Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If you can't back up your source don't post it. Also pretty telling that you run to insults instead of debate at this point (it doesn't make you look smart)

What's killing these people if not Covid then? Why aren't you answering the question?

I already did. The article you posted already did. They were a few smaller labs that got asked to do testing, and they didn't report back on negatives because of a mistake. Qwest and Labcorp (the big boys) reported negatives and got around 12% infection rate in Florida, which is what every news source that I saw reported -- and I read that "liberal fake news".

Backed my point with sources and now you are trying to get a strawman to cover. Those sources asked the same question that you keep avoiding. Why this major change in reporting claiming 100% positive with such a bull ******* cover story? Again, how did they get a rate and not a number if they just reported positives? How did they get a rate with out a total test count? They came up with the right 10% rate quickly when they got caught.

No you didn't you keep ducking it. Why would these labs report this egregious number in direct contradiction to how these have been report since December? Why did they do this at the same time dems are making news cycles trying to keep pushing closures and financial suffering of health people? Why was this changed and released at the same time the dem narrative that FL, LA and TX are not shutting means huge surges are taking place was pushed?

I told you what is killing people already. Besides flu, pneumonia and covid- Democrats.
Why this major change in reporting claiming 100% positive with such a bull ******* cover story?
No news sources claimed that 100% of Florida had Covid

Again, how did they get a rate and not a number if they just reported positives? How did they get a rate with out a total test count?

The reported back counts and the Florida health dept made them into rates
They came up with the right 10% rate quickly when they got caught.
1. nobody was "caught"
2. the 10% rate was reported by Quest and Labcorp, who had already been reporting negatives

No you didn't you keep ducking it. Why would these labs report this egregious number in direct contradiction to how these have been report since December?
I've been saying the same thing over and over again, not ducking it. The same thing your sources said -- this was a bookkeeping issue with the Florida health department and a few really small-scale testing labs, not a grand conspiracy. Do you have a reading comprehension disorder?

I told you what is killing people already. Besides flu, pneumonia and covid- Democrats.

Classy. If you're ****** to admit that yes, hundreds of thousands of Americans did die needlessly, go ahead and blame a political party you don't like without any logic or evidence.
Here I go, entertaining your shifting sands of arguments.
Fred Trump's wealth in todays dollars was well over a billion dollars.
Nobody has been able to confirm Trumps wealth at Forbes that rank them because he hides it, and lies about other stuff. He is the only one who is short on financial statements but fights hard every year to be on the list.
Aside from the licensing and reality show, EVERYTHING he ventured out from what Fred left was a failure. 5 bankruptcies should be proof enough. The inability to secure loans through American banks (he's a white man with millions and couldn't get a bank in the financial Capital of the world to give him a loan).

Donald Trump is a Bill Cosby level sexual offender according to over two dozen women who accuse him.
Donald Trump is a ******* according to his ex wife, before the lawyers made her change her statement.
Donald Trump bragged about walking in the Miss Universe pageant dressing room to peep at young girls while they get dressed.
Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy anytime he wants cause he's a celebrity.
Donald Trump bragged about trying to fuck married women, while he was married.
Donald Trump has been creepy and concerning in his affection for his oldest *******, eye witnessed by his niece.
Donald Trump bragged about how his ******* looked and that if it wasn't his ******* he would date her.
Donald Trump has been creepy and made sexuall comments about his own neice, according to her.
Donald Trump paid for sex while married, to porn actresses and whores.
Again, there are over two dozen women not related to Trump, who went on the record with his criminal sexual assault.
Creepy doesn't even begin to describe this disgusting fraud. Criminal seems to cover it from beginning to end. Also, written at length about, in his niece's book.

Ok so Fred was worth a billion in today's dollars, which means he left millions. Just FYI

Forbes, well that is funny because here is Forbes valuing his wealth in great detail in April 2020.
"We valued the president at $3.1 billion a month ago. Now he’s worth $2.1 billion. Here’s why."

Damn that is inconvenient for your narrative.. Oh wait it destroys it. Again the only President to be worth less after serving in office. Strange.

Your points are bogus conjecture or made up by an estranged niece who waited until last week to tell these stories to sell a book. And just so happen to match a disproved dem narratives. Strange almost like she was coached or had a ghost writer.

