Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh OK just go ahead and show me the post where I defended the Democrats.

Oh you can't, because I didn't. I tend not to play this game where I pledge undying loyalty to politicians, especially scummy hucksters like Trump.
Oh Sure, yeah ok.

And you can pay almost all left 'news' source or be the dem party and tell them on the daily call what to write. Still does not change the fact that he is a billionaire and only hateful dems are saying he is not or care if he is worth billions or just a billion. I wonder why could it be a sub narrative to fit the political narrative the dems have been trying since they lost a rigged election?

And all this still does not change the fact that he is much much much much much more wealthier and a bigger success than you and you are jealous.

But now we understand. No matter what is stated or who says it you are sure you know more about the finances of Donald Trump... Sure gotcha.

WSJ. Forbes, Fortune.

Oh look and here is Investopedia saying it also.

Again another one of those WHO GIVES A FUCK? I don't care if he has an EBT card. What difference does it make how much money he has? I just don't get it. Please explain why it's so important. I really want to know. Because as I said I have an open mind.
Again another one of those WHO GIVES A FUCK? I don't care if he has an EBT card. What difference does it make how much money he has? I just don't get it. Please explain why it's so important. I really want to know. Because as I said I have an open mind.

Because a lot of his supporters think "he must be smart because he is rich" or "he must be a good businessman because he is rich". Ignoring that whole "if he invested his inheritance into the S&P 500 instead of failed casinos he would have more money than he does" thing.
No news sources claimed that 100% of Florida had Covid

The reported back counts and the Florida health dept made them into rates

1. nobody was "caught"
2. the 10% rate was reported by Quest and Labcorp, who had already been reporting negatives

I've been saying the same thing over and over again, not ducking it. The same thing your sources said -- this was a bookkeeping issue with the Florida health department and a few really small-scale testing labs, not a grand conspiracy. Do you have a reading comprehension disorder?

Classy. If you're ****** to admit that yes, hundreds of thousands of Americans did die needlessly, go ahead and blame a political party you don't like without any logic or evidence.

It is sad how bad you are at straw men.

Again you are making up *******. I, nor my sources said 100% of Florida had covid. You keep trying to play that bullshit, but it was only said by you. Do you have a reading disorder?

1. The phrase, "When confronted" should stand out for you. That is when the labs said "We didn't report negatives" Remember you tried to use that to bolster your wronghead counter strawman at first. So how did they get a 100% rate?
2. Yep Quest and Labcrop were the counters to the other labs saying 100% of test were positive. The labs under health department control. Nice try.

You're right you have been saying the same thing over and over again to avoid answering the questions. It was not a bookeeping issue. It was something else. Month one you might of had a point. Month 7 you are just wrong.

No I did not admit hundreds of thousands of Americans died needlessly. I stated people died from viruses that they would've of died from whether the dems destroyed the economy or not. I also pointed out that 5 Dem governors put younger covid patients into nursing homes for treatment resulting in many more aged deaths than would've happened. And now I am adding after doing that the Dem party tried to blame Trump for "needless" deaths at the hands of dems.

I didn't say a grand conspiracy. You did. I asked some simple questions that cast doubt on the narrative and you still can't answer.
Because a lot of his supporters think "he must be smart because he is rich" or "he must be a good businessman because he is rich". Ignoring that whole "if he invested his inheritance into the S&P 500 instead of failed casinos he would have more money than he does" thing.
LMAO. I never thought because someone is rich they are smart. Just like the reason I voted for Obama (which I didn't in '12 because I don't think he was a good President) I heard what Trump was saying. He spoke the truth about the goings on in DC. If you ever get an opportunity to open your mind watch Trump interviews from back in the day, Netflix or YouTube. When asked if he would run for President he said No. But if he was he would deal with China, immigration, and the countries taking advantage of the U.S. Another interview later he was asked the same question. He said (paraphrasing) " I don't want to but if the liberals keep the country going in the direction we're headed I might." He, unlike Obama, did what he said he would.

Now the typical liberal response was Obama couldn't get anything done because of the those pesky R's. But yet he had the luxury of a Democratic controlled House and Senate. After you throw that in there the response is " A lot of the dems didn't like him so they made it hard on the poor fella. Always an excuse. The liberal way or no way!
Funny I live in Florida and I don't have it. In fact I don't know anyone who does. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Whew WHoo!
Confirmed cases - 5,419 Deaths - 140. My county has a population of 400,000. I'm feeling pretty good about the odds of getting it.
I didn't say a grand conspiracy. You did. I asked some simple questions that cast doubt on the narrative and you still can't answer.

Maybe if you figure out what point you want to try to make and come back with one, we can discuss.

