Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How about those other questions?

Explain to us, why someone would make the bad investment of spending millions or billions to get a job that pays between $150K and $250K?

Like this one? Most people that run for office use a thing called a "campaign" where other people donate money to their election.

If you want to change election laws so that money is taken out of politics, I'd support that as well, but we'd need a constitutional amendment.
Ah the starwman kid is back. I did not said that. Ask why Labs were reporting 100% positives on tests at the same time Mainstream media was saying record surges.

Wonder why labs reported 10x higher rates.

Quest Diagnostics in Tampa has reviewed 540,816 tests with 11% positive. Laboratory Corporation of America has processed 455,836 tests with 12% coming back positive and Bio Reference Laboratories has checked 360,286 tests with 13% positive. AdventHealth’s lab processed 103,000 tests with an 11% positivity rate.

~10% * 10 = ~100% by my math. What's your math here?
Like this one? Most people that run for office use a thing called a "campaign" where other people donate money to their election.

If you want to change election laws so that money is taken out of politics, I'd support that as well, but we'd need a constitutional amendment.

It is called corruption and the dems are world class at it. The republicans are getting there. And you are still the strawman kid, running from the point and the actual argument.

Again why would you see someone (many) getting rich off government public office/ corruption as good while vilifying someone who made millions/billions through free trade? Why would you be so against freedom?
~10% * 10 = ~100% by my math. What's your math here?
Again dodging the point. Read the headlines or maybe the articles.

Why were several labs in Florida reporting 100% positive on tests? Why did this happen at the same time the dems in Congress and Media were claiming surges in the 3 states the CDC was stepping up testing 6x in? The very same states that broke with Dem run states and the CDC? Why are the surges top headlines but government and "medical" getting the numbers wrong, again, or just making them up, again, is not?
Just did. 100% positive.
Your source explained pretty clearly that was just failing to report negatives, since those aren't reported for a lot of public health statistics (like HIV infections). They already fixed this, and literally nobody thought that 100% of Florida has Covid.

You're full of ******* and you know it.

And posted here several times the CDC was make up death totals and told doctors to change cause of death if they could? That and the medical/hospitals get extra cash for each case. You should get better informed
Please show me a source claiming that doctors are being bribed to change death certificates to say Covid
Your source explained pretty clearly that was just failing to report negatives, since those aren't reported for a lot of public health statistics (like HIV infections). They already fixed this, and literally nobody thought that 100% of Florida has Covid.

You're full of ******* and you know it.

Please show me a source claiming that doctors are being bribed to change death certificates to say Covid
I heard that from the Dr. Fauci crew themselves during one of the news briefings. I don't recall if it was Fauci himself but one of them said even if someone had a pre-existing condition and died after being diagnosed with Covid the cause of death would be listed as Covid. Seems to me there's a good possibility there's some fuzzy math goin on.
Joe Biden is not like you. He has been in Congress since 1973. You are his subjects and will tell you anything to gain power. I won't dive into his creepy habit of smelling and touching little girls on national TV over and over and over and over and over and over, etc.
But, but, but .... cpl ... we WANT YOU TO DIVE IN and explain your posts, you silly wabbit! Even if we QUESTION your post material, we all deserve to know WHERE you got that INFORMATION, regardless if its factual or not . WE just want to know you aren't doing as Trump and reaching down to your posterior HOLE where you keep your head buried MOST THE TIME and pulling out your own factless OPINIONS ... that's all we're asking you to do.
Can you NOT DO THAT for us? Can you not show us that what you post is from some SOURCE FORM from somewhere?
I mean NOW TRUMP is wanting the hospitals to report direct to his administration rather than to the CDC ... that's what we call SUPPRESSION of entitled public information. What happen to that First Amendment right Trump keeps harping about?
Your source explained pretty clearly that was just failing to report negatives, since those aren't reported for a lot of public health statistics (like HIV infections). They already fixed this, and literally nobody thought that 100% of Florida has Covid.

You're full of ******* and you know it.

Please show me a source claiming that doctors are being bribed to change death certificates to say Covid

One source said that and you are still trying avoid the question.

Again why would several labs break from all the other results reporting for the last 6 months to report a 100% positive rate during a pandemic?

100% at the exact same time dem dominated propaganda outlets are saying there are killer surges in the very same state? At the exact same time dem dominated outlets are trying to keep the narrative that Trump is going against the CDC and the dems say we should prevent schools from opening back up? So they could keep the argument going of a 100% mail in election maybe?

Again, how did they get 100% when the positive rate is really 10%? How did they get a 100% positive rate if they were only reporting positive results? It would have been we have x number of positives. Can't get a positive rate unless you do a positive/ total tests= 10% not 100% math, unless you have other motives.