Donald Trump is a Bill Cosby level sexual offender according to over two dozen women who accuse him.
- Funny the only people making these claims either recanted or were proven to be full of it. Not a single conviction. Not a single police report. Only one who the dems kept rolling out admitted she tried to sleep with him to get him to close a deal with her husband and then accused Trump of assault. Funny how she fell off the map when he started a court case.

Donald Trump is a ******* according to his ex wife, before the lawyers made her change her statement.
-Wow that is incredible claim any legit news source have this backed up? Which wife? When did she make the claim? Or was this the niece again?

Donald Trump bragged about walking in the Miss Universe pageant dressing room to peep at young girls while they get dressed.
-Says who. Are you talking about the one contestant who was discredited by the other 20 that said it never happened?

Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy anytime he wants cause he's a celebrity.
-No he didn't. Listen to the tape again. He said women would let him because he was rich. And he is right. Then if they can't keep him they will accuse him of assault and look for a settlement to stay quite.

Donald Trump bragged about trying to fuck married women, while he was married.
-Yep and he was wrong for this. And you don't think she wasn't trying to trading up? Look at his track record. He has no need to '*******' women. Have you seen the women accusing him versus who he has been with. There are countless women throwing themselves at him daily. Come on man.

Donald Trump has been creepy and concerning in his affection for his oldest *******, eye witnessed by his niece.
-Oh you mean the estrange niece who waited until the 4th year to write a book? Can you say dem operatives paying her to prolong the narrative?

Donald Trump bragged about how his ******* looked and that if it wasn't his ******* he would date her.
-Poorly worded and a crass way to complement his *******. No one and I mean no one has accused him of anything, just implications to prolong a narrative.

Donald Trump has been creepy and made sexuall comments about his own neice, according to her.
-Exactly, according to her trying to sell a book in the 4th year of his presidency and 40 years of fame. Financed by Dems. Strange

Donald Trump paid for sex while married, to porn actresses and whores.
- No he didn't. Claimed by an attorney who is now convicted for fraud, embezzlement and extortion.

Again, there are over two dozen women not related to Trump, who went on the record with his criminal sexual assault.
- Funny how none of them had actual proof of assault, would go to court, got quite when Trump's lawyer provided cease notices and were all avowed democrats, now. Funny how the big one you Dems paraded out went quite when she had to admit she was going to fuck Trump or accuse him of ******* to get him to make the deal with her husband to save his business.

Best part- Dems at all levels, Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP and Clintons couldn't be near him enough until he ran as a Republican for President and won. They all ran to be pictured with him and now as he is destroying their illegal programs he is all these implications which are projections of Dem actions.

Should we talk about the actual creeps like Joe and the Clintons or Maybe the Podestas?
Ok so Fred was worth a billion in today's dollars, which means he left millions. Just FYI

Forbes, well that is funny because here is Forbes valuing his wealth in great detail in April 2020.
"We valued the president at $3.1 billion a month ago. Now he’s worth $2.1 billion. Here’s why."

Damn that is inconvenient for your narrative.. Oh wait it destroys it. Again the only President to be worth less after serving in office. Strange.

LOL you think Forbes is real.

Forbes is not real. You can pay Forbes to put you on the billionaire list if you want. I've had former employers pay to put stuff about me in Forbes before. It's a vanity press that makes its money printing what people pay it to print.
It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

I really don't want to bemoan the obvious but the credibility of the United States has obviously reached an all
time low, at least it's obvious to most people around this world! Neither am I taking political sides in the current
debate, I'm past that point, however what's currently going on within your borders affects everyone living outside
your borders! Unfortunately that affect is all negative! Sadly, when all is said and done, it's the United States that
will eventually suffer the most! Your current leader(s) is/are determined to attack and isolate your closest friends
and allies as they snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated
to less than a third world poverty stricken isolationist piece of real estate!

I'll close by saying, especially for those Ostriches who may be capable of reading but not understanding, "burying
your head in the sand is no longer an option", the situation is past that, just look at the happenings of this past
week! (week ending July 20/18). I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the "one" person
hell bent on destroying any and all influence, good will and integrity the U.S. had enjoyed, so hard won and
justifiably earned through the supreme sacrifices of its many military! Unfortunately this demise is being perpetuated
and led by someone who had refused to serve! THINK ABOUT IT! PLEASE! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

P.S. I have family and friends who have served in the U.S. Military, several of whom have paid the Supreme Price, so
if it's your intent to throw stones and ignore the facts, please make sure you're not living in a glass house, because you are! Whether you want to believe it or not is another matter.
Thank you for your comments.

