Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I did answer the question, it was about how I think tax policy should be structured w.r.t. rich people.

In fact, I was trying to engage with you and now you're just being insulting.

I'll try to break it down so you can follow:
  • $9M is completely normal for a professional to have attained by 74 years old through completely accessible means of saving and investing
  • $9M is maybe a lot of money to you, but it's not a lot of money in terms of being able to do regulatory capture, or buy elections, or other things mega-rich people do that subverts democracy
If you want to trash Biden, be my guest. But trashing him on having a normal amount of wealth for someone who worked his whole life is just dumb and lazy, especially compared to Trump who inherited his wealth, went into bankruptcy several times, never pays anyone on time, and lies constantly about how much he's worth.

Same with the "pervy Joe" comments tbh. At least Biden doesn't perv on his own *******, and didn't fly on Epstein's plane a bunch of times (on top of the whole paying whores while having a pregnant wife, or being accused of ******* by Miss America contestants, or having been caught bragging about sexual assault on tape)...

If you want to trash Biden, be my guest. But trashing him on having a normal amount of wealth for someone who worked his whole life is just dumb and lazy, especially compared to Trump who inherited his wealth, went into bankruptcy several times, never pays anyone on time, and lies constantly about how much he's worth.
No you dodged the question. You originally claimed Biden is "not rich at all"....obvious oblivious that his $9M net worth places just shy of the top 1%....hardly a "normal amount of wealth for an average Joe who worked his whole life."
Especially applied to people like the Bidens, who are not rich at all, lol.
Right, but wheres the argument that id prefer the gov own everything and we have nothing? I would prefer that we dont live in a delusion that only places the reality behind a shadow out of sight, so that the public could see the corruption/grip our gov has on us and actively change it.
You are right we are built similar to rome, thats why entertainment is pushed heavily on the public, thats why NBA teams and NFL teams that win their championships get to go to the whitehouse and pose a smile on camera; because the superbowl/championship is our Coliseum and gladiator games, to keep our heads down instead of looking around and seeing the bullshit.
How about you answer the question....do you think Pervy Joe's $9M is "middle class"? You do realize that puts him just about $1M short of being in the top 1%....or perhaps you're too brainwashed to grasp that.

guessing you didn't pay attention to the dates...….just so happens rise in millionaires is during trumps time fucking the working class...…..test your IQ a little and ask can you guess the last time a major increase?...of course not...but it was under Bush....another time the working people in this country were having a rough go of it...….

judging by all that above it would seem the rich like it when the poor struggle...it increases their wealth
guessing you didn't pay attention to the dates...….just so happens rise in millionaires is during trumps time fucking the working class...…..test your IQ a little and ask can you guess the last time a major increase?...of course not...but it was under Bush....another time the working people in this country were having a rough go of it...….

judging by all that above it would seem the rich like it when the poor struggle...it increases their wealth
Funny, that's not what Obozo said. Even he admitted the vast majority of income gains under him had gone to the top 1%. Per the Berkley study CNN cited:

"Top 1% incomes grew by 31.4% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.4% from 2009 to 2012."

But as always facts and reality don't matter much to you....keep grasping at that minimum wage increase the dumbascraps always are dangling in front of you....

No you dodged the question. You originally claimed Biden is "not rich at all"....obvious oblivious that his $9M net worth places just shy of the top 1%....hardly a "normal amount of wealth for an average Joe who worked his whole life."

Lol, no, you dodged the answer, because you seem to be totally unaware of the difference between an attainable amount of wealth, and an astronomically large "I can buy a politician" amount of wealth like the Wall Street guys who bankroll Mitch McConnell strut around with.

Also you're putting words in my mouth; I said that a professional who invests can easily have a net worth of $9M. A doctor, or an engineer, or a plumber who owns her own business, or a lawyer at a decent firm can clearly save up that amount of money through work. That's just reality, even if it doesn't work for your lame gotcha attempt.
I did answer the question, it was about how I think tax policy should be structured w.r.t. rich people.

In fact, I was trying to engage with you and now you're just being insulting.

I'll try to break it down so you can follow:
  • $9M is completely normal for a professional to have attained by 74 years old through completely accessible means of saving and investing
  • $9M is maybe a lot of money to you, but it's not a lot of money in terms of being able to do regulatory capture, or buy elections, or other things mega-rich people do that subverts democracy
If you want to trash Biden, be my guest. But trashing him on having a normal amount of wealth for someone who worked his whole life is just dumb and lazy, especially compared to Trump who inherited his wealth, went into bankruptcy several times, never pays anyone on time, and lies constantly about how much he's worth.

Same with the "pervy Joe" comments tbh. At least Biden doesn't perv on his own *******, and didn't fly on Epstein's plane a bunch of times (on top of the whole paying whores while having a pregnant wife, or being accused of ******* by Miss America contestants, or having been caught bragging about sexual assault on tape)...