No, most people are ill informed and read a headline or maybe the headline and first paragraph. This was 'corrected' only after they were called out, but it was not corrected as major news, so a whole bunch of people, likely dem voters, fell prey to a news cycle where they now believe everyone has covid and must do what the government says. Keeping a narrative going?

You should be better informed.

This was major news how come you didn't know this?

Extra money:

And here is an extra hard left source

Do Colorado hospitals get extra money for coronavirus cases and deaths? Yes and no.
Hospitals do get higher Medicare reimbursements for COVID-19 care, but there are no such payments for deaths

Again, this was major news how come you didn't know this?
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But, but, but .... cpl ... we WANT YOU TO DIVE IN and explain your posts, you silly wabbit! Even if we QUESTION your post material, we all deserve to know WHERE you got that INFORMATION, regardless if its factual or not . WE just want to know you aren't doing as Trump and reaching down to your posterior HOLE where you keep your head buried MOST THE TIME and pulling out your own factless OPINIONS ... that's all we're asking you to do.
Can you NOT DO THAT for us? Can you not show us that what you post is from some SOURCE FORM from somewhere?
I mean NOW TRUMP is wanting the hospitals to report direct to his administration rather than to the CDC ... that's what we call SUPPRESSION of entitled public information. What happen to that First Amendment right Trump keeps harping about?
Your lack of understanding, level of indoctrination, lacking breath of knowledge and in ability to process information from multiple diverse sources to be informed is your failing and not my responsibility to fix. Most of my points are well documented if you read more than CNN, Liberal media or Progress Now. Tip: if you read 3 "news" outlets and they have the same headline and almost the exact same story you are not informed.

Frankly all of us have provided you and your buddies countless sources and mostly you don't read it. You will cherry pick a point you think you can beat, mostly from the headline and form a strawman. This is a debate and you always run to the weeds to fight over bullshit ducking the main point. No matter the back up we can expect 2 strawmen replies then insults followed by subject change. Along with a Trump did this rationalization while turning a blind eye to the leaders you support doing worse. Lastly, it has become clear most of you have no idea what real article or proof is.

Lastly, once most of you are taken out of your level of talking point understanding you post this horse ******* about just provide sources. We know you are stalling and will not read the articles.
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This was major news how come you didn't know this?

I'm not sure I'd call "canadafreepress dot com", a website that looks like it was made in Geocities circa 1998, "major news", but let's take a look. The article says that doctors are allowed to write whatever they want for cause of death, so New York is inflating covid numbers. Well let's take a look at death statistics during covid:

Oh. It's much higher than normal, and higher than even what was reported as Covid deaths. They undercounted.

I'm still baffled that the Republican death cult has chosen to ignore this outbreak when 130,000+ Americans have died from it (and in reality, probably more like 200k when you factor in the under-counting).
@cpl2010co so in your expert opinion, where are all the deaths coming from this year if not for Covid?

You are running again. Why did the labs make that egregious 100% positive report and why didn't most media shame them for it?

40% of the deaths came from people over 80. Many in 5 Dem controlled states where the dem governors made aging care facilities take covid positive younger patients. Needed to cut the Medicare rolls to save money, I guess. FYI if you don't know about this you need to catch up.

Most of the rest were over 60 and most had 1 to 3 preexisting conditions. Many of those deaths were flu, pneumonia and other repository illness along with covid. Strange how flu and pneumonia reported death totals drop to almost zero during the peak of flu season. The deaths are at the same pace as a bad flu season with a 99% survival rate and most never even knowing they have it.

Funny how they keep a full running total of all Cvoid deaths but don't for the flu. I wonder why they are combining years? Still haven't hit that 2 Million dead by April forecast that shut the US economy down.
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Explain something. Donald Trump’s ******* died worth Millions, If Donald Trump, by your assertion, is such an idiot how is he now worth Billions?

you might want to check your facts....but that is something you are not known for and have no idea what facts are....but....trump owes more than he has.....the guy is a loser that just attracts losers

‘Most Dangerous’ Conflict of Interest Yet? Trump Owes More ...
Apr 24, 2020 · Trump Owes More Than $200 Million to China’s State-Owned Bank President Donald Trump and his business partners are on the hook to the Chinese government to the tune of $211 million.

Is it possible that President Trump has a negative net ...
Is it possible that Trump has a negative net worth, that he owes more than he owns? Not only possible, but very likely. He is hiding his taxes for some reason. And I suspect that to be the humiliation it would cause him to be exposed as a fake billionaire.

Trump Already Owed More Money Than Any President in ...
May 16, 2019 · President Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure was released Thursday afternoon, showing that Trump, who already owed more money than any other president in history, borrowed millions...