I am an air ******* veteran, the first among several generations of army veterans.
I told everyone who would listen that Donald Chump was unfit to serve when he rode his racist, lying, bloated carcass down that escalator, and declared his candidacy.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that he would go so far as to elicit the aid of the Russians.

His inauguration was merely the latest chapter in, what has been, America's unfinished business.
At the risk of offending those who do not know me, recent events across the United States have highlighted the institutional racism that has always existed in our country;
. . . and the republicans (on capitol Hill) who are currently campaigning for re-election are, in various degrees, panicked, and desperate to separate themselves from the racist-traitor-in chief.
Moscow Mitch is among those who have been complicit in Trump's crimes and abuses of power, and they fear losing their power.
The power that they fear most is the protection associated within the institutions that have protected white male privilege since the first European immigrants settled on this continent, and conspired to establish this way of life.

Don't get me wrong:
When I took the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, I believed that it was a solemn occasion, and I would do it all over, again;
however, at the time, I was unaware of the extent that the principles of the Constitution were undermined by those who enjoyed the privileges, powers, and position, -and entrusted to protect the principles.

Voting blue in November 2020, because the republicans on Capital (I know) Hill should have voted in favor of impeachment (among other things).
Ok so Fred was worth a billion in today's dollars, which means he left millions. Just FYI

Forbes, well that is funny because here is Forbes valuing his wealth in great detail in April 2020.
"We valued the president at $3.1 billion a month ago. Now he’s worth $2.1 billion. Here’s why."

Damn that is inconvenient for your narrative.. Oh wait it destroys it. Again the only President to be worth less after serving in office. Strange.

Your points are bogus conjecture or made up by an estranged niece who waited until last week to tell these stories to sell a book. And just so happen to match a disproved dem narratives. Strange almost like she was coached or had a ghost writer.

Donald Trump is a Bill Cosby level sexual offender according to over two dozen women who accuse him.
- Funny the only people making these claims either recanted or were proven to be full of it. Not a single conviction. Not a single police report. Only one who the dems kept rolling out admitted she tried to sleep with him to get him to close a deal with her husband and then accused Trump of assault. Funny how she fell off the map when he started a court case.

Donald Trump is a ******* according to his ex wife, before the lawyers made her change her statement.
-Wow that is incredible claim any legit news source have this backed up? Which wife? When did she make the claim? Or was this the niece again?

Donald Trump bragged about walking in the Miss Universe pageant dressing room to peep at young girls while they get dressed.
-Says who. Are you talking about the one contestant who was discredited by the other 20 that said it never happened?

Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy anytime he wants cause he's a celebrity.
-No he didn't. Listen to the tape again. He said women would let him because he was rich. And he is right. Then if they can't keep him they will accuse him of assault and look for a settlement to stay quite.

Donald Trump bragged about trying to fuck married women, while he was married.
-Yep and he was wrong for this. And you don't think she wasn't trying to trading up? Look at his track record. He has no need to '*******' women. Have you seen the women accusing him versus who he has been with. There are countless women throwing themselves at him daily. Come on man.

Donald Trump has been creepy and concerning in his affection for his oldest *******, eye witnessed by his niece.
-Oh you mean the estrange niece who waited until the 4th year to write a book? Can you say dem operatives paying her to prolong the narrative?

Donald Trump bragged about how his ******* looked and that if it wasn't his ******* he would date her.
-Poorly worded and a crass way to complement his *******. No one and I mean no one has accused him of anything, just implications to prolong a narrative.

Donald Trump has been creepy and made sexuall comments about his own neice, according to her.
-Exactly, according to her trying to sell a book in the 4th year of his presidency and 40 years of fame. Financed by Dems. Strange

Donald Trump paid for sex while married, to porn actresses and whores.
- No he didn't. Claimed by an attorney who is now convicted for fraud, embezzlement and extortion.

Again, there are over two dozen women not related to Trump, who went on the record with his criminal sexual assault.
- Funny how none of them had actual proof of assault, would go to court, got quite when Trump's lawyer provided cease notices and were all avowed democrats, now. Funny how the big one you Dems paraded out went quite when she had to admit she was going to fuck Trump or accuse him of ******* to get him to make the deal with her husband to save his business.

