Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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awesome ... and from a top news source, too! TheSun.Co.UK ... not even an American source.

You folks are starving for "anything" to take the heat off Trump. Can't wait until next week's retaliatory GOP convention; should be entertaining.

Once again, cant dispute it so attack the source. Do your own research Mac.
Great depiction of the Democratic party and the people they use.
Ah so a US University that supports lockdowns says it didn't work. Gotcha. I wonder what the grant request required the outcome to be?

Oh Look Mortality Rates per 100K- John Hopkins:

Sweden- 57.01
Italy- 58.61
UK- 62.40
Spain- 61.67
France- 45.43
Germany- 11.17
Finland- 6.05
Canada- 24.55
Denmark- 10.71
Belgium- 87.34
US- 53.26

Italy was said to have one of the strictest lockdown responses of this data set.

Oh no not a data set with real numbers where you have to think for yourself. Ahhhhhhhhhh run you’re doomed.

Uh, you should maybe take a look at a map sometime. Also those numbers were the same as in the article I posted.

You have heard of "Dunning-Kruger", right?
when are these people going to ;learn...they are not like trump and above the law

North Carolina state Rep. David Lewis resigns after ...
12 hours ago · North Carolina state Rep. David Lewis resigns after pleading guilty to two federal charges By Dianne Gallagher and Giovanna Van Leeuwen, CNN 8 hrs ago Pharrell Williams: 'We must trust in a Black ...
Great depiction of the Democratic party and the people they use.

is that a "pic" of how you follow trump and company...…..why don't you give us some more of your reasoning why trump is so great......we need more comedy on here....and you are just full of stupid comments and know nothing of the subject you talk about....but then when you practice your worship of a false god....facts seem to elude you....matter of fact you are so full of ******* you rarely have any idea what is reality
and speaking of fools who know nothing of politics
I fell for it yesterday and encouraged this rabbit hole of nothing. Arguing for the sake of arguing with no solid points or positions.
Attention seeker. He's the instagram model wannabe showing his tits hoping to increase followers. Problem is, no one wants those tits.
Dude, I have written at length on this. I have read and written about the transition of Black interests being addressed by the Republicans to the Democratic party. The bottom line is that the Republican Party let these voters slip away mid century.

There were no black delegates to the Democratic convention until 1936, though in 1924 there was ONE black alternate, and by 1932 there were TEN black alternates. The Republican conventions had many black delegates, mostly from the South from 1868 to 1956.

The 1924 Democratic Party convention had so many Klan members that they had their own caucus.

In the Northern States, were elected usually with very strong European immigrant support, who were ignored by white politicians.
By 1900, Democratic Leaders in cities like Boston, New York, Baltimore, Chicago recognize the numbers and influence Blacks can have in certain areas and begin recruiting and purging from the Republicans.

Democrats were huge on patronage (get this many votes, and you'll get a constable assigned to your area, or a tire factory, or a train stop, or 5 real estate licenses). The Republican Party still had actual black officials.

In the South, Democrats were determined to keep a seperate and terrified black population. The KKK was key, and their membership was strongly in law enforcement and local politicians. Hence the sheriff ignoring lynchings and allowing mobs to storm jails and pull blacks out and hold public execution.

In the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphrey introduced a civil rights platform. A fucking brawl damn near broke out, Southern Democrats walked out of the convention, changed their names to the Dixiecrats, and nominated a young-old Strom Thurmond as their Presidential candidate. That was short lived but, it began the transition for real over the next 20 years.

Democrats strongly supported civil rights and equal opportunity and it was part of their platform. Except Southern Democrats continued to stand in opposition and use terms like 'states rights' for issues they didn't agree with a national perspective.
Th Republicans did not oppose those issues, but were not strong or vocal on them. Instead taking a very strong stance on economic and fiscal policy. They have recently adopted the 'states rights' position, which still gives them

Trump supports himself. That's it. We don't have to guess who the KKK or like organizations support, they come out and admit it.
They have no home in the Democratic Party, too many blacks controlling that party, anti-hatred language of it's platform, support of immigrants, gays, women, etc. None of that appeals to the KKK or white supremacists.
They hide behind the language of 'states rights', denagrading places where minorities live like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, talk about accomplished minorities as not being qualified (your words on Harris) and use that to push their idea that whites need to be in control.
They know exactly who they support, no need to guess. And you Republican supporters, rather fight with us, than to clean your party of their support. Why? It's all about the votes. Whites are not the only ones voting anymore. They are still the majority but for how long?
They hide behind the language of 'states rights', denagrading places where minorities live like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, talk about accomplished minorities as not being qualified (your words on Harris) and use that to push their idea that whites need to be in control.

You tried that once already. Those are YOUR words. It's a huge character flaw of liberals. Twist it until you get the desired result. Read what I said again.....Not saying they (Harris or Rice) are not qualified but unfortunate she (Harris) was chosen for reasons beyond her political career. Which means I believe she has the qualifications. Fuck the base. Elizabeth Warren probably covered the base as well especially with Native Americans. My point is it's a shame and you know damned well if Biden didn't chose a woman of color he'd be toast! So please stop trying to put words in my mouth. It has nothing do with the fact she is black or actually mixed. It's the reason behind the selection. Hell I'm all for Trump telling Pence to hit the road and lets get Candace in there.
Reading a post from yesterday and I missed this yesterday, but today it is the quote of the day:

"Hate and Envy is trademarked on the left. It's the party of grievance." ed4mwf.
They hide behind the language of 'states rights', denagrading places where minorities live like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, talk about accomplished minorities as not being qualified (your words on Harris) and use that to push their idea that whites need to be in control.

You tried that once already. Those are YOUR words. It's a huge character flaw of liberals. Twist it until you get the desired result. Read what I said again.....Not saying they (Harris or Rice) are not qualified but unfortunate she (Harris) was chosen for reasons beyond her political career. Which means I believe she has the qualifications. Fuck the base. Elizabeth Warren probably covered the base as well especially with Native Americans. My point is it's a shame and you know damned well if Biden didn't chose a woman of color he'd be toast! So please stop trying to put words in my mouth. It has nothing do with the fact she is black or actually mixed. It's the reason behind the selection. Hell I'm all for Trump telling Pence to hit the road and lets get Candace in there.
She is a criminal grifter and not eligible. Trump and the Republicans have been clear, they are not interested in our vote.
Even you just picked someone, again, who has no accomplishments but is black, and want to elevate her to the VP.
Yet you belittle the accomplishments of someone who has a real admirable record as being the choice just because of her color.
One problem is clearly is that the GOP don't have many choices. Not a lot of black elected officials with a public service record. Not a lot of black party officials advising and being high profile within the party, not a lot of blacks showing up. You have a B list of names and even that is short. You cannot name three accomplishments in public service by her. Yet, you want her to be the number two to a man in his mid 70s??? Where she could become President??? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Damn I'm disappointed in our Liberals. Where are the excuses like, sellout, Kim is Republican pawn like Candace, Larry Elder, or she used to be this or that. Truth is a bitch sometimes!
Truth? From a man with Latina4BBC as his name and a picture of a woman's ass on his avatar?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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