Is Trump’s net worth less than zero? Does he owe more than ...
Does he owe more than his assets? No one knows. He keeps his financial numbers secret, even his tax returns. That practice suggests that he has something to hide. It might very well be that he is much less wealthy than he pretends to be. One thing we do know is that he has massive debts. A great many people have a net worth less than zero. Trump might be one of them.

Donald Trump's businesses owe $1.8bn to more than 150 ...
Jan 06, 2017 · Donald Trump had previously only revealed $315 million (£254 million) of debt (Getty) Donald Trump’s companies are almost $1.8 billion in debt to more than 150 institutions, a …
I'm not sure I'd call "canadafreepress dot com", a website that looks like it was made in Geocities circa 1998, "major news", but let's take a look. The article says that doctors are allowed to write whatever they want for cause of death, so New York is inflating covid numbers. Well let's take a look at death statistics during covid:

Oh. It's much higher than normal, and higher than even what was reported as Covid deaths. They undercounted.

I'm still baffled that the Republican death cult has chosen to ignore this outbreak when 130,000+ Americans have died from it (and in reality, probably more like 200k when you factor in the under-counting).

Look at your pussy ass running and cherry picking.

The CDC directed doctors and hospitals to liberally inflate death counts. Period and Backed up by 4 sources.
And, The Government incentivized hospitals to inflate the numbers. At a time when the government mandated stopping all elective operations, which is the only way hospitals make money. Backed up by 2 sources one hard left. Period

I posted 6 sources and you did what you Marxist always do. Cherry picked and tried a strawman. You can't save face you lost the point.

No try explaining the 100% positive rate and the narrative points you are ducking.

And to your article that Dem Gov of NY 'killed' many of those people by putting covid positive people in aging care facilities for treatment resulting in all those deaths.
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Look at your pussy ass running and cherry picking.
If you can't back up your source don't post it. Also pretty telling that you run to insults instead of debate at this point (it doesn't make you look smart)

The CDC directed doctors and hospitals to liberally inflate death counts. Period and Backed up by 4 sources.

What's killing these people if not Covid then? Why aren't you answering the question?

No try explaining the 100% positive rate and the narrative points you are ducking.
I already did. The article you posted already did. They were a few smaller labs that got asked to do testing, and they didn't report back on negatives because of a mistake. Qwest and Labcorp (the big boys) reported negatives and got around 12% infection rate in Florida, which is what every news source that I saw reported -- and I read that "liberal fake news".
It is sad and funny to see the talking points ooze from the “brain” of the liberal/ Marxist.

Joe Biden is not like you. He has been in Congress since 1973. You are his subjects and will tell you anything to gain power. I won't dive into his creepy habit of smelling and touching little girls on national TV over and over and over and over and over and over, etc.

Explain to us, why someone would make the bad investment of spending millions or billions to get a job that pays between $150K and $250K?Explain how are all of these average, decades long “serving,” dems in Congress, along with republicans, are now multi millionaires on government salary? Almost every single one of them.
Explain to us how most of their spouses make millions working for agencies or contractors their Congressmen spouse oversees?

Only a dem/Marxist can suspend reality to the point they see people getting rich off government ******* and corruption as good while seeing a person who builds billions in free voluntary transaction as bad. Even more funny doing it on devices that only came about from capitalism saying we need socialism.

Explain something. Donald Trump’s ******* died worth Millions, If Donald Trump, by your assertion, is such an idiot how is he now worth Billions?
Here I go, entertaining your shifting sands of arguments.
Fred Trump's wealth in todays dollars was well over a billion dollars.
Nobody has been able to confirm Trumps wealth at Forbes that rank them because he hides it, and lies about other stuff. He is the only one who is short on financial statements but fights hard every year to be on the list.
Aside from the licensing and reality show, EVERYTHING he ventured out from what Fred left was a failure. 5 bankruptcies should be proof enough. The inability to secure loans through American banks (he's a white man with millions and couldn't get a bank in the financial Capital of the world to give him a loan).

Donald Trump is a Bill Cosby level sexual offender according to over two dozen women who accuse him.
Donald Trump is a ******* according to his ex wife, before the lawyers made her change her statement.
Donald Trump bragged about walking in the Miss Universe pageant dressing room to peep at young girls while they get dressed.
Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women by the pussy anytime he wants cause he's a celebrity.
Donald Trump bragged about trying to fuck married women, while he was married.
Donald Trump has been creepy and concerning in his affection for his oldest *******, eye witnessed by his niece.
Donald Trump bragged about how his ******* looked and that if it wasn't his ******* he would date her.
Donald Trump has been creepy and made sexuall comments about his own neice, according to her.
Donald Trump paid for sex while married, to porn actresses and whores.
Again, there are over two dozen women not related to Trump, who went on the record with his criminal sexual assault.
Creepy doesn't even begin to describe this disgusting fraud. Criminal seems to cover it from beginning to end. Also, written at length about, in his niece's book.
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