Best part- Dems at all levels, Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP and Clintons couldn't be near him enough until he ran as a Republican for President and won. They all ran to be pictured with him and now as he is destroying their illegal programs he is all these implications which are projections of Dem actions.

Should we talk about the actual creeps like Joe and the Clintons or Maybe the Podestas?
As I said in an earlier post. His niece is a registered Democrat who supported Hillary. Enough said!

Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy anytime he wants cause he's a celebrity.
-No he didn't. Listen to the tape again. He said women would let him because he was rich. And he is right. Then if they can't keep him they will accuse him of assault and look for a settlement to stay quite.

Even if he did say that who fucking cares? It was a conversation between two men who were being recorded without their knowledge. I have said many things in my lifetime about women that I would never say in front of them. It's fucking guy talk! Besides how about we use the liberal response equitably. "That happened a long time ago!."
A morning email I received, something to contemplate, from those fighting the battle to stop the destruction of America, not the fairy tales being told by the the George Soros controlled media and accepted as fact by blind educated people and the other 80% that have been completely dumbed down by Socialism taught in our School Systems.

My day started early, breakfast meeting, followed by a meeting with my asset management team, Our studies and graphs show with high degree of certainty, between 30 and 40 % of all businesses closed now will not ever reopen, The largest percent are the ones who were already struggling, and many minority businesses, burned out or robed clean by Antifa and the BLM crowds and gangs who destroyed most of these properties. I see along Madison Ave many places have been boarded up with signs stating there out of Business, or the store is now closed and will not reopen. What this Governor and Mayor, along with the State Legislator in Albany have done to this state is deplorable. They should all resign. I am finding it harder each passing day, looking at the carnage being done all across America and the violent crime rising at an alarming rate.In most all big Cities. People look to Government, Unfortunately many elected officials are nothing more than spineless and woke weasels fools, and Socialist. It is becoming a real task to justify putting any more funds into America. And provoking me to ponder if by staying here am I doing better than or harming more my employees.
Thank you for your comments.

I am an air ******* veteran, the first among several generations of army veterans.
I told everyone who would listen that Donald Chump was unfit to serve when he rode his racist, lying, bloated carcass down that escalator, and declared his candidacy.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that he would go so far as to elicit the aid of the Russians.

His inauguration was merely the latest chapter in, what has been, America's unfinished business.
At the risk of offending those who do not know me, recent events across the United States have highlighted the institutional racism that has always existed in our country;
. . . and the republicans (on capitol Hill) who are currently campaigning for re-election are, in various degrees, panicked, and desperate to separate themselves from the racist-traitor-in chief.
Moscow Mitch is among those who have been complicit in Trump's crimes and abuses of power, and they fear losing their power.
The power that they fear most is the protection associated within the institutions that have protected white male privilege since the first European immigrants settled on this continent, and conspired to establish this way of life.

Don't get me wrong:
When I took the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, I believed that it was a solemn occasion, and I would do it all over, again;
however, at the time, I was unaware of the extent that the principles of the Constitution were undermined by those who enjoyed the privileges, powers, and position, -and entrusted to protect the principles.

Voting blue in November 2020, because the republicans on Capital (I know) Hill should have voted in favor of impeachment (among other things).
Impeachment for what exactly? It has taken Pelosi and her goons almost four years to get Trump. And if you're a betting man place your money they are going to have another four years to fuck with him!

I have asked this question to many people and the only one to come up with a BS response is Mr. Sub. How has your life changed since Trump? Are you worse off than you were prior to 2016, did you lose your job, did you lose money in your investments, do you have health care? etc..If so please tell me how and why it's Trumps fault. I sincerely would like to know. I can tell you me, my family, and friends are doing the same thing I/they were doing under Obama or any previous administrations. Going about our lives. Just like we will if, God forbid, Biden gets elected. I'll still be going to the beach almost daily, collect my six figure pension (a small portion of which comes from air ******* retirement. Thank you for yours and your family's service), travel, and do all the things I enjoy doing like I have under every other President.

People just need to chill. It's going to be OK. Hillary would have fucked ******* up like no other but we'd all be OK in the end. Things seem to have a way of working themselves out.
Obama tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after election
Now that seems innocent on the surface but c'mon really? Maybe more flexibilty to get a uranium deal? Who knows.
As I said in an earlier post. His niece is a registered Democrat who supported Hillary. Enough said!

