wage increase isn't free like they want you to think. They pat themselves on the back as businesses raise prices or simply close down and say see we're here for you now vote for us.

I admit I don't know the intricate workings of government. There are a couple of you who I am impressed with the depth of your knowledge. I actually find it fascinating.

We agree Trump is not a politician. That is what I like and that is another reason I will vote for him. He has an 'R" next to his name because realistically he has no choice.
You posted a list of what the Democrats need to do to "fix" things yet again. Unfortunately as in my response to your ideas I sincerely believe that is a pipe dream that will never happen. If the Magic 8 Ball said it would happen I might be persuaded to change my vote.

You asked me what the puppeteers have planned for Uncle Joe. I don't have specifics. It's more of what I personally think will happen. To put it simply my gut tells me our taxes are going to go through the roof to pay for people to sit on there asses and do nothing. They will without a doubt tinker with the 2nd Amendment. The 1st Amendment has obviously already been abused by liberals. Especially Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Assemble. So one sided!

So there you have it. I am a very simple ordinary man. When I wake up in the morning I thank God I have another day. After that it's just icing on the cake. I wish no ill will against anyone.

Just because I will vote for Trump doesn't mean I like him. I like some of what he has done and/or has tried to do. But that is neither here nor there. The biggest reason is no different than why you won't vote for Trump. I dislike despise the Democratic party of today. But because of that I am somehow a retarded racist. But hey if that makes people feel better about themselves more power to them!
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Standing in opposition of the most corrupt and immoral president ever?
Yes, we're so terrible.
Are you aware of the term 'false equivalency'?
Trump doesn't get a pass because of missteps because he has a long record of racist ACTIONS. This is not some misstatements on video, this is long term planning and ingrained disdain.
Do you not hear him when he speaks? Warning suburban 'housewives' that mixed income housing will come to them and Corey Booker will be running HUD? What the fuck do you think he was saying?
His family members say he is racist. His former lawyer/fixer say he is racist. His former employees say he is racist. And, the federal government found him guilty of practicing racist actions. He is on tape refusing to disavow from David Duke, praising white supremacists and endorses known racists.
He's a stain.

Did you see how many times you said "former?" I wonder why it took them so long to come out with these "stories". Strange how it came out after he was running as a republican and when those people needed money or avoid jail. Do you think all those Dems and Black "Leaders and Reverends" being his buddies for decades and showing up to all his stuff for decades discredits that?

Either all those Democrats were sucking up to a racist, idolizing a racist, rapping about how great a racist is, and taking money from a racist or this is a fake political narrative to keep the sheep voting democrats...You tell me.

All the major leaders including the current Democrats took money from him, clamored to hang with him, get pictured with with him in the paper, and gave him awards. The NAACP, Rainbow Con, I mean Push, Hillary, Bill, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Corey Booker and all the Dems in NY.

"Do you not hear him when he speaks? Warning suburban 'housewives' that mixed income housing will come to them and Corey Booker will be running HUD? What the fuck do you think he was saying?"

He means exactly that- This is a racist democrat platform- "******* integration of white neighborhoods"- Barak O. This is an election year. Democrats are directing the reverse message to their base and swing liberal leaners. Democrats are using "white liberal guilt" and the fake narrative 'America is Racist and we have to tax the rich so we can give you a better life with the money we stole from them by government *******."

Do you think the people in the suburbs want the federal government to forcibly use their tax money to give cheap houses to people who won't value the property, won't take care of it and will ultimately devalue your property, destroy your quality of live and increase the crime. Not a race thing. People who get stuff for free or with little effort don't value the stuff. They abuse it and let it fall into disrepair.

Of course, the ****** integration of "White Suburban" neighborhoods has nothing to do with diluting the "white vote" and voting power, right?

And of course those neighborhoods where the rich liberal Dems and their donors live will be except for the ****** "Mixed Income" integration. I am sure Nancy, Sandy, Corey, Kami or Hillary won't have mixed income in their neighborhoods. Just in those 'suburban white neighborhoods in fly over country where trump supporters live," right?

And he listed Corey because
1) Booker did this in Newark and destroyed the town
2) Corey is on record saying he believed in "****** integration of white neighborhoods" and "gentrification is bad and racist"
3) Corey is an asshole that people can easily hate. Including a lot of Dems. And not because he is black, he is just a quintessential hypocritical political back stabbing Democrat asshole.
4) And If memory serves, I think Joe's camp hinted at that role for Corey already.

"praising white supremacists and endorses known racists" 😂 - Ed- You did this more than once and are still doing this.