Are you saying that the total mortality rate in the US is currently not above baseline? Are you saying that Covid is fake and the testing companies are lying? Are you saying states shouldn't lock down? What are you trying to say?
Funny I live in Florida and I don't have it. In fact I don't know anyone who does. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Whew WHoo!
Confirmed cases - 5,419 Deaths - 140. My county has a population of 400,000. I'm feeling pretty good about the odds of getting it.

Maybe if you figure out what point you want to try to make and come back with one, we can discuss.

Are you saying that the total mortality rate in the US is currently not above baseline? Are you saying that Covid is fake and the testing companies are lying? Are you saying states shouldn't lock down? What are you trying to say?
My two cents.. If your're sick stay home and if your uncomfortable going out stay home. If you do go out, now here comes that word again
ridgelyfan, use Common Sense. Where the mask, don't shake hands (I still do and hugs but that's me), wash your hands. It's not that difficult. But to shut down this country because of the idiotic behavior of some is beyond comprehension!
Then where are the tax returns he said he would release?

And where is that "better than Obamacare" health plan?
I think it makes a great point. All the liberals are so hung up on his fortune or lack there of, his pussy grabbing skills, his prostitutes, and whatever , I love this, Trumped up charges then he must be doing a fucking great job.

As far as the health care goes Obama's was a disaster and you and all of your friends know it. It's a mess and has been. If you think the liberals are going to allow anything to pass that might be better then you are mired deep in the *******. Trump could announce today that while he was playing around in the WH kitchen he came up with a Covid vaccine. The Dems would find a way to destroy it. They want the WH back so bad so they will do anything to TRY to make him fail. They can give two shits about you or me.
If you're washing hands and wearing a mask you're already 1000% ahead of the bulk of the Trump Death Cult
I only wear a mask if it's required. Went to my very small gym today. There were about 10 of there and not one person was wearing a mask. I am not uncomfortable with that. If I was I would wear a mask or not go to the gym. Very simple.
Maybe if you figure out what point you want to try to make and come back with one, we can discuss.

Are you saying that the total mortality rate in the US is currently not above baseline? Are you saying that Covid is fake and the testing companies are lying? Are you saying states shouldn't lock down? What are you trying to say?

No I am saying Covid was over blown and weaponized for political purposes and now the dems/ bureaucrats are stuck with this pony. And now there are several beneficiaries from this fear and they have a stake and political contributions to keep this going. I am saying certain players are making millions and are served by testing for a virus that 99% of us get over and many don't even know they have it.

Again why didn't we have this for the flu for the last two years?

What a joke article. "There were excess deaths" 2000 more than last year so the article hints it is Covid and then say "But it could be heart attacks or cancer"

Or more realistic it could be the population has been growing by millions year over year for the last 40 years and they are now dying. But they did get a Harvard guy to say it so it seems more legit.
No I am saying Covid was over blown and weaponized for political purposes and now the dems/ bureaucrats are stuck with this pony. And now there are several beneficiaries from this fear and they have a stake and political contributions to keep this going. I am saying certain players are making millions and are served by testing for a virus that 99% of us get over and many don't even know they have it.

Again why didn't we have this for the flu for the last two years?
An economy that's gone gangbusters for everyone,( libs say it was Obama's economy, hilarious), doing, or at least trying, to do what he promised, and nothing to stick him with they needed something. Desperate people take drastic measures and the Democrats are some very desperate people. Now I'm not here say conspiracy. I'm just saying it sure smells a little fishy and can find that rotting fish under Pelosi's desk.
An economy that's gone gangbusters for everyone,( libs say it was Obama's economy, hilarious), doing, or at least trying, to do what he promised, and nothing to stick him with they needed something. Desperate people take drastic measures and the Democrats are some very desperate people. Now I'm not here say conspiracy. I'm just saying it sure smells a little fishy and can find that rotting fish under Pelosi's desk.
I agree I think after failing on the impeachment and the Russia Russia Russia play this virus was just another opportunity to try to make him look bad. I don't think the dems released it but they sure are using the fall out to try to get the WH and hurt a lot of people in the process.
What a joke article. "There were excess deaths" 2000 more than last year so the article hints it is Covid and then say "But it could be heart attacks or cancer"

Or more realistic it could be the population has been growing by millions year over year for the last 40 years and they are now dying. But they did get a Harvard guy to say it so it seems more legit.

OK, so Florida grew by 1.1% last year in population.

In April of 2019, Florida reported 17000 deaths.

17000 deaths * 1.1% increase = an expected 187 extra deaths.

In April of 2020, Florida logged 19000 deaths. Where did these extra deaths come from? Liberal hoaxes?
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