You know who else was a registered Democrat who supported Hillary? That's right...


Even if he did say that who fucking cares? It was a conversation between two men who were being recorded without their knowledge. I have said many things in my lifetime about women that I would never say in front of them. It's fucking guy talk! Besides how about we use the liberal response equitably. "That happened a long time ago!."

Wow, thanks for letting us know you're a misogynist creep
You know who else was a registered Democrat who supported Hillary? That's right...

View attachment 3482422

Wow, thanks for letting us know you're a misogynist creep
Of course he was. Then he woke up! It's not uncommon for people to change the party they support. He WAS a Democrat and Mary is currently and supported Hillary.

You don't know who the fuck I am so keep your inherent liberal hatred to yourself. You have never said "Damn I'd like to hit that ass, or I'd fuck that, that bitch is hot as fuck, look at the titties on her in banter with a friend or whoever? Please!
First of all, no, I don't sit around with friends talking about which women we'd like to fuck.

Second, Trump didn't say "that bitch is hot as fuck", he said he can grab women by the pussy and that he doesn't ask for permission he just goes in and tries to kiss them even if they're married and that "he can do anything".

Third, you already admitted you're a creep. Just own it. Don't try to cowardly weasel out of it now.
First of all, no, I don't sit around with friends talking about which women we'd like to fuck.

Second, Trump didn't say "that bitch is hot as fuck", he said he can grab women by the pussy and that he doesn't ask for permission he just goes in and tries to kiss them even if they're married and that "he can do anything".

Third, you already admitted you're a creep. Just own it. Don't try to cowardly weasel out of it now.
This is a waste of my time but I just can't let it go. Is there any iota of common sense in the liberal brain? I DO NOT go around on a daily basis talking about women as mentioned. My point is, now you're going to have to think hard, people both men/women say things that were not meant for others to hear. I would never say anything like that to a woman. I have much respect for women and have always treated with the same.

Now here's another common sense approach - Trump actually spoke the truth when he said "even if they're married." Maybe you have your head in the sand but with events dealing with prominent powerful men over the past couple of years is precisely what he's talking about.

It happens ALL of the time. Athletes, actors, bands, directors, you name it using their power and money to get what they want! . Look at the band groupies where woman throw themselves at the band just so they can say "I fucked whoever." Or that actress/actor who fucks the person who can get them a part. I'm not saying it's right it's reality. Something most liberals seem to have a hard time understanding.
First of all, no, I don't sit around with friends talking about which women we'd like to fuck.

Second, Trump didn't say "that bitch is hot as fuck", he said he can grab women by the pussy and that he doesn't ask for permission he just goes in and tries to kiss them even if they're married and that "he can do anything".

Third, you already admitted you're a creep. Just own it. Don't try to cowardly weasel out of it now.
I worked as a public works employee for 11 year with 35 other men, I would do my best to avoid crude behavior but sometimes even I got reeled in to sexual talk. They talked about sex and the language was bad in general, almost as disgusting as the way so called educated people respond to each other on here. Go back, listen to the original video, when your are a STAR you can do anything, grab them by the pussy, anything. He was on a tour bus making others laugh.
I worked as a public works employee for 11 year with 35 other men, I would do my best to avoid crude behavior but sometimes even I got reeled in to sexual talk. They talked about sex and the language was bad in general, almost as disgusting as the way so called educated people respond to each other on here. Go back, listen to the original video, when your are a STAR you can do anything, grab them by the pussy, anything. He was on a tour bus making others laugh.
Don't waste your time. It makes too much sense.
LOL you think Forbes is real.

Forbes is not real. You can pay Forbes to put you on the billionaire list if you want. I've had former employers pay to put stuff about me in Forbes before. It's a vanity press that makes its money printing what people pay it to print.

Oh Sure, yeah ok.

And you can pay almost all left 'news' source or be the dem party and tell them on the daily call what to write. Still does not change the fact that he is a billionaire and only hateful dems are saying he is not or care if he is worth billions or just a billion. I wonder why could it be a sub narrative to fit the political narrative the dems have been trying since they lost a rigged election?

And all this still does not change the fact that he is much much much much much more wealthier and a bigger success than you and you are jealous.

But now we understand. No matter what is stated or who says it you are sure you know more about the finances of Donald Trump... Sure gotcha.

WSJ. Forbes, Fortune.