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What world do you live in? I have news for you, not all of the super wealthy people fail to work hard, long stressful hours. There is a saying that when a person leaves a political career richer then when they entered they were corrupt. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but Billionaires coming in contact with each other along the way can't be unusual , so Trump new Epstein, I hope the truth comes out about all the rich and famous perverts.
Funny, that's not what Obozo said. Even he admitted the vast majority of income gains under him had gone to the top 1%. Per the Berkley study CNN cited:

"Top 1% incomes grew by 31.4% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.4% from 2009 to 2012."

But as always facts and reality don't matter much to you....keep grasping at that minimum wage increase the dumbascraps always are dangling in front of you....

as usual you have a distorted and biased opinion on facts and only see them how you want....and yes had you taken the time to read my statement....but then even if you read....your comprehension is lacking...….

I stated that the rich have always increased their wealth when the worker is taking it in the shorts (not exact wording but close enough)….and when Obama inherited the mess from bush...naturally the number of millionaire/billionaires was still climbing...…...
if you remember right it was your hero that made a statement one time about if the economy goes belly up just makes him richer

Donald Trump admits INFLATION makes the rich, richer - The ...
Shockingly Honest Statements. Donald Trump appeared on a CNBC show guest-hosted by Dallas Federal Reserve President, Richard Fisher. Fisher is one of the few Fed President’s to oppose the latest round of money-printing, named QE3. He’s publicly stated it will lead to higher inflation without improving the economy. And he said as much on the TV show.
Biden 43 years of miserable record
This piece of ******* praised and kiss the ass of Robert Byrd Senator who was a Grand Dragon in KKK Yet his statue stands his park is still there his portrait still hanging
Interesting ... do you have a photo of Biden kissing Byrd's ass"
Pathetic Alzheimer Joe for President get a brain the guy is a waste
You have a doctor's report reflecting that or is that just your right-wing opinion? He'll have to pass a physical/doctor's report. Unlike Trump,.
If you recall Trump dictated to his fake doctor as to what he wanted put in his doctor's report.
What world do you live in? I have news for you, not all of the super wealthy people fail to work hard, long stressful hours. There is a saying that when a person leaves a political career richer then when they entered they were corrupt. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but Billionaires coming in contact with each other along the way can't be unusual , so Trump new Epstein, I hope the truth comes out about all the rich and famous perverts.

Oh I see. If someone works all their life and responsibly saves a few million dollars, then they are corrupt and screw them.

If someone inherits a family fortune like Donald Trump and manages to only lose some of it, then we must lick their boots and admire them.

I think I actually understand the thinking that leads to this nonsense. Biden is just a guy like you, and saving a few million dollars is something you could do if you were just a little bit better in college or in your career or investments. So you can be jealous of Biden. Trump was just given his money by his dad though. Nothing you could do could make you have Trump's dad, so you can't really be jealous of him. It's just the way of the world. Water is wet, Donald Trump is rich (or so he says).
Right, but wheres the argument that id prefer the gov own everything and we have nothing? I would prefer that we dont live in a delusion that only places the reality behind a shadow out of sight, so that the public could see the corruption/grip our gov has on us and actively change it.
You are right we are built similar to rome, thats why entertainment is pushed heavily on the public, thats why NBA teams and NFL teams that win their championships get to go to the whitehouse and pose a smile on camera; because the superbowl/championship is our Coliseum and gladiator games, to keep our heads down instead of looking around and seeing the bullshit.

entertainment has nothing to do with why we were built on the Roman structure of gov....at the time they had a few choices...…..didn't like the monarch system in Briton....and the system of gov in the old roman days seemed more practical to what they wanted!

One of the similarities of the United States and ancient Rome includes their government started out as a republic. By definition a republic means, “A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
Roman Government Compared to United States Government ...


Rome vs. US - Ancient Roman Government
THE ROMAN REPUBLIC In many ways, the Roman Republic was very similar to the way in which the United States government is organized today. There are three clear divisions of power, as you will see below. EXECUTIVE BRANCH Consuls: Elected by an assembly; ruled as chief executives for one year; controlled the military LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

Ancient Rome Government - Compare and Contrast the Roman ...
The Roman Republic and the US Government. In ancient Rome, after the last Etruscan king was overthrown, the ancient Roman people vowed never to be ruled by a king again. They set up a system of government by the people and for the people. A couple thousand years later, after the American Revolution, the American people did not wish to be ruled by a king ever again.
Oh yeah ole Middle Class/Blue Collar Pervy Joe isn't rich at all. His net worth is a mere $9 million. Hell he's practically on the verge of needing Section 8 assistance to pay the $20,000 monthly rent for his dilapidated abode.

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you know of course that is just a false front for publicity purposes....behind the giant wood wall is a mobile home.....once used by trump to hide his illegals
want more...net is full of them.....easy target!