You wrote a long post about how great Robert Byrd was. He was a GRAND DRAGON recruiter of the KKK for decades. And now you are defending Biden who used the N- word in Congressional hearings and fought with/ supported known Klansmen Democrat Senators/Reps over bussing..... That is an actual record. Not some innuendo from propaganda pieces written by rabid liberals blind with hate and posted by a useful idiot like subhub.

But of course Joe and Robbie, they 'changed'. Yeah right.
You summed up my feelings. I am so sick of the double standard from the media and the Democratic party. You (I do respect much of what you say) and the majority here have endless excuses why it was/is OK for liberals (I know you're an Independent) to act the way they did/do.
The promises, promises, promises, election after election after election is old and tired like Uncle Joe. The Democrats have been saying for decades the same old ******* about the economy, creating more jobs, healthcare, and education. Isn't there a possibility their ideology is flawed?

Yes, the mainstream democratic ideology is flawed. The reason they don't accomplish anything is because they benefit from a broken status quo, where huge mega-donors fund their campaigns and keep them in power, and in exchange they change nothing to ensure that large companies or billionaires pay their fair share of taxes, and they don't implement social services which are proven to work in developed nations.

You are smart enough to know our country cannot afford free healthcare, free education (BTW I think your free education idea as opposed to Reparations is a great idea), free money (an AOC specialty)

It totally could. Nobody asked how we'd pay for the invasion of Iraq. Nobody asks how Finland is able to pay for health care, or Ireland is able to pay for college tuition for everyone who lives there.

You will probably say "oh but they tax everyone sooo much there!" They actually don't. If you make less than 500k, you're probably getting taxed at the same effective rate here or in Finland (around 40%). The trick is we don't tax the very, very, very wealthy because, well, that's who the politicians work for.

That's true of the Republicans and the Democrats by the way. The #1 donor to the DNC is a guy who ran a hedge fund. Mitch McConnell's campaign is funded by Goldman Sachs (it's cheaper to buy a Kentucky senator than a New York senator). If you want to know how ******* just keeps getting a little bit worse every year for everyone except the 0.01%, no matter which party is in power, this is why.
As an aside, this is also the reason Fox News is laser-focused on "the squad" and especially AOC. She's a democratic socialist, and wants to change the system so that we're not a country of serfs working for a nobility class of hyper-wealthy people who bought all of our politicians. They're the only real credible threat to the status quo.
Yes, the mainstream democratic ideology is flawed. The reason they don't accomplish anything is because they benefit from a broken status quo, where huge mega-donors fund their campaigns and keep them in power, and in exchange they change nothing to ensure that large companies or billionaires pay their fair share of taxes, and they don't implement social services which are proven to work in developed nations.

It totally could. Nobody asked how we'd pay for the invasion of Iraq. Nobody asks how Finland is able to pay for health care, or Ireland is able to pay for college tuition for everyone who lives there.

You will probably say "oh but they tax everyone sooo much there!" They actually don't. If you make less than 500k, you're probably getting taxed at the same effective rate here or in Finland (around 40%). The trick is we don't tax the very, very, very wealthy because, well, that's who the politicians work for.

That's true of the Republicans and the Democrats by the way. The #1 donor to the DNC is a guy who ran a hedge fund. Mitch McConnell's campaign is funded by Goldman Sachs (it's cheaper to buy a Kentucky senator than a New York senator). If you want to know how ******* just keeps getting a little bit worse every year for everyone except the 0.01%, no matter which party is in power, this is why.
I could be wrong but I don't think you can compare countries the size of Ireland and Finland to the U.S. Apples and oranges.
SO I guess then Joe is a racist because Kamal said so in the primaries.

A now Kamala is serving under a racist and has a bad case of internalized racism.

Joe has definitely done racist things in the past, yes. He opposed busing which is pretty borderline segregationist.
I could be wrong but I don't think you can compare countries the size of Ireland and Finland to the U.S. Apples and oranges.

This is the opposite of how economies of scale work.

A country of a single person wouldn't work very well, because that one person has to do everything.

A country of 100 people works a little better, because people can specialize in things and share resources made for the good of the group.

As you scale up, the economies of scale improve things for the group.

And think about it -- if it were really an issue that a nationwide hospital system couldn't work, you can just make 20 regional hospital systems, problem solved.
Ah how cute. Clipped all the "Never Trump" Rhino campaign attacks from 2016 into a "conspiracy" video. Ah how creative.

SO I guess then Joe is a racist because Kamal said so in the primaries.

A now Kamala is serving under a racist and has a bad case of internalized racism.
Lying is a good look on you.
Kamala never said that. She actually said Joe is not a racist, she disagreed with a particular policy. And, then went on to explain the policy.
However we can smell your desperation through these posts. Center your boring ass posts around a lie and hope someone falls for something else.
Last I checked, The Democratic Party has racial and ethnic minorities throughout it's ranks making decisions from the voter, to the delegate, to the party officers to the elected officials. At least 30% of the party and its affiliates. It's a reflection of America, NOT you. That's why you hate it so much.
And, Joe would not be the candidate if it wasn't for the black vote that began in South Carolina. Now, if we were as feeble minded as @Latina4BBC tries to portray, Kamala Harris or Corey Booker would have been in contention. They were not. We went for the guy with the most experience and the ability to beat Trump.
Back to your lies and word play. Carry on.
Lying is a good look on you.
Kamala never said that. She actually said Joe is not a racist, she disagreed with a particular policy. And, then went on to explain the policy.
However we can smell your desperation through these posts. Center your boring ass posts around a lie and hope someone falls for something else.
Last I checked, The Democratic Party has racial and ethnic minorities throughout it's ranks making decisions from the voter, to the delegate, to the party officers to the elected officials. At least 30% of the party and its affiliates. It's a reflection of America, NOT you. That's why you hate it so much.
And, Joe would not be the candidate if it wasn't for the black vote that began in South Carolina. Now, if we were as feeble minded as @Latina4BBC tries to portray, Kamala Harris or Corey Booker would have been in contention. They were not. We went for the guy with the most experience and the ability to beat Trump.
Back to your lies and word play. Carry on.
Kamala didn’t have to say Biden is a racist. Its a given. The proof is in the pudding. You and others can poo poo it all you want. I get a little slip up but the dude is definitely consistent
Kamala didn’t have to say Biden is a racist. Its a given. The proof is in the pudding. You and others can poo poo it all you want. I get a little slip up but the dude is definitely consistent
So she didn't say that, you implied it from what? Nevermind, don't bother.
So that people would not rea her comments as calling Joe a racist, she prefaced her comment on bussing by saying:
“I do not believe you are a racist.” I don't know how much clearer she could have been. She critiqued his support of a policy, not the man.
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So she didn't say that, you implied it from what? Nevermind, don't bother.
So that people would not rea her comments as calling Joe a racist, she prefaced her comment on bussing by saying:
“I do not believe you are a racist.” I don't know how much clearer she could have been. She critiqued his support of a policy, not the man.
Still doesn’t take away his true colors no matter how you spin it. I don’t recall saying Kamala said he is racist. If I did I was wrong.
Lying is a good look on you.
Kamala never said that. She actually said Joe is not a racist, she disagreed with a particular policy. And, then went on to explain the policy.
However we can smell your desperation through these posts. Center your boring ass posts around a lie and hope someone falls for something else.
Last I checked, The Democratic Party has racial and ethnic minorities throughout it's ranks making decisions from the voter, to the delegate, to the party officers to the elected officials. At least 30% of the party and its affiliates. It's a reflection of America, NOT you. That's why you hate it so much.
And, Joe would not be the candidate if it wasn't for the black vote that began in South Carolina. Now, if we were as feeble minded as @Latina4BBC tries to portray, Kamala Harris or Corey Booker would have been in contention. They were not. We went for the guy with the most experience and the ability to beat Trump.
Back to your lies and word play. Carry on.

No she implied in terms only an ideologue like you would say she wasn't.

Funny how those racially diverse Democrats passed up, 1 Asian with promised handouts, 2 Blacks, 1 "Native American" couple Hispanics, 1 pretend Hispanic and what 3 or 4 women to vote for two "Old White guys." One a socialist fool and the other, a political hack pander who assaults women and stood with Klansmen. Yeah you keep telling yourself whatever you need to keep the delusion intact.

Democrat party is not diverse. It is 90% unhappy, hateful, envious people who want the government to ******* other people to behave a certain way and cough up money to pay for the destruction of the US. The other 10% are the rich people who want to control the 90% to keep the other 50% of the country in check via street violence and shaming. Or just ******* them like some Dems have said.

I guess if you count the pedos in the Democrat party you could say diverse.

Experience?, Don't you mean the guy who help cause the problems for 40+ years. No, really you should keep voting for the same Democrats, stuff will change, this time. No really they have been telling you that for what since 1870 and you still have the same problems Strange?

I noticed you ducked this

"praising white supremacists and endorses known racists" 😂 - Ed- You did this more than once and are still doing this.
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