Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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She is a criminal grifter and not eligible. Trump and the Republicans have been clear, they are not interested in our vote.
Even you just picked someone, again, who has no accomplishments but is black, and want to elevate her to the VP.
Yet you belittle the accomplishments of someone who has a real admirable record as being the choice just because of her color.
One problem is clearly is that the GOP don't have many choices. Not a lot of black elected officials with a public service record. Not a lot of black party officials advising and being high profile within the party, not a lot of blacks showing up. You have a B list of names and even that is short. You cannot name three accomplishments in public service by her. Yet, you want her to be the number two to a man in his mid 70s??? Where she could become President??? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Wow you are a tough person to get through to. You keep insinuating I do not support Biden's decision to select Harris because she is black. Again that is a liberal strategy. Say it enough and people will believe. Just as I have asked you and others to show one post where I pretend to be a woman, show me one post where I belittled Harris's accomplishments. As far as I am concerned her being a Harvard graduate in of itself is extraordinary IMO. If you are referring to the FACT she fucked a married man and then coincidentally appointed to nice cushy positions in the government. That has nothing to do with accomplishment. It has much to do about her character. Unless I missed it I didn't see any rebuttal about the abuse case within the clergy.
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Truth? From a man with Latina4BBC as his name and a picture of a woman's ass on his avatar?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Why do you keep going there? I'm not changing my profile name. It's the same one I have had since 2014. If people are so damned ignorant not to understand what MALE means then fuck em. It's like when I first signed up for yahoo mail. If I knew what absolute pieces of leftist ******* they are I would have never signed up. But I have had the same email address for years and read the not news on Yahoo everyday. I see no reason to change.
Wow you are a tough person to get through to. You keep insinuating I do not support Biden's decision to select Harris because she is black. Again that is a liberal strategy. Say it enough and people will believe. Just as I have asked you and others to show one post where I pretend to be a woman, show me one post where I belittled Harris's accomplishments. As far as I am concerned her being a Harvard graduate in of itself is extraordinary IMO. If you are referring to the FACT she fucked a married man and then coincidentally appointed to nice cushy positions in the government. That has nothing to do with accomplishment. It has much to do about her character. Unless I missed it I didn't see any rebuttal about the abuse case within the clergy.
Ummm, she did not go to Harvard. That would be Michelle Obama. I won't say it... but you know.
She fucked a married man, regularly. That was her boyfriend and it wasn't secret. Brown had been separated from his wife for 13 years at that point. Really, what is your point here? Again, Willie and Blanche became estranged in 1981. Kamala came around in
You know the First Lady was fucking the president while he was still married to Marla, don't you? Whom he started fucking while married to Ivanna. You want to bring up character, sure about that?
As far as her case record goes, she increased the felony conviction to about 8 out out 10 cases from about 5 out of 10 while a prosecutor. BUT, you stick to the one case that is full of innuendo and rumors. It serves your purpose.
Why do you keep going there? I'm not changing my profile name. It's the same one I have had since 2014. If people are so damned ignorant not to understand what MALE means then fuck em. It's like when I first signed up for yahoo mail. If I knew what absolute pieces of leftist ******* they are I would have never signed up. But I have had the same email address for years and read the not news on Yahoo everyday. I see no reason to change.
Yahoo is still a thing?
Ummm, she did not go to Harvard. That would be Michelle Obama. I won't say it... but you know.
She fucked a married man, regularly. That was her boyfriend and it wasn't secret. Brown had been separated from his wife for 13 years at that point. Really, what is your point here? Again, Willie and Blanche became estranged in 1981. Kamala came around in
You know the First Lady was fucking the president while he was still married to Marla, don't you? Whom he started fucking while married to Ivanna. You want to bring up character, sure about that?
As far as her case record goes, she increased the felony conviction to about 8 out out 10 cases from about 5 out of 10 while a prosecutor. BUT, you stick to the one case that is full of innuendo and rumors. It serves your purpose.
No you ignore the truth
Yahoo is still a thing?
they shouldn’t be. Almost communist’s. My bad i had TV on on the background recently and thought I heard Harvard. I had no idea where she went. Just looked it up. Howard, Harvard sound similar when you’re not paying attention.
No you ignore the truth

they shouldn’t be. Almost communist’s. My bad i had TV on on the background recently and thought I heard Harvard. I had no idea where she went. Just looked it up. Howard, Harvard sound similar when you’re not paying attention.
What truth?
Ummm, she did not go to Harvard. That would be Michelle Obama. I won't say it... but you know.
She fucked a married man, regularly. That was her boyfriend and it wasn't secret. Brown had been separated from his wife for 13 years at that point. Really, what is your point here? Again, Willie and Blanche became estranged in 1981. Kamala came around in
You know the First Lady was fucking the president while he was still married to Marla, don't you? Whom he started fucking while married to Ivanna. You want to bring up character, sure about that?
As far as her case record goes, she increased the felony conviction to about 8 out out 10 cases from about 5 out of 10 while a prosecutor. BUT, you stick to the one case that is full of innuendo and rumors. It serves your purpose.
Oh and there probably wasn’t any politics involved with that increase in convictions.
You might have misunderstood my post, Andrea. I am saying I believe that they will stick with McConnell (as a Republican) just as they will vote Republican as a state. I hope I'm wrong, but I lived in Kentucky for many years, covering the state as a sales manager. Think I've been in just about every square mile of Kentucky. Kentucky has a huge rural area and were very conservative when I was there. I can't imagine they've changed very much. Maybe, however, with the "lack of" a Trump covid-19 action plan, maybe Kentucky will decide its time for Trump & his "gang" to go. I wish Amy all the luck. Getting rid of Mitch would be a serious blow (actually a blessing, I think) for the Republicans.
It was a joke.....the absurdity of McGrath going Republican....get it?
Lately my posts have been getting misconstrued. I hope I haven't caused any deaths.
Seriously though....I believe both sides need to lose their extremists and the ones who refuse to work across the aisle.
Kentucky...beautiful state as it is, has one senator who will never work across the aisle and one who is an oddball.
Time to continue my government funded day on the beautiful gulf coast of Trump territory.! I promise the first Biden hat/shirt/flag I’ll send a pic. My mask exactly where it belongs!


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😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Cuomo begs rich New Yorkers to leave Hamptons, return to NYC: ‘Come over, I’ll cook!’

“I literally talk to people all day long who are now in their Hamptons house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house, or in their Connecticut weekend house, and I say, ‘You got to come back! We’ll go to dinner! I’ll buy you a *******! Come over, I’ll cook!’” the Democratic governor said Monday.

“They’re not coming back right now. And you know what else they’re thinking? ‘If I stay there, I’ll pay a lower income tax,’ because they don’t pay the New York City surcharge,” he added, noting the wealthiest 1 percent of the Empire State’s population picks up roughly 50 percent of the state’s tax burden."

Oh and note there is a video of him saying it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nothing like Dems proving the Right- Right, again. and again, and, and again..
I’m trying I promise
Listen, you're in fucking Florida. You think wearing a Trump mask is going to be controversial?
Why don't you share one of those Yuengling's and tell us how much the Grifter in Chief had you pay for that mask?
Listen, you're in fucking Florida. You think wearing a Trump mask is going to be controversial?
Why don't you share one of those Yuengling's and tell us how much the Grifter in Chief had you pay for that mask?
You always think there’s a conspiracy. No surprise since like I said Liberals have been lied to for decades and you expect that. That dude sat next to me at the bar. I literally laughed and said i need to take your pic
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