Trump's presidency is a trainwreck. Let us count the ways ...
Oct 20, 2019 · Faced with the challenge to unseat, indeed to repudiate, Trump and his pernicious program for America, it’s essential not to forget the true damage he has done, continues to do and threatens to ...

Budowsky: How Trump hurts America | TheHill
Trump divided America, hurt America and alienated America from friendly nations when he described Hispanic immigrants as rapists and criminals. Trump hurts America, endangers our democratic allies...

Do you think Donald Trump is helping America? - VA.org
Both Trump and the United States are the laughing stock of the world and now the US is to be pitied because it cannot, and could not respond to a crisis that could have easily resulted in far fewer deaths. Trump’s level of incompetence, lying, cheating, mismanagement and dereliction of duty is catastrophic.

Opinion | The damage Trump has done, documented - The ...
Jan 19, 2018 · The number of jobs created under Trump was lower in 2017 than during each of his predecessor's final six years in office. Wage growth also declined after Trump became president.
What world do you live in? I have news for you, not all of the super wealthy people fail to work hard, long stressful hours. There is a saying that when a person leaves a political career richer then when they entered they were corrupt. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but Billionaires coming in contact with each other along the way can't be unusual , so Trump new Epstein, I hope the truth comes out about all the rich and famous perverts.
This article tells you exactly how the poorest man in Congress got his money, if you're interested in truth.
Unlike Trump, the Bidens disclosed their tax forms EVERY YEAR for over 40 years. You can see exactly where the money came from and when. It's no secret.
"...while Biden started his more than three-decades-long career in the Senate. He started with a salary of $42,500 a year (equal to about $250,000 today).
Biden got married again in 1977 to his current wife, Jill. Since at least 1998, the earliest year Biden has released his tax returns, most of the Bidens’ income has stemmed from his Senate salary and Jill’s salary as an English professor at community colleges. They did earn $71,000 in royalties and another $9,500 for “audio book rights,” shortly after Random House published his first memoir, Promises to Keep. When Biden left his Senate seat in 2009, his salary had been $169,300 a year. His new gig as vice president came with a 30% raise."

In 2014, Biden spoke at a White House event that centered on problems working families face. He noted that he had been listed as the “poorest man in Congress.” Wearing what he referred to as a “mildly expensive suit,” he stated plainly: “Don’t hold it against me that I don’t own a single stock or bond. I have no savings account. But I got a great pension, and I got a good salary.”

That wasn’t entirely true. Biden’s financial disclosure that year showed that he did own savings account with at least $1,000, and Jill had two certificate of deposit accounts at least $50,000 apiece, as well as some equity and bond funds that were part of her retirement accounts.

Even so, the Biden’s personal finances were not in great shape. That same disclosure also listed liabilities worth at least $780,000. Since 1998, when Biden built his home in Wilmington, he has frequently refinanced the property over the years.

When Biden ended his term as vice president in January 2017, he filed another financial disclosure form, listing assets and liabilities worth somewhere between negative $897,000 and positive $489,000. But over the next 23 months, the Bidens earned more than $15 million, according to tax filings. Joe Biden got $1.8 million from book tour events and $2.4 million in speaking fees, according to his most recent financial disclosure. He also earned $775,000 from the University of Pennsylvania to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement as the Benjamin Franklin presidential professor of practice. Jill added $700,000 in speaking fees.

Those earnings allowed the couple to buy a 4,800-square-foot house by the water in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, in 2017, and pay off at least one mortgage on their Wilmington house. They also contributed over $1 million to charities...

The Bidens still have some debt. County records show that a $540,000 mortgage on the Wilmington house, recorded in 2013, has yet to be paid off. There are also two other liabilities listed on his disclosure. One of them is a line of credit, for $15,000 to $50,000, which Biden co-signed with one of his sons
not that anyone gives a ******* at this point.....wonder when China will foreclose on all out "loans"
I know the right will say it is the virus and the stimulus……..but trump has been writing bad checks since being in office...…..and top it off with his tax cuts to the wealthy

US budget deficit hits all-time high of $864 billion in ...
12 hours ago · The CBO estimate of a $3.7 trillion deficit for this year could go higher depending on the course of the economy. The country fell into a deep recession in …

US budget deficit hits all-time high of $864 billion for ...
13 hours ago · US budget deficit hits all-time high of $864 billion for June as spending to combat coronavirus recession explodes. By. The Associated Press. July 13, 2020, 6:01 PM. 1 min read.
I'm sure this will not go over well...…………………………..take some heat of fauci!

Mick Mulvaney says COVID testing issues 'inexcusable'
Jul 13, 2020 · "I know it isn’t popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country," Mick Mulvaney, who is currently the U.S.' special envoy to Northern...

Mick Mulvaney: Ex-WH chief of staff calls US coronavirus ...
Former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney called the United States' current coronavirus testing capabilities "simply inexcusable" in an op-ed published Monday, marking a rare break from the...
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