Oh look and here is Investopedia saying it also.

Donald Trump Business Bankruptcies - List and Reasons
Oct 16, 2019 · Trump has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy for his companies six times. Three of the casino bankruptcies came during the recession of the early 1990s and the Gulf War , both of which …

How Can Donald Trump Declare Bankruptcy Four Times... and ...
Dec 13, 2017 · The first lesson is “stuff happens.” Obviously Mr. Trump made mistakes, and had excessive debt, which is always a factor in every bankruptcy. As a real estate developer, it’s common practice to borrow to finance the construction and operation of your buildings. The trick, of course, is to borrow just enough, but not

Trump Owed Millions to Bank of China for Building Loan ...
Apr 24, 2020 · Financial records show that President Trump took on millions of dollars in debt from the Bank of China to refinance his 30-percent stake in a New York City skyscraper in 2012.

Trump owes China lots and lots of money, complicating his ...
Apr 24, 2020 · Trump is up to his eyeballs in tens of millions of dollars worth of debt to China. "In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced one of Trump’s most prized New York buildings for almost $1 billion.

Deutsche Bank and Trump: $2 Billion in Loans and a Wary ...
Mar 18, 2019 · New details are emerging about the long, symbiotic and at times troubled relationship between the president and his loyal German bank. When Donald J. Trump defaulted on a loan for Trump...

Donald Trump owes Deutsche Bank big bucks | Business ...
Donald Trump owes hundreds of millions to Deutsche Bank in connection with past real estate deals. Some politicians who are not fans of the president are blowing smoke hoping people will think...

Trump loans and money laundering: Deutsche Bank's fall ...
Jul 09, 2019 · Trump is thought to have borrowed at least $2bn from Deutsche with about $300m outstanding. The bank’s entanglement with the Trump family dates back to the 1990s when Bankers Trust continued to...

The German Government Goes After Trump’s German Banker for ...
Nov 30, 2018 · The raids apparently came as a surprise to Deutsche, which, significantly, controls $364 million of President Donald Trump’s debt and has a very long rap sheet of alleged misconduct. With its …

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million ...
May 08, 2017 · Donald Trump Jr. himself famously said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia

Trump is 'owned by Putin' and has been 'laundering money ...
President Trump is a Russian asset who has laundered money for Vladimir Putin for decades, in order to save his struggling casinos, MSNBC's Donny Deutsch said on Thursday.

Trump: Yeah, So I’ll Declare America Bankrupt | The Daily Wire
TRUMP: Look, companies now are leaving the United States. Corporate inversion, they’re leaving the United States, we have almost $5 trillion sitting out there, where they can’t get the money back, they can

Just saying......hell they can't put him in jail now...he is above the law because some really stupid fuckers put him in the white house
Lol no I am not jealous of Trump.

Look at what he has reduced you to. The right-wingers here are tripping over their dicks trying to say it's OK to say nasty ******* about women or just grab them, and trying desperately to prove that Trump is as rich as he says, because that's literally the only way he can seem competent.

He's not competent, and he's a creepy piece of *******. You defending him just makes you look sad.
Just saying......hell they can't put him in jail now...he is above the law because some really stupid fuckers put him in the white house

SCOTUS said that the southern district of NY can have his tax returns for their criminal investigation into the whole ******* pay-off with his business accounts thing. I guess we'll see about that going to jail part.
Lol no I am not jealous of Trump.

Look at what he has reduced you to. The right-wingers here are tripping over their dicks trying to say it's OK to say nasty ******* about women or just grab them, and trying desperately to prove that Trump is as rich as he says, because that's literally the only way he can seem competent.

He's not competent, and he's a creepy piece of *******. You defending him just makes you look sad.
And who do you suppose is the person for the job and why? Please tell me. I hate having to say this all of the time. I voted for Obama. I am not some right winged closed minded Republican. What I am is a voter who sees what the Democratic progressive party has become. They are the most dishonest, lying, cheating, hypocritical bunch I have ever seen. SO you sir defending that group IMO is beyond sad!
SCOTUS said that the southern district of NY can have his tax returns for their criminal investigation into the whole ******* pay-off with his business accounts thing. I guess we'll see about that going to jail part.
Maybe he and Hillary can be cellmates. I can't wait until Epsteins girl produces the list. But then again Bill and Hillary probably already have plans